The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 568 568. Fire of Sin Quetzalcoatl


With several thunderclaps, Medea's body, pierced by the spear, shattered and fell.

A faint ghost rose from the fragments.

"Come, my daughter."

Slytherin, who was wearing Medea's shell, stretched out his hand.

"Come here, don't worry, I'll resuscitate you."

Medea, with only a wisp of ghost left, seemed to be dumbfounded and floated in front of Slytherin.

Slytherin bent his fingers, and Medea's nearly transparent soul immediately shrank and turned into a small, white ball with a tail, which Slytherin casually put away.

Scott watched this scene without interrupting.

"So you left a way for her to survive?"

He said with a smile and waved, and the two spears returned to him.

"She is my daughter after all."

Slytherin said as black mist surged out of his body again.

"This is also because she made a Horcrux before she died."

When the black mist dissipated again, his appearance changed into a young man with black hair and black eyes, and his dark green skirt turned into a black robe.

Scott watched him change.

He felt that this should be the same method as Medea targeting Voldemort's soul.

Slytherin was unable to carry out his original resurrection plan, so he had to settle for the next best thing and sacrifice his daughter, who was biologically related to him.

As for why Medea did not disappear completely, the reason may be just like what he said, because of the Horcrux.

It is also because Medea and Slytherin are undoubtedly much closer in blood relationship than Voldemort who is separated by who knows how many generations.

After all, she is his daughter.

"In this case, can she still be saved?"

Scott asked curiously.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier.

He raised his hand to wipe the running rain from his face and put on his hood.

Slytherin made a casual move, and the black flames burning around him gathered behind him as if they were alive.

"Do you care about her?" he asked with a smile.

"It's just curiosity." Scott also smiled.

What he was curious about was Slytherin's study of the soul.

If he could still restore Medea when her soul was severely damaged, then his research on the soul would undoubtedly be terrifying.

"You are showing your greed." Slytherin said, "But this is normal. Rowena is as greedy as you when it comes to knowledge."

The black flames behind him gradually gathered and eventually turned into a monster.

This is a giant snake with wings.

The giant snake has non-reflective black scales all over its body, and its wings are also covered with black feathers.

Its upper body stood up, the black flesh crown on its head shook, and it spread its huge wings that covered the sky and the sun.


Lightning from the clouds struck the snake's head, but it didn't seem to cause any harm.


The black feathered serpent opened its big mouth and made a very harsh sound like fingernails scraping a blackboard.

Hearing its sound, Scott first felt very uncomfortable.

Then, a few broken petals fell, and he noticed the withering of the crown of thorns above his head.

For a moment, he felt as if he had been hit in the forehead by a hammer, and he felt dizzy for a while.

Savannah on the side staggered even more and almost fell down.

Not only the two of them, but even the surrounding moonvines that formed the thorn forest suddenly surged like waves and fell over a large area.

Of course, Slytherin would not miss such an opportunity. As soon as he raised his hand, a green lightning was released from the bone wand in his hand.

"Avada Kedavra!"


At the critical moment, Rimbaud suddenly appeared.

Its body expanded rapidly and spread its wings to block the two of them, blocking the life-killing curse.


With a sound, Rimbaud's body retreated, knocking Scott and Savannah away.

While being knocked away, Scott activated "Gangnir".

The two spears that were previously suspended in the air trembled slightly, and then shot towards Slytherin and the huge black feathered serpent respectively.

Slytherin's body turned into black mist, retreated at an extremely fast speed, and merged directly into the feathered serpent's body.

Two streams of light passed by each other and pierced the feathered snake's head and neck respectively.

However, the part where the feathered snake pierced quickly ignited black flames and returned to its original state at an extremely fast speed.

Scott, who regained his balance, looked at this scene and frowned tightly.

"Are you guys okay?"

Rimbaud shrank his body and flew onto Scott's shoulder.


Scott looked up at the huge feathered serpent.

Savannah said with disgust: "I think I have figured out that the essence of this feathered serpent is those black flames, and those black flames... are the fires of sin summoned with soul as fuel."

"Of course it's not using his own soul as fuel." Scott said solemnly, "It's the people he once killed."

Savannah said: "It is precisely because he has killed countless people that I say this is the fire of sin."

"Your senses are very keen."

Slytherin's voice came from the couatl's body.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you..."

The huge head of the feathered snake hung down, and its cold eyes looked directly at Scott and Savannah.

"Unless you can eliminate this nearly infinite soul power in one breath, you will not be able to harm me at all."

Sawanna glanced at the spear that flew back to Scott.

"Even Gungnir can't do enough damage to it."

After a pause, she added, "And we can't get close to it. This sinful fire can burn the soul."

As she spoke, she waved her long wooden staff and cast a soul protection spell for the two. The crown of thorns took shape again and fell on their heads.

"It's really difficult." Scott said, "There are not many means to target the soul. This is my shortcoming."

Although "Gungnir" also has the effect of damaging the soul, the target is too large. In comparison, the damage that "Gungnir" can cause is too small.

At this time, Slytherin has merged into the feathered serpent, and his soul breath has merged with the black flame. Scott can't accurately find him to carry out precise attacks.

For Scott, such a Slytherin is more difficult to deal with than when he was possessed in King Arthur's body.


The feathered serpent opened its mouth again and made a harsh and unpleasant cry.

This time, because of the precautions, Scott just frowned.

In addition, the Peregrine Guardian that had been following him flew over the two people's heads, casting a silver light.

Under the cover of this silver light, even the crown of thorns did not wither in the cry of the feathered serpent.

But the next second, a black line of fire spit out of the feathered serpent's mouth.

Scott grabbed Savanna's hand, and the two of them suddenly left the place and came directly to the thorny jungle far away.

I don't know when I left them and came here quietly. Rimbaud summoned Scott in time with the contract magic.

Through the gap between the thorns, Scott looked at the huge body of the feathered serpent in the distance, which seemed to occupy half of the sky.

"I'll leave here first."

Rimbaud said consciously, flapping his wings and left.

"What should I do?"

Savanna asked Scott anxiously.

"Sorry, in this case, my spell doesn't seem to have much effect."

Scott said: "Since it is aimed at the soul, give it a soulless opponent."

As he said, he knelt on one knee and inserted the magic wand into the soil with his backhand.

Magic power flowed, and the flashing light formed magic runes. The soil in front of them surged, and a huge body rose from the ground.

Frost giants that looked exactly like Ymir appeared one after another.

Finally, Scott activated the ring on his left index finger and summoned the real Ymir.

Including Ymir, there were a total of ten frost giants, standing upright on the fallen moon vines in front of them, surrounding the feathered serpents that were as big as their bodies.

"Since we can't destroy those soul 'fuels' at once, let's switch to a war of attrition."

Scott said softly.

"Do you believe what he said?"

Sawanna asked, "Which one?"

Scott smiled, "He said that the soul power he controls is almost infinite."

Sawanna shook her head decisively, "Impossible, even if he has been killing people endlessly throughout his life, at this rate of consumption, the souls he controls will definitely be exhausted at some point."

"I think so too." Scott said.


In front of them, the frost giants spewed out blue cold air, creating a world of ice and snow out of thin air.

They staggered forward, holding weapons and shields made of ice in their hands, and surrounded the feathered serpent.

Under the siege of the frost giants, the feathered serpent soon fell into a disadvantage.

Attacks against the soul are undoubtedly useless for the alchemical puppets and the products of transfiguration, and the extremely high temperature of the flame is also offset by the coldness of the frost.

The weapons of the frost giants fell on the feathered serpent from time to time, forcing it to consume "fuel" to create more black flames to replenish and recover.

"Now it's our general."

Scott said to Savanna with a smile.

"To get rid of the current disadvantage, Mr. Slytherin must leave the feathered serpent and destroy the frost giants by other means."

Savanna continued his words: "But as long as he leaves the feathered serpent, he will immediately suffer the precise attack of "Gungnir."

"That's it." Scott nodded.

When he was summoned by Rambo just now, he left "Gungnir" there.

Although it is far away, it can be controlled remotely.

As long as Slytherin leaves this unlockable state, he will immediately launch a precise attack.

As the two chatted, the battle on the huge battlefield ahead became more intense.

Under the relentless siege of ten frost giants, the feathered serpent's struggle gradually became weak.


With a burst of cold light that cut through the sky, even the wings behind the feathered serpent were chopped off by a giant's frost axe.


The feathered serpent opened its mouth as wide as it could, making an unprecedented loud sound.

This sound formed a visible storm, pushing away the frost giants fighting close to it.

Although they were far away, Scott and Savanna were also affected.

The crowns of thorns on their heads withered again, and they couldn't help but cover their ears.

When the sound stopped, they looked at each other dizzy and found that both of them were bleeding from their noses.

In the center of the battlefield, the black feathered serpent was bathed in fire and grew wings again.

This time, it did not stop.

Before the frost giants rushed up, it flapped its wings and flew up, flying straight towards the low black clouds above.


Sawanna raised her hand to wipe the blood from her nose and used a spell to restore Scott and herself.

"This may not be a good choice."

Bathed in the vibrant green light, Scott looked at the dark clouds with thunder and lightning with a serious expression.

"There seems to be something there..."

Obviously, Slytherin should also know the danger in the sky.

Although he had to fly into the sky, he did not fly too high.

After leaving the attack range of the frost giant, the feathered serpent stopped, flapped its wings, and hovered in the air.

It twisted its neck and looked around with its eyes, as if looking for the whereabouts of Scott and Savannah.

At this time, Savannah was also casting a spell to heal her wounds.

Although she immediately stopped casting the spell when she realized that the other party was looking for them, it seemed too late.

Slytherin found them through the green light that lit up and went out.

The feathered serpent opened its mouth and called again, swooping down towards where they were.

The frost giants ran towards this side, while throwing the frost weapons in their hands at the diving feathered serpent.

The feathered serpent completely ignored the damage caused by these thrown weapons, dived straight, and directly spewed a black sea of ​​fire below.

"It's time to leave."

Scott held Savanna's hand again.

Rimbaud's call came in time. As the black sea of ​​fire fell, they left the place again and hid in the thorny jungle that had not fallen in the distance.

At this time, the frost giants had caught up, using endless cold air to open up a glacier-formed road in the sea of ​​fire, trying to surround and kill the feathered serpent again.

Slytherin certainly would not let himself fall into the same situation as before. Before being surrounded, the feathered serpent flapped its huge wings and flew into the sky.

This time, without Savanna's spellcasting guidance, Slytherin could only use his powerful perception ability to find their whereabouts. After the feathered serpent flew into the sky, it did not fall immediately, but began to fly and patrol.

Below, the frost giants also immediately updated their equipment.

As the feathered serpents flew into the sky, they condensed ice javelins in their hands and harassed them with non-stop long-range throwing.

In addition, there were lightning from the clouds above.

Because the feathered serpents made of black flames seemed not to be afraid of lightning attacks, they did not avoid them, which caused the lightning that always enveloped them as they moved to almost form a thunderstorm.

"The clouds are getting lower and lower." Savannah said.

Scott kept staring at the heavy black clouds above. For some reason, a strong sense of uneasiness surged in his heart.

Savannah undoubtedly also felt this uneasiness, and her voice trembled a little, "It came out, it came out..."

Slytherin undoubtedly also felt the threat from above.

The feathered serpent suddenly stopped patrolling, but dived directly below at the fastest speed.

The black clouds rolled.

Suddenly, an extremely huge and extremely hideous head penetrated the clouds and looked down with golden eyes.

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