The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 569 569. The Red Dragon Occupies the Sky

Scott looked at the head that suddenly poked out of the clouds in shock.

It was a red dragon head.

Although it only poked out a head, the head covered half of the sky as soon as it appeared.

Slytherin's black feathered serpent and Scott's frost giant were already giants in themselves, but compared with the red dragon, they were insignificant.

The red dragon's golden eyes looked down like searchlights.

Those pupils were as warm as the sun, but they gave off an extremely cold and cruel feeling.

At this time, Scott and Savannah were hiding in the thorn jungle. All the frost giants stopped and looked up. Only the black feathered serpent was swooping down.


With a roar that resounded across the sky, the red dragon in the sky stretched out its neck and inevitably bit the swooping feathered serpent.

As the red dragon stretched its neck, Scott also saw the golden chain wrapped around its neck.

Before I knew it, the rain stopped.


Black flames suddenly erupted.

The feathered serpent held in the mouth of the red dragon turned into a fiercely burning black fire.


The red dragon shook his head and spat out the feathered serpent in his mouth along with the black flames.

The feathered serpent's huge body fell into the thorny jungle and rolled a few times. The beating black flames instantly burned the moon vines under it and around it to ashes.

When the flames gathered, the feathered serpent appeared again, intact again.

"Is it my imagination?" Scott whispered, "The feathered snake seems to have become smaller."

Savannah said: "It's not an illusion, it is indeed smaller."


In the sky, the red dragon once again stretched its neck and let out a deafening roar at the ground.

Its roar became visible to the naked eye as sound waves and wind pressure.

All the moon vines in the entire thorn forest fell to the ground under the sound wave and wind pressure.

Not only that, even the huge Frost Giants and Quetzalcoats could barely stand.

Not to mention Scott and Savannah.

Both of them squatted down in time, covered their ears, and could barely keep their eyes open.

Fortunately, this huge red dragon that blocks out the sun is locked in the sky of Avalon by a golden chain. Even if it stretches its neck desperately, it cannot directly attack the target on the ground.

After discovering this, Scott's violent heartbeat just now became calmer.

Since it's out of reach, just ignore him for now.

Under the control of his consciousness, the frost giants received new orders.

When the dragon's roar stopped, they took active action again, attacking the black feathered serpent controlled by Slytherin.


The feathered serpent once again let out a soul-shaking cry.

Because of the existence of the red dragon, it could no longer escape into the sky, so it flapped its wings and flew at low altitude, heading towards the swamp outside the thorn jungle.

The frost giants cooperated with each other as if hunting, chasing closely behind the feathered serpent, attacking its wings with throwing spears from time to time, trying to slow down its flight speed.


Along with the ground shaking, the angry roar of the red dragon came from the sky again.

Scott and Savannah hid in the magic barrier and watched the Frost Giant and Quetzalcoatl, who were just chasing and escaping, being forced to stop in place amidst the roar of the dragon, their bodies swaying unsteadily.

Scott looked up to the sky.

The golden dragon eyes seemed to have been ignited with golden flames at this moment.

Obviously, the red dragon was completely angry.

Two long lines of white smoke were blown out from its nostrils, floating in the air and turning into clouds.

The next second, it opened its mouth again and spit out golden dragon breath.

The brilliant golden color instantly covered the entire sky.

Even though he was still far away, Scott felt the burning heat.

Scott quickly took Savannah's hand, and the gleaming magic circuit under his feet immediately unfolded, and the two of them sank into the ground instantly along with the magic barrier surrounding them.

The next moment, both of them felt the scalding heat, like staying in a sauna in the summer.

They didn't dare to stop for a moment and tried their best to escape underground.

In a dark magic barrier, Scott looked up and even saw several lines of magma that were rolling and flowing like blood veins.


Savannah patted her chest with lingering fear.

Scott also felt a little exhausted for a moment.

"How could there be such a terrifying dragon?"

Compared with this red dragon, the fire dragons in the magic world today are just fire-breathing lizards and cannot be compared at all.

"I have no idea……"

Savannah shook her head dully.

"I only know a few specious legends, but I don't know the details of this red dragon."

It wasn't until he felt no more heat that Scott stopped the running magic circuit below.


He sat down on the ground and waved his wand in an attempt to summon Rimbaud.

But there was no response to the summons.

"It seems that it has not escaped the coverage of Dragon Flame..."

Scott murmured.

At this moment, his mood was extremely complicated.

Although Rimbaud is only a product created by his transformation technique, his long-term companionship has blurred the boundaries of getting along with him.

Rambo is not a battle prop like the other four "summoned beasts". Scott has regarded it as his favorite pet and friend.

But now, he has lost this friend.

Scott couldn't help but recall every bit of the past that involved Rimbaud, and at the same time clenched the wand in his hand.

Even if he once again used the transformation technique to create a raven that was exactly like Rimbaud and even had Rimbaud's memory, it would not be Rimbaud anymore.

Because of this, when he used advanced magic materials to upgrade the four "summoned beasts", he did not upgrade Rimbaud together.

He just changed the magical contract between them so that he and Rimbaud could summon each other.


Savannah reached out and held Scott's wrist.

"How are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Scott shook his head and managed to cheer up.

There is no time to remember Rimbaud now.

He took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and stood up again.

At this moment, green light illuminated the surroundings.

Savannah held a small glowing green seedling in her hand.

She explained to Scott, "With it, we don't have to worry about not having air to breathe underground."

Scott nodded.

"Go back to the ground and take a look first."

As he spoke, he raised his wand forward.

The soil and rock formations outside the magic barrier changed rapidly.

The excess soil tumbled away, and the head of a giant Komodo dragon grew out of the rock formations.

It opened its huge mouth, took the spherical magic barrier surrounding Scott and Savannah into its mouth, and swallowed it directly.

Inside the giant lizard, Scott sat cross-legged and took out the [Magic Mirror].

He clicked on the mirror, and the image he saw in the monitor's eyes immediately appeared in the mirror.

The monitor lizard swam in the mud and rock formations, avoiding several newly formed lines of red hot magma, and quickly drilled its head out of the ground.

The originally extremely lush thorn forest has disappeared, and everywhere you look is a piece of black scorched earth, with strips of red magma forming red rivers with many tributaries.

The sharp contrast between black and red creates a hellish picture.

"Just one blow..."

Savannah said shakily.

Scott's tone was also a little heavy, "Even 'Gangnir' has been destroyed by the dragon's breath."

At this time, the monitor lizard looked towards the sky.

The red dragon still stuck its head, observing below.

Those golden dragon eyes hanging in the sky like the sun and moon were full of cold violence and ferocity.

It had undoubtedly discovered the giant lizard that stuck its head out, but it just stared at it coldly and did not launch another dragon breath attack.

The giant lizard no longer looked up at the red dragon, but twisted its neck and looked around, trying to find any trace of Slytherin.

Savannah said: "Ymir..."

"Ymir will be fine."

Scott glanced at the ring on his left index finger that was still intact.

"When it encounters irresistible danger, it can go back on its own and wait to be called again."


Savannah nodded.


Scott stared closely at the mirror of the [Magic Mirror].

"Slytherins don't die that easily."

After drilling out, the black soil surged and condensed, quickly forming a ceramic doll with a smooth surface and black body.

The doll moved stiffly, and soon became indistinguishable from a real person.

He raised his head and glanced at the red dragon in the sky, then looked around again, and soon accurately found the monitor lizard with its head sticking out of the ground.

So he turned around and walked towards the monitor lizard.

Scott made no move, leaving the giant lizard waiting where he was.


Slytherin stopped a dozen steps away from the giant lizard.

Scott made the giant lizard nod.

"Looks like we're in big trouble."

Slytherin looked up again and glanced at the red dragon staring at them in the sky.

Scott's voice came from the mouth of the giant lizard, "It seems that the fire of your sin cannot withstand the golden flame of the dragon's breath."


Slytherin didn't object.

"My evil soul fire was purified by the red dragon's golden dragon flames."

Scott asked, "You haven't seen this red dragon before?"


Slytherin shook his head.

"I have flown in the sky before, and apart from feeling the strong pressure, I did not wake up this big guy."

Scott asked again, "Have you never explored the source of the pressure in the sky?"

He felt that Slytherin must have explored it.

"I certainly tried to explore it."

Slytherin looked like he was telling the truth.

"But I can't fly high into the sky. The higher you go, the stronger the pressure will be..."


There was another dragon roar.

Seemingly dissatisfied with Scott and the others' disregard of it, the red dragon's angry roar sounded again.


Cracks immediately appeared on the surface of Slytherin's body, and several black ceramic shards fell off from his body.

The monitor lizard also sank instantly under Scott's control.

Savannah said: "I don't know where Slytherin's true form is hiding."

Scott was thinking about this too.

He had searched several times using his magic sense, but could not find any trace of Slytherin.

"Don't go back to the ground yet."

Scott lets the giant lizard roam underground so that he can find Slytherin's true form.

"That's fine..."

Savanna obviously didn't want to face the red dragon.

"It's a good thing that the red dragon was chained, isn't it?" she said. "If it were free, we would all be screwed."

Scott agreed with her.

After all, he didn't know how to deal with the monster that was too huge.

Moreover, he always felt a little unreal.

He asked Savannah, "Do you think that red dragon is a real creature?"

He felt that Druid should be more keen than him in this regard.

Savannah was obviously stunned when she heard his question.

"Real creatures..."

She frowned, the expression on her face changing constantly.



Her eyebrows suddenly widened, and then she seemed a little ashamed.

"I see, no wonder I felt awkward, but because the pressure of facing the red dragon was too great, I didn't think much about it..."

"What?" Scott asked.

"I have thought clearly that it is not a real dragon."

Savannah said with certainty.

"It's like thunder and lightning in the sky, like a rainstorm, like this land, a natural phenomenon."

"natural phenomenon?"

Scott raised an eyebrow.

He felt like he almost didn't know these words anymore.

Savannah explained, "This is Avalon, and the natural phenomena here are of course different from the outside world."

Scott understood what she meant.

"In other words, the appearance of the red dragon is the copy mechanism of Avalon, a super large secret realm."

"Copy mechanism?"

This time, it was Savannah's turn to not understand the words.

"That's a natural phenomenon."

Scott didn't explain much.

The giant lizard shuttled through the ground, up and down. While talking to Savannah, Scott always maintained the maximum range of magic perception, but still found nothing.

In the end, Scott made a decisive decision.

"Let's go, let's go to the north as quickly as possible, which is the passage from Avalon back to the outside world."

He decided to wait and see.

As long as they guard the exit, unless Slytherin doesn't want to leave Avalon, they will be able to wait for him.

Savannah also agreed with this decision and began to use the druid's magic to guide the way.

With a clear direction, the monitor lizard no longer swam back and forth, but shuttled straight forward, much faster.

After a while, Scott suddenly felt that they seemed to have forgotten something, but they could never remember it.

"We seem to have forgotten something..."

He looked at Savannah questioningly.

"I also have this feeling."

Savannah straightened her long red hair and, like Scott, frowned in thought.

"what is it then?"

Scott looked at her red hair and suddenly thought about it.

"It's Aaron, we forgot about him."

Savannah suddenly realized after hearing this.


She waved her hand indifferently.

"He will wake up on his own when the potion wears off. There are so many apple trees on the island in the middle of the lake that he won't be able to starve to death."

Scott, of course, had no problem with that either.

If it wasn't for Savannah's sake, he might have dealt with that nasty guy Aaron long ago.


Savannah hesitated again.

"I hope that guy won't do anything unnecessary when he wakes up..."

Scott was noncommittal.

He has seen clearly that Aaron is not a peaceful person.

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