The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 570 570. Slytherin's trump card

It is a smooth journey through the underground.

There are no setbacks or obstacles.

Scott and Savannah stayed in the body of the Komodo dragon and successfully reached the north of Avalon, the exit to the outside world.

Through the monitor lizard's eyes, Scott saw the appearance of the exit.

This is a huge oak tree that also blocks out the sky and the sun.

It seems to be a replica of the sacred tree in the sea of ​​oak trees outside.

The dark passage is located above the trunk of the oak tree, like a huge tree hole.

Under the cover of layers of trees here, even if the monitor lizard raised its head, it could not see the red dragon in the sky above.

Scott and Savannah simply came out of the giant lizard's mouth and came to the root of the tree.

At this moment, they heard the roar of the dragon from the sky again.

Probably because the target is no longer here, this dragon roar seems very far away to them, and it has no direct impact on them.

Scott turned to Savannah and asked, "Can you close the channel?"

Savannah nodded.

"Originally, the passage here appeared only because the passage from the outside world was opened. Rather, this is the passage that passes through the other end."

She reached out and touched the rough bark of the oak tree with her palm.

“However, closing the channel will take time.”

Scott thought for a moment, "First block the passage, and then you close it completely."

Savannah nodded and raised the long wooden staff in her hand.

As the green light shone, new branches instantly grew on the oak tree trunks near the passage.

These newly grown branches are intertwined into a network, layer after layer, like a huge, green cocoon, tightly wrapping the black passage.

Then, the long wooden staff in Savannah's hand came into contact with the oak tree.

The long wooden stick that originally resembled a dead branch seemed to resonate with the oak tree, suddenly turning into a shimmering gold.

The warm but not dazzling golden color forms a stream of light, just like the warm winter sun, shrouding the oak tree and flowing back and forth between the trunk and branches.

Even the cocoon wrapping the passage was slowly dyed golden.


Although the sudden golden light was not eye-catching, it still attracted the red dragon's attention.

Suddenly a shadow was cast in the sky, and the roar of the dragon seemed very close at hand.

But strangely, the oak tree above Scott and Savannah was not affected in any way.

A dragon's roar that brought down all the moonvines in the thorn forest was like a breeze to the golden oak trees that were shining brightly at this moment.

The sound waves and storm brought by the dragon's roar disappeared in the whirling of the leaves, and even Scott and Savannah were not affected at all.

"So this is the safe zone?"

Scott murmured and glanced at Savannah who was casting a spell to try to close the passage.

He expanded his magic perception to the maximum range and guarded her side vigilantly to prevent Slytherin from sudden attack.

Before Slytherin appeared, he touched the ground on one knee and inserted the wand in his hand into the ground with his backhand.

The soil ahead began to churn, exposing rocks.

Even the giant lizard that had just "transported" them here turned into rolling soil and rocks again.

The soil and rocks seemed to stir on their own, dividing into four parts.

Scott raised his left hand, threw four gems of different colors and containing magic, and threw them into the soil and rocks.

The invisible magic power swept across like a storm, blowing the surrounding wild flowers and grass blades.

When the magic storm subsided, four huge "summoned beasts" in animal form appeared in front of him again.

Monitor Lizard, Golzan.

Fire Crow, Edgar.

Sailfish, Siraine.

Golden Eagle, Horus.

Their shapes are more fierce and rough than before, even with an indescribable wildness.

This wildness is something Scott learned from Savannah.

The "summoned beasts" immediately took action after appearing, and were distributed in four directions around the oak tree to serve as warnings.

But Scott's movements didn't stop.

He summoned Ymir again, and used local materials to transform nine frost giants, and asked Ymir to lead them into a circle and guard the periphery of the "summoned beast".

Immediately afterwards, he began to use the four elements that the "summoned beasts" were good at, and began to create "Gangnir" with the four elements as the core.

A total of four groups of four spears were made, suspended around the oak tree.

After doing this, he panted and began to rest.

From the moment he left the Secret Realm of Flower Sea until now, he has consumed a little too much magic power.

So he took out the [Magic Crystal] and held it in the palm of his left hand, and began to restore the magic power in the fastest and most convenient way.

At this moment, his always-expanded magic perception detected the spatial fluctuations coming from the exit channel above.

Savannah's work of closing the channel has reached its most critical moment.

If Slytherin didn't show up again, he would have no chance.

Scott was on full alert.

At this moment, a burst of black mist erupted at Savanna's feet, and Slytherin's figure silently emerged from the soil and appeared behind Savanna.

A dazzling red beam shot out from the pale white bone staff in his hand, penetrating Savannah's body from behind without any hindrance.

The beam of light did not stop after passing through Savannah's body. It extended directly forward and penetrated the thick trunk of the oak tree in front.

The black fog dispersed and the red light went out.

Slytherin turned around and looked at Scott, who had been standing there and watching with cold eyes.

He stretched out his hand and watched as his hand passed directly through Savannah's body.


He frowned.

"No, if it's a phantom, why is my perception wrong? Is it space magic?"

He raised his head and glanced at the cocoon wrapping the passage in mid-air, and looked at Scott again.

"It's amazing."

He no longer paid attention to Savannah's phantom, walked directly to Scott, and looked into his eyes.

"Using the slight spatial fluctuations generated when the channel is closed, the suppression of space magic here is exploited, and a perfect space magic is arranged."

He directly told Scott's secret arrangement just now.

"Don't forget to leave a phantom containing the fluctuations of the original magic power to deceive my perception."

"As expected of Mr. Slytherin."

Scott laughed, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Huge white initial runes loomed in the air, connecting to each other to form a tree shape.

The tree-like rune pattern almost overlaps the entire oak tree.

As the rune patterns disappeared completely, the oak tree disappeared, the passage disappeared, and Savannah disappeared.

Only Scott and Slytherin were left in place, as well as the encirclement formed by "summoned beasts", "Gangnir" and frost giants.

Underfoot, blue cold air flowed, instantly turning the entire land into extremely hard frozen soil.

Slytherin glanced at the frozen ground beneath his feet.

There is no doubt that this land is filled with cold air and the magic power of the Frost Giants. It has become Scott's home field.

If the cold air cannot be dispelled, Slytherin cannot easily escape from the underground, nor can he manipulate the soil to create more ceramic dolls.

At this moment, another Scott appeared on the outside of the entire encirclement, standing on Ymir's shoulder.

The body of Scott in front of Slytherin collapsed, and the surface turned directly into flowing bright silver.


Its hands directly stretched out and transformed into sharp blades, crisscrossing across Slytherin's body.

Slytherin's body turned into black mist and dispersed, then condensed on the other side unscathed.

The moment he reappeared, four spears of different colors fell from the sky, intertwined and converged in his body, and then exploded.

The four elements exploded together, white light dyed the world white, and the energy of the explosion formed a hurricane.

When everything dissipated, a big hole appeared in the cold and hard frozen soil.

Black smoke appeared out of thin air, and Slytherin appeared again in another place.

This time he looked a little embarrassed, his black robe became ragged, and there were several burnt marks on the surface of his skin.

"It turns out that it was not the girl who was pulled into the different space, but you and me."

Slytherin raised his hand and wiped the corners of his mouth.

"No wonder the red dragon never attacked us."

"This is the most suitable battlefield. No one can disturb us."

Standing on Ymir's shoulder, Scott looked down at Slytherin.

"Only by defeating me can you leave this alien space."

He put away the [Magic Crystal] in his hand that had shrunk in size with some pain.

"I never thought that a wizard like you would appear after a thousand years."

Slytherin sighed as if in distress, and the dark flames ignited all over his body again.

The surging black flames completely enveloped his body.

Accompanied by shrill wails, particularly hideous and terrifying faces appeared in the flames.

Those faces were crowded together, constantly zooming in and out, as if they were ready to break out of their restraints.

Scott on the other side looked at this scene and immediately frowned.

He felt like Slytherin's soul was scattered.

In his perception, Slytherin's soul seemed to split into many parts in an instant, scattered among the ferocious and wailing evil spirits.

As a result, his "Gangnir" could no longer lock on to its target.

For the purpose of testing, he let the silver alchemy doll rush forward, and its silver arms turned into long spiked whips, lashing against the surging black flames of the evil spirit.

Following a few more shrill wails, the alchemy doll's arms turned black.

Not only that, black flames flew along its arms and spread towards its body.

The alchemy doll cut off its arm to survive and quickly retreated.

But at this moment, an evil spirit flew out of the flames and rushed into the alchemy doll's body instantly.

The alchemy doll's body paused, and its smooth face revealed ferocious features that were indistinguishable from those of evil spirits.

Its eyes flashed red, and it turned its head to stare at Scott in the distance.

Looking at the ferocious eyes of the alchemy doll, Scott remained silent and moved his fingers.

A black stream of light flashed past.

The black spear is fixed in the body of the alchemy doll.

The water element exploded instantly, tearing the doll's body into pieces.

Those bright silver fragments were still squirming when they landed on the ground, but they were frozen by the cold air in the frozen soil, and then turned into powder.

Scott's eyes flashed.

He had no idea that evil spirits could actually take over the body of an alchemy doll.

This is totally bad news for him.

A wizard who is best at transfiguration encounters an enemy who can use evil spirits to seize the products of transformation.

Before the evil spirit breaks out, he must strike first.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

The Patronus of the Peregrine Falcon appeared in the dreamlike silver mist, covered in moonlight, and rushed straight towards Slytherin like an arrow.


Halfway through, the Peregrine Falcon turned into a translucent silver spear, accelerated again, and pierced into the black flames where evil spirits gathered.


The moment the silver spear penetrated the black flames, with a silent explosion, countless evil spirits dispersed and flew in all directions.

Scott canceled the summons to Ymir, and his body slowly fell from the air.

Facing several evil spirits coming towards him, he raised his hand to hold the returning silver spear and swept forward to force them back.

Then he let go of his hand and let the silver spear float above his head.

Under the silver light of the spear, he landed safely on the ground.

But at this time, his "summoned beast" and the other nine frost giants have all been occupied by evil spirits.

They all turned to face him with enemy expressions.

In addition, there are countless evil spirits hovering and flying in the air.

This situation is like being born from hell.

"You're already amazing, Scott."

Slytherin's voice was erratic. Sometimes it was among the flying evil spirits, and sometimes it came from the mouth of a frost giant.

"After using this magic, all the evil spirits I collected will dissipate, and I will lose most of my strength. It will take a long time to recover."

"In other words, is this your trump card?"

Scott stood there and while asking questions, he recalled the remaining four-color spears and guarded them around him.

"True card? That's right."

Slytherin's voice was still erratic.

"Unfortunately, I can only use this method now. I cannot use exquisite magic spells to duel you like a normal wizard."

Scott said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, after all, I'm not a normal wizard."

A back-and-forth duel using exquisite magic spells is not his fighting style either.


Slytherin smiled.

"Should you deal with your own work first?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the frost giants who were closer to Scott started to move.

They all opened their mouths, spitting out endless cold air, and gathered towards the place where Scott was.

At the same time, the evil spirits flying in the sky also spoke and made harsh wailing sounds.

For a moment, Scott felt dizzy and blood flowed from his nostrils and ears.

But under the unique silver light of the patron saint, he persevered.

The cold air hit him, and his skin was covered with white frost.

"The flames are blazing!"

Endless flames surged and rotated around Scott, forming a pillar of fire that soared into the sky, blocking out all the cold air.

But this is not enough.

Because the frost giants have already rushed over with weapons made of ice.


The fire crow Edgar, who originally belonged to Scott, screamed and flew into the pillar of fire.

It is fighting with Scott for control of the flames.

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