The Winged Guardian

20 I'm Gay

What am I going to do? I'm so scared. I almost peed in my pants!

The manicure nails stabbed my flesh. I wondered if the red on them were actually my blood. It went deeper when I didn't answer the question.

"I'm asking you why Leigh!"

I know! I know!

A woman dressed in gold gown pushed the toilet door in and changed her mind speedily closing the door with a bang. I saw the gay guard went into men's toilet at that moment, wanted to call, and changed my mind speedily too. He wouldn't help me. I kind of understand the gold gown woman. Who wouldn't be afraid of those menacing stare? Not to mention the one who was sitting across this maniac at the table. Hell, yeah, it was the mayor, Natalie's dad.

And now, the queen was squeezing my flesh, trying to break my bones demanding an answer which would result in neck breaking for sure.

Natalie moved her hands up to my neck. I could be a great fortune teller!

"Tell me, or die. Are you flirting with Dylan?!"

"…am…not…" That was the true part and I could only manage to say that much.

"I don't believe you!"

She fetched the power from somewhere and her hands fastened even firmer around my neck. There was no doubt she was the one inflicting all the miseries that happened to me at school. After all, she was Dylan's number one fan club and she was the queen who always got everything she wanted.

Natalie's nails now went deep under my skin. Her teeth clacked as tight as a vice. The beautiful wallpapered walls seemed to lose their sharpness. She strangled my only way in for the oxygen. And now, there was only one way out for me. Sorry Dylan.

I struggled for her arms and sank my nails in there too. Natalie screamed and let go.

"Listen." I said with a wheeze and panted for air badly. "I--"

Natalie shrieked. She didn't listen to me anymore. Taking off her high heel, she aimed the pointy side at me. Shit, noooooo!

I screamed into her face briskly.


Ooh. It really stops her.

"What are you saying?" The queen's voice and eyes were still threatening but at least she didn't move forward any further.

"Don't you believe me?" I spoke really fast. The idea form that gay guard woven a story in my head. "I found it out. That's why we're closed. I'm keeping this secret for him. I'm sorry I lie to everyone about Dylan being my drawing model. I didn't. I just saw him kiss the blond hair guy one day."

"I don't be--"

I shut her off. "He's here too, the blond guy." I wasn't sorry, Nate. "You wanna see?"

Natalie started putting her shoe back on. "Show me."

I sighed. At least now, I would get out of the toilet alive. I didn't want to die in here; it was a very embarrassing place to die. Natalie set her dress and hair properly and followed me out into the smell of wine. I tried to relax my body but it was hard. My mind kept on praying for the right timing.

We arrived at the table. I told Dylan I accidentally met Natalie in the toilet and they were chatting amiably. Natalie told Dylan that she was dining with her dad. I gazed at Nate who secretly spitting out a piece of asparagus and wondered what would he think about meeting Natalie. Does he know she's the one after me? He must know.

A nip brought me back to Natalie. She leaned over and whispered angrily. "I don't see a weird thing here!"

"Stop talking to him and go eat with your dad. He won't show himself if you're closed." I whispered equally angry back.

Dylan introduced Nate to Natalie at that moment. The queen went back to a friendly chit-chat but quickly excused herself per my suggestion. She did truly take my bait.

When Natalie was back with her father, Nate made a mess on his plate again. I ate mine, not knowing much what I had put into my mouth. My focus was on both demons. I was using my psychic powers praying for that scene. I even ordered more foods for this matter.

Nate stirred his spaghetti on the plate. Dylan was showing him how to eat this new type of slippery food when Nate put down the fork, lower his chin and put his mouth on the edge of the plate. The yellow-eyed demon then sucked, real hard and loud.

"Stop that!" I told him. "Everyone's looking. It's rude."

"But it's so hard to eat!" Nate complained.

"Here." Dylan put a fork with spaghetti rolled neatly on it in front of Nate's face. Nate gladly took the bite.

Here it comes! The feeding scene! Thank you, God. I'll survive now!

I peeked at Natalie whose hand holding a fork was half way up and lower red lip was half way down. Her two pupils were shown into full pale blue circles. It was like magic. The queen's reaction turned the cement in my body into warm flowing blood again. I'm also gay now!

"Wait." Nate was saying. "You should do this to Leigh too! She might not know how to eat these snakes." And he pushed Dylan's hand to my direction.

"Thank you." I said politely and I swore I wasn't annoyed one bit. "I'm human. I know how to eat our foods."

Nate was flummoxed with my reaction. He went back to his food and quietly ate, still with some difficulty. My head was free of worries or any bad feelings now. I felt like I could deal with anything from now on.

I gandered at the queen once more to confirm and sighed hugely once again. I was afraid no more when I asked Nate. "By the way, Nate, about my kidnappers,"

Nate's face perked up. Dylan looked at me and him.

"Who hired them?"

"I told you I'll look after it."

"I want to know." I know it's Natalie so just tell me. Natalie's no threat to me now. The demon did not need to get rid of her or do anything to her for me.

Nate grinned like a bird. "You guess. I used up so much energy squeezing the information out of those two guys. I got to keep it."

The yellow-eyed demon did not seem to want to say any more than that. I shrugged. That's alright. It's probably Natalie and I do not have to be afraid of her any longer anyway.

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