The Winged Guardian

21 Peace Please

Stix and friendswere back in the morning. They were very happy to see me--or that was what I thought--and very wisely kept a safe distance when I was at school this time. Dale and Michelle were already at our usual place in the middle of the lawn. The sun was nice and warm today. "Leigh!" Both of them were, like Stix and friends, happy and a bit excited to see me too. I was very glad to have them as friends. Though, Dale seemed to fidget slightly. From the heat? "That was seriously bad." said Michelle. "I'm sorry we didn't help you faster Leigh. I didn't think that they would actually burn you." "That's alright. I didn't think that they'd go that far too." I said with a smile. "Aren't you angry?" Michelle asked. "You actually look quite…happy." "By the way, will you be okay coming to school today?" Dale said and casted a worried look sideway. "It was just a really cruel joke." I said trying to think of a way to explain that there was nothing to worry. Sonnia walked in long quick steps across the garden and plummeted onto the soft grass looking appalled. "Did you hear?" Her hair rose untidily. It was unlike her. "They say Dylan's GAY!" She couldn't control her voice at the end so everybody turned into our direction curiously. Sonnia still spoke off-tonely. "It's all over the place! They send it around on Whatsapp. And they say Natalie even confirms it!" O, oh. Other people came to her. "Is it true? Harry sent it to me yesterday too…" Within seconds, Sonnia was swarmed and taken away. The whole school was on a buzz about this topic. And everywhere I went, whispers drown the corridors, tiny gossip groups occupied spaces. I had to fend Dylan off at least for today. But it's great that everybody had forgotten about the witches and burning things. I walked pass Natalie during the first break and she gave me a smile. I smiled back at her thinking this was a good sign. Moving on, I heard Dylan's voice and, with bated breath, I took another turn. That was close! Above all, I got my peaceful life back. No more silly bullies or hard feeling at school left today. That confirmed it. Natalie was really the one after me. She was the one putting the rotten eggs in my locker, setting up the tomato sauce trap, shoving my head into the toilet bowl. She hired professional killers to bury me alive under the earth. She took the photo of me and Stix and blamed it on other people. She obviously tried to burn me that day. All the nasty things. It was her. Since Dylan was no longer a straight guy, she might just give up on both him and me. And here, peace! "This is nonsense." Michelle said during lunch. Only Dale was here with us. Sonnia was still in one of the gossip groups having so much fun talking non-stop. I could feel that the news did kind of disappoint her. She really liked Dylan. ��Any sensible person will know Dylan's not gay." Michelle finished and awestruck me. She was the first one that saw through my lie. "W¾why would you say that?" I tried to act innocent. "The queen even confirms it!" "Natalie's no brain." Michelle said straightforwardly. "I don't wanna brag but I'm kind of a professional in this area. I read lots of gay comics from Japan." Michelle frightened me just now. "Sometimes normal books bore me." she added. "I don't' feel like it too." Dale said. "Dylan Ziarre's gay? That's the lamest lie of the year." Umm, sorry 'bout that. And I went back to eat dumbly and speechless. Two of my best friends just said I'm lame. I'm sorry! I had no better idea to get out alive at the time! "Anyway Leigh," Dale said. Is he going to comment more on my lie? "It really bothers me. When and how did you get close to Ziarre? He's not your type, I know." "I¾" I had to lie again. "I told you I asked him to be my drawing model." "But he went as far as helping you out with the queen! And the other day, he didn't want us to go to the hospital with you. Are you sure it's just work partner?" Michelle stared at me too. Four eyes really did give you a great deal of pressure. "It--it's true!" Oh god! Can I say it? Can I say Dylan's a demon? "Maybe he likes you." Michelle suggested and gave a playful smile. Red color abruptly burst through my face, going up my ears. Why would I flush? I don't feel a thing for that demon! Dale, likewise, was flushing with red on his oval face. I thought he liked Dylan too in the beginning. But steam and wrinkles were added in his case, and I realized he was angry. "I don't like it." Dale said. "He and you are totally different. Do you like him too?" "Of course not! Like you said, he and me, we're alien to each other!" That is 100% true. Dale's steam died down. "Thought so." This is new! Dale doesn't like me with Dylan? Or was he angry because I am secretive about Dylan with him? Or was it because he didn't get to send me to the hospital? In the afternoon, we had an outdoor class. Students were allowed to go out once or twice per subject per semester. Today Ms. Alder took us to the Lint Slough. Imagination grows better in a wide space, that was what she said. The art class was bustling with Ms. Alder's new project 'Peace' and about Dylan being gay. Some even inspired by it and drew a hugging homo. It was quite nice. Conner was quiet and concentrated solely on his work. He was another who know Dylan wasn't gay, …was he? I thought I should try him. "Hey." Conner looked up. "Do you think it's true?" I went straight to the point. "About Dylan?" "He's beyond my understanding." Conner said. "He's the only demon that can ruin our lives. And now he's the only gay demon I've ever heard of." My mouth dropped open. Conner looked at me and sniggered. "Just kidding. I know it's from you." Gosh! He even knows I'm the starter. "It must be hard. Life in high school." He said and went back to his canvas. I was really embarrassed. Talking to him was a mistake. Conner's paintbrush hovered in front of the white frame. He finally put it down when I was about to go back to my seat. "I'm out of idea. Wanna go out?" "Huh?" "Do you know anywhere that has this…Peace?" Conner got up gathering his things. "Well, yea." I said. "But I'm not sure if you'll like it." "Try me." I stood up brusquely sweeping my stuff into the bag, and made a quick gesture southward. Conner obediently following me. We sneaked away and soon were far apart from the group. There was only one place that I could think of as 'Peace' now. I led at a brisk pace; legs slightly shook as a result from excitement, nervousness, hesitation, and anticipation. Why would Conner ask me to go out together? Does he want to talk about cancelling contract? But he said it couldn't be done! Being alone with him now feels really weird. But I was also happy that I got to draw with him. Silver gray barrier came in sight, drawn apart the asphalt road and woods. I stopped under shades, leaning against one of the big trees, catching my breath. "What's this place?" Conner asked as I pushed the crisscross steel gate in. I didn't answer. I was too excited. Heck! Why do I have to be excited?! I don't feel anything about him,…do I? Stilled air hit my face. And I felt like stepping into another dimension of time. The sedate environment roused my perceptions. With not even a small gust of wind, it was so calm and motionless and…dead. Some might reckon it as peace. In this peaceful abandoned cemetery where the time was paused, big and small trees dozed dreamily; clouds floated lazily, as if to say that there's no more to worry about. I had always taken care not to come close after dark, despite the tranquility; the place was able to give me chills. Ankle length grasses tickled, beckoned me to move forward. The contrast brown and gray statue emerged disorderly. Some were already broken and covered with beautiful daisy and dandelion, while some were still clear carved with names and dates. I tried to ignore whatever that lied beneath by counting the steps I took. It helped calming my emotions as well. Conner sat on one of the rock…err…I think I see scripts on that, he arranged his things and began the work. I did the same but the overdose of silence almost drove me mad. I decided to talk, just talk, anything!"W¾where's Seth and Phoebe? Haven't seen them all day." I hoped this could break the ice. Conner smile kindly. "They went back home. No witch, no goal." "Aren't you going back with them too?". "You want me to?" "I didn't mean to¾" "I know. Just kidding." He said and I grimaced. "I swore I'll protect your soul. I have to stay here." I was about to feel really thankful then he added. "And it's so colorful here. There are still so many places I haven't drawn." So he just wants to draw. We both went back to our work quietly again. Conner still looked more relaxed than me. I didn't know what else to talk to him and actually wasn't able to paint properly knowing he was close by. It grew uncomfortable every seconds passed. My trees began to twist and became like one of those ghost trees in Snow White. My i6 fell off and hit a stone. I picked it up quickly and rubbed it with my jeans. Lucky that there was no damage on the screen. "Right! Can I have your number too?" Conner looked perplexed. "What number?""You know. Number." I repeated. Not quite sure what wasn't clear. I held the i6 out at Conner. "I don't seem to have your contact anywhere in here."Conner looked stunned for a while. I waited waving the phone in front of his face until it finally looked like he was able to recall something. "Oh. That …A…I... Phone…." He stressed each word carefully and clearly. "Sorry, I don't have it." said Conner. "Huh?" What kind of weirdoes didn't have a phone in this century? Don't tell me he uses all of his money on the water colors, acrylic colors, paint brushes and papers! If that's the case then…I can forgive him."Alright." I said. Didn't know what else I could. "Never mind."We drew in silence again. I could only go as far as one minute before the jittery stood me up. My feet moved forward aimlessly, until they were blocked by a rock chunk. I didn't see it coming, actually I didn't see anything. I was about to trip over a huge grave. And when I took a good look, there were pieces of debris on the floor waiting to support me. A support that would certainly hurt a lot.There wasn't enough time to scream. I was plunging fast towards the sharp edges.Somebody grabbed my waist and the falling stopped. The debris hadn't got any chances. Conner put his arms around me and pulled me close to him. He brushed a strand of hair out of my face. "Are you hurt?" He said softly and my heart galloped like a horse that had been doped. My face went crimson. I stared back at his robin blue eyes, felt as if the whole blue sky was taking over me. It was warm, bright, relax, and free. Like as oasis of serenity. I could feel that my spirit was soaring with freedom. Do…do I like him? Do I like Conner? Sudden questions inserted in bringing me back down to earth. "W…what about you? What exactly are you Conner? Where are you from? Why do you want to help me?"Conner let me go and did his favorite facial expression, smiled. "I'm me. I want to do what is right.""I don't understand." "I'm sorry. I can't talk anymore." Conner closed the conversation with a gentle smile, leaving me with a jumpy heart and confusions. I began to doubt my feelings too. Can I really fall for a guy full of mysteries? It was like I did not know him at all.

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