"Wait, Sonnia!"Iput myself between the door and my two grumpy friends. Sonnia got the key from Dale and there was no way I could stop her now. She pushed me aside and inserted the brass key into the key hole. "It's not right of you to go and buy the dress alone. We have the very right to have a look at it. Mich, hold her." Michelle took my arms. Everybody seemed to talk a lot about their rights recently. What about my right!? I peered nervously at the window of my room which was left slightly ajar. The only reason I could not let them in was because Dylan was in the house! "Michelle, Sonnia!¾" I yelled, hoping that it would be loud enough, as Sonnia pushed the door in. "What?" Sonnia turned back with surprise. The voice was too loud. Even Michelle cocked her head to one side in astonishment. I panted heavily with excitement and nervousness "Don't… forget to take off your shoes…" "Oh, you're so dramatic, Leigh!" Sonnia giggled and took off her shoes. Two girls went upstairs. I followed them last. My eyes went around the house nervously, praying that they would not meet the demon anywhere. The kitchen's safe. Dining room, safe. Living room, safe. Only those upstairs now. That made it even worse! I couldn't let them know he'd been nestling in my house. The gay rumor would become useless then! "Where's it?" Sonnia opened the door to my bed room so suddenly that my heart almost fell. Dylan would have no time to hide. Even if he had, he cannot hide in the closet which was the only place suitable for hiding in my room. Sonnia strode across to it remarking. "You've a new bed in your room?" I slipped pass Michelle hurriedly and grabbed the closet handle in time. "The bed's for my cousin. She'll come and stay with us next summer." "I've never heard of this cousin!" Sonnia exclaimed, excited about new piece of information. She wanted to know everything. "I'll tell you later." 'Cause I would need to invent a story first. I thought and very very slowly pulled the closet's door. I tried to see whether Dylan was in there or not, but it was hard with such narrow opening. I gave up and only opened it wide enough to put my hand in there. Groping for a few seconds, I pulled out the dress. "Wow!" Both Sonnia and Michelle exclaimed. They marveled at the dress. I had to admit I was a bit proud. "Well, you see." I started talking more normally. "I was walking back home the other day and saw this beautiful dress. I had to buy it then, I had the feeling." Both girls nodded in agreement inspecting the dress. "It's beautiful!" Sonnia said at last. "I'd buy it at the sight too! You're so lucky Leigh!" I forced a smile. Now, where's that demon? "Let's try it on!" Sonnia said again and brought out the dresses that she and Michelle bought today. We switched trying on the dresses, taking photos, selfieing, making several hair styles. It was supposed to be fun but I had this anxiety all the time that when, two hours later, they finally leave, I sank into the sofa not wanting to get up ever again. I thought I was lying there for almost half an hour. But there was still no sign of Dylan. I finally had to get up wondering where was he, or whether he had moved out? I should be focusing and wishing hard on the second hypothesis. But I found myself worried at the disappearance more than any other thing. I decided to call. First, voice was still very low because I wasn't used to it. But as I went about the house, it got louder. I was getting really worry now. Had he left me all alone? I finally came up to my room for the third time. I looked at his bed with desperation. Where is he? I went to the window and pushed it out looking up at the sky feeling really lonely. "Dylan!" I called out one more time, but it was going to be useless. "Here." Huh? I hit my head with the window frame. The noise startled me but it was, no mistake, Dylan's voice. I looked all around the room again and out the window. "Up here." I looked up. Dylan was hanging his head down from the roof. "How did you get up there?" I asked and it was a stupid question with those wings on his back. "You wanna join us?" He said and a tiny head leaned out from above the roof too. "Hello Leigh!" The elf said livelily. "Hi, Chane!" I said. "I'd love to. But you know, unlike somebody, I cannot fly." Dylan glided down at the moment and carried me. "You can just ask me nicely." "I'm not going to ask for anything from you." I said defiantly. But deep inside I somehow felt really relieved. The demon only smiled and took me up onto the roof where Chane and the ravens looked like were having such a fun party. They have several biscuits boxes from the kitchen and small biscuits scattered sparsely everywhere. I sat down with them. "Well, what's the occasion?" "Chane's visiting. He misses you." said Dylan taking his place beside me. "I heard Sonnia's and Michelle's noise so we moved up here." "I miss you so much Leigh!" Chane hugged me. "You never visit us again!" "Sorry." I said hugging him back. I was weirdly popular with demons. "I'm a bit busy. I'll find sometimes." Chane let me go and grinned with his big green eyes. "Okay, you promise!" I smiled at him too. "Yes." Then, he started up and danced around me. "Yeah! You could come next week! We're having a summer party! And you can come again next next week because we'll have a green party. You should also come to the chestnuts fair which is next next next week. Oh, the summer flowers party is also fun. It's next next next next next week¾" The forest demons seemed to have a party every week from what Chane said. And he kept telling me the schedule of each party or fair until, from my counting, we arrived at December. "We'll mostly sleep during then." Chane said, calming down a bit now. "But I'll think of a party for you. But be careful." "Hm?" Both Dylan and I were giggling at the tiny elf. "Recently, your friend's been snooping around." Chane talked to me. "My mum and dad don't like your friend's friends." "My friend?" Chane nodded. "You mean him?" I said and pointing at Dylan. Chane shook his head. "Dylan's not your friend. He's your guardian!" Wow, he puts so honorable. "Your friend, the one you went with when Dylan defeated the witch, remember?" Then he shuddered at the word 'witch.' There were Dylan, me, Chane and Nate when we fought the witch. But he could not possibly mean Nate. Nate's one of them too. Oh, there's one more¾ "Conner!" "What's he doing over there?" Dylan was alarmed too. He asked the tree demon anxiously. "I don't know. But he was better than those friends he brought with. They are so scary. Everyone has to hide you see. But I hope they will leave us before the summer party." "These friends you're saying," I said forebodingly. "are they by any chance have red hair and white hair?" "Yes!" Chane beamed. "You know them? Are they your friends too?" Oh my, Seth and Pheobe are back. I glanced at the demon. He looked equally vexed by the news. Demon hunters roaming around the forest demons' lair was very dangerous indeed. Dylan didn't allow Chane to go back alone or with the ravens that night. Neither did he want to leave me alone too. So Chane stayed and we sent him back to the forest in the morning. Dyaln were extremely cautious. Me too. "What do you think they are doing here?" I asked Dylan after seeing Chane off. He smiled sadly. "Probably something about you." "Me?" "And me and those winds." Drat.

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