The Winged Guardian

27 Within the Symphony

The concert nightwas a clear and quiet evening. Michelle and Sonnia came over early for a hairdo and make up. But when we were about to depart, the bell rang, and Dylan appeared at the door with a shopping bag.

"Hi girls." He was using his most fatal weapons again. But wait, he was on the roof whole day, how could--

"I need to talk with Leigh for a while. You can go first." He told Michelle and Sonnia.

"It's alright." Sonnia said. "We can wait and go together."

He twiddled about and looking coyly at them. Sonnia's face turned pink at the sight because, I could not deny, he was so cute. "It's… about." He said shyly. "I'm sorry, I can't say it! It's too embarrassing! It's about my--"

"Your--?" Sonnia said.

Dylan nodded as if that could tell the answer.

Sonnia took the guess and fell the trap. "Your--p-partner?"

Dylan was still nodding.

"But we can help too!" Sonnia said. Michelle didn't seem really interest.

"But it's embarrassing!" Dylan said again and I found it very irritating. He looked like a girl in love.

"I have to prepare--"

"I understand." Sonnia said. "It's ok. You can talk to Leigh first and tell us all about it next time."

And she pushed Michelle and walked away. I still didn't really understand what was all this about.

"See ya later!" Dylan called after them. Then, he handed me the bag.

"What was that?" I asked looking confused at the demon.

He steered me back into the house and closed the door. "I don't know too." He said. "Sonnia seemed to think of something else. I was just trying to say I'm going to take you to the concert as a date."


"I didn't." He smiled teasingly. "And it's embarrassing that I can only get you this just before the party start. Open the bag."

Mystified, I opened the bag as he said and took out the box. Inside of it was a pair of a glass shoes with sparkling transparent beads and crystals. It was a perfect match to my dress. Umm… my borrowed dress. I held the shoe to my eyes' level, awed.

"It's the perfect match!" said Dylan. "So hard to find. Put it on! See if it's the right size."


"Or I CAN put it on for you."

I put it on without further objections. It was a perfect fit too.

The demon smiled pleasingly. "I got the size right. I've never measured a person's feet before especially in their sleep."


"Okay, shall we go?" He waved those off, just like that.

I spent the next ten minutes trying to persuade Dylan to let me go to the concert alone. It would raise the topic if people see me walking in with him. I failed AGAIN though.

"Please. They will get us wrong." And probably would not believe that you're gay anymore¾I pleaded one last time before we left the house.

"It doesn't matter." said Dylan carefreely. "I don't mind."

"But I do!" Oh! Come on! Why is this guy so stubborn?! "They'll think we're-"

Dylan gave me a teasing grin which I found intensely annoying. "What? They'll think we're what?"I shied away at his gaze. My lips were unable to hold a still seal, nor did it pronounce a steady voice. "I-I-I--" My stutter went on and on.

Dylan linked my arm with his, escorting me to the car parking about a block away. My heart beats accelerated and my face went numb as he held my hand tight. "Don't worry." He smiled warmly at me. "You are beautiful. And I need a beautiful date tonight."

I swore that the time did stop. When it resumed again, I almost tripped. I couldn't recall what had happened during the lost moment. And I suspected that my heart had stopped beating and I had forgotten to breathe because I was out of energy. My legs were feeble and I wobbled from left to right.

I did not talk to him again later on. I did not know what to. And I had tried my best to manage to breathe and bring myself back to its composure. What happened to me? What was that symptom? I kept asking myself and keeping my eyes on the ground. I was afraid that if I looked up and saw that otherworldly beautiful face, my head would certainly explode.

I got back to the world when Dylan opened the black door of Bentley for me. Huh? "How many cars have you got actually?" I asked sarcastically just to get myself out of that weird feelings."Only one." Dylan said and walked to the other side.

"But what about your Porsche?" Come to think of it, I haven't seen that car for a while.

"I got tired of cars." Dylan said as he started the engine. "They are so slow. My wings are much much better. So I sold that one and because I have to take you to the party today, I just bought this boy a week ago."

I almost fainted. He bought this car just to take me to the CHARITY concert.

Oh, well.

Dylan barreled through something gray that seemed like road, street. I could not really make clear of it because I was covered in blur. He pulled the wheel hard to the right one last time and we came to a halt in front of the school.

"I think I'll sell this thing tomorrow. It's so slow." Dylan said and got me out of the car.

I was still too stiff to remark anything.

But there were a lot of expensive cars in the school's parking lot today. Apart from students many riches people came to donate too. So the demon's car did not really stand out. That was good.

Dylan held my hand tight all the way. I heard the crowd louder as we entered the concert hall which was the school's gym converted into an auditorium. Someone greeted me, I guessed. I didn't really know. I was too shy to look up. But one good thing about charity concert was not many teenagers like it, so the audiences were mostly adults and old people. There was a chance that nobody at school, except Sonnia, Michelle, and the band, would come.

"Hey Rose!" called out Dylan and destroyed all of my dim hope.

"Dylan!" Rose replied back. "How are you doing?" Her voice was very cheerful. I saw that she had a pink dress with gold strap at the waist on. I sensed that her eyes were resting on me. "And…er…Who's this?" Yes, she's mentioning me. I thought with a cry for help.

"Leigh." said Dylan, voice sounded equally cheerful. Damn it! "She's my date tonight."

And what choice do I have apart from looking up? I instantly put on an outgoing smile and a super friendly voice. "Hey Rose! How are you? How's your dinner? Oh! You look goooorgeous tonight." Okay. I overreacted it.

"Th-thanks." Rose was probably dumbfounded.

"Oh! And--" and the show must go on. "No no no no." I glimpsed at Dylan. "I'm not his date. We just met-met-th-" I tried to pull my arm out but Dylan held it even tighter. The demon looked at me, amused. After flashing Dylan a resent stare, and knowing that it was useless to fight against his strength, I gave up and came back to a less friendly smile and wry laugh. "--There."

I should not get excited. Dylan's gay to Rose after all. I sighed. I ruined it all.

Rose gave me a wry grin and looked at Dylan with hesitation. I wasn't sure if she's convinced.

"Okay…you two have fun." she said shortly and left.

Dylan let out his laugh. "What are you doing?"

I was totally exasperated. Temper and embarrassment flushed in my face. "I'm trying to get people to understand what is right!" I said with a bitter tone. "But you always get in my way!"

Dylan caught my wrist and pulled me closer. "You really don't want to be my date that much?"

It happened again, the lost moment, but this time it was shorter. I broke out of the reverie to see his pleading big eyes. Is he real about this? Does he really want me to be his date? And how can I refuse those eyes?

"Do you…hate me?" Dylan asked again and made my heart fell. Oh-

I was lost for both words and voices. I did not know what to say or to react. Which was the best answer to get the best outcome out of this situation? I did not know what was right, what was wrong, what was appropriated, what was not. I did not even know what my thinking was anymore.

"It's alright." Dylan was finally the one who broke the silence between us. He wore a bitter smile and I felt sad at it too. What exactly is this? "Please be my date just tonight. And I'll stay as far away from you as you want."

A bottomless hole bore in me after hearing his words. Am I¾am I too harsh on him?

We met Sonnia and Michelle beside an appetizer table. There really weren't many people from our school. Apart from Rose, I could only see a few more. Dylan was still not talking to me until the concert began. We walked to our seat and sat quietly. I didn't really enjoy it at all, even when I saw Dale vigorously soloing his flute.

The melody floated and danced in the air but scarcely got through my head. I was trying hard to understand Dylan, about all his acts, about what he said, about everything that happened between us. He's acting as if he-

I stole a glance at my demon from time to time. Thought that it might be able to give me clues.

He seemed to be enjoying the music.

It's just the contract, I concluded.

At last, I let the symphony gushed through. Hoping I would find more answers in them.

We had a small break for fifteen minutes. Somebody brought punch bowls and we each helped ourselves a cup or two. Dylan got one for me but we still did not talk. I tried to avoid him as much as possible by walking away into the crowd. But I could not force my eyes not to turn to his direction from time to time.

Michelle even brought a book to read during the interval, while Sonnia was on the roll with Ella about cheap dresses and gowns down town. And I could not see Dale anywhere, probably taking some rest behind the stage. I strolled around feeling very lonely until I ran into Rose.


"Hey Rose." I turned to the voice, fake friendly smile readied on my face, but my heart was not.

"Good to see you-again."

Rose smiled back and looked around the room. "The music's better than I thought."

"Yea." I relaxed a little bit. Glad that she talked about something else.

"Your friend's up there too right?" the conversation was rolling. "The soloist, the one name Dale? He's pretty good."

"Yes." I replied. "He's awesome."

We were quiet for some time, then Rose said again.

"Your dress is beautiful!" she beamed changing the topic. "You've changed tonight. You look very pretty!"

"Thanks." I was a bit shy at her praise. And our conversation died again.

We were both looking at each other and away in an awkward silent for another while. We were not very close to start off, but what Dylan had said to Rose earlier made it harder for me to stand face to face with her now.

"Can I ask you something?" Rose suddenly blurted out.

"Of course." --not. I said it just to be nice.

She was reluctant. Hope she's not going to ask about Dylan. I'm not prepared. I'm not ready now!!

"Are you going out with Dylan?"


I was blown away. All that came out was "No. No. No. No. No. No." At the mention of that name, I made a quick glance again. "No. No. No. No. No. No."

"But he said-"

"No. No. No. No. No. No."

"But you were-" Rose was trying to join the dots with puzzles. "You seem pretty close."

"Oh you see!" It finally came into handy. "He's gay. I'm just his disguise."

"Ohhh." Rose drawled, widened her eyes. She seemed to get my some-part-true excuse.

"That's it." I confirmed. Hope she would believe me.

"Well, there's such rumor. But I didn't believe it in the beginning. If you didn't say that, I'd really think Dylan's not gay and he likes you."Rose shrugged.

My heart jumped at her word and my eyes rolled to Dylan's direction again. He was talking to Patricia, a girl in Biology class whom I'd never talked to. Actually I hardly talked to anyone except Dale, Michelle, Sonnia. I thought that it's because I had a little social anxiety.

Patricia was one of his ex-admirers. They giggled and seemed pretty happy. I stirred at the sight. What are they talking about? What's so funny? And…why do I feel so disturbing?

A guy walked into Patricia and she fell over. Using demon's reflexes, Dylan caught her and held her gently, the way he had always held me. I felt like a big stone just hit my heart. It was now numb, I could feel nothing.

"You know, even though he's gay," Rose was looking at the same scene. "Many girls can't give up on that face."

"Excuse me." I said and turned quickly for an exit. It's too hot in here. I needed air. I needed to get away.

They were calling in for the second half so outside the gym was quite. I breathed in deeply and out. I do not understand myself. Okay, I don't hate Dylan, but I also don't like him. No. NO! Then, there should be nothing wrong with him and Patricia. He has all the rights to be with any girl.

Why am I upset? He's not mine. Oh…I'm so confused.

The concert resumed. The symphony accompanied my thoughts as background music. Clogged in emotions turbulence, I didn't notice a sudden gust of wind or hear a sudden clang above. I looked up absent-mindedly and saw the roof collapsed, started to panic only when a huge piece of metal was about to hit on top of me. I yelled but was not sure if it was loud or not. I was unable to hear anything but the cheerful melody from the band. It did not make me feel better by the way, knowing what was happening right at the moment. The gray beam flew closer and shut down all my sight. Oh this is the end!

The entire memories flooded back in that instant in a slow motion. Mom's face appeared with a beautiful smile, I was never gonna see that again. I wished I had told her I love her one last time before she left. I love you Mom! I called out in my head with tears. Dale's face came next, and the first time I met him when we were children. All the fun we had back then, all our precious moments. Oh, my brother! I wish we could spend more time together. But after I'm gone, I hope he has a good life.

And then I saw Dylan, those glorious black wings of his, and the mystical blue green eyes. A twinge of pain hit me. I should not upset him. He was always good to me. He saved me many times¾even though it was because of the contract. I should be more straightforward with him. I should not act like a douche. I realized I, in fact, enjoyed his company. Even if he doesn't like me, I accept now that I like him and after dying, I'm gonna miss him…so much.

The memories and thoughts streams ended there. I felt chilled air on my face as the metal was about to hit it. I wasn't gonna die beautiful, but who cares, either ways it's death. My instinct took control of my body in the last minute. I went down on my knees buying some spare seconds, arms covered up my head.

Then it all went really fast. It's good to die fast so I don't have to suffer from pain. Darkness overcame my world as I heard the crashing and shattering noise. The hitting was, as a matter of fact…soft? Something warm and soft with familiar scent wrapped around me. How could the metal be this soft? God's mercy?

The cranking noise went on. However, I, buried under the debris, was already safe and sound in life after death. But… am I really dead? Why do I still hear all this noises? Do spirits hear?

The clatter gradually died down. I felt something moved. And when the darkness unfolded, I saw the familiar divine face of Dylan with his suppose-to-be frantic voice. "Leigh?" My heart picked up the pace and adrenaline rushed in my face. My brain now was working efficiently. I figured out many befuddled questions, resolved many mysteries of my heart; and all the puzzles were in its places. All this time, I'd been in the middle of this hazy maze, got lost and walked relentlessly in many different directions, but then the sun came out and all the fog disappeared. Everything was crystal clear. It was the moment of enlightenment. I knew now. Yes, like is with Conner. With Dylan, it's different. It's not Like…it's Love.

I'm in love with my demon.

I'm in love with Dylan.

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