"Are you alrightLeigh?!" Dylan said in an almost yelling tone, freaking out.

"Dylan!" My voice was hoarse but my feelings flowed as smooth as silk. I could feel my cheek turning red knowing Dylan was holding me tight.

Despite the chaos surrounded me, all I could see was Dylan's face. And the world seemed a lot more beautiful even in this danger. Dusts glittered like pixies dusts. Flying debris was like petals and butterflies. Dylan looked at me and only at me. I was flying high. I didn't want to be parted from him. I wanted him to hold me like this forever.

"Are you hurt?!" The demon's voice rang fetching me back to the real world. He inspected all over my body as I observed the place. The roof collapsed only where I was standing. How unlucky. No, in fact, how lucky. The accident helped me untangled the knot, helped me understand…that I should be more sincere with myself.

Dylan breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that I was fine. He then pulled me in and pressed me to him.

My cheek grew even more red-hot.

The music in the hall stopped and people started to pour out to see the source of the deafening noises. Elders gasped when they saw the pile of what used to be the roof. Rose quickly made a 911 call. Sonnia and Michelle took place beside me hollering with worries. The musicians followed out later, among them were Dale.

"Leigh!" cried Dale, spotting me in the middle of the wreckage.

"Dale!" I shouted in reply.

Dale pushed through the crowd toward me. His face was in panic and was almost white. "Is everything ooo---" Dale slowed down as soon as he saw me. His worried face went cold and he abruptly turned and walked away.

"Dale!" I called out trying to get up, totally forgot about that romantic moment.

"Dale!" I called again but somebody grabbed me. It was Dylan. "Leigh you should go to the hospital."

"But Dale--"

"We can go see him later."

"That's right Leigh!" Sonnia said. "Listen to Dylan. You should go to the hospital."

���We'll talk to Dale." Michelle added.

I wanted to go after Dale. But they were right. I actually felt a bit dizzy. I should let doctor check my brain.

Looking back to where Dale had gone, I went after my demon to the police car. The flashing red and blue lights from the siren and the feeling that something was not right here disturbed me. What is it with Dale?

The concert was cancelled. Someone must have put some curse on the band or it wouldn't have so many obstructing incidents. The musicians might be a bit annoyed having practice hard many months and did not get to perform, but other than that I thought they already got enough money for their purpose.

We were dropped at the hospital and Dylan supported me into the ward. Nurses had already been informed about the accident from the policeman who drove us here, so many of them rushed to see me when I walked in. When it turned out that I only had a few small bruises, they seemed pretty disappointed. Well, they had prepared so many stuff for such big accident and emergency.

The doctor examined my X-ray film. "Well, your brain looks perfectly fine Miss Camden. You're very lucky."

"Thank you Dr. Ramon." I said with light head. "So there'll be no pills for me?"

Dr. Ramon shook his head. "Nope. You can go home. And get a good night sleep. Tell your friend you're fine. He looks worried sick."

"Thank you doctor." I prepared to leave. Did he mean Dylan?

Outside of the ward, my demon was pacing back and forth anxiously. He came running to me loyally as he saw me.

"Is everything alright?" he asked, his voice still had that panic in it.

"I'm fine." I said and smiled.

"Thanks Satan!" Dylan covered his face with both hands, uttered with relief. Dylan took my hand. "Come, let me fly you home."

I smiled at my demon. Appreciated that he really worried about me. I have to be good to him from now on.

Dylan looked at me with curiosity. "Are you sure your head is fine? The doctor didn't get anything wrong?"

"Huh?" Why does he say that? "What's the matter? Something's wrong with me?"

Dylan shrugged. "You seem to be in an extraordinarily good mood after almost got smashed in the head."

I laughed. Dylan was ever more flummoxed. "I'm fine. Let's go."

I just enjoy the love I have for you. I'm in love.

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