The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 192: Agri Plane 2

"Your Majesty, you invited us here this time, you must have a clear idea, right?" Stanley asked as soon as he and his two companions entered the meeting hall.

This time, it was not just Margaret who was in the meeting hall, but also the elders. They were a little unhappy that Stanley and his companions asked so directly as soon as they came in, but since the decision had been made, everything was left to the Queen.

"Yes, I have reached an agreement with the elders, and I can give you a seed of the Tree of Life." Margaret said.

"Then I wonder what strategic goal Your Majesty is going to achieve next?" Stanley continued.

"Although you have brought many people this time, I think you are not strong enough to completely conquer the orc coalition. Isn't it too ambitious to talk about this now? It's not too late to defeat them first?"

"Of course, if Her Majesty the Queen has further ideas, we also need to send more reinforcements again. In order to shorten the war time, these need to be prepared early."

"This still needs to reach a consensus with the human kingdom. This is not a decision that can be made at the moment. At present, I only know that we need to defeat or repel the orc coalition first." Margaret still insisted.

"The human kingdom is still arguing, and there is no sign of sending troops. I think Her Majesty should send a team of envoys to urge them to join forces?" Stanley continued to suggest.

"..., well, this can be done at the same time as the counterattack against the orc coalition. I hope Listan can organize the army as soon as possible."

"Your Majesty, the army can set out at any time, but I have a small request. If Your Majesty wants to arrange people to go to various human countries, I hope you can bring some of our people to accompany them."

"Hmm? Don't you believe us?" Someone from the Elders asked.

"Misunderstood. The main thing is that we also want to persuade the human kingdoms to work together to defeat the orc coalition as soon as possible, so that our army can leave the Agri plane as soon as possible."

"We will notify you when we set off. Just arrange the accompanying personnel." In the end, Margaret agreed to Stanley's request.

In the following half a day, Stanley and others discussed the specific matters of sending troops with Margaret and the Elders, and then left Siyue City.

After returning to the base, Stanley and others immediately issued new combat tasks and were ready to rush to the front line at any time. In addition, they needed to select some people from the knights' attendants as accompanying personnel to go to various human countries.

The mission was conducted through voluntary registration. Colin thought the competition would be fierce and wondered how much strength he should use to win the quota. However, on the day of registration, he found that there were only a few people who signed up.

Colin made an empirical mistake. He thought that the mission to the human world was more interesting and others might be more interested, but the knights and attendants wanted to fight on the battlefield and were not interested in such a mission that wasted most of their time on the road.

Stanley and others were originally scheduled to be led by the original garrison knight Beruk, with three first-level knights, a formal wizard and 30 knight attendants.

The four professionals above the first level had already been selected, one of whom was Colin's old acquaintance Knight Corvis. The other 30 knight attendants were expected to fight after the registration was opened, but only 8 people signed up.

In desperation, Stanley asked Corvis to designate 22 people to complete the 30-person knight attendant team.

After deciding the personnel, it was time to wait for the departure date from the elves.

However, all the people who were traveling still met collectively under the call of Beruk. Although Colin tried to avoid it again and again, there were less than 40 people, and it was easy for Kevis to find Colin's abnormality. However, Kevis did not say anything on the spot, but just stopped Colin after the meeting.

"How did you sneak in?" Kevis was a little suspicious of Colin's purpose.

"What do you mean by sneaking in? Can I sign up normally to participate in your alliance's large-scale activities?" Colin defended.

"I remember that the collection point we set up at the alliance headquarters seemed to be for recruiting knights and squires, not wizards, right?" Kevis continued to ask.

"Oh, this, I am also a knight's squire, there is nothing wrong with this, but I only practiced the wizard system later."

"..., you know that's not what I mean, I just want to know what you are doing here?"

"Hey, I say, you are really interesting, I have also signed a contract with you, I don't have any bad intentions, just treat it as participating in a large-scale event."

"I will keep an eye on you, if you really have any bad ideas, stop as soon as possible, if something happens, I will definitely suspect you first." After saying that, Ke Weisi left first.

"I \u0026, I just participated in a plane war during my travels, what bad ideas can I have, it's really the wrong occasion, otherwise I must teach you a lesson and let you know why the wizard world is called the wizard world."

Then Colin returned to his residence and waited patiently for the trip. During the waiting days, the first batch of knights and squires had already set off for the front line.

Two days later, Colin received a notice to rush to the gate of the base immediately and prepare to follow the knights of Beruk to the human kingdom.

After all the members of the Listan Knights Alliance arrived, they immediately followed Beruk to Siyue City to meet up with the official delegation from the elves.

The elf envoys were not many, but there were nearly a hundred people. Colin didn't pay much attention to the elf warriors. He was concerned about those professionals above level one.

After the reunion, they set off. Before leaving the Ethel Forest, Colin learned that the official envoy of the elf envoy was actually Princess Charlotte, the daughter of Queen Margaret, accompanied by a second-level mage, Mithel, a member of the Elders Council, as a deputy envoy.

It seems that the elves attach great importance to this mission and actually sent their princess.

In the marching team, Colin only saw Charlotte from a distance and had no chance to observe her closely. However, at that glance, Colin was still shocked by Charlotte's appearance. As expected, she was an elf princess, and she was more beautiful than Colin's four wives.

If the full score is 100, his wives have reached more than 90 points, and Edith has a 95-point appearance, but when he saw Charlotte, Colin felt that if he gave a score, the percentage was a bit low.

However, no matter how beautiful it is, it has little to do with him. Colin just appreciates it.

Colin has not traveled to other worlds many times. Most of the people he has seen are non-human or humanoid races. This time he can see so many elves. Next, he can see the humans in this world. Colin is still very interested and wants to study the difference between them and the humans in the wizard world.

However, he did not express these thoughts. He is not a dark wizard, and he does not want to be regarded as a dark wizard by others. Even if he has the intention to study, he must be cautious.

While Colin was daydreaming for a few days, the elf delegation walked out of the Ethel Forest from the other side.

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