The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 193 Agri Plane 3

The destination of the elf envoy is the Os Empire, because the envoys from the Milan Empire and the Bourbon Empire are also likely to be in the Os Empire.

Compared with the other two countries, the strength of the Os Empire is slightly stronger. The Os Empire is also the main militant faction in the human kingdom. Not only because it is slightly stronger, but also because of the national borders of the Os Empire and The orc coalition's contact area is wider.

Every time the orc coalition invaded the human side, the Os Empire was hurt first. Speaking of hatred, the soldiers and people at the border of the Os Empire hated the orc coalition even more.

The relationship between the Os Empire and the other two countries is not good. It can only be said to be average. If it were not for the common enemy of the Orc Alliance, the three countries would not be as peaceful as they are now. Some disputes on the national border have not existed until now. It was resolved, but was temporarily shelved.

"This time the Orc coalition suddenly diverted to attack the Ethel Forest. The Os Empire came up with a plan, but the two pig teammates kept arguing. They always felt that the war was far away from them and there was no need to send troops to support. Just give away some supplies.

Don’t you understand the meaning of dying lips and cold teeth?

Fortunately, the elf mission has already set off. It is said that the Lestan Alliance, which entered the plane not long ago, has also sent reinforcements. If everything goes well, they can have a big fight with the orc coalition this time, and maybe they can drive the orc coalition back to the north. The bitter cold zone. "

The Emperor of the Os Empire, Alteran, was lying in a rocking chair, thinking alone.

Charlotte didn't know how much high hopes Alteran, the Emperor of the Os Empire, had placed on their mission. She only knew that her mother sent her on a mission, firstly, to show that she valued the human kingdoms, and secondly, to facilitate the Human nations send troops.

Before leaving, her mother told her that although it was an alliance with the human kingdom and an ally with Listan, the human kingdom on the Agri plane was a local ally and was naturally closer, and her mother was a little suspicious of Listan. The intentions of the Knights Alliance, so if the human kingdom can make a strong effort, Listan will be used in much less places, and the distribution of benefits after the war will be easier.

Charlotte is already over 90 years old. According to human age levels, she is already in her twilight years. But in the Elf Kingdom, she is not yet an adult. However, her cultivation speed is not slow. She is now He is already a quasi-level magician apprentice and part-time quasi-level ranger.

Judging from the 500-year lifespan of the elves, most elves are not keen on increasing their force value. Unfortunately, there are many enemies on this plane. In addition to the orc alliance on the surface, there are also "enemies" in the human kingdom. "More, especially some human nobles have always had special hobbies, which makes these art-loving and elegant elves have to pick up the weapons in their hands to protect themselves.

The elven boys in the tribe have become accustomed to Charlotte's extraordinary beauty, but the knight attendants on Listan's side do not have this opportunity to see such a beautiful elf princess.

Although there was basically no chance of contact between the two parties along the way, the fiery eyes that came from time to time still made Charlotte a little irritated. No matter the human beings in that world, they were all so annoying.

Among the thirty knights and attendants, Colin is the only one with stronger self-control, not only because of his strong mental power, but also because he already has a lot of wives, and he doesn't want to attract any more attention.

After leaving the Essel Forest, they did not encounter any unscrupulous bandit groups to harass the mission along the way. The Elf Mission was able to successfully enter Huangyan City, the border city of the Os Empire.

As soon as the elf envoy entered Huangyan City, they met the envoy from the Os Empire. It turned out that His Majesty Alteran had already sent an envoy to greet the elf envoy.

The messenger's name was Oreo, and he was very enthusiastic. Charlotte and Belluc guessed that he should be a member of the royal family. After asking, it turned out to be true.

Accompanied by Oreo, the elf envoy was taken to the city lord's palace and prepared to rest for a night before heading towards the imperial city.

After being told that they could move around freely but must return to the city lord's palace before nightfall, the team of knights and attendants disbanded.

The knights and attendants finally breathed a sigh of relief. They were careful along the way, not because they thought more about themselves, but mainly because they also shouldered the mission of protecting the elf princess. Although the elves sent more elites, no one dared to be careless.

"Colin, let's go out together. Even though this is a border city, there are many places to have fun. Let's go have a drink first, and then find a place to relax." A knight's attendant came over and called Colin. .

"Well, you go ahead. I'll go out later." Colin declined politely.

"Hey, you guys are so boring, let's go first."

It's not that Colin doesn't want to go out, it's that he doesn't want to go out with those knight attendants. You can guess that they must go to the tavern to hang out first, and then find a place to relax. This is not what Colin wants.

After they left for a while, Colin changed his clothes and came out of the city lord's mansion.

At the same time, Charlotte, who was tired of talking nonsense with the envoys of the Os Empire, also slipped out.

Because the orc coalition did not attack Huangyan City this time, Huangyan City has not been on alert. Various shops on the street are still operating normally, and the tavern is a frequent place for soldiers and rough guys.

As for some special pleasure places, it's not that they don't want to go, but the cost is too high, so they are only willing to go once or twice a month.

Colin walked casually on the streets of Huangyan City, observing the differences in the human cities in this plane.

After visiting several shops, Colin came to the conclusion that the wonders of nature are everywhere. Although the world is different, some similar items and potions are still connected. After finding that there are no special scarce items that he wants, Colin also lost interest in strolling.

Suddenly, Colin found something unusual. There were two people in front of him who were sneaking around and didn't know what they were doing.

Colin was also a little curious about what these two people were doing. With the mentality of being skilled and daring, he slowly followed the two people to see what was going on.

"Brother, I think it's correct. The chick in front is definitely not human."

"Did you look carefully?"

"Well, just now when she was picking up the goods at the stall, I happened to pass by and saw her face. She was so beautiful. Humans are not that beautiful. Oh, and, although she was wearing a hood, her ears seemed to be pointed. She might be an elf."

"If it's an elf, then we'll be rich. I just don't know how strong she is and whether she has any companions."

"Let's keep an eye on her for a while and find out the situation first. If we can take her down, we'll do it directly. If not, we can go back and report to the boss. It's also a great achievement. At that time, we brothers will definitely benefit."

"Well, let's go, be careful, don't let anyone find out."

With Colin's powerful mental power, if he really pays attention to the two guys in front of him, he will figure out their intentions at once. Looking at the person in front of him from the back, he does look like a woman, but he doesn't know if she is an elf. Besides, even if she is an elf, what does it have to do with him.

With the idea of ​​less trouble being the better, Colin soon gave up the pursuit and turned back to the City Lord's Mansion.

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