The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 213 Reinforcements Arrive

A week is no longer than a day for Colin, who has a life span of several hundred years. Colin has not gained anything new in these few days. If he has to say what he has gained, it may be that he has become closer to Charlotte.

Colin's vacation is over. The new task was not issued directly, but he was given options. One is to continue to make some commonly used potions in the rear, and the other is to go directly to the front to participate in the war.

Because he is already very skilled in making conventional potions, Toby the wizard next door chose the task of making potions again, so that he can free up more time to study new topics.

Colin is different. After thinking for a few minutes, he decided to choose the second option, the task of directly participating in the war. There will be many opportunities in the future. He must participate in the opportunity of the plane war once it comes, so as to accumulate good experience in the future. Colin is also a person with ideas.

Because Colin also has the experience of being an envoy to the human kingdom, after Colin chose the second task, he was sent to the area near the border between the Ethel Forest and the human kingdom.

The superior was still the old superior from last time, Lord Knight Beruk. Colin's arrival made Beruk very happy. After all, a powerful wizard is still very helpful to the direction of the local war.

When Colin came, the two sides had already started fighting. Beruk did not immediately assign tasks to Colin, but asked him to observe more. Of course, if he wanted to play, he could.

Their battlefield was a hilly area. Behind the hills was the Ethel Forest, and opposite was the vast wasteland when the orc coalition came.

The battle line of the two sides was located in this hilly mountain range. Both sides invested a lot of troops, both of which had tens of thousands of people. However, the opposing troops were mainly orcs, half-orcs, and giants. Colin's side was much more complicated. There were human coalitions, elves, knights, wizards, slave legions, and even a dwarf squad of 100 people.

Colin was also very interested in the dwarf race. With a short stature and long beard, knights of the same level were not much stronger than dwarves in terms of strength. It was hard to imagine how such a small body could have such great strength.

Each of the dwarves had a long musket, but it was not the kind that could fire continuously. For close combat, they would still take out their own blacksmithing tools, alloy hammers. They had powerful strength and could fight both near and far. Apart from being addicted to alcohol, they really had no major flaws.

After further understanding, Colin learned that this team of dwarves was actually mercenaries hired by the human kingdom. Their role was to focus fire on the opponent's middle and high-level generals on the battlefield. Well, they were also snipers from another world.

Looking at the blood and flesh flying on the battlefield, especially the battle damage like cutting wheat on the battle line, Colin once again felt the fragility of life. Strength, only strength is his greatest reliance.

Colin, who was itching to watch, did not watch the show from behind. He randomly chose a direction and began to release the group attack spell, Rain of Fire.

It should be said that the damage of fire spells is indeed not small. Colin's spell took away nearly a hundred orcs on the opposite side. Of course, these were low-level orcs. If they were above the intermediate warriors, they could still dodge if they could not beat them.

Colin's mental strength is very strong, and his mana is also abundant. He continuously releases the Rain of Fire, which creates a vacuum area in his direction. Although the opponent is still replenishing manpower in this area, the replenishment is not as fast as Colin's killing speed.

The army in front of Colin fought very easily. They only needed to work together to deal with some middle and high-level generals. The low-level orcs were killed instantly. Even if they were not killed on the spot, they could just make up a few knives at will, and the military merit was easily obtained.

After such a long battle, both sides should have a general understanding of their respective generals and soldiers. The fight in Colin's area was like this only because Colin suddenly entered the battlefield without prior preparation.

The orc coalition army was not without countermeasures. In terms of long-range, the giant's stone throwing was also a very strong physical attack method. Even a first-level knight did not dare to take the first-level giant's stone throwing head-on.

The other side also has flying combat units, and the "beast" brigade is not given for nothing. In addition, there are shamans who can use "spells" on the other side. The blessing of group spells makes the lower-level orcs on the other side have the ability to distinguish between enemies and friends.

When Colin still had half of his mana, today's battle ended, and both sides automatically evacuated the battlefield, waiting to continue on the second day.

This venting on the battlefield today made Colin feel refreshed. It was much more fun than in Steel Mane City. As expected, he still likes to be simple, rough and direct.

In the interval of releasing spells, Colin also focused on observing the dwarf musketeers again. It should be said that they are indeed worthy of the title of sniper. They are accurate in hitting intermediate warriors. As long as they hit, they will definitely be killed or injured. Even if they are hitting advanced warriors, as long as three musketeers focus on fire at the same time, the advanced warriors will not be in a good situation.

And most of these musketeers are of low-to-medium strength, and their captain is only a quasi-level.

There are countless worlds and countless races. Humans are not the only ones in the universe. Even among humans, there are many subtle differences. We must not be blindly arrogant. We must be careful and careful in the future and not underestimate any alien race.

Colin reminded himself again and summarized what he had learned from the battlefield today.

In the following year, Colin received a total of four rotation vacations, each lasting about a week. There was no major change in the battle line between the two sides. The battle line seemed to be a large meat grinder, constantly harvesting soldiers from both sides.

The orc coalition was unable to attack for the time being, but Colin and his team, he knew, were not unable to attack, but were waiting for reinforcements to arrive before launching a complete counterattack.

During this period, Charlotte once secretly followed Colin to their battlefield. Fortunately, with Colin's care, no accidents happened. Charlotte was also a young man with great success. Whether it was her exquisite archery or her proficient wood magic, Colin looked up to her.

Well, she was definitely not a vase, but she had less social experience.

After returning, Charlotte was confined by Queen Margaret, at least not allowed to leave Siyue City before reinforcements arrived.

Since Colin was a wizard ally and a lifesaver, she didn't say anything to Colin, but Queen Margaret still talked to Colin once, and inadvertently kept pointing at Colin, saying nonsense like racial separation, people should be self-aware, and don't ask for favors.

Colin had to bow his head in front of the third-level creature. Besides, he had no other bad intentions. He just wanted to make Charlotte, his friend, happy.


On this day, the sky of the Agri plane became dark again, and eighty airships flew over the Ethel Forest.

All the major forces in the Agri plane felt this heavy pressure. Even Listan’s allies didn’t know how the situation would evolve after the introduction of these reinforcements.

The Orcs’ coalition held an emergency meeting to shrink the battle line. They didn’t want the existing battle line and retreated nearly a hundred miles.

Because everyone knew that the reinforcements of the Listan Knights’ Alliance had arrived!

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