The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 214 The counterattack begins and the reactions of all parties

The leader of Listan's reinforcements this time was Othello Sky Knight. In addition to bringing a large number of Listan knights, he also bought a large number of slave legions, and the additional forces sent by Victor Xueguo's family. In addition, he also introduced two allies, namely the Lyris Family from the Warlock Alliance and the Mobham Desert Kingdom.

After the reinforcements arrived, Othello conveyed the latest orders of Listan Demigod Knight to Stanley. Othello was responsible for this full-scale attack, and Stanley was responsible for auxiliary work.

The arrival of Listan's reinforcements made the Agri plane begin to have a strange peace. Neither the human kingdoms nor the orc coalition started a new war.

The orc coalition was discussing countermeasures, and the elves, humans and Listan were also preparing for the final war resolution.

While waiting for the arrival of the envoys of the human kingdoms, Colin's curiosity made him visit the reinforcements between the Lyris Family and the Mobham Desert Kingdom.

The two sides had no intention of rejecting the visits of some friendly wizards. As natives of the wizard world, more friends mean more paths. Besides, they can also exchange what they have. The arrival of a large number of people has led to the rise of a small trading market in the base outside Siyue City.

The main source of the blood of the Li Ruisi Warlock Family is the mammoth giants of ancient times. As long as the warlocks of the family reach adulthood, they have the strength of the quasi-level. The cultivation of warlocks is not as complicated as that of wizards. They only have one way to purify their blood. The purer the blood, the stronger the strength. Of course, they are limited by the source of the blood. The warlock group is made or broken by blood. Few warlock families break through the shackles of their ancestors and reach a new realm.

The family characteristics of warlocks also determine that they will not easily marry outsiders, and more often they solve problems within the family. After countless years, although the relationship has become closer and the purity of the bloodline has been guaranteed, the descendants of the family are very different. The excellent ones can only maintain a very low level. Most of them are losers with mixed bloodlines and cannot reach the first level in their entire lives.

In the Mobhan Desert Kingdom, due to the geographical location and natural environment, it is difficult for magic professionals to practice in the country. There are very few wizards in the country, and more are knights, sand bandits and other professionals. Of course, the official strength must be regular knights. General Reid who led the team to help this time is a sky knight.

As for the Victor family where Master Xueguo is located, it is already attached to the Listan Knight Alliance. Not to mention the wizards trained in the family, many family children who do not have the wizard physique have joined the Listan Knight Alliance. Naturally, there is nothing special to say, and it is natural to send more people.

Colin didn't know what price Listan paid to find the two allies of the Lyris Warlock Family and the Mobham Desert Kingdom. I think the price would not be small. Colin, who has participated in several small-scale plane wars, thought that the follow-up would definitely be directly linked to the interests of the entire Agri plane.

As for how the war in the Agri plane will develop in the future, Colin guessed that it is likely that Listan has a big plan this time, and he will not easily stop fighting without a satisfactory interest.

On the second day after Othello arrived, he received an invitation from the Elf Queen Margaret.

Accompanied by Stanley, Othello arrived at the Elf Council Hall in Siyue City with the Knight of Red Sky, the Mammoth Warlock of Trifen Lyris and Master Xueguo.

The elf queen Margaret warmly received Othello and his party. The content of their conversation this time focused on two aspects. One was the issue of the distribution of benefits after the arrival of the human kingdoms. Both the elves and Listan hoped that they would reach an agreement in advance and then discuss the distribution of benefits after the war with the human kingdoms. The second was the commonplace, to what extent the war should be advanced, whether to completely destroy the orc coalition and destroy the country, or to completely defeat other races except the elves.

The content of the first aspect was relatively easy to negotiate. After all, they had cooperated for many years, and it was not the first time that Othello and Margaret met. Othello also served as a garrison knight.

The topic of the second aspect was more complicated and could not be agreed upon. According to Othello's idea, it was to directly destroy the orc coalition and completely enslave them for my use. Those few giants, without the support of the orcs, did not have much power and could not make any waves. As for the human kingdoms, it would be best to destroy two countries and then divide one country into many small principalities for future rule.

Margaret thought more. Elves were naturally disgusted with orcs, and she didn't think about how they would be treated next. But if the human kingdom was destroyed, what about the elves? What should the elves do next? You know, the elves' fertility rate has always been low. It is difficult to rule the Agri plane under the current conditions. Then, will Listan rule Agri or the elves?

When the contradiction is irreconcilable, will the covenant not be torn up? You know, the covenant has only been around for a few decades, and it is hard to say whether it will be renewed. This is the key point that Margaret has been reluctant to agree to Othello's opinion.

The dispute between the two sides did not reach a unified opinion until the envoys of the human kingdoms arrived.

Now that the three major human empires have joined, the second topic can no longer be discussed, and only the first topic can be discussed. On this point, both the elves and humans have no objection and quickly reached a consensus.

After reaching a consensus, the human kingdoms went back to continue to increase war mobilization. In the past, they resisted the invasion, and now they are on a full-scale offensive. The existing military force is far from enough, and they cannot rely on these alien Listans alone. Humans are the natives of the Agri plane, and this is related to the distribution of interests after the war. Can they not try their best?

Othello was a little upset about the fact that there was no consensus on the second content, but he had to eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time. He had to destroy the orc coalition first. When the situation was right, he really destroyed the human kingdoms. Would the elves dare to turn against him?

At the same time, the orc coalition was also holding an urgent meeting.

In the capital of the orc empire, in the palace meeting hall, the orc emperor Bolt Tiger looked at the ministers who were arguing non-stop. It has been almost two months, and there is no result. It is really a headache.

However, the Rhine Lion Clan, who is also a royal family, has not expressed any opinions. The Fox Fox Clan, the think tank of the orcs, has not expressed any opinions either. Instead, those lower-level races are arguing non-stop.

As for the giants, they would not express any opinions. Due to the extremely low birth rate, there are less than 300 giants in the entire Agri plane. If they were not strong, they would have withdrawn from the long river of life long ago.

"Okay, shut up!" Bolt Tiger shouted impatiently.

Seeing that the orc emperor was angry, the orc ministers below finally came to their senses, stopped arguing, and waited for Bolt Tiger to give orders.

Bolt Tiger looked around and saw that no one was willing to express an opinion, so he was too lazy to ask. At this time, any retreat and surrender would be a blow to his side. The only way was to fight to the death, not to mention that it was not certain who would win.

"As long as all the orcs and half-orcs who can pick up weapons go into battle, regardless of gender, and all races, go and mobilize. The orcs will never retreat a single step, and the orcs will never be slaves!"

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