The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 107 [107] Three parties confront each other, who is the real predator?

[The rules are as follows: There are 10,000 Dark Medals in each of the Fire Mantian Secret Realm and the Corrosion Forest Secret Realm. They do not exist in physical form and can be collected by wizards in the form of data (contact is required). The number of Dark Medals you have directly affects the ranking of the secret realm competition. ]

[Note: When you choose to end the secret realm, you will be teleported away. The current number of Dark Medals you have will be used as the standard for ranking, and the medals in the secret realm will be permanently reduced. However, within three minutes of ending the secret realm, the Dark Medals owned by the wizard will be left in place, and other wizards can pick them up. ]

The sun cannot penetrate the heavy branches and leaves. In the dim light, a figure wearing a black wizard robe leans against a dark tree. There are such trees all around, and dark fallen leaves are floating on the ground. This is an unusual wetland swamp.

The stench made Wang Ya frown slightly, and he lowered his head to take a look at the sticky sewage that covered the soles of his shoes. He was wearing rain boots, made of extraordinary materials, waterproof and able to prevent some insect bites.

These are secondary, mental perception can detect some dangers in advance, and particle energy arranges a very weak layer of protection on the surface of the skin.

Poisonous insects, harmful bacteria, spores and other things will be burned in advance by high temperature when they approach Wang Ya's respiratory tract.

After Wang Ya's improvement, the scarlet heat witchcraft can also be semi-permanently activated in the body.

Wang Ya knew that he had entered the secret realm of the Corrosion Forest, so he immediately used these methods, and the consumption of particle energy was not much.

Lifting his right foot, the surface of the shoe was covered with tiny insects, their heads biting on the shoes, their bodies twisting, and there were probably hundreds of them densely packed.

The environment of the Corrosion Forest is harsh, even beyond Wang Ya's expectations. If you step barefoot in these sewage, you will be a skeleton in a moment, and mortals will never survive in this place.

Harak flapped his wings and landed on his shoulders, with his black pupils, observing the surroundings, very quietly.

The surrounding environment was also dead silent, with only complex black trees arranged in different heights, some were a hundred meters high, and some were only a dozen meters.

Recalling the records in the library, could these black trees be Yin trees? But there is no doubt that the Corrosion Forest is not Wang Ya's home ground. Most of the particle energy in the environment is inert, while the fire element particle energy witchcraft is active.

If it were in the fire, Wang Ya's witchcraft and strength might be improved.

But it does not mean that he is at a disadvantage. The Shadow Killing Blade appeared in his hand and stabbed into the trunk of the black tree behind him. Under the influence of the particle energy, a dark snake gradually emerged, struggling painfully, twisting its body to try to get rid of it.

Wang Ya's pupils were shining with a blue sparse luster.

[Target: Soul Devouring Snake]

[Details: They absorb spiritual power and particle energy as food, and are also extremely eager for flesh and blood with extraordinary properties. The corrosive liquid released by Yin trees is what they like, and can also be a protection in childhood, and is also the main food. 】

The blade of the Shadow Killer Blade slowly retracted, and the body of the Soul Devouring Snake fell into the muddy sewage. Before the green blood could even flow out, it was devoured and turned into a grim skeleton.

The environment of the Corroded Forest is a threat, and the creatures that exist there are even more of a threat, so we must always pay attention.

The Soul Devouring Snake has appeared, so the ghost should not be far away.

The existence of the ghost is very strange, somewhat similar to the vengeful spirit, but also different. The soul of the life that died in the secret realm will not dissipate, but will be absorbed by the Yin tree, thus giving birth to the ghost.

It will also desire the flesh and blood of the living, which is a paranoid desire to obtain warmth and satisfy the cold and missing desire in the heart.

Even the Soul Devouring Snake will be attacked by the ghost, and the young Soul Devouring Snake will be killed.

The adult Soul Devouring Snake is no longer afraid of the ghost, and can even use the corrosive liquid secreted by the Yin tree to harm the ghost.

A unique symbiotic relationship, with the Yin tree as the core, absorbs the energy of natural particles, thereby secreting corrosive liquid to achieve ecological stability.

According to the rules, 10,000 Dark Medals are stored in various places in the Corrosion Forest Secret Realm. The next thing to do is to obtain as many Dark Medals as possible.

Wang Ya frowned slightly, and he was considering another point in the rules.

If a wizard obtains enough Dark Medals and encounters another wizard, it is very likely that he will be robbed.

Because even if you choose to leave the secret realm, the collected Dark Medals will not disappear immediately. They will remain in the original place for about ten minutes before disappearing. They can be picked up by other wizards and used as the score for the number of medals.

The wizard who leaves will be calculated as zero medals.

This can put the wizards who are reborn in the secret realm into a dilemma. How many medals are enough?

Find a place where no one is and leave. Are the number of medals you have enough to be selected for a higher quota?

If you don't leave and continue to look for more medals, and encounter other wizards who are robbed, then you will have nothing.

There will be no punishment for death in the secret realm competition, which is within the scope of the rules.

"It's amazing." Wang Ya admired the wizard behind the scenes who designed the secret realm competition. He considered all aspects and truly achieved a balance between fairness, competitiveness, assessment, and even viewing pleasure.

Now, the scene of them in the secret realm should be watched by many wizards.

There are still some threats that have to be considered. The rules do not prohibit the alliance between new wizards.

If multiple new wizards unite to hunt other new wizards and obtain more dark medals

Wang Ya's eyes flickered. In any case, it is better to prepare in advance.

The wizard mark will sense the existence of the dark medal, and the range is one hundred meters.

Wang Ya did not know how many secret realms there were in the Corrosion Forest. All he knew was the division of the secret realm area: swamp area, dense forest area, and disorder area.

The current location should be the dense forest area. The environment is relatively safe, and there will only be threats such as ghosts and soul-eating snakes.

If you go to the swamp area, it will be much more troublesome. No one knows how many underwater dangers there are. There may be large-sized extraordinary creatures.

Beep beep!

The rapid sound was accompanied by the flashing of small red light dots. A large number of flying mechanical creations flew out of the black woods, vibrating the artificial cicada wings behind them at an ultra-high frequency, which can achieve high-speed movement in a small range.

These things are extremely delicate, and one can even experience a unique mechanical beauty from the specific mosaic patterns.

The energy converges at the front end of the mechanical creation through a finer conduction line, similar to the muzzle of the eye, and a numbing breath rises.

The next moment, a scarlet energy beam pierces out, and through the locking system, it forms a cluster attack of energy beams. The nearby Yinmu and Soul Devouring Snakes are all beaten into sieves. This attack lasted for ten seconds.

With the high temperature of burning breath, an extremely safe open area was formed.

A figure wearing a gray wizard robe walked out, and there were a lot of flying mechanical creations floating beside him.

However, unlike the flying mechanical creation that released the scarlet beam, the energy light formed was blue, and there was no eye-shaped muzzle, but various octopus-like mechanical tentacles, which seemed to have other functions.

Gurest Mad carefully observed the surrounding environment, nodded slightly as if to confirm, and began to use the floating assistant made by mechanical witchcraft, that is, the tentacle floating machine, to build a temporary base for him.

From the sleeves of the wizard robe, he took out a lot of extraordinary metal equipment originals.

These floating mechanical assistants used octopus-like tentacles to decompose these metal equipment originals and began to make a combat platform base dedicated to mechanical wizards.

The biggest difference between the mechanical wizard system and other wizard systems is that the battle needs to rely on mechanical witchcraft to form corresponding mechanical creations to assist in the battle.

Of course, Gurest's combat core is not just mechanical creations, the real killer lies in himself.

"I don't know where Atri teleported to. I hope he is in the same secret realm with me, otherwise it will be a bit troublesome." Gurest has a horse face, a hooked nose, and a very mature look in his eyes. He is thinking about relevant countermeasures.

If the rules allow, how to get more dark medals.

The original plan was to cooperate with his younger brother Atri. The two mechanical wizards knew each other well and could cooperate. It was definitely a combination greater than two.

Then hunt other new wizards, get the Dark Medals in their hands, and take the top three places together.

This is not impossible. Their proprietary mechanical wizardry - floating creations, are extremely good at exploration and can find the existence of other wizards through thermal imaging.

In terms of combat, the two of them have also had the experience of fighting against the family's third-level wizard apprentice.

It is too easy to deal with other new wizards.

The search for the Dark Medal is much more troublesome. It is just a special information collection that can be sensed and absorbed by the wizard mark, but cannot be found by other means.

"Forget it. The secret realm is so big. There must be some secrets or dangerous places in the Dark Medal. Find my brother first, and then consider other things."

Even if you hunt other new wizards, you have to let them search for a period of time and obtain a certain number of Dark Medals before it is worth hunting.

Gurest took off his clothes and tore off the skin on his chest, revealing the mechanized internal structure. As the small door in the heart part opened, a new floating creature flew out and disappeared directly on the spot with the flow of energy.

Chameleon floating, used for hidden exploration, is difficult to find even for a second-level wizard apprentice if he does not carefully identify it and use mental power to perceive it.

First go to find other wizard freshmen and mark these targets.

If you can find Etri, it would be the best. If you can't find it, he can only do it alone.

"This secret realm is too big. If it is within 100,000 meters, you can sense each other with Etri through the mechanical core."

Gurest shook his head and took off his right wrist, revealing a structure similar to a mechanical tentacle. The tip began to heat up, which was used for the chimera of mechanical creatures and the connection to the combat platform base for subsequent construction.

A qualified hunter needs to have enough patience to wait for the fatness of the prey.

The calm ground was covered with black fallen leaves. The Yin wood was not like ordinary trees that would wither and turn yellow. As long as the particle energy remained in the secret realm, it would remain the same.

The oldest Yin wood in the Corrosion Forest Secret Realm was five thousand years old. The older ones had been collected by the Dark Land Headquarters as precious extraordinary materials.

A figure in a wizard's robe stood next to a huge Yin tree, relying only on the grip of his right hand to support his body without touching his legs to the ground.

It should be said that this is not the ground, but a bottomless turbid and putrid liquid. However, the fallen leaves and dust over the years hide the danger very well. Zach Antoun can even detect the greedy gaze peeping at him.

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, no matter what the hell, he dared to catch his attention.

The gray particle energy spread from the fingertips to the Yin wood. Some of the branches were controlled by him and wrapped around a soul-eating snake. The sharp wood grew inside the body. In an instant, it was riddled with holes, and green blood dripped on it. on the turbid layer below.

The floating driftwood was stimulated by the smell of blood. With a 'pop' sound, the water bloomed, and a black-skinned lizard jumped out. Its mouth was as long and flat as a crocodile, and it used shark-like teeth to bite it in one bite.

The cold particle energy turned into a gray streak and wrapped around the body of this unknown extraordinary creature. Its limbs were bound and entangled. With the continuous contraction, some wooden structures appeared on the skin and flesh.

Zach Antune sneered: "Let's start with you, become my first puppet."

"The Sky of Fire is more suitable for Isar's witchcraft, but the Corrosive Forest makes my puppet witchcraft like a fish in water."

A moment later, a half-plant wooden structure, half-flesh creature floated on the water of the swamp. Zach stepped on his back with an expectant expression on his face, "Every creature in the secret realm can become my puppet and be controlled by me." . As long as there are enough puppets, no matter how secret the Dark Medal is, it can be found. Or..."

His eyes gradually became colder, "The same goes for finding other wizards. You can always get more Dark Medals. Those who know what they are interested in will leave, and those who don't know what they are interested in will die."

He was under a lot of pressure. The future of the Antun family was on his back, and he had to prove to his father that he was no one's substitute.

He can do better than anyone else, and he can also get the top three spots, proving it to everyone.

To do this, whatever it takes.

The new wizards in other areas of the Corrosive Forest also made their own choices. Some successfully found the Medal of Darkness; others were in danger and were unable to exit the secret realm.

From the moment you set foot in the secret realm, the assessment has already begun.

From the mixed group of freshmen, the freshmen with real potential will be gradually screened out during the assessment. These people will also be the fresh blood of the Dark Land and the real future.

Not everyone deserves the opportunity and resources given by the Dark Land Headquarters.

The corresponding images are also presented to the outside world, in the light and shadow projected on the Xinsheng Square, and are monitored in real time by the center of the witch formation. It is then transcribed to the Dark Information Center. Wizards of the headquarters who are interested in watching it can pay a certain magic stone fee to watch it.

Of course, wizards in Xinsheng Square do not need to spend this magic stone.

The Jialan wizard has left and should go back to take a nap.

After all, there were only a few teaching wizards who left. Wizard Lando and Wizard Fengxing stood next to Wizard Gusay. They talked and looked at the contents of the projection screen.

Kazantun was also standing nearby, with his back straight, watching the situation in the light and shadow screen. The content of the screen is automatically selected and displayed by the center, such as the elimination of new students, the new students encountering danger and fighting.

Or what kind of outcome will be the encounter between freshmen and freshmen.

"This batch of new wizards, how should I put it, are too strong and too weak." Wizard Lando yawned and said, "It's not interesting, there is nothing exciting to see."

The Fengxing Wizard also said: "It is still in the elimination stage, and some bad freshmen have been screened out, and the remaining freshmen will encounter each other sooner or later. The more Dark Medals you have, the wider the fluctuations of information emitted will be."

"It's equivalent to a piece of fat flesh and blood, which will attract other predators, but the meat itself has a powerful predator guardian." Kazian Tuun suddenly interjected, with aggressive eyes and a smile. Said: "So some of you think who will be the last predator in the secret realm of the Corrosion Forest!"

The atmosphere was somewhat depressing, as the two sides belonged to different factions.

But after all, the other party is the ultimate wizard apprentice. Wizard Gusai took the initiative to answer: "It takes time to confirm. Only predators who are strong enough, outstanding enough, and smart enough can stand at the end."

Wizard Lando shouted, "Wow, there's something good to see. The little guy we chose is going to meet other wizards. No, there's more than one. There's also a new wizard coming from the other direction, and the three sides are facing each other. , Tsk, tsk, tsk, that’s so interesting.”

The conversation of the Gusai wizard Kaziantun was interrupted, and everyone looked over.

The former comes with a bit of expectation. The latter was out of curiosity and exploration, wanting to determine what kind of strength this back-up man from the school had, and whether it would pose a threat to the wizard family alliance's plan.

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