The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 108 [108] Blood Wizard Are you kidding me? Will I die?

The fist-sized medal, emitting a dim light, floated next to a huge yin tree. The soul-eating snake, which made a hissing sound, showed its fangs to the uninvited guest. Its pure black scaly body refracted the light, and the corrosive liquid dripped onto the ground, emitting a faint green smoke.

Wang Ya walked straight to the location of the dark medal, stretched out his white palm, and the dark wizard mark also emitted a faint glow, pulling each other.

There was a whistling sound in the air, and the deeper and darker shadows drove the breeze. The claws pierced into the huge soul-eating snake three inches, trying to struggle, raising its head to bite. A black granulation tentacle grew from the end of Halak's feathers and pierced into the soul-eating snake's body.

As the extraordinary characteristics of the deep infection touch were exerted, a layer of gray spots gradually covered the soul-eating snake's body from the wound. If viewed from a microscopic level, Halak's bacteriophage had completely invaded the deep cell genes of the soul-eating snake, infecting and replicating it for transformation.

The Dark Medal turned into a stream of information and flowed into the palm.

[Current number of Dark Medals: 12]

It's not too much or too little, after all, the time is not long.

The soul-eating snake affected by the infection, with strange gray stripes, climbed into the depths of the Yinmu Forest and disappeared.

Harak's deep infection ability is not limited to the need to use the main body to operate. The infected creatures can attack and infect more creatures under control.

It is not like the Gandasi dog, which completely devours and replaces the flesh and blood cells in the host. It is more of a symbiosis, orderly control, and the infected body can continue to grow and develop by absorbing particle energy or other food.

If Wang Ya does not choose to do anything to the infected body, the Harak bacteriophage can become the source of power for the corresponding infected body, giving it a certain degree of swallowing and strengthening ability.

Of course, there is an upper limit. Without the fusion of infinite genomes, the gene bloodline itself has an upper limit. If it devours to the end, its own will and spirit will be lost, and it will become a bacteriophage carrying flesh and blood with only the instinct of devouring.

For Halak, it is more beneficial, as he can turn it into food at any time and integrate it into his body.

Or swallow it, improve Halak's potential level and complete the gene fragment.

Halak flew onto his shoulder, and Wang Ya's eyes were full of inexplicable colors. I am afraid that only he himself knows the intention of this move.

Consciousness imprint can allow him to have Halak's perspective and control the phage infected body to a certain extent.

The more infected creatures, the more strength and eyes he has, and the number of dark medals will be exposed, so that he can find the traces of other wizards in advance.

The Fire Mantian Secret Realm has advantages, which can enhance the power of fire element particle energy witchcraft.

The Corrosion Forest Secret Realm also has advantages, which is convenient for Halak to release his abilities. It is an alternative home field, even superior to the Fire Mantian.

The fire spirit itself is not a flesh and blood material creature, but an energy creature, and Halak cannot influence it.

Wang Ya said that he had no idea of ​​being a predator, which was a lie.

However, there is not much meaning in hunting some weak new wizards.

If you want to do it, be a predator among predators and become the strongest predator.

The dark medals on other predators are much more than ordinary new wizards.

Wang Ya has walked out of the slightly wet and muddy dense forest environment.

He can see many extraordinary creatures with secret characteristics, or ordinary creatures, moving quickly in the dense forest. Because of the limitations of the environment itself, their bodies are destined to be small, and they are mostly outstanding in speed and perception, which is the choice of natural ecological evolution.

Suddenly, Wang Ya stopped, with a somewhat subtle look, looking in one direction of the Yinmu Forest.

A creature that has the ability to change color, a combination of a lizard and a snake, releases its snake tongue, collects pheromones in the air, and lies on a Yinmu.

Not far away, a figure wearing a black wizard robe, with a slightly hurried pace and a faintly pale face, seems to have suffered a lot of injuries, and looks back from time to time, as if something is chasing him.


Blood dripped from the fingertips, full of pungent smell, not only attracting the existence behind him, but also attracting all the extraordinary creatures in the surrounding Yinmu forest.

Halich Church was annoyed at why his luck was so bad. He was a wizard of the Wizard Family Alliance and a direct descendant of the Church family among the top ten wizard families.

Compared with his brother Dante's excellence, he was undoubtedly much weaker and could only be regarded as the second echelon among the new wizards.

Entering the Corrosion Forest and being separated from his brother Dante, he also met the freak of the Shebill family.

He was a madman who killed people at will without asking any questions. He had no interest in the Dark Medal. It was as if he was deliberately wandering around to kill new students without any signs.

"Rayleigh Shebill, I will remember you." Halich covered his almost broken arm and quickened his pace. He had to find a safe place as soon as possible to repair his injuries by speeding up his body's metabolism and consuming enough cells.

Fortunately, no important organs were injured. He is a special elemental wizard. While practicing elemental witchcraft, he also further uses related wizard methods to train his body.

Together with his brother "Dante", he developed a special elemental body-building witchcraft, forming a number of special extraordinary organs.


With a big breath, a new force burst out from his heart, supporting his speed a little faster, almost reaching the limit of what the human eye can capture, a blurry afterimage.

Haliqi was also unlucky. If he met other people, it wouldn't be such a big problem, but he encountered Rayleigh, who followed the path of a blood wizard and studied the flesh and blood human body.

He was very restrained! !

His whole body was covered with blood vessels, and his dazzling bright red palms grabbed the blood-stained soil on the ground. He took a deep breath intoxicatedly and discerned the power of the blood cells in it, far exceeding that of ordinary wizards, and even most of them. of medium extraordinary creatures.

This is exactly what he wants, not some dark medal, and he doesn't even care about the so-called quota. Of course, in order to make those members of the family happy, he did it casually, which could be exchanged for more resources.

The skin was full of bulges, and veins were beating on the forehead and neck, as if it was coming to life, highlighting the face that was not very good-looking, making it even more ferocious and ferocious.

Riley used his long tongue to lick his teeth and lips. His pupils were bloodshot, and his expression was extremely sick and longing. "More corpses will allow me to study more mysteries of flesh and blood. The body after the elemental wizard's radiation has affected it, The body affected by the black wizard’s curse and soul witchcraft, and the body affected by the dream wizard’s special means. I want them all.”

"With this attractive blood, even if I can't get the physical body of Dante who takes the path of a battle wizard, your Halic body can at least allow me to have a glimpse of the battle wizard, and even the body of 'Dante' some secrets.”

Reilly feels that he is really lucky to have encountered so many fresh and energetic bodies instead of the two stupid, disgusting guys like Aitli and Guterres.

"Stupid Haliqi, no matter how far you run away, you can't cover up the wonderful smell."


The sound of bones rubbing against each other, and under the influence of particle energy, Rayleigh's body underwent astonishing changes. The blood vessels piled up one by one from their original positions and wrapped around the legs and heart. The bones also shifted and became more suitable for movement.

If a wizard observes the inside of Rayleigh's body, he will find that every cell of his flesh and blood shows a greedy desire to devour, hungry for nutrients.

He disappeared from the spot at a speed so fast that it could not be caught by the naked eye.

Even the wizard's spiritual perception can only detect it, and the physical body and reflex arc have no time to react.

The vegetation was blown by the strong wind, and some extraordinary creatures that were unexpectedly encountered were directly knocked into blood mist. It seemed that Rayleigh had also achieved an extremely high level in terms of defense.

From the perspective of the outside world, it can be clearly seen that Haliqi Qiuji is about to encounter Wang Ya who is walking towards this side, and Reilly is chasing him very fast, surpassing Haliqi's speed by almost three seconds. People will meet at the same time.

"It's so interesting. The secret realm competition has just begun, and the strongest freshmen wizards are already fighting each other."

At the salon, the Shoggoth wizard pointed at the content on the projected screen with a bright smile.

In daily life, the Shoggoth wizard also smiles a lot, and it is difficult to see negative emotions on his face.

Wizard Yisi calmly drank the remaining cup of milk tea. Even though his speech just now was interrupted by Shoggoth, he still had no emotional reaction.

The more you experience it, the more you will naturally get used to it.

If he had been able to beat the Shoggoth, he would have smashed his head into pieces.

The Saiyan wizard spoke, "Look at the situation in the picture. The two members of the wizard family are taking the path of the blood wizard and the path of the elemental wizard respectively."

"On the other hand, this little guy who came into contact with the evil god incident doesn't have much details. The nurturing crow on his shoulder seems a little special."

The Saiyan wizard's words made the other wizards present slightly nod, and they also discovered something special about Wang Ya, that is, they still haven't seen what path he took.

Because there is no concrete expression.

The possibility of an elemental wizard is very high, and the possibility of other wizard paths cannot be denied. Some wizards will be involved in multiple wizard systems. It is not impossible to merge them, as long as the core of their own wizard path is determined.

Wizard Irene's cold expression touched her, "Then who do you think will be the final winner among these three people?"

From the performance point of view, the new students who follow the blood wizard path will not let go of any new students they encounter; the new students who run away from the elemental path are weak and may die;

The only difference is the little guy they bet on.

"I don't know. If I were at the scene, I might be able to judge. I can't see it through the screen." The person who spoke was a young man wearing a green wizard robe with short green hair. He was not old and his aura was very peaceful.

He is the second in command of the Deadwood School and is called the Green Goblin Wizard.

Wizard Yisi finally spoke, and he said coldly: "Wang Yahalak has other help behind him. He may not be much weaker. At least he will have the strength to compete for the top three. The strength of the second-level wizard apprentice, coupled with the mastery of medium witchcraft, This is the most basic."

His tone was very bad and he spoke very quickly. Some wizards who know the inside story also understand the reason.

The Shoggoth wizard next to him laughed even worse. He walked over and patted Wizard Yisi on the shoulder, "It's okay, little Yisi. I just rejected you. When the competition in the secret realm is over, I will find your place again." ”

"This little guy is very mysterious. Although I don't know who is behind it, he is still in the top ten, no matter how bad he is. He is qualified to choose the extraordinary school to join."

The Shoggoth wizard winked at Wizard Yisi and said in a tone of mutual hatred, "You know, little Yisi, when the time comes, I will tell you directly and reject his joining, and help you earn back your face."

Wizard of Yisi: "."

Wizard Yisi wanted to say something, just shut up, but the corners of his mouth twitched and he still didn't speak. He lowered his head and drank his milk tea silently.

Projection in conference room.

The heads of the wizarding families also became interested and stared at the content on the projection screen. Among them were the head of the Shebir family, 'Gudley' and the head of the Church family, 'Kishlin'. They were very emotional. The most exciting.

The latter's eyes were widened, and he appeared directly from the shadow. His old face was filled with anger, and he stared at Gudley Shebir. His face said that he wanted to eat him, and everyone else present would believe.

"Gudley, I need an explanation. If anything goes wrong with Haliqi, I will never let that bastard of yours go."

Gudrich Shebir said with a bit of ridicule: "What's wrong? Our Lord Kishling knows that he feels distressed."

As soon as his voice changed, his expression became extremely cold, "My little son, when Leif died, I was not as excited as you. I still remember who said with a righteous expression that he had done something wrong. , you have to pay the price.”

"Now, everything is within the rules. Even if your son is killed by my son, it is normal."

Gishline Church's anger grew, and he banged the table angrily, with a sinister look on his face, "Then I will tell you, I will kill your little brat."

Pony Stark coughed, which relieved the tense atmosphere.

"They are all members of the Wizarding Family Alliance. I have said it a long time ago that we can't be so rigid. Everyone should do what they can." Pony Stark said to Gudley again: "What happened before, then It was a violation of the rules and forced to sacrifice the two little guys. The Grandet family didn't say anything. Gudley, you need to pay attention to your thoughts. "

Occam Mader also persuaded Kishline, "Everyone competes in the secret realm based on their own abilities. There are secret realm rules. This little guy can choose to leave the secret realm and end the battle when he is losing."

The rest of the people also spoke one after another, finally relaxing the atmosphere.

However, the two heads of the family still looked at each other coldly. After the conflict occurred, it was not so easy to resolve.

"There is a third person, Wang Yahalak. I wonder what you think of the Gudley family." Puni Stark suddenly asked.

Gudley Shebir's tone was calm and full of confidence, "Rayley can't lose to any new wizard in the secret realm, even the back-up of the school."

"You can just watch and see how he solves this variable. The wizard family alliance plan will not be affected, and the top three spots are destined to include Rayleigh."

The thoughts of the other figures present were unknown. But seeing Gudley so confident, his eyes became solemn and fell on the little guy named Leili Shebier.

The blood wizard's path, as shown so far, should not be all of him.

Kishline sneered in the shadows. You Gudley is confident, so he is not confident. When thinking of his eldest son Dante, one has to recall the inheritance of the battle wizard that he accidentally purchased two years ago.

The inheritance called the Equis Secrets had lofty intentions and extraordinary depth of knowledge, which even he was amazed by.

It's a pity that it's only a fragment, but for Dante, it is still very suitable and has reached an extremely high level of practice.

Dante will definitely have a place in the top three spots in this secret realm competition.

He firmly believes it! !

The back-up man of the school, the Shebill family, and the most outstanding elemental genius of the Stark family, 'Rhodes', are all bullshit.


Haliqi's pupils shrank, severe pain came from his left arm, which was completely broken, and a large amount of blood dripped from the gaps between the fingers of his right hand.

He gritted his teeth and looked extremely ugly. He chose to stop and leaned against a huge dark tree in the nearby dense forest. He took a deep breath and tore open the wizard's robe.

A shocking scarlet color was revealed, and a huge tooth bite mark spread from the shoulder joint to the deltoid muscle. The bite was so deep that even part of the bone was broken.

This was an injury caused by that madman Rayleigh using blood magic.

The radiation effect of the particle energy made it impossible to heal the wound. He originally thought he could suppress it for a moment, but he didn't expect. Halic's expression changed drastically and he looked to the right, where a nightmare-like figure appeared there with a sick look on his face. The smile, the teeth are wide open, it's Leili Shebier! !

He has caught up.

Haliqi had a lot of psychological shadow on Reilly. He subconsciously took a step or two back and stared at the opponent.

He didn't want to leave the secret realm just like this unless he had to. It was really too humiliating.

"Reilly Shebill, what do you want? I don't even have a Dark Medal on me, so don't go too far."

Halic's words were as pale as his face.

He was extremely vigilant in his heart. This Leili Shebir was definitely the most terrifying enemy he had ever encountered in his life.

Bang bang!

His heart beat very fast, and the blood flow rate reached the highest level. The particle energy stimulated all the extraordinary organs in the body, thus forming a powerful biological force field, which not only defended himself, but also could attack at any time.

This was his all-out effort, and even the stimulation of particle energy was done in an overloaded state.

His muscles swelled, and the wounds stopped bleeding. Under the action of strong muscle fibers, they initially adhered.

His skin flushed, the blood vessels in his neck were restrained, and his eyes were extremely solemn.

This was all he could do. Once the opponent made any unusual movements, he would immediately take action.

The smile on Rayleigh Shebir's face gradually subsided, and his expression became solemn. He did not have the morbid madness he had before, but was very calm.

The aura on his body was no longer violent and impulsive, but restrained and suppressed.

This was the right choice for wizards in battle, not revealing any possible flaws, and only when encountering a powerful opponent would they do so.

Harich showed some hope in his eyes. Sure enough, his strength could make Rayleigh Shebir afraid, and maybe he could continue to stay in the secret realm.

Otherwise, Rayleigh Shebir would not have shown this attitude.

"Rayleigh Shebir, I don't want to get too entangled with you. Although my current extreme state cannot be maintained for too long, it does not mean that I am not determined to fight to the death."

Haliqi frowned and said: "It is better to leave each other and live in peace!"

Rayleigh Shebir spoke, his face gloomy as water, "Who are you? I have never seen you among the freshmen of the wizard family."

In his opinion, such a powerful opponent will only appear among the freshmen of the wizard family.

But it is not within his understanding.

Could it be

Haliqi: "."

Haliqi was stunned for a moment. What does this mean? What is Rayleigh Shebir talking about?

"Do you want to start now?"

The indifferent voice came from behind Haliqi, which made his face change greatly and even more creepy.

What a joke!

There is actually another person, and he has never found it.

This is impossible! !

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