The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 141 [141] Steady improvement, breakthrough in the dream meditation method

Holding this book [Analysis of Dreams and Consciousness], Wang Ya's expression was very subtle, because the author of this extraordinary book was none other than his teacher, the Dream Wizard.

Moreover, he had also studied this extraordinary book, which was a basic extraordinary knowledge content inherited from the fantasy lineage.

Including but not limited to [Explanation of lucid dreams] [The relationship between multiple dreams and extraordinary mental power] [How to use extraordinary mental power to generate dream power] [The preparation of dream power] [A brief discussion of the dream world] and a series of basics Books of Extraordinary Knowledge.

Wang Ya has learned it all and mastered it completely.

Wang Ya did not continue to read and closed the book.

Even if I continue to flip through it, I can only read about 1% of this extraordinary book, and all the remaining pages are blank.

At this time, you need to contact the extraordinary books through the dark wizard mark and pay the corresponding dark points.

The extraordinary knowledge inside will naturally appear in the dark wizard's mark.

[Analysis of dreams and consciousness]

[Level: Basic Extraordinary Knowledge]

[Price: 180 Dark Points]

Basic extraordinary knowledge starts with 100 dark points.

Advanced extraordinary knowledge starts with 300 dark points.

Advanced extraordinary knowledge, the most expensive, actually starts at 800 Dark Points.

[Current twilight point: 5000]

If Wang Yaruo buys a witchcraft book of advanced supernatural knowledge, he can buy eight gates.

Extraordinary knowledge is not just a single witchcraft book. It is often composed of multiple witchcraft books. The recorded content is too much and can only be carried separately.

The same goes for floating twilight prices.

If you get a 10% discount, Wang Ya might be able to add another level of extraordinary knowledge.

In terms of basic extraordinary knowledge, Wang Ya didn't need much. He had already laid a solid foundation in this area by studying with the Dream Wizard.

What he needs is advanced extraordinary knowledge about dream wizards.

Of course, it is only used as a reference. He has also read the advanced extraordinary knowledge content of the Dream Wizard, but it is far from enough.

If you want to research and develop advanced witchcraft, you will probably need more advanced extraordinary knowledge.

He even studied the extraordinary knowledge related to his wizard system.

By drawing parallels, there may be new gains.

Many wizards were inspired by the extraordinary knowledge of different wizard systems, and then they had subsequent wizard research content and achieved brilliant success.

The Bone Wizard is still the best example in this regard.

The Rhine wizard seems to have some connection with this aspect. It is said that these two official wizards have studied the path of mechanical wizards and dark wizards.

[In-depth analysis of mental power and consciousness]

[Dream Wizard’s Comment: Illusion and reality, this is something that many wizards are talking about. Dream Wizard may be the wizard group that has studied the furthest in the direction of illusion. 】

[In-depth analysis of dream power and spiritual power]

[Dream Wizard’s evaluation: A very wonderful book of extraordinary witchcraft, a book of advanced extraordinary knowledge that any dream wizard must master. 】

Wang Ya: "."

Wang Ya read several books in a row, and all received comments from the Dream Wizard. This situation was very similar to those best-selling authors in previous lives who wrote a new book, and other fellow authors helped promote it and made promotional slogans.

Wang Ya considered these two witchcraft books as alternatives.

He looked at the other books on the bookshelf and found that, as expected, they were a series of witchcraft books.

However, it is also a different content of extraordinary knowledge, not a separate one.

Wang Ya thought about his 5,000 dark points, and he confidently listed all subsequent witchcraft books in this series as redemption targets.

Two free opportunities, one for advanced level and one for advanced witchcraft book. If you don’t use it, it will be in vain.

Wang Ya planned to spend the last half hour browsing the surrounding bookshelves to see if there was any advanced extraordinary knowledge.

If so, I would be able to use this high-level extraordinary knowledge as many times as I choose for free.

Time passed slowly, and no other wizards were seen in the inheritance maze. Wang Ya read through all the witchcraft books on the surrounding bookshelves step by step.

If you don't find what you want, continue digging and check from more bookshelves.

Deep inside the Antun family.

"What, father, you actually asked me to get closer to King Yaharak in the future, what a joke."

Zach Antune's tone gradually rose, even if he was in front of his father, whom he always respected, he couldn't care so much anymore.

Wang Yahalak was the opponent he decided he must defeat.

It has almost become an obsession in his heart.

His tone was a bit anxious, "Father, what's wrong with you? We are members of the Wizarding Family Alliance. There is no need to be afraid of a wizard from his school. So what about the inherited wizard? I will defeat him sooner or later."

"When my puppet witchcraft masters higher-level puppet production, even King Yahalak will not be my opponent."

The light in the room was very dim, with only a few candles lit to illuminate the darkness inside the room.

Hades Antoun sat at the side of the long table, watching the dispute between his brother and his father, and said nothing.

The strength of the third-level wizard apprentice was lost to that of the second-level wizard apprentice. This humiliation was brought about by him. It also humiliated the Antun family and caused a lot of losses.

He has lost the right to express his opinion.

The whole person's spirit was also very low, even depressed.

Kazantun frowned and said in a harsher tone than ever before: "Now is not the time for you to act on your own initiative. Don't you still understand the situation of the Antun family?"

"We failed in the secret realm competition, and the Antuen family suffered a loss. We failed again in the battlefield, and the current situation of the Antuen family is extremely unoptimistic."

"Now there is a new opportunity before our Antun family. We must seize it without making any more mistakes."

Kazantun's tone was low, "Zach, if you want to have the right to speak for yourself, you must have the confidence and strength, but in my opinion, you don't have the strength yet."

The aura belonging to the Extreme Sorcerer Apprentice burst out from Kazantun's body, filling the entire room. It also made Zach and Hades present look frightened, and looked at their father in fear.

After the room became completely quiet, Kazantun calmed down his aura.

He felt that he was too kind, so much so that even his own son was qualified to contradict and disobey him.

Hades asked in a low voice: "Father, I don't know what new opportunities you are talking about for the Antun family."

Kazantun did not speak, but spread out his right hand, a black medal, full of ancient meaning.

Hades's pupils shrank, and he said without daring to confirm, "Is this true?"

Zach's face was also shocked.

Kazantun said: "Yes, this is the Order of the Black Sun."

The auras on Zach and Hades were subconscious riots, and the particle energy began to dissipate.

Kazantun used his own momentum to force the two of them to regain their emotional stability.

"But, father, didn't you say that the Black Sun Medal is in the hands of Wang Yahalak? We have lost the battlefield, why is the Black Sun Medal in your hands?" Hades Antuun suppressed the shock in his heart. , couldn't help but asked.

Zach also wanted to know the answer eagerly.

"Wang Yahalak has reached a short-term alliance with the Antun family. It will be good for the family to let you get closer to Wang Yahalak in the future."

Kaziantuan told the whole story, "Including this Black Sun Medal, all the profits obtained will be divided equally between the Antun family and them."

Hades looked very surprised, still digesting the information he heard.

Zach Antune's face became uncertain, and he seemed to be thinking of other aspects.

"The alliance has a lot of benefits for our Antun family. It is equivalent to a long-term investment. It is also for this reason that I want you to get close to King Yahalak."

Hades thought more. You must know that they are members of the wizard family alliance. What exactly is your father going to do in an alliance with the inherited wizards of the school? This is betraying him.

More, Hades didn't dare to think deeply, he only felt that the water inside was a little deep.

Or was it for some other reason? When Hades looked at Kazeantun, he found that the other party was also looking over.

However, his eyes were full of depth, like a deep pool, as cold as the pool water, making people feel chilled in their hearts.

"A family is a family, and an alliance is an alliance. Some things still need to be separated." Kazantun suddenly said something with unclear meaning.

Zach returned to his room, closed the door heavily, leaned against the door, took a deep breath, and looked very complicated.

King Yahalak was his opponent, the enemy he decided to defeat.

This makes him willing to get close to the other party, and why. Kazantun's decision cannot be changed, and Zach also knows this.

But he just couldn't give it in and got close to King Yahalak? Could he be worse than King Yahalak?

Even if his current strength is not comparable, it does not mean that he does not have the ability to catch up and surpass.

On the other hand, it was the influence of the family and the contents of the signed wizard contract. Zach Antoun sighed, no matter how reluctant he was, he could only do this.

However, the thought of defeating King Yahalak became more and more intense in his heart.

When Wang Ya came out of the inheritance maze, he did not see the inheritance wizard, and the counter was empty.

He didn't pay attention to these, and was immersed in the extraordinary knowledge he purchased.

A total of 2000 dark points were spent.

That opportunity to advance to extraordinary knowledge was also used by Wang Ya.

As for the advanced free selection opportunities, Wang Ya retained them because there was no advanced extraordinary knowledge on the surrounding bookshelves and they should be divided into different areas.

The inheritance maze area where he is located is a mid- to low-end area.

You can only consider your choice next time you enter the land of inheritance.

Wang Ya had a smile on his face. The harvest this time was really extraordinary.

Not only for dream wizards, if you understand these extraordinary knowledge, it will also be of great help to the Eye of Truth in analyzing the "Fire Demon Witchcraft Flow".

It's great value for money.

Wang Ya, who returned to the Fantasy Tower, directly collected all the extraordinary knowledge in the wizard's mark with the Eye of Truth.

You can clearly feel some changes in the pupils.

The touch of ice blue exudes.

This is a further transformation of the Eye of Truth.

The most intuitive change is that the time to analyze the 'Fire Demon Witchcraft Flow' has been reduced to about 20 days.

This is a pleasant surprise.

The analysis of the "Return to Dream Meditation Method" has also been shortened to one day. Probably tomorrow night, the outline of the sixth wizard rune can be carried out.

Neurons can be further developed.

The power of dreams will also be relatively improved.

As for the particle energy gain brought by mental power, it goes without saying.

This improvement is all-round.

Time quickly came to the second day.

Wang Ya also ushered in the breakthrough opportunity of the "Return to Dream Meditation Method".

: The keyboard is too stupid, and there are always typos. I can't stand it. Static capacitors are shit. I went to the Internet cafe to code tonight and coded until eight in the morning. It was so unpleasant. Today, there are only more than 9,000 words.

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