The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 142 [142] Once I heard the truth, the road ahead became clear.

The Dream Meditation Method is the fundamental inheritance of the Dream lineage, and the tempering of neurons is the core of the core.

According to the Dream Wizard, if neurons are developed to the limit, that is, 100%, they can gain incredible power.

Through mental power, they can directly distort and affect reality, control and change the material structure, distort the thoughts of life and self, and change their cognition.

Even to the point of saying what comes out, to travel through any time and space at will, the unknown of any world has become known in his eyes.

Of course, even the Dream Wizard himself has not reached such a realm, whether the Dream Meditation Method can do it or not, this still needs to be put in quotation marks.

After Wang Ya changed the meditation method, he could indeed feel the increasingly powerful extraordinary mental power and thinking ability deep in his brain.

In the study.

Wang Ya closed the windows and doors, and issued a notice to the tower spirit to block all information that contacted him.

The third-level space also prohibits any outsiders from teleporting.

Unlike the Haohai Meditation Method to outline the wizard runes, the Dream Meditation Method requires some auxiliary items and the dream gap to be opened.

The role of auxiliary items is to help stabilize the dream gap and ensure Wang Ya's own safety. When he was outlining the wizard rune, he would not be disturbed by the instability of the dream gap.

He washed his hands and cleaned his face in the bathroom. The handsome face in the mirror had extremely soft features and a pair of black pupils that seemed to exist in the mysterious, unknown and vast starry sky.

It's time!

After taking some extraordinary potions purchased in Hades's merchandise store in advance, Wang Ya closed his eyes and his consciousness gradually immersed in the spiritual sea.


The undulating waves and the deep darkness were endless. Only the stars that lit up and resonated with each other in the sky could emit a little light.

There were a total of fourteen stars.

The brightness of nine of them was not as bright as the other four. This was the difference between the basic chapter and the advanced chapter of the Dream Meditation Method.

After changing the meditation method, the original wizard rune needs to be broken up again and turned into nutrients for the wizard rune of the new meditation method.

This is also the reason why Wang Ya was able to outline the meditation of the return to dream method to the present level in a short period of five months.

After the analysis of the Eye of Truth, Wang Ya knew how to outline it in the most correct way, with the right strength, the right time, and the right state of formation.

With the surge of mental power, white twisted lines suddenly appeared in this dark space, winding around the fourteen stars.

The white lines are like lines on paint strokes, full of irregular twists.

This is the extraordinary mental power mixed with the power of dreams. As time goes by, Wang Ya gradually outlines the sixth advanced wizard rune with these white twisted lines.

But the crisis also came with it, and silently.

It did not happen in the spiritual sea, but in the real study.

The young man in the black wizard robe sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes, and was extremely focused.

There was a faint luster on his skin, which was a sign that the dream senses were open.

The return to dream meditation method requires the participation of dream power to be successfully outlined.

If the dream wizard wants to use his extraordinary power, that is, the power of dreams, he needs to open the dream senses and let the dream gap come.

Without the existence of a medium, the size of the dream gap is very small and looming, making the environment in the study room in a state of distortion and normal conversion.

The brown desk in the last second, the legs of the table grew black hair and had real flesh and blood, and the next second it returned to its original state.

Including the ceiling, it also turned blood red, as if it was the skin of some dream creature, drops of blood accumulated on it, as if it was about to drip from Wang Ya's head at any time.

It really dripped, but it did not fall on Wang Ya. At the moment of contact, the reality and the dream world changed again, disappeared without a trace, and the ceiling was still gray.

Strange things happened again. The big bed where Wang Ya was sitting cross-legged suddenly turned into a large graffiti table full of distorted colors. The dye on it seemed to come alive and rushed towards Wang Ya, as if greedy for something, gradually forming an alternative twisted big mouth.

This time, it did not transform into reality. Perhaps it was because he was in the headquarters of the Dark Land. A corner of the dream was too powerful and actually stabilized the gap in the dream.


A red flame suddenly appeared on the black wizard robe. The Lihuo-Witch Array technique was triggered, and the particle energy in the body began to operate spontaneously, forming a ring of fireworks. This is an energy flame, which has both offensive and defensive functions.

Those graffiti with distorted colors were directly melted into drops of colored liquid, flowing along the big bed to the ground, no longer in their original form.

This was a back-up plan that Wang Ya had prepared in advance. The Lihuo-Witch Array technique was not complicated, and it did not involve too much wizard array alchemy knowledge. Wang Ya took the Fire of Fear as the core and used the construction principle of the wizard array technique.

There was only one passive function that was triggered when danger was detected. The duration was based on the energy supply of the Dream Tower itself, which was enough for Wang Ya to persist until the wizard rune was finished.

Neuron It was deep in the mind.

How to cultivate the immature and undeveloped neurons on the horse's body to a usable stage.

This requires two aspects.

First, it is necessary to cut off the biological expression of certain special genes in the human body to prevent them from triggering these immature neurons and spontaneously dying, thinking that the neurons they have are enough.

According to Teacher Huanmeng, this is a natural correction force in the dark, which prevents creatures with high IQ and long lifespan and thoughts from destroying the original natural balance.

Not only humans have such special expression genes, but also other creatures and races. ,

Even extraordinary creatures cannot avoid it.

Huanmeng Wizard once wanted to study this correction force, but finally gave up because there was no trace to find and it was too illusory.

Speculation is greater than reality. Whether such a correction force exists in the real situation is unknown.

On the other hand, it is to nourish the neurons at a subtle level through the power of dreams, so that the neurons gradually mature, just like planting seedlings, the horse body is the land, and after cultivating them to maturity, it is time to harvest the fruits.

That special gene expression is the robber who comes to steal the fruits and destroy the seedlings.

The power of dreams subtly transforms the horse's body, and then it can directly resist this gene expression.

In the specific situation, Wang Ya believes that it should be to cultivate the desired gene fragment expression by itself to deny this special gene expression and reap the fruits.

The wizards are moving towards transcendence step by step, allowing the flesh to transform with radiation, which is also to allow gene leaps and cell evolution.

Wang Ya felt that he seemed to have grasped something, but it was a little short, which made him frown subconsciously.

When the time came to the early morning of the next day.

Wang Ya opened his tightly closed eyes, and a ray of light emanated from them, followed by a blue fragment of light, which flashed by.

A powerful momentum burst out from Wang Ya, and the mental power formed a substantial influence, dispersing the many dream visions around him.

The pale white luster on the skin gradually disappeared, and the connection with the dream world was directly cut off.

The gap between dreams disappeared, and many dream visions also returned to the state in reality.

A smile appeared on Wang Ya's face, which was joy from the heart.

[Target: Wang Yahalak]

[Spiritual Power: 25.9]

The distance to 26 points is only the last 0.1.

Wang Ya carefully experienced the changes in himself. The power of extraordinary spiritual power is all-round, not only in quantity, but also in quality.

Taking advantage of the activity of extraordinary spiritual power, at the peak moment, Wang Ya began to calculate the radiation measurement of the body.

With the assistance of the Eye of Truth, the speed was extremely fast.

It took only about a minute for Wang Ya to complete the corresponding calculation.


The particle energy of the self penetrated into the limbs and bones of the body, including the spinal cord. Every part of the flesh and blood, and even every cell of the body, sent out a comfortable and pleasant feeling.

It lasted for about three minutes. Wang Ya dispersed the particle energy in most parts of the body, and only continued to radiate benignly in the spinal cord.

After the analysis and observation of the Eye of Truth, the spinal cord can withstand more benign radiation.

If other parts of the body are allowed to follow suit, then benign radiation will become malignant radiation, resulting in more troublesome consequences, such as physical diseases.

Ten minutes later, Wang Ya closed his eyes, and his extraordinary mental power affected the natural particle energy around him and began to absorb it into his body.

The body affected by radiation can accommodate more particle energy. When Wang Ya opened his eyes again, the momentum emanating from his body was completely different, more turbulent and more compelling.

[Current physical fitness: 17]

[Current particle energy unit: 22]

Successfully broke through the 20 mark, and it is almost close to catching up with the mental power value.

The number of particle energy units is related to the physical value. The stronger the physical body, the more particle energy it can withstand.

Relatively speaking, the more particle energy it has in the body.

To be honest, Wang Ya's physical value is not weak. Among the second-level wizard apprentices, it is also considered to be extremely strong.

Of course, that is to be compared with wizards in the same wizard system.

Different wizard systems have different characteristics. If compared with blood wizards, that is, white wizards, they can't catch up with their physical strength.

Wang Ya is also considering whether to improve his physical value and then increase the carrying capacity of particle energy units.

He has not yet determined this matter, and decided to perfect his dream witchcraft system first.

Time is limited, and we must do the right thing at the right time.

It's not too late to consider it later.

Improving physical values ​​is not that simple, and in some aspects, it is even more difficult than improving mental power.

Putting on a blue wizard robe, Wang Ya pushed open the door of the study, and the transmission wave enveloped him.

The warm spring breeze blew Wang Ya's hair. This is a huge cliff. Below is the undulating waves, beating on the reefs. From a distance, it seems that the sea has no end, only a gap.

This is actually an illusion. Although there is a folded space inside the Dream Tower, it also has a limit.

This area of ​​the sea also has its limits. It is not as vast as the real sea, but it is enough to be used as a biological breeding ground to cultivate marine biological groups and large marine organisms.

However, Wang Ya can't use it for the time being.

Wang Ya did not finish the third-level space. This was his first time to come to the inner sea of ​​space. In addition, the desert area and the volcanic area have corresponding characteristics.

Each wizard tower is the highest wisdom of wizard technology, which takes ten years or even twenty years to build.

This is still the premise of having extraordinary abilities and wizard technology.

The wizard array transmission wave enveloped him, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived inside the third-level laboratory.

The things purchased from Hades Commodity Store were placed on the workbench without being sorted and classified.

Among them, there are those used by the elemental wizard road, those used by the dream wizard road, and those needed for biological cultivation and wizard experiments.

Wang Ya took out the source of water, and then his figure disappeared and appeared in the magic plant cultivation area.

In the rocky area, the condition of the blood-sucking king vines was very good, and the original injuries were also recovered, and even the number of vines doubled.

The induction of the spiritual imprint let the vampire king vine know the arrival of the master. The vine, which was originally silent and motionless and enjoying the infiltration of particle energy, began to climb towards Wang Ya one by one.

Wang Ya used the Eye of Truth to observe the core of the vampire king vine. It should be possible to separate the core and cultivate several secondary bodies first.

The plant fusion experiment of Gendass flesh and blood can be tested first. If successful, the cultivated secondary body can be grafted onto the main body for adaptive mutation.

Wang Ya's experimental plan is to be carried out in this way.

It is similar to Halak's potential transformation experiment, but it is essentially different. One is a plant and the other is a creature with flesh and blood.

The vitality, survival ability, and even adaptability of the vampire king vine are much stronger than those of flesh and blood creatures.

Of course, perhaps in terms of variability, it cannot compare with flesh and blood creatures, and the time required for mutation is also extremely long.

However, the convenience is only this point. Wang Ya does not need to worry too much, let alone pay attention to it at any time. It can be allowed to transform naturally, and then the result of the transformation can be seen.

Even if it fails, it doesn't matter. The core of the vampire king vine has the strong survival characteristics of plants, and the role of the water of life is here.

It can quickly restore the state of the vampire king vine, and even after other sub-bodies are cultivated, it can continue to divide more sub-bodies.

However, in this case, the extraordinary potential will be further reduced.

Wang Ya does not intend to do this. If a sub-body is prepared, at most two will be prepared.

The white and slender palm stretched out from under the robe, and the Shadow Killing Blade appeared in his hand. Although this magic weapon is gradually being eliminated, it can be used as an alternative biological scalpel, which is very convenient.

It has more functions than ordinary biological scalpels, a harder blade, and is adapted to harsher environments and more troublesome biological species.

As for going to the God Blood Wizard Tower to find the God Blood Wizard to tailor a supernatural magic weapon, there is no rush.

Wang Ya plans to find the God Blood Wizard when he is a third-level wizard apprentice.

In this way, the grade and upper limit of the supernatural magic weapon will be higher.

Facing the master's order, the vampire king vine, whose brain circuit is simpler, took the initiative to open the flower buds in its core area, which contained flower buds that were not yet fully mature.

After flowering, the vampire king vine is mature, and its strength is at its peak.

After that, there are two ways to go, either to produce children and disperse spores, or to continue to be restrained, restore the flower bud state, and digest the mature spores and pollen by itself.

There is a certain possibility that it can advance to a stronger stage.

Particle energy is injected into the Shadow Killing Blade. Wang Ya swings the knife quickly. When some flower buds fall off along with the flower bud tissue, the vampire king vine does not even react.

Wang Ya quickly took out the source of water, holding a small bottle in his hand. As the cork was opened, a strange fragrance spread, instantly attracting the attention of the vampire king vine.

Even when it noticed its own abnormality and the violent riot was about to come, it was suppressed by this strange fragrance.

The most primitive instinctive desire was suppressed together.

A large number of vines entangled Wang Ya, but did not hurt Wang Ya. Instead, they wanted to grab the small bottle in Wang Ya's hand like a kitten, but because Wang Ya was the master, he restrained this part of his instinct.

Wang Ya directly poured one-fifth of the source of water into the cut part of the flower bud.

The effect was produced very quickly. When the transparent liquid infiltrated the flower bud, the originally missing part quickly recovered, and it was visible to the naked eye.

Alternative raw human flesh and living bones.

The source of water has such an ability and is extremely precious. Only this half-palm-sized bottle will consume Wang Ya 350 magic stones.

Of course, such an effect is only effective for plants. If it is useful for living things, the price will be tripled or quadrupled.

Wang Ya ignored the pleasure of the vampire king vine, and the transmission wave appeared again.

In the third-level laboratory.

With the injection of energy, the corresponding wizard instrument was activated. The wizard instrument in front of Wang Ya focused on cultivating magic plants and could observe the changes inside the magic plants in detail.

Wang Ya cut the bud tissue into two again, dripped a drop of life-giving water on each, and placed them in the two culture chambers of the wizard's instrument.

Then he just had to wait for it to mature and complete the fusion mutation experiment.

Wang Ya had to prepare for more than that. Fortunately, his wizard plan was very clear and he could make good use of all the free time.

Came to another room in the laboratory.

There were huge tanks filled with green nutrient solution. The active Gendass dogs sensed that there were living creatures coming in. The flesh and blood facial features grown from the granulation on the forehead were close to the wall of the glass tank.

The flesh and blood eyeballs stared at Wang Ya. All the Gendass dogs were doing this. It looked very creepy and weird.

If an ordinary person broke in here, even at the door, under such a gaze, his mental power would completely collapse and become an idiot.

Wang Ya frowned. These experimental materials still didn't learn their lesson.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He looked at the most powerful Gendass dog among them. It released the most intense mental shock that could cause mental pollution to him.

In this case, it was you.

He never remembered grudges and was very kind.

Tsk tsk!

After many transformations, some of the extraordinary mental power under the influence of the power of dreams turned into invisible waves and spread throughout the experimental room.

The blood instantly dyed the green nutrient solution tanks red.

The Gendass dogs suffered heavy injuries, but they were not fatal, and they recovered quickly with the injection of nutrient solution, but they would endure extreme pain.

That is their most important flesh and blood tissue.

After losing the host, the mental correspondence of these Gendass dogs in the virtual aspect became weaker and weaker, and they lost the ability to think at the end.

Only the most primitive animal instincts remained, and the real flesh and blood completely overwhelmed the illusion.

The balance no longer exists.

The reason why Wang Ya wanted to conduct a new Gendass flesh and blood experiment so quickly and use extraordinary magic plants for fusion is also for this reason.

Who knows whether the complete imbalance will lead to the collapse of these Gendass dogs, lose the ability to maintain their form, and turn into disordered Gendass cell flesh and blood.

Of course, this collapse process is also something worth studying.

This laboratory room has been recording for 24 hours. Even if it collapses and Wang Ya misses it, he can still observe and study it through influence.

Wang Ya walked towards the only Gendass dog that was not suppressed by extraordinary mental power.

His face was expressionless and his eyes were very indifferent.

It was a coincidence that this Gendass dog was actually the ordinary girl Lasi who was boarding.

Wang Ya sighed a little, "Maybe this is fate."

"I will merge you with the secondary body of the vampire king vine."

It can be regarded as a remembrance of that experience in the Mayan Kingdom.

Staring at the girl's face with a slightly nostalgic nature, Wang Ya's eyes were full of tenderness.

He was gentle and caring for any experimental material.

The Gendass dog in the nutrient tank was extremely cold and fearful, as if something extremely bad was about to happen.

It was afraid of Wang Ya and tried to show its teeth and claws at Wang Ya in an attempt to scare Wang Ya. Facing Wang Ya's approach, it could only keep retreating and finally curled up in the corner of the nutrient tank.


On the experimental table, Wang Ya put down the Shadow Killer Blade, and his white gloves were covered with blood. The body structure of Gendass is completely different from that of extraordinary creatures.

It is somewhat like a dream creature, or perhaps both. Various things are mixed together, so it can be named as something that is not like anything, but a little bit of everything.

The head of the Gendass dog was cut off by Wang Ya.

Lasi's face was distorted and terrified at this moment, in contrast to Wang Ya's expectant and even somewhat excited smile.

The head should be the most stable in balance, and even if it collapses, it will be the last.

Without the separation of the body, it will definitely be able to last longer.

Wang Ya was suddenly stunned, and a flash of inspiration appeared inexplicably in his mind.

This is what is called a flash of inspiration.

Since the head of the Gendass dog is the most stable in balance.

And it has the instinctive characteristics of devouring.

Can we cut off the heads of all the Gendass dogs, put them together, and let them devour each other?

The last remaining Gendass dog head is the strongest. After devouring the other heads, will it devour the remaining spiritual will fragments as well?

Who is the leader?

Or will there be chaos.

What will be the result?

Wang Ya feels that he has grasped the most critical point of the dream infinite genome.

It is also the biggest key point on the dream wizard's path.

That is to move with you, and the dream gap medium dream infinite genome will not be restricted by any environment or world. Halak may be able to do this.

It is the devouring of the Gendass dogs.

With so many will fragments, who is the leader? This question is very critical!

If this is understood, Wang Ya may be able to carry out targeted wizard experimental transformation on Halak's infinite core.

Accommodate countless souls and consciousness fragments, and use it as a movable corner of the dream.

Wang Ya's dream wizard's combat power can be strengthened by the corner of the dream and the dream gap.

The stronger the dream corner, the more stable the gap, and the more powerful the dream power is.

In other words, as long as the infinite core transformed in this way accommodates the devoured souls, the more fragments of consciousness there are, the stronger Wang Ya will be.

Wang Ya's eyes became clearer and clearer.


That's it. The road ahead is now clear.

He didn't expect that the subsequent path of the Dream Wizard, which had troubled him for so long that he had no idea about it, and the subsequent evolution of Halak, would actually be in this little Gendass dog, the preparation for the fusion of plant blood and flesh.

Wang Ya had a fanatical and even somewhat morbid smile on his face, holding the Shadow Killing Blade that was transformed into a long knife after injecting particle energy.

He dragged the knife and walked towards the laboratory room where the Gendass dog was.

Once you hear it, there will be no more difficulties.

: It's eight o'clock, the all-nighter is over, word count: 6,600.

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