The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 240 [240] Tusen is unwilling to accept his fate and resents Wang Ya

When you are at a certain height and look down on the earth, everything will feel very small.

Wang Ya's hair is flying, her robes are billowing, and her outstretched white palm is holding the dream mirror in her heart. The yellow light reflects from the mirror to the surrounding area, and the power of dreams spreads, connecting with the dream world of the kingdom in the picture.

Inexplicably, he felt that the word 'with pictures' seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

He never pays attention to people and things that he doesn't have much interaction with in his life.

Maybe I have heard this name somewhere before.

After all, the Evil God Gendas has a reputation for evil, and now he has escaped into this mortal kingdom like a drowned dog. Wang Ya has Harak with him, so he is very sure of taking it. To be on the safe side, he chose to use the Heart Dream Mirror to observe the specific situation first. Condition.

It would be best to find out whether Gendas Evil God has any back-up plan.

If Gendas, the evil god with a very strong ability to save his life, ran away, it would be really difficult for Wang Ya to catch him back.

Being prepared and not being prepared are two different concepts.

Currently, he is in the dark, and Gendas Evil God is in the light, and the information from the two has alternated; the other party does not know that there is already a wizard, eyeing the only remaining source of it.

The Heart Dream Mirror has been connected to the dream world, and the yellow light is connected together to form a projected picture. As the power of dreams continues to be consumed, things and everything gradually become clear.

In the splendid palace, the reliefs and murals have been carefully polished by skilled craftsmen; in the fountain pool outside the main hall, a huge figure is magnified a hundred times compared to the statue, holding a cross sword, and the carvings on the cloak behind him are vivid and flying, like a warrior. The invincible king built a glorious kingdom.

All of them show the luxury and the arrogance of the palace owner.

The minister entered the hall under the leadership of the knight, bowed respectfully and half-knelt down.

This kind of etiquette would definitely be illegal in the past.

The minister raised his head slightly and looked at the most legendary king of the kingdom with the corner of his eye. He used the shortest time to quell all internal and external strife, as well as the military and political affairs. This showed the hero's mind and courage, making every king of the kingdom The people love him extremely.

The king received the guidance of a great being, as well as extraordinary strength and eternal youth.

"My minister, I hope you can bring me good news."

The figure on the throne is wearing light armor, with a red cloak hanging down the edge of the throne, and long golden hair that is slightly curled and tied behind his head; his eyes are deep, his appearance is handsome, his lips are red and his teeth are white, just like a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old.

He is a Tucson figure who has run this country for forty years.

Forty years have not left any trace on his face, and it is a face that is admired by all women in the kingdom.

Minister ‘Gambi’ is a childhood friend who grew up with Tucson.

He subconsciously touched his wrinkled and bearded face, with an envious look in his eyes, then lowered his head, and his deep voice echoed in the hall, "Seventy percent of the people in the kingdom have already used the gods created by the king. After the people took the medicine, their physical strength and wisdom improved, which greatly increased the kingdom’s tax revenue.”

After all, it is different from when I was young.

Gambi added: "The remaining 30% have not been implemented because the people of the kingdom are in remote mountains or dangerous places. There is also a large part of the people of the killing kingdom who surrendered to us."

Tucson · Pictured tapped his fingers on the armrest of the throne and gave the answer, "It doesn't matter if we spend more manpower and material resources. I must let my people take the magic medicine and improve their physical fitness."

"Only when the country is peaceful and the people are safe, can the Kingdom of Attached Pictures have a better future. I look forward to that day."

Gumby's face was full of excitement and he knelt down, "It is with the presence of the king that the Kingdom of Attached Pictures can have a bright future. Your kindness and magnanimity favor the people of the Kingdom of Attached Pictures. You will become the Kingdom of Attached Pictures The best and wisest king in history.”

Tucson·Attached Picture Looking at Gumby's leaving figure, the curve of his mouth proves that he is in a very good mood now.

It's just that the most sage king is not his goal.

The history of the attached kingdom should be written by him alone.

His ambition is to live forever and use extraordinary power to conquer the entire world starting from the land beneath his feet.

The power given to him by the great gods is so powerful that he can use this power to kill all enemies.

Even the wizard who has been here before! !

Tucson·Tucson achieved many achievements, which are enough for any king to pursue for a lifetime.

The black robe of the wizard who once rejected him appeared in his mind. His face was so handsome that it was unlike any ordinary person. He could remember every detail of his indifferent expression clearly, even the tiny expression when he rejected him. It was cold, arrogant and indifferent. They were ignored as if they were treated like flowers and plants on the roadside.


He looked aloof, like a god in the sky.

Isn't it just extraordinary power? Now he also has the same extraordinary power and is even more powerful than the wizard.

The real god stood behind him.

He can kill all enemies and bring down the gods who are above him and become prisoners in front of his throne.

Pictured in Tucson, his pupils became cold. The more he was unwilling to accept something, the more unforgettable he became after gaining strength.

At this moment, he wished he could appear in front of the wizard right away, and tear off that cold, arrogant and indifferent face with physical strength powerful enough to tear apart a high-level supernatural beast; he wanted to see the wizard's frightened, puzzled, and humble begging look. .

"It's almost time. The goal requested by the great God of Gendas is about to be achieved by me. I will turn the entire kingdom of the attached map into the Kingdom of God on earth. It promises me more powerful power."

"At that time, I will also be able to attack other mortal kingdoms and gain more territory. The bigger the kingdom of God is, the stronger my power will be."

Tucson is longing for and longing for.

For those who are a little confused, maybe the evil god Gendas asked him to hold on to his extraordinary power and not to provoke anything related to wizards.

Even when attacking other mortal kingdoms, they only use ordinary mortal soldiers.

Tucson didn't take it too seriously. Of course, he unconditionally believed in the evil god Gendas who gave him infinite power.

The interior of the hall was empty, and he was the only one sitting on the throne. Tucson stood up from the throne, as if grasping the entire surrounding mortal kingdom area, with a strong ambition on his face, "The wizard who is above me, finally One day, I want you to experience the power of God.”

The cloak was blown by the biological energy emanating from the body, and the momentum enveloped the hall and spread toward the outside world.

The few knights responsible for guarding the gate had a look of fear on their faces, and then worship appeared on their faces, and they knelt down half-kneeling. This was their king, who had stepped into the myth, had extraordinary power, remained youthful, immortal, and would Lead them to develop the kingdom of the attached picture into the kingdom of God standing in the world.

They are the people of the King of God, and they will stay young forever and fight on the battlefield with the King of God in the Kingdom of God.

"With such divine power, I am invincible." In the attached picture, Tucson's face showed an expression of emotion, "Father, you are really ignorant. It is true that wizards have extraordinary power, but it does not represent us. will always be dominated and exploited by them.”

"The divine power of Gendas, which you fear like a tiger, is the future of our kingdom. It's a pity that you can no longer see the thriving kingdom in the picture below."

"The God of Gendas said that as long as I conquer ten more mortal kingdoms, the Kingdom of God on earth will be completed, and then I will be able to resurrect you; your death will be of great help to the development of the kingdom, forgive me My father, when you are resurrected, what you will see is the kingdom of God that is above the wizards."

Gumby hurriedly completed the task assigned by Tucson's attached picture with the fastest and best efficiency.

Officials in other positions in the royal city are like this. Even if they have nothing to do, they still have to pretend to be very busy.

This is the tone of the current Kingdom of Attached Pictures. It must be followed from top to bottom. Even the great King of God must follow the regulations.

Without any objection, the Kingdom of Attached Pictures only needs one voice, and that is the voice of the King of God.

What's more, Gambi can also see the changes over the years, which are indeed of great benefit to the Kingdom of Attached Pictures.

Every citizen is a useful brick, the kingdom is like building a house, and the King of God has the best method.

"The king's kindness will never be fully paid off by the people of the attached picture in their lifetime."

Gumby sighed inwardly and opened the door to his courtyard. His wife was busy in the kitchen and her two children had grown up and no longer lived in the old house.

They moved out, started a family, and had their own children.

On the King's Day (when the King of Gods ascends the throne and resolves internal and external strife), he will take his children to the old house to celebrate together.

That was probably when he was happiest.

"Gambi, you can eat now." His wife shouted in the room.

In the bedroom, Gambi was working on developing the next miracle medicine. There was a black thumb-sized pill sealed with wax on the table.

The magic medicine created by the King of Gods can comprehensively enhance wisdom and physical strength after taking it, and it is currently being widely popularized.

He and his family have all taken it, and the effect is very outstanding, and the appearance problem has also been alleviated to a certain extent. Otherwise, he would not still look like a middle-aged man in forty years.

Gumby rubbed his eyes. He thought he had been deceived, but he actually saw bugs crawling inside the black pills; they were slender bugs full of astonishing activity, as if they were ten or twenty times smaller. Earthworms emerged from the inside of the black pill.

When Gumby looked again, he found that the black pills were still black pills, and there were no black slender worms at all. He picked up the pill and examined it carefully, then fumbled around and found that there was no gap in it.

"I must have been too tired recently, and my old eyesight has become dim, so I misread the magic medicine given by the King of Gods."

Gambi carefully put the black pills into the wooden box.

The plan to popularize the magical medicine has been unified since the day of the king. During the long period of forty years, the output of the magical medicine was not high. In the beginning, only some high-ranking figures could obtain it.

Later, it was decentralized layer by layer, but the number of magic medicines produced every year was still not large, and it was growing steadily.

If nothing else, he can keep this magical medicine as a treasure for emergencies.

You can take more of the magic medicine. The more you eat, the higher your physical strength and wisdom will increase, and it can even slow down the aging caused by time.

Many officials speculate that the reason why the King of Gods has no wrinkles on his face now is because of the efficacy of the magic medicine.

The magic medicine once became something that everyone in the Kingdom of Futu was pursuing, and it was more valuable than the price of gold.

The food cooked by his wife was very ordinary. There were only two people eating, sitting next to each other.

Gambi had enjoyed enough in the past 20 to 30 years, including wealth, status, beauty, and desire. Now, he prefers this ordinary feeling.

"The king asked you to popularize the magic medicine. How are you doing?" The wife asked.

Gambi then told the relevant information, of course, all the information that can be said.

"You should work harder. Don't let the king worry. Let him rest assured. This is what we should do as citizens of the Attached Kingdom."

"Okay, I know. Why are you so weird today?"

"Everyone must take the magic medicine. This is the king's policy. Only after taking it can you become a true citizen of the Attached Kingdom. Gambi, you must remember it well and implement it. There must be no mistakes." The wife's expression was not as gentle as before, but extremely tough. Her expression was dull and stiff, as if she was wearing a mask, and her pupils were also dead without any vitality.

Gambi had never felt that the familiar person in front of him would be so strange, so strange that he was afraid and terrified.

That numb expression, without any feedback of vitality, the lips opened and closed, speaking like a machine.

Is this really the gentle wife in his memory?

Gambi was in a trance, his eyes began to itch, rubbed them, and looked at his wife in horror.

He actually saw his wife turned into a sitting dog-headed creature, with scarlet tentacles flying, and the facial tissues formed were staring at him, as if they were going to eat him at any time.

How could this happen, his wife turned into a monster.

Gambi could hardly accept it, a look of fear appeared on his face, and he subconsciously threw away the food in his hand and moved away from his wife.

The latter still sat there without moving, but looked over with cold eyes, as if looking at a dead person.

An inexplicable anger emerged in his mind again. What exactly caused this result? Was it a magic medicine? It must be! The magic medicine is a scam. Tucson Attached Picture has turned all the people of the Kingdom of Attached Picture into such monsters.

Gambi was furious, and evil rose from his heart. He grabbed the edge of the table and flipped it up, causing the table to fly backwards towards the dog-headed monster transformed by his wife.


This corner of the dream created was completely shattered by Wang Ya's double dream hands.

He also learned some information and confirmed that the evil god Gendass was in the capital of the attached map.

As for a more accurate location, it is necessary to use the personality of Gambi, which has been completely replaced.

Now Wang Ya can create a person who is more like Gambi than Gambi.

Sneak into the palace of the royal city to make the final confirmation of the evil god's location.

If Harak activates the sensing function, it is very likely that the evil god will notice it and escape in advance.

The evil Gendass, who was captured once, will obviously pay more attention to this point, and will escape whenever there is any disturbance.

This is derived from the comparison between the attached map kingdom and the Mayan kingdom.

Wang Ya just needs some time to arrange some means. This time, the evil god's disaster may be less dangerous, but it is much more troublesome.

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