The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 241 [241] Hundred-nuclear equivalent, send the evil god on his way

The situation found in a corner of the dream is all related to the ascension of the God King ‘Tusen Tutu’ forty years ago.

The evil god Gendasi was also followed by the magic dragon wizard, the dream wizard, and the ghost wizard forty years ago, and was exterminated.

The time can be matched. Only the intervention of extraordinary power can save the kingdom of Tutu from almost extinction at that time.

Wang Ya’s figure condensed from the nothingness, and with a virtual hand, a wooden box flew out of the bedroom.

The box broke instantly, revealing the black pill inside.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. The so-called ‘magic medicine’, through reality to see through the essence, is still the old way of raising the lower Gendasi dogs of the evil god Gendasi, but the form has become more concealed, and the influence of extraordinary power has also become less.

It seems that the evil god Gendasi lacks the origin, and after having an experience, he has become more low-key.

According to Wang Ya's preliminary analysis, the extraordinary influence of taking the magic medicine will last for sixty years. Finally, at the peak of sixty years, the life soul will return to the Gendass dog in the heart part, and finally return to the body of the Gendass evil god.

In this way, it can indeed reduce the chance of being discovered, and perhaps it can really continue for hundreds or thousands of years, and restore to its original state by growing and strengthening that origin.

When Wang Ya had the idea of ​​seeking the origin of the evil god, this possibility had been erased.

He thought with his eyes, and learned from Gambi's memory that at present, nearly 70% to 80% of the people in the entire attached kingdom have taken the magic medicine.

Although there will be no more negative control on the spiritual consciousness, the influence is indispensable, and it will be more aggressive, more irritable, and less patient.

Wang Ya had some murderous intentions in his heart. These mortals have undoubtedly become potential Gendass carriers.

Who can guarantee that the Gendass evil god has no means to stimulate the Gendass dog that is boarded in the heart part.

This is where the trouble lies.

If the source of the evil god Gendasi is in these individuals, he will expose himself and alert the enemy. If he escapes, he may not be able to catch the evil god Gendasi again.

Next time, the opponent will definitely be on guard. It is unknown whether Halak's sensing ability can work.

Never underestimate an evil god who has lived for a long time.

The body of the evil god Gendasi is suspected to be comparable to a third-level wizard or even higher.

In a short period of time, the biggest suspicious point found through the dream world is deep in the inner city palace, which is where the bedroom of the King of God is.

There are the least dreams there, and even entering the dream world is vague. Wang Ya did not approach rashly. He felt a sense of crisis.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal.

Wang Ya is still not sure. After all, according to some relevant manuscripts on the handling of the evil god incident, the contents recorded on it clearly wrote about the hiding place of the evil god Gendasi; the underground palace in the core area of ​​the capital of the Mayan Kingdom, the huge Gendasi stone statue built, and the existence of the blood pool.

Being beaten but not feeling pain, this should not be the style of the evil god Gendass, or he thinks that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Wang Ya's eyes fell on Gambi, who had a dull expression and seemed to be in a state of stiffness.

As long as he entered the core palace, even if he didn't get too close, the instinctive throbbing of the Eye of Truth and Harak would produce a corresponding reaction.

The next morning.

Gambi entered the inner city of the royal city and was allowed to pass after being checked by a group of knights. Many officials walking inside bowed slightly when they saw Gambi, expressing respect or greeting him.

In terms of status, he, as a minister, can be ranked in the top ten of the attached kingdom.

Due to his usual personality, he doesn't like overly luxurious and cumbersome pomp. When entering the inner city, those pomps need to stop outside the city gate and wait.

Gambi had a smooth journey and entered the last checkpoint. He needed the consent of the King of God before he could enter.

"Gambi wants to see me! Isn't he going to deal with the popularization of the magic medicine?" Tusentu was also a little surprised, but he agreed to the meeting and asked the messenger knight to bring the person in.

While waiting, Gambi slightly bent his body and observed the surrounding environment with the corner of his eyes.

The white light waves in his pupils collected all the strange information.

The more he watched, the more Wang Ya confirmed his guess in his heart. The evil god Gendasi was actually in the palace, or under the palace of the King of God.

The Eye of Truth detected the existence of the earth vein fluctuations and the extraordinary fluctuations. Although they were very hidden, they would always feedback and interact with the outside world.

Even inorganic matter would react in this way. For details, you can refer to the movement of microscopic particles.

Wang Ya had a bottom line in his heart. When the knight took him into the palace, he clearly felt a hidden extraordinary fluctuation sweeping across him.

Wizards whose mental perception was not sharp and whose strength had not reached the limit of wizard apprentices could not detect this abnormality.

He remained calm, but was thinking about how to deal with it.

In the past forty years, too many mortals have taken the magic medicine. In addition to the capital, there are also a large number of symbiotes in other mortal cities.

How to deal with such a huge number! !

Wang Ya frowned slightly. The origin of the evil god is the core of everything. As long as the origin of the evil god Gendass is determined and it is captured, everything can be solved.

"Gambi, are you encountering any difficulties?"

In the main hall, Wang Ya saw the so-called King of Gods, whose appearance he had in his memory.

"No, King, I just feel a little powerless. The ability I have is still too small, too small to complete the task assigned to me by the King on time. So far, 30% of the people have not taken the magic medicine. "

'Gambi' was ashamed, half-knelt on the ground, and performed knightly etiquette. The shame gradually turned into deeper guilt, "King, if I have greater ability, I can help you." , You have worked so hard, shouldering everything in the Kingdom of Shutu, and everything big and small is weighing on you. "

"I'm so tired. The burden on your shoulders is too heavy, but I don't have any ability to share it with you."

‘Gambi’s’ eyes were red, showing his true feelings.

The attached picture of Tucson is also vaguely touching, recalling the past when I was a child, growing up and playing with Gumby and several other friends.

Together they vowed to realize their ideals when they grow up. As a prince, Tucson Shutu has naturally been instilled with the idea of ​​promoting the Shutu Kingdom since he was a child, and his dream is also this.

Gumby played the best with him and had the strongest relationship with him. He directly followed up and said: "I want to be His Highness Tucson's best helper and help him revitalize the Kingdom of Attached Pictures."

Tucson's eyes were filled with emotion, and he also made a faint determination in his heart.

For forty years, he has sat on this throne for forty years, keeping all the secrets alone.

Everyone who knows the secret is dead.

He also felt a sense of loneliness, and maybe it was time to share this secret with someone again.

Tucson attached picture believes in Gambi very much. After all, he has been a playmate since childhood and knows his character well. The other party also took the magic medicine.

The huge kingdom with pictures, and even the subsequent kingdom conquests, the expansion of the territory to continue to complete the follow-up of the plan to popularize the magical medicine. Gambi is a good candidate, and the only candidate, as his true assistant to build a divine kingdom on earth.

[Target: Tucson · Pictures attached]

[Extraordinary Prediction: Level 3 Wizard Apprentice]

[Mental Power: 12]

[Physique: 37]

[Details: The weak human body has undergone special fusion and transformation, giving it extraordinary strength. The dog of Gendas exists in the heart, and it can use biological energy to temporarily strengthen the body and change its shape. Tip: There is an unknown consciousness lodged in the heart. The most likely possibility is that the evil god Gendas is sleeping and possesses a very high degree of the dog of Gendas. 】

Wang Ya judged that this human being should have become the backup body of Gendas Evil God, and if anything happened, he could alert the hidden Gendas Evil God in advance.

"Gambi, you have also been in the position of minister for forty years. I have seen your performance." Tucson's tone became softer.

"Thank you for the compliment, Wang, but Gambi's determination to help Wang will not change."

"Of course I know your determination, and I trust you immensely." Tucson's voice changed, and he said in a deep tone: "Do you want to know the secret of my eternal youth!"

‘Gambi’s’ eyes instantly brightened.

The underground palace is extremely grand and even has a huge wall, just like a city.

'Gambi' can naturally tell at a glance that this is a replica of the royal city, but the scale and details are still quite different. After all, it is built underground, which is much more difficult than building on the ground.

Just digging such a large underground space is no longer something that ordinary people can do.

Not to mention building such a magnificent underground city.

"King, is this the secret you mentioned, the place where the great being sits?" 'Gambi' looked excited, although he almost understood the cause and effect; after all, he still had to take a look to be sure.

There are only two people in the entire underground city, Tucson Shutu and Gumby.

Tucson's attached picture gave an affirmative answer. At the same time, he was still spreading some relevant information to Gumby. At the same time, he also output to Gumby: "You must be careful and vigilant when facing wizards, and they will be enemies in the future and must be eliminated." . ’ and other concepts.

‘Gambi’ gave a very reasonable expression, which was in line with his personality. At the same time, he was extremely shocked by the information revealed by the other party.

He is a professional with experience in this area.

'Gambi' finally praised the so-called 'King of Gods', advocating the great God of Gendas for the development of the Kingdom of Attachments and overthrowing the hegemonic wizardism.

The city gate was open, only guarded by two knights in heavy armor, motionless, like two sculptures.

The interior conditions are very crude. Some buildings are simply fake, and even look like they were carved out of underground stone walls.

Keep going deep until the suspended ceiling turns into stalactite spikes hanging inside the cave. This probably corresponds to the Tucson Square in the surface royal city, where the huge Tucson statue and the pool are located.

"Gambi, when you meet the great god Gendas later, remember to maintain absolute respect. It will give you power beyond the wizard."

The attached picture of Tucson tells you some details.

"I understand, King, I will strictly abide by it."

"Of course I believe you. You are my best friend and my most trusted minister." Tucson changed his aloof and indifferent image to the outside world, showed a rare smile, stretched out his hand and patted her. Gumby's shoulders.

Tucson Attached Picture As he talked, he also revealed some of his inner thoughts, which he had probably been holding in his heart for a long, long time.

"Gambi, you know, I once had contact with a mysterious wizard, and I even gave up my dignity as a prince and the dignity of the kingdom."

The more 'Gambi' listened, the more weird he felt in his heart, but the expression on his face remained unchanged. He seemed to have remembered something. When he obtained the Vampire King vine, there was indeed a prince from the mortal kingdom. I didn't expect that the so-called King of Gods in front of me would actually be that mortal man. What a coincidence.

Looking at this, it seemed that he was still deeply hostile to him and unwilling to accept it. Wang Ya's dominant consciousness hidden in "Gambi"'s body inexplicably thought of the words "Don't bully young people who are poor".

"From that day on, I made up my mind to find that young wizard and let him see what an outstanding person the great prince of the Kingdom of the Drawings is."

"His refusal not only did not defeat Tucson Fatu, but also inspired his fighting spirit, thus ushering in the favor of the great God of Gendas."

The picture attached in Tucson talks about excitement. He clenched his right hand into a fist and raised his voice. He wished he could appear in front of the young wizard right now and defeat his indifference and aloofness.

"The great God of Gendas is the truth of all things. He will become our strongest backing and establish the kingdom of God on earth." Tucson looked at 'Gambi' seriously, and said in a low voice The voice echoed, "Gambi, you have said since you were a child that you would help me build a better kingdom of pictures. Now that we have achieved our childhood dream, what we have to look forward to is the future."

"Destroy all wizards and return the world to the great god Gendas and the Kingdom of Attachment."

Gambi couldn't help but sneered. How dare you think about it? How dare the God of Gendas have such an idea? If a bereaved dog chased everywhere by a wizard still has some arrogance in outer space, but In the material world, any evil god, demon, or monster creature has to live with its tail between its legs.

"What are you laughing at!" Tucson noticed something strange, frowned and glared at Gumby.

At this moment, a huge square altar came into view. Candles as thick as trees were burning one by one, barely illuminating the altar clearly. The outline of a huge canine sculpture was vaguely visible in the light and shadow.

[Tip: Make sure the origin is within the statue of Gendas Altar. 】

Gumby did not answer, but a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the attached picture of Tucson calmly.

"This look." Tucson was suddenly stunned. This look was so familiar to him, almost from the depths of his soul, a familiarity engraved into his bones.

The black eyes contrasted with the eyes of the black-robed figure that could never be forgotten. The handsome face, indifferent expression, and eyes without any fluctuations, like stagnant water, finally successfully overlapped and turned into the same person.

Tucson's face showed unprecedented excitement and an angry murderous intention, and he roared hoarsely, "You are the young wizard you used to be, damn it."

Biological energy filled his body, and his right arm swelled like a balloon, carrying a terrifying force that could shatter a house.


The ground exploded instantly, accompanied by splatters of blood, a bloody body, and a lot of broken meat stained on the clothes and skin of Tucson's attached picture.

A piece of minced meat was pulled off by Tucson's hand. There was a look of emptiness in his eyes, and there was a bit of disbelief on his face. The wizard died like this, died so simply by his hands.

He even felt in a trance. The smell of blood was so strong that it couldn't be more real. He had no reason to deny the facts he saw and smelled.

The God of Gendas on the altar originally fell into a deep sleep, but he noticed the extraordinary fluctuations and the triggering of the power of his spare body. The rich smell of blood stimulated every flesh and blood sense of the Evil God Gendas, so he woke up and almost It was at the moment when Gandhi was killed in the Tucson picture that a terrifying wave of consciousness enveloped the entire underground city.

"What happened, my angel!"

"The great God of Gendas, I..." Before Tucson finished speaking, his face became frightened, as if a disaster was imminent, and the hairs all over his body stood on end. This is the fear and throbbing from the depths of the soul, and the breath of death permeates the entire underground city and even the royal city on the ground.

how so! !

What happened.

"Woof woof woof!" The statue on the altar let out a rapid and sharp cry, directly breaking away from the state of the stone statue and returning to the state of flesh and blood.

Evil God Gendas had only one thought in his mind, 'Danger, great danger, you will die, run quickly, the wizard is coming to your door, you must run. ’

In the outside world, the flying gryphon was slowly suspended ten thousand meters above the royal city. Wang Ya, who had already returned his consciousness to his original body, looked at the outline of the royal city below.

The black ball has been thrown down by him.

His face was pale, there was cold sweat on his forehead, and his breath was fluctuating. Wang Ya had consumed a lot of energy, and the amount of fire cores this time reached a hundred times the number of fission fire cores.

This is also a stage limit that Wang Ya can reach at present.

After determining the location of the evil god, he also thought about the best way.

Use [Burning Silence Fission Witchcraft] to gather an integer number of fission fire cores, and send Gendas Evil God on his way, along with those symbionts.

The moment you are symbiotic, you are no longer yourself.

Mortal cities in other places may be saved; in the royal city, 100% are symbionts.

The next moment.

: It's so hard. After testing positive, I have to stay at home with a mask on and not leave the room. I'm in much better shape today. I should be able to resume updating 12,000 posts tomorrow.

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