The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 31 [31] World Experiment Site Crazy Wizard

It turns out that it is necessary to solve some factors that affect the anatomical experiment in advance.

The limbs of the blue poison monkey on the dissection table were cut perfectly, and even the direction of the muscles and the adhesion of the fascia were well divided.

The most important thing is the palm of the blue poison monkey. The poison gland is hidden in the thick fingers, between the bones and the flesh.

The blue thick liquid flows on the metal table. The source is the cut palm, and the fingers are like needles, flowing out from the tiny gaps.

This is the extraordinary toxin that Wang Ya needs, blue poison.

The name of the blue poison monkey is also derived from this extraordinary toxin with a special color.

If you get closer, you can smell the smell that seems like milk, but it is a fatal threat to ordinary people.

It is difficult for a first-level wizard apprentice to withstand such a toxin, which will make the body stiff and unable to move. This is not paralysis, but blocking the blood circulation in the body, causing damage to the body's functions.

Compared with the red scale poison, it is even more powerful. The same characteristics made Wang Ya want to explore whether the two could be combined to form a more powerful extraordinary toxin.

But he failed.

It was not because the two extraordinary toxins could not be fused, but because of the collection and extraction process of the blue poison.

When extracting the toxin, the howling and struggling of another blue poison monkey, accompanied by the foul smell of feces and urine, inevitably affected him.

A small mistake caused the failure of this dissection experiment.

Wang Ya's face was a little gloomy, and his eyes fell on the blue poison monkey that was tied up, with eyes rolling and tears. He made a big mistake, a mistake that should not have been made.

Any wizard's experiment process cannot be disturbed in any way, and the living area will be completely closed and isolated by a wizard array.

The items needed in the wizard laboratory will be prepared in advance, and there will be no extra items that are useless for the experiment.

I didn't find any excuses for myself. Immersed in the experimental process, I subconsciously didn't consider anything... Wrong is wrong.

No one will not make mistakes. The most important thing is not to make the same mistake twice.

He took a deep breath and relaxed his depressed mood. The blue poison flowing on the metal table has been exposed to the air for a period of time, and its activity has been greatly reduced, which is useless to Wang Ya. Only the blue poison in the body or in the poison gland can maintain its activity.

For this reason, Wang Ya also found a micro-cultivation chamber in the cultivation room, which is about the size of a palm and is specially used to cultivate microscopic substances such as extraordinary toxins and even extraordinary blood factors.

The blue poison secreted by the dissected poison glands should have been placed in the cultivation chamber at the first time, and then the wizard's method was used to extract a real extraordinary blue poison.

To distinguish the differences and commonalities with the red scale poison, and whether there is a possibility of fusion between the two, it is also necessary to observe carefully afterwards, let the toxins of the two blend, and record the variables.

The corpse of the blue poison monkey that failed the dissection was placed in the processing box in the cultivation room by Wang Ya. The cleaning of the dissection table is more convenient and is carried out automatically. The special liquid substance that kills all bacterial activity is secreted inside.

The dissection table gradually became clean and tidy, which made Wang Ya's mood return to the initial calm. The most taboo in the process of wizard experiments is the fluctuation of emotions, even for the smallest dissection experiments.

The surface of the metal table began to heat up, evaporating the last drop of bacterial liquid material, and it was clean as new.

It has to be said that the transformation of wizard technology has changed the entire wizard world. Just like this dissection table, a lot of wizard technology is used, and at the same time, mechanical wizards have also formulated a reasonable standard for wizard experiments.

According to the information recorded in the wizard chronicles, before the mechanical wizard system appeared, wizards were still in a relatively bloody and barbaric process, and wizard experiments were extremely imprecise, and the requirements of wizard experiments were not correctly recognized. The experimental subjects were treated very roughly, and often some small factors were not paid attention to during the experiment, resulting in a high failure rate of wizard experiments.

This is inevitable even for the relatively better wizard system of elemental wizards. There was a period when wizards developed to their peak, and the demand for wizard experiments was crazy. In order to pursue the truth and get the answers they want, powerful wizards even use a world as their own testing ground. They spread the extraordinary virus they have developed to that small world, with the purpose of using natural elimination and the theory of evolution of survival of the fittest to improve the defects of their extraordinary viruses.

Not to mention black wizards, dream wizards, and blood wizards, the most frequent wizard experiments require experimental subjects, including humans, animals, extraordinary creatures, and even wizards of the same kind. Who would not be curious about the change value of a wizard's particle radiation, the process of cell evolution, and even whether the soul and spirit change when suffering from extreme pain. What is the wizard's dream of consciousness like?

Now that Wang Ya has learned about the information and the extraordinary knowledge he has learned, it is impossible to say that there is no knowledge inherited from that crazy period.

Of course, such black histories as forcing wizards to combine with extraordinary creatures and studying whether the wizard's extraordinary physique and the blood of extraordinary creatures can be combined are hidden.

Wang Ya also saw it on the bookshelf, in a very obscure book called “Wizard Madness Theory”.

Even a family of sorcerers has emerged. They are generally humanoid, but some abnormalities are inevitable, depending on whether the extraordinary blood in the body is strong. Powerful blood wizards like this special experimental subject very much.

Now it is too rare, and those who still exist are united, shouting that they need wizard rights, and they are also part of the wizards. In name, as for whether the wizards agree or not, or discriminate against it in their hearts, it is unknown.

On the dissection table of this experiment, the last blue poison monkey was tied and fixed.

Wang Ya's eyes were particularly serious, and he would not make the same mistake again.

The hand covering the wizard's scalpel was very strong and very stable.

Before the blue poison monkey tried to scream and howl, a cold light flashed, and the throat was completely stripped off. The hollow with flesh and blood was undulating, and the air waves were discharged from it, which was very fishy.

When Wang Ya took out the knife again and disassembled the genitals, the tiny wound in the throat slowly oozed blood.

He would never make the same mistake again.

He even made a decision in his heart that in the future, when conducting experimental dissections, as long as it was a live dissection, he would first remove these two parts to eliminate all unstable factors.

As for the anesthesia?

Wang Ya's technique was very fast, and the knife was even faster. The anesthesia would destroy the body's most instinctive reaction and it would be impossible to obtain accurate experimental data.

Wizards never give anesthesia to experimental subjects.

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