The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 32 [32] It was not the wizard family who did it, it was strange

Chapter 32 [32] It was not the wizard family who did this, Wei Wei!

Under the light of the cultivation room, the thick blue liquid in the cultivation chamber seemed to cling to the wall of the chamber. No matter how it was shaken, it could not show the physical properties of the liquid.

This brought a smile to Wang Ya's lips. The cultivation state was very good, and a copy of the original blue poison solution would probably be cultivated tomorrow.

Similarly, the original solution of red scale poison had been successfully cultivated three days ago.

What kind of variables will be produced by the fusion between two extraordinary toxins? Will it develop in a good direction, or will it completely destroy the extraordinary properties of the two?

Of course, it was not just a simple fusion of two extraordinary toxins. Wang Ya added many other neutralizing substances based on the extraordinary knowledge he currently had and his own judgment. During the fusion process, the wizard's extraordinary mental power and particle energy must also be involved to control the time and degree of fusion.

In Wang Ya's vision, the fused extraordinary toxin will have two properties at the same time, paralysis of the body's reflexes on the nerves, and coagulation and stiffness of the blood and body.

Fifteen days have passed since the dissection of the blue poisonous monkey.

During these days, Wang Ya lives a simple life. In addition to replenishing the energy needed by his body on a daily basis, the rest of his time is devoted to the research of extraordinary knowledge and verifying the basis of extraordinary knowledge he has mastered.

What is gratifying is that the first particle energy witchcraft that Wang Ya has mastered has made very significant progress.

[Target: Fire of Fear]

[degree: 13]

[Duration: 4 seconds]

[Release time: 5 seconds]

The continuous improvement of the extraordinary foundation allowed Wang Ya to understand the true essence of the Dread Fire witchcraft and gain a deeper understanding of how to release it.

Including the other two witchcrafts, there is no need to use that special trick to induce the release, which greatly shortens the time to release the witchcraft.

And the progress of Dread Burning Fire is the greatest. The release time of five seconds was reduced by half compared to before. The duration of maintaining the Burning Fire in the hand has also been doubled.

It proves that Wang Ya's understanding of this witchcraft has reached the level of proficiency. Even the particle energy in the body and the ability to control the body are still too weak.

However, this witchcraft originally belongs to the low-level witchcraft category of first-class wizard apprentices.

After being promoted to a first-class witchcraft apprentice, the extraordinary mental power is further sublimated, allowing you to observe the inside of your body, and at the same time greatly improve the control of body functions, such as accelerating the healing of injuries and actively releasing body hormones. Particle energy units will also exceed the 5 point value.

At that time, releasing the Fire of Fear will be even easier. After tempering the release time, it can even be released in one second, or even half a second.

On the desk, Wang Ya had chewed through almost two-fifths of the extraordinary witchcraft books he had sorted out. It is expected that all this extraordinary knowledge will be absorbed within two months.

[Target: Vast Sea Meditation Method-The Fifth Wizard Rune]

[Status: Parsing]

[Estimated time: two days]

Unconsciously, it has been almost twenty days since I arrived in Gulin Mountain. Wang Ya touched the fine hair on his chin. In about a year or two, it will turn into a long and black beard.

In an automated restaurant.

The internal structure is no different from that on the wizard's ship. It is probably the wizard who is responsible for building these in the Dark Land, and his own aesthetic is like this.

As usual, Wang Ya sat down at a dining table in the corner and ate the food in silence. Although it doesn't look fast, the food in front of you is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There were not many people in the restaurant, even a little too few. A few scattered figures were still at the food outlet, taking at least seven days, or even half a month's worth.

He did the same thing on the wizard ship, but there was danger around him. There was a subtle look on Wang Ya's face. With the protection of the rules, the danger would not happen in Gulin Mountain.

"My best friend Wang Ya, I finally found you. I knew you would be in this corner. I have to take a look every time I come to the restaurant." A familiar loud voice rang, and Gray held the dinner plate and took a look. He sat down in front of Wang Ya. There was a lot of food, at least enough for two new wizards.

Compared with the slightly messy appearance on the wizard ship, Gray is much better now. At least the messy, greasy hair has been taken care of and has a natural curl. The yellowed teeth were as usual, revealing a smile.

Mostly because he was happy to see his old friend, Gray said with a bit of dissatisfaction: "Hey, hey, hey, I said you are too boring. It's been so long since you've been in Gulin Mountain and you haven't said anything about it. Talk to each other about things.”

Before Wang Ya could speak, Gray kept talking, as if he had endless words to say, focusing on what he had seen and heard in Gulin Mountain in recent days, as well as a major event that had happened.

This incident caused panic among the new wizards in the entire ancient forest mountain.

Wang Ya, who studied behind closed doors in the wizard's residence, lacked this part of the information. What exactly happened in Gulin Mountain? In just about twenty days, it seemed as if earth-shaking changes had taken place. And whether it will have any impact on his plan, Wang Ya is considering this.

"Many new students are missing. The most important thing is that we can't determine how they disappeared, and we can't find any information." Gray said in a slightly lowered voice. He looked around the restaurant where there were not many people, and his observation was not focused on the two of them.

"It's too weird. The disappearance of new wizards didn't cause much response at the beginning. Later, more and more people disappeared, which led to the current result."

"Now everyone is in danger and panic is spreading. But I don't think it's a big deal. Anyway, those missing people have relatively good wizard qualifications." Gray said with a heartless smile, "Anyway, my wizard qualifications are not outstanding. No matter how turbulent it is, it won't affect me."

Could he really guess it right? The new students of the wizard family announced the holding of a welcome party before, and it was after the wizard Yi Si announced the rules.

Wang Ya was thoughtful.

Gray's next answer surprised Wang Ya.

"At first I thought it was the wizard family's freshmen who did it. After all, any smart person would know that something was wrong with the welcome party." Gray complained, "We are not related at all, and we are welcome to meet and become friends. I thought that there would be no competition for tickets and everyone could enter the academy."

"Many of the missing wizard freshmen did not attend the welcome party. Of course, many of those who attended the party also disappeared, and even wizard freshmen from wizard families disappeared inexplicably."

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