The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 37 [37] Why do you force me!


The cold wind blew the trees in the ancient forest, and the leaves rustled. The fluorescence of the wizard trail reflected the dark outlines around. There were a few clear leaves and forest leaves, and more strange tree branches. It was not clear, and this vague unknown feeling made people subconsciously panic.

He did not have such emotions. Instead, he stayed away from the fluorescence of the wizard trail and merged into the darkness of the ancient forest. His eyelids were covered with alienated scales, and his cheeks were also covered with them, which made him look a little hideous. A layer of diaphragm on his pupils allowed him to see everything in the darkness clearly.

Darkness was his protection.

Under the gray robe, his strong and powerful body, the long breathing sound seemed to be integrated into the blowing of the cold wind. During the ups and downs, his pupils were always staring at the entrance and exit of the wizard trail.

During this period of time, several wizard freshmen would pass through this road, all alone, and return to their wizard residences through this road.

Kill the ten wizard freshmen who are easiest to kill.

This is the order in his mind!

No need to think, no need to ask, he was named No. 2 when he was born, and he has completed many orders, and this time will be no exception.

Under the sleeves of his robe, a dark short knife-like weapon, with a dark luster, looks particularly extraordinary. No. 2 keeps the particle energy in his body injected at any time. With just one thought, this low-level magic weapon can be fully activated and complete the hunting of the target.


The wind is blowing, bringing up the fallen leaves. No. 2's pupils, which have no emotion and humanity, trembled a little, and the palm holding the "Shadow Killing Blade" exerted muscle force and squeezed it tightly, like the interlocking of mechanical gears.

It was a figure in a black robe, very young and handsome, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, walking on the magic array path with ease, without paying any attention to the surrounding environment.

No. 2 judged that the success rate of this hunt was 100%.

So he made a move. The blood power in his body made his heart beat rapidly at this moment. A large amount of blood circulated with the muscles of his whole body, forming a terrifying force. Unexpectedly, the ground that should have exploded and the violent air wave only made a low "chi chi" sound. His figure disappeared and merged into the darkness, the special talent "shadow hiding" from the extraordinary bloodline.

The black-robed figure still walked without noticing, with a heavy heart on his face, and his brows were furrowed on his handsome face.


The injection of particle energy made the black blade of the Shadow Killing Blade instantly extend to about one meter. The dark element particle energy on the blade increased the damage ability in the form of subtle vibrations.


The long sword cut off the head, and the bone marrow and spine were as weak as tofu. The splattering blood and the fallen black-robed body were all so shocking.

Number 2's pupils were numb and lifeless. Killing a person did not give him any physiological feedback. It was as common as kicking a can on the roadside when people are bored.

The Shadow Killing Blade can cut through the particle energy shield, and can also isolate the particle radiation of the mist witch array, reducing the effect of the mist by half. But the order was to let him choose the easiest way and minimize the exposure of information. Breaking into the residence of the freshmen was too risky.

No. 2 put the Shadow Killing Blade into the sleeve of his robe, and then he had to kill nine targets.

The task was simple, but he was a freshman with no combat experience, and he was hiding in the dark to assassinate.

No. 2's figure gradually disappeared in the ancient forest.

The blood flowed to Wang Ya's feet, and the pungent smell made him look uncertain. Not far away was the fallen black robe corpse, with his head at his feet, and his expression was dull. There was no pain or other expression reaction, as if he was killed in an instant, and he didn't even feel the pain.

Wang Ya's pupils were shining with blue fragments.

The murderer attacked from behind, and his method was extremely sophisticated. There was radiation of particle energy and fine sawtooth-like wounds on the wound. His pupils narrowed. The weapon that could cause such a wound was definitely not an ordinary sharp blade.

Wang Ya determined the time of death by the degree of blood coagulation to be about half an hour.

Could it be related to the recent uproarious disappearance incident!

There was a murder in Gulin Mountain!

Wang Ya felt that there was an undercurrent. Who was the person behind this? He was so bold that he directly ignored the rules and prohibitions of the wizard Yi Si. Thinking about it carefully, it was terrible.

Wang Ya frowned and glanced around. The dark outline of the ancient forest environment seemed to have a terrible shadow killer, which made him more vigilant.

‘The timing of the attack and the time of killing were all in an instant, and they chose this position specifically. This is a professional killer. ’

Wang Ya also understood that some dark industry activities in the wizard black market were not much better than those in the mortal world.

He often took this road, but it was impossible for him to be targeted. Wizard killers and the like had to act in Gulin Mountain, and the price they paid was definitely not small.

Some of the performances he showed were not worth that much money.

Wang Ya clenched his fist subconsciously. Was he here to kill this new wizard? No, not necessarily. This new wizard was not of top caliber. If he had passed by half an hour earlier, would he have been the target?

This was clearly an irregular and purposeless killing!

Because there is no benefit in killing these freshmen. In the competition for tickets, no one would believe that ordinary freshmen can surpass freshmen with top qualifications.

The motive is not established.

A cloud of doubt.

A strong sense of crisis emerged in Wang Ya's heart, making his face extremely gloomy. What he hates most is unwarranted troubles, and he may be affected.

Who knows how many wizard killers there are and what their purpose is.

It is obvious that if he spends fifteen days peacefully and steadily, he can enter the Dark Wizard Academy, but such a dangerous thing happened.

It is impossible to hide in the freshman residence all the time. The food needed by the body and the psychological tension and care are destined to make the study of extraordinary knowledge in this way extremely inefficient. He does not have so much time to waste. There may be changes again. Lu Sen's soul body also needs to find a suitable extraordinary environment to settle it down.

Wang Ya's expression was extremely gloomy. He just wanted to study extraordinary knowledge and pursue the truth quietly without provoking anyone. His hard work and efforts to practice the plan were destroyed by this damn inexplicable external force.

'Why do you force me! '

He pressed the glass bottle on his waist with his right hand and touched the handle of the dagger. His eyes were cold and even a little murderous, but he maintained basic calmness and rationality.

As his thoughts turned wildly, he already had an answer.

The next day! Wang Ya came to the wizard freshman management office.

"Dear Master Yisi, I want to report."

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