The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 38 [38] The Betrayer: The Departure of Wizard Is

The manager of Gulin Mountain has a special office building called "Gulin Tower". It is located at the highest point of Gulin Mountain, under the shade of a huge ancient tree. Part of the building wall is directly built on the ancient tree, and it looks like a high tower.

The place where the new student is located is on the hillside of Gulin Mountain.

Wang Ya's idea is simple and crude, but it can also play the most significant effect.

The rules of Gulin Mountain were set by the wizard Yisi. Since the rules have been broken, let the wizard Yisi solve this matter.

You don't care about what happens outside Gulin Mountain, but this happened inside Gulin Mountain, and the rules were clearly violated.

With a similar concept of rules to the wizard Tuta, Wang Ya is very sure that the wizard Yisi will definitely take action.

What will be the final result of a wizard who is at least a third-level wizard apprentice taking action?

Wang Ya is rarely looking forward to it, maybe he can get some data collection and comparison.

He had never seen Wizard Tuta take action, but could only feel the equally terrifying, abyss-like particle energy aura from both of them. If it burst out, it could at least destroy a mortal city.

The high-energy reaction given by the Eye of Truth was no joke.

When that level of particle energy touched him, his body's resistance could not withstand the radiation damage at all. There was only one result, the whole body was diseased, tumors formed, and the pus-filled body deteriorated, and died in painful torture.

He wanted to see if the person behind the scenes could sit still!

Wang Ya's voice was transmitted into the Gulin Tower, and soon, the door at the bottom of the tower opened.

However, the figure who walked out of the Gulin Tower was not Wizard Yisi.

Wang Ya frowned, and still said politely: "Respected Wizard Gandhi."

The man was dressed in a white wizard robe, slightly fat, with a plump face, and a strong particle energy aura, but compared with Wizard Yisi, he was much weaker.

Of course, it is impossible that the entire management of Gulin Mountain is only managed by Wizard Yisi.

There are also four wizards who handle small and large matters for Wizard Yisi. They have appeared in Gulin Pavilion and the automated restaurant, but more often they are nowhere to be seen.

The Gandhi wizard in front of him has eaten lunch and dinner with the freshmen in the automated restaurant in the past few days. The kind middle-aged fat man looks full of affinity, which is completely different from the cold face of Wizard Yisi. If Wizard Yisi had not left a deep impression on the freshmen, it is estimated that some freshmen would have the courage to try to communicate with Wizard Gandhi.

It is worth mentioning that Wizard Gandhi and another Dragon Rabbit Wizard are old people in Gulin Mountain and have been in Gulin Mountain for about 40 years. Wizard Yisi and the other two wizards were transferred from the Dark Land. Among them, Wizard Yisi was transferred in the past five years.

"You said someone violated the rules set by Wizard Yisi in Gulin Mountain?" Wizard Gandhi's kind face was full of solemnity.

"Can you tell me the details? If what you said is true, it is really too bad and must be severely punished. Also, I don't know if you are..."

Wang Ya's heart skipped a beat for no reason, and he felt a little strange. He subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at Wizard Gandhi with the corner of his eye. He still had a very kind face, and his solemn expression was also worried about this matter. It's not false!

Could it be his illusion!

"I am a wizard freshman 'Arthur', 'Arthur Luchi', and my number is."

Wang Ya suppressed a panic and spoke nervously, even stuttering a word or two.

It seems that the fear of the violation of the rules of Gulin Mountain is very deep.

"Master Wizard Gandhi, I don't know where Master Wizard Yisi is. This matter must be let Master Wizard Yisi know." Wang Ya continued.

Wizard Gandhi shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's too late. Master Yisi and the other three wizards will go to the transfer station to hand over the extraordinary resources sent from the Dark Land."

"This matter is, to some extent, more important than the violation of the rules of Gulin Mountain. It will take at least a week before we can come back."

It was like a flash of lightning that struck Wang Ya's mind, and he inexplicably felt a bit of chill.

After Wizard Gandhi said this, he thought of a lot.

Dare not to guess, or even to think too much, and try to keep the most appropriate expression on his face.

Wang Ya looked anxious, "Then what should we do next? If Wizard Yisi is not here, then we are in danger. Who knows if the hidden mastermind will continue to kill us."

"Don't worry, I will investigate the situation, at least I will protect your safety before Wizard Yisi comes back."

Wizard Gandhi said forcefully.

Wang Ya left Gulin Tower with a heavy heart.

He could even sense that Gandhi's eyes were fixed on him, as if they were going to penetrate his body.

In the freshman residence. Mo Xi pushed the door open and entered, followed by Kadi.

"The unknown wizard killer has already taken action and successfully caused panic among the freshmen. Those guys with top qualifications should also understand the situation." Kadi smiled and drank a cup of tea.

"But I'm still very curious, why didn't the unknown wizard killer collect the body, but left the body as the biggest flaw. If it is discovered a few days later, wouldn't the violation of the rules spread a few days later?" Kadi looked at Mo Xi curiously.

"What we lack is time!" Moxi said with a confident smile, "We only have seven days to complete the plan for the new wizards. The two unknown wizard killers are going to die in Gulin Mountain as an explanation. "

"And the most intuitive stimulus is death. There is not so much time to wait for panic to spread. Those guys who have not signed the wizard contract are all hard-core and smart people. Their mentality is in the wizard stage and they no longer have the bad habits of the island natives."

"They are definitely not willing to give in and will try their best to struggle. Even if I read the contract, I have to sympathize with them. But so what if they are not willing to give in! The way to deal with smart people and those island natives who threaten death is It’s different. In the face of death, they will jump over the wall, use coercion and inducement, and then use their psychological weaknesses to break through the defense line little by little to give them hope of survival and some prospects for the future.”

"Only such new wizards have a greater chance of growing up. As for the island natives who have signed contracts, they are far inferior to this group of people."

Moxi's eyes were shining with a different light, and at this moment, he was extremely imposing.

The pupils of Kadi in front of him shrank, as if he saw the shadow of the previous batch of new direct family members.

Suddenly, Moxi seemed to sense something and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his eyes were filled with amusement.

"Let's go, we still have to find the executive director of the Wizards Mutual Aid Association, our little Anna, and ask 'Arthur Lucci', the new wizard, what kind of person he is."

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