The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 433 [433] Subversion Plan Wang Ya Insights into the Other World (One more update today)

"Your plan may fail. There is a sixth Star Wizard in the Primitive Land, and he is secretly breaking through the level of the Moon Wizard."

In the unknown underground space, Diana followed the corridor and entered the underground gate. A dark flame engulfed her, but she disappeared in reality.

This is a place where reality and illusion overlap, which has been transformed by Andersen.

A cold female voice echoed in this space.

Tall columns are made entirely of bones, covered with a layer of animal fur, and the flames burning at the tip are a strange dark gray.

Under the light and shadow, there is a huge throne, which is also made of bones, but it seems not to be a human, but a large humanoid creature, with a much larger skeleton than an ordinary human.

A figure in a gray robe sat on the throne, with long legs placed casually, dark gray hair, and pupils with a strange deep red.

A smile appeared at the corner of the young wizard's mouth, adding a bit of weirdness.

Leaning against the throne, he stared at Diana under the altar with a lazy look.

"So what? The result of the primitive land is destined to be the first step in my wizard plan, and it is also a step that must be completed."

"The more star wizards there are, the better, so that we can have enough strength to engulf other wizard forces."

The young wizard with long gray hair did not agree, and his expression was still calm, "But there is one thing you said very well, that is, wizards at the level of Huiyue can cause certain obstacles to my plan."

"Then don't let him break through, or directly interfere and replace the identity of that star wizard."

In Andersen's plan, all wizard forces in the online area will become his possession.

The powerful wizard forces in the Frost and Snow Land far exceed his current strength and can have a greater impact on his plan.

The power of the third-level Huiyue level is the bottom line of those powerful wizard forces.

Even if more online regional wizard forces are engulfed, no matter how chaotic the fight is, no matter how big the fight is, as long as there is no wizard of the Huiyue level, the wizard forces hidden behind will not intervene.

There is no doubt that there must be some wizard spies hiding in the major wizard forces, and the purpose is also to prevent it.

Looking at Gray's body, which has changed into another face, Diana's heart is full of complicated feelings.

She said, "How to do it? I have made the greatest efforts to become one of the official wizards of the Primitive Land, and obtained the highest authority and benefits that can be obtained by the official wizards from outside.

With a higher power status, you can touch the real core things of the Primitive Land, but that is not something that foreign wizards can touch."

"The Starry Wizard who has the hope of breaking through the Huiyue level is the biggest secret and the oldest existence in the Primitive Land. If it weren't for the method you gave me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to investigate this information."

Andersen thought for a while before saying, "Originally, I was thinking about waiting for a while before carrying out the primitive invasion plan. Now it seems that it's time to move forward."

"The Mammoth Wizard has been controlled by me. My current identity is his heir, and I have also become a formal wizard. I am one of the most talented and outstanding young wizards in the Primitive Land."

Andersen used raw meat and the Dead Soul Box to make a perfect disguise. It is almost impossible for an extraordinary existence to discover the clues, unless the attainments in flesh and soul have surpassed him.

In addition, maintaining the original character, playing the role, and changing the part that is more in line with the character definition than the original self over a long period of time, then it will be completely impeccable.

"Using the Dead Soul Box, I can control multiple bodies at the same time, even at the level of the Starry Wizard, but that requires a lot of my energy, and I can only control two at most, which is very reluctant."

"Then how to implement your plan, the primitive land is not the dark land, the number of starry wizards is greater, and the strength is stronger."

"It may not be necessary for us to manipulate it personally behind the scenes. Sometimes we only need a trigger condition, and the hungry wolf of the primitive land will pursue it eagerly."

Diana looked at Andersen with some confusion.

"My original plan was to control the decision-making level of the Primitive Land, and then launch an attack on other wizard forces, until the seals under the energy layers of the earth veins were opened and the key to open that place was obtained."

"It's just a change of plan. Since there is an old guy who wants to be promoted to a Huiyue wizard, let him be promoted. The right person will throw out enough trustworthy information. In order to break through the third-level Huiyue level, even without the whip, the hungry and crazy wild wolf will pounce on it frantically."

"The process is not important, as long as the result is completed."

Andersen supported his chin with his right hand, his body tilted slightly, and the light and shadow stretched his body.

That kind of calm and natural performance of strategizing made Diana feel much more at ease.

"The only thing to pay attention to is to find out the spies of other wizard forces hidden in the Primitive Land." Andersen said with a smile: "At present, we are formal wizards with red roots in the Primitive Land, and we are on the united front."

Diana nodded and turned to leave this special space.

No one would be a better candidate than Andersen to tell this news.

First, as an ancient person, he must know many secret places, and the information he gave is true.

Secondly, the identity of the other party, the cheap father ‘Mammoth Wizard’ also has a teacher.

He is one of the five star wizards in the primitive land.

You can use the Mammoth Wizard's route to get close to the Star Wizard, and then try to control it with the Dead Soul Box.

After so many years, Andersen has not recovered much strength. On the contrary, he still has to contact the local forces in the land of frost and snow.

He was too weak, and with his residual soul consciousness, he couldn't do much at all, and he didn't have much power at all.

Most of his soul was trapped in the void of rules in the Darklands.

New rules are needed to define the state of nothingness over there and completely rescue the ontology.

Or, touch the power of your own rules and try to draw out the soul consciousness of the body.

If there is no help from others outside, if the main body wants to get out of trouble and come back again, the time it will take is almost incalculable, even if one side of the world naturally ages and dies, it cannot be done.

"Old friend, I must use your power of rules."

"One move you make casually will be of great help to me."

Andersen sat on the bone throne. Under the light and shadow, his face was expressionless, and his eyes seemed to have different emotions.

"It's really embarrassing. I haven't been in such an embarrassing state for many years."

"Shen Lan, I am completely convinced that I lost to you, but now that I have been reduced to this embarrassing situation, I can't calm down."

"My descendant named Tu Shen, sooner or later, I will settle matters with you."

In Andersen's mind, all kinds of things about the dark land came to mind, and finally they locked on the face of Wang Yahalak.

"Will it be you? Whether it is or not, you will also be on my liquidation list. I will strangle your future and break your path as a wizard."

Things have been going on for so long, and some clues about Andersen's wisdom and character can always be found after thinking about it.

It's impossible to be sure, but being able to doubt it is already certain.

There is a high probability that the world-destroying meteor cannon was released by that young junior.

"The characters of the past are not dead yet. The younger generations want to rise to the top and shine brightly, but there is a darkness ahead that you cannot imagine."

Andersen leaned against the throne, his eyes looking forward, looking at the rippling gray space, seeming to see everything in the outside world through the restrictions.

He even met the eyes of certain beings.

"I always come back. This is an unchangeable fact. Deep Blue appears again, and the final result cannot be changed. This is what you owe me."

"World Parliament of Stars. Haha, a group of juniors who have no hair at all. They are so smug and self-righteous. This is not how the net is used."

The gray clouds were swept by small wind currents, which gradually became larger and larger. You could still feel the touch of rain on your skin in the wind, and a storm was about to come.

It was the oppressive calm of the eve.

Standing on the tallest building in a ruined city, a figure wearing a black wizard robe made this judgment.

Green grass and vines grow in every corner. Their strong vitality can overcome the harsh environment. But now, under the influence of the virus mutation, it has become ten times or even hundreds of times larger than its original size.

The steel forest has now completely become a forest of plants. Only the billboards on the walls of tall buildings can vaguely see some of its former glory.

It seems to be a brand endorsed by a superstar in a certain football game, a football king named Messi.

The figure in the wizard's robe does not have a solid body. The feet are illusory and suspended in mid-air. When you look at it carefully, the body is also glowing with gray light and shadow particles, showing a looming outline.

The biggest difference between the Star Wizard and the True Spirit Wizard is that the spiritual essence of consciousness has been further transformed.

Even a small part of Wang Ya's spiritual consciousness can condense the particles and matter in the surrounding environment, thereby condensing and appearing in reality, and possessing some entities.

After all, it is not a real body, and Wang Ya will not waste the power of his conscious and spiritual body to solidify his physical body.

As the last guarantee for exploring this world, he still has a lot to do.

For example, study the extraordinary creatures in this world and collect species types to determine whether humans are really extinct.

At the same time, we try to trace the essence and find the key to the origin of the extraordinary. Is it true that the virus has caused the extraordinary coming, or is there a source of a single individual.

Wang Ya vaguely had a whim, which seemed to bring him some surprising gains.

And the harvest is not small, and it is even possible to produce gains on the wizard's path, and even have a certain advancement effect on the three analytical solutions.

Every civilized world is different, and the fruits of civilization that exist can help the eye of truth.


There is a black and white aura circulating in the surrounding void, and gathering the matter in the air, thus condensing a pair of black and white eyes that are between illusion and reality.


Wang Ya raised his right hand, and those black and white eyes of reality slowly merged into the void, exploring all directions of the city.

It cannot be observed with the naked eye, and even with the spiritual perception of some wizards, it is difficult to detect it.

Wang Ya is waiting for information feedback.

He first needs to determine whether there is any useful information left in this city, or whether there are some extraordinary species worthy of attention and research.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, the white arc of light in his pupils became more and more complex and rich, and a large amount of data flow was flowing.

The Eye of Truth can feedback information in real time.

It seems that a lot of useful information has been collected, and he has encountered local extraordinary creatures in the city.

Wang Ya sensed that a large number of black and white eyes of truth were converging.

If there are enough of them, they can also form a single-minded individual of Wang Ya's spiritual consciousness, and can collect some important things.

"It's really a desolate world. Even if humans still exist, the fruits of civilization have been completely destroyed. At most, there are a few residues or these extraordinary biological strains left."

Wang Ya's main spiritual consciousness individual receives and digests a large number of pictures, and every corner of the city cannot escape his eyes.

The spiritual consciousness body brought this time is far more powerful than in the warrior world.

After all, Wang Ya's own strength is also growing, and the degree of improvement is a step-by-step leap.

In theory, it can exert the combat power of the Star Wizard level and crush any formal wizard level.

It's just that the full-fire state cannot be maintained for too long.

Need to increase revenue or cut costs.

"The more the strains grow, the more nutrients they absorb, and the civilization fruit will be damaged, but new strains of civilization fruit will also be formed. These extraordinary creatures actually have some signs of civilization fruit, but they are too weak."

Wang Ya saw a large number of extraordinary creatures living in the city, including animals, plants, and tiny ecological objects, which seemed to have formed a unique balanced cycle ecosystem.

After the balanced cycle is established, the next is the text and language inside the extraordinary creatures, and the understanding of the outside world and things.

Unfortunately, although the number of extraordinary creatures discovered by the Black and White True Eye is large, their strength is too weak, and they generally do not even reach the category of low-level extraordinary creatures.

Of course, it may also be because the base number is too large.

The higher the strength of the extraordinary creatures, the higher their wisdom will be, and the birth of civilization is a matter of time.

Wang Ya is curious about the extraordinary roots of this world. Why are they all developing along the flesh and body shape, and are all the same. In addition to being big and hard, and having strong biological energy, there are few other talents.

The light above the entire city was suddenly blocked, leaving only a huge shadow, but it quickly flashed away, leaving only the strong wind that blew the entire city, which seemed to be swaying.

"Interesting, it seems that something incredible has been discovered."

Wang Ya narrowed his eyes and stared at the giant figure in the distance above the sky, which was gradually getting smaller. The corners of his mouth raised an arc, revealing white and neat teeth, but no matter how he looked at it, it looked a little weird.

It was an extraordinary creature living in the city, an extraordinary creature with a world of difference.

In terms of the essence of life, it has surpassed several levels.

At least it is the level of the beast king.

For Wang Ya, this is a good material.

Perhaps it can be studied why the extraordinary tendency is always limited to a certain aspect, and there is no multi-directional development.

If the virus mutates and produces extraordinary, the essence is mutation, which is impossible to fix.

Where is the trick.

On the experimental table, it will naturally be clear.

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