The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 434 [434] Experiment resumes, researcher Wang Ya is online (second update)


When the wind is compressed and the pressure reaches a certain level, it will become a tearing wind with extreme lethality, a high-pressure wind, and anything in it will become shattered debris.

At this moment, the owner of the city territory stretched his body wantonly, roared loudly and sharply, and the hurricane that rose with the flapping of his wings enveloped everything below.

Dust filled the sky, tree debris, vines became debris, and buildings buried deep under the mud layer were also swept up. The entire world became a dusty chaos.

Only the ferocious beast dancing in the center of the storm can still control the overall situation and peek at everything outside in the eye of the storm.

To be precise, it is the strong sense of oppression brought to him by peeping at the tiny creature like dust.

Humans have disappeared for many years. In its limited life memory, there is no trace of the existence of the two-horned beast, and it is impossible to understand why this tiny creature brings it a more terrible sense of crisis than the beast king of the same level.

The brown animal pupils reflected the figure in the black robe. The other party just stood on the top of the tallest building in the city, without any expression, allowing the hurricane to rage and destroy every corner of the city.

The other party seemed to be alone outside the world, and no disturbance could disturb him.

Grame was angry. He was the king. This city, including the nearby mountains, was his territory. The king could not be disturbed by this tiny ant-like creature, and he did not respond to its voice.


It roared hoarsely again, sharp and piercing. The sound waves spread with the flapping storm, forming a circular ripple tornado stream, which was very fast and approached the figure in the blink of an eye.

The void was rippled by such an attack, and became disordered and dim.

The earth was plowed open as if by a slender blade, and the steel buildings became debris, and the power was more powerful than before.

Wang Yana's calm face finally changed.

"It seems that I underestimated the evolutionary adaptability of life species. A large size and a strong body do not necessarily mean that they will have an inherent impression. If they are developed from different angles, they can also obtain good physical performance. From another perspective, it may be regarded as a special kind of witchcraft."

Wang Ya's desire to explore became more urgent.

There is only one direction of mutation.

What is the degree of mutation?

Where is the limit?

What level is the data in the general sense.

Everything is what Wang Ya wants to know, so that he can use this to dig out the real source.

The virus mutates to give birth to the extraordinary. What kind of virus is it? How can it be promoted to an extraordinary virus? Where does the potential come from? Wang Ya looked at Grame's huge body with excitement in his eyes.

As if it had been placed on the experimental table, the scalpel was used to cut open the chest, cut off the diaphragm, avoid the rib protection, take out the heart, and peel out the blood vessels.

"You are very special, not simple, and have greater experimental research value. I want to apologize to you for this."

"Stereotypes will also become obstacles to exploring the unknown. I will reflect on this. Then, I cherish the experimental materials." Wang Ya's tone was very calm, and his pupils reflected the enlarging tornado stream, like a rolling and vibrating wind blade, with unmatched power.

Slowly raised his right hand, extended a finger, and pointed it straight ahead.


The next moment, the raging wind subsided, and the seemingly unmatched tornado blade also disappeared in an instant.

Even the tornado wrapped around Grame's flapping wings disappeared, revealing its whole body covered with black feathers, and a few feathers gradually tended to develop towards white.

It is not fading, but a further transformation of its own mutation, trying to advance to a higher level of evolution.

But it was very shallow, only about 5% of the feathers showed a similar white color.

No matter how it changed, in Wang Ya's eyes, there was no difference.

Only when he was at the level of a formal wizard could he pay a little more attention to it.

The power of the spiritual consciousness is not infinite. There is a corner of the dream world for living beings. Even if the corner of the dream is small, it can supplement Wang Ya's dream power.

In the warrior world, the power of the spiritual consciousness is not enough, and it needs to absorb the soul consciousness of others to adapt to the characteristics of the local dream world, so as to plant the dream seeds.

The malice of the world is also resisting everything outside.

This world is different. There is no malice of the world entangled in the body. It is like being defenseless, allowing him to clearly see all aspects of the dream world.

It's like the instinctive will of the world has died in advance.

Wang Ya narrowed his eyes, vaguely touched something, and a rough guess emerged in his mind.

However, some experimental results are needed to verify it.


Wang Ya spoke softly again.

There was unprecedented fear in Grame's beast eyes.

The storm disappeared, its wings stopped flapping, and even its body seemed to be controlled by an invisible force, unable to move, and could only freeze in place.

The monster, that tiny creature, was a monster.

It didn't have a huge body, but it had a more powerful unknown power.

The previous fights were nothing more than physical collisions, struggles of strong bodies, claws, and fangs. The wisdom of high-level extraordinary creatures was not low, and they all had wisdom equal to that of humans. Grame couldn't understand it, and the fear of the unknown forced it to want to leave here.

And from the eyes of that tiny creature, it felt an unprecedented chill.


The scream of fear became sharper and sharper, spreading far away, and shook the clouds in the sky.

However, it was in vain. No matter how hard it struggled, its body was like lead, and it froze in place.

Under the action of gravity, it fell downwards.

Some high-level extraordinary creatures in the city also fled to the outside world.

The king of this territory was dead, and the intelligent extraordinary creatures with thinking ability could judge the situation.

"The world experimental field is very large. Although there is no suitable experimental equipment, the city experimental field can still do it."

Wang Ya's voice echoed in every corner of the city at the same time.

All the high-level extraordinary creatures with strong intelligence were extremely terrified, obviously startled, and took several steps back.

The animal pupils reflected the black and white eyeballs in front of them, which converged and evolved into a figure wearing a black robe, with a faint smile on his fair face.

Some extraordinary creatures were angry. In this world, they understood that size represented strength. The larger, the stronger.

Wang Ya's tiny body was like the weakest ant dust.

They bared their teeth, stretched out their claws, and attacked Wang Ya in front of them, trying to tear him into pieces.

However, what shocked them again was that the claws and fangs went straight through the body of this tiny creature without touching it at all.

The ability of the body of mirror flower and water moon can put Wang Ya in the overlap of illusion and reality, and can only affect him from the illusion level.

If the extraordinary creatures in this world develop in a single extraordinary direction, then there is no ability to touch the essence of Wang Ya's consciousness and spiritual body.

In other words, Wang Ya is invincible in this world. Even the consciousness soul body can ignore any extraordinary creature, no matter how powerful it is, how huge its body is, comparable to mountains and rivers, it is still the same.

"Qualified experimental materials."

The many consciousness and spiritual bodies Wang Ya had no expression on his face. After saying this, the power of the original force witch body was also dispersed and acted on the corresponding extraordinary creatures.

The result is already determined.

The consciousness and spiritual body Wang Ya closed his eyes and entered a corner of the dream of this city.

"Son of God, have you really succeeded? I am not dreaming that you have been accepted as a disciple by Lord Nightmare Wizard."

"Son of God, aren't you excited? That's Lord Nightmare Wizard. Only you succeeded. You have done what all the young wizards in the entire Heart of Conquest cannot do."

"Son of God, you are the only one who has been accepted as a real disciple by Lord Nightmare Wizard. Those wizards who were under Lord Nightmare Wizard before are no longer young. They still have some connections to enter Lord Nightmare Wizard's door. They are nominal disciples. Only you are qualified to truly inherit the name of Nightmare."

In Baicao Wizard City, one of the three wizard cities in the Heart of Conquest, in the ancient castle of the Solomon family, Galio Solomon was extremely excited and gave every servant and family member a considerable bonus to express his joy.

He kept walking around the young blue-haired wizard, his eyes shining, looking at Son of God Solomon as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

Being able to become the disciple of the Nightmare Wizard is more valuable than any rare treasure, and the impact is multifaceted.

The power of the Solomon family is not in the core area.

But once the news that the Son of God Solomon was accepted as a true disciple by the Nightmare Wizard spreads.

The Solomon family will become the most powerful wizard family in Baicao Wizard City.

It is not impossible to become the Solomon Wizard City.

The old body has emerged with a fiery ambition that has never been seen before.

He may not even die of old age. He may rely on this opportunity to obtain some extraordinary things that prolong his life or improve his foundation.

Everything is possible, everything is hopeful, everything is because the Son of God Solomon has become the disciple of the Nightmare Wizard.

One person's success will bring success to the whole family.

Galio Solomon can't help but be unhappy.

"Okay, father, you don't need to be so excited, everything is still unknown."

The blue-haired young wizard had a bit of helplessness on his face.

"This is not an unknown, it has become a fact. Qiu Dong Wizard has already told me privately that Lord Nightmare Wizard is also paying close attention to you."

"Attention is just attention. If you don't announce it, you are not the real disciple of Lord Nightmare Wizard after all."

Solomon, the son of God, is very open about this.

"I need to complete the test arranged by Lord Nightmare Wizard and experience the judgment and evaluation results of the black and white reincarnation before I can decide whether I can truly become the disciple of Lord Nightmare Wizard."

"Black and white reincarnation." Galio Solomon was a little confused. He didn't know what black and white reincarnation was, but he believed that his son could meet the requirements of Lord Nightmare Wizard.

After all, he is so outstanding, the best young wizard in the entire Heart of Conquest at the moment.

Solomon, the son of God, is not optimistic, and his face is full of solemnity.

Lord Qiu Dong Wizard told him some information about black and white reincarnation.

That is to put one's own consciousness and spiritual body into the black and white bubble, and experience reincarnation again and again in dreams, which is the best place to temper the heart of a wizard.

Those who are in the cycle of reincarnation can extend the corresponding world of reincarnation through their own memories. If they cannot pass through it, they will be trapped in it forever.

"The most difficult thing to face and defeat is always yourself."

Solomon, the son of God, smiled, "Master Nightmare Wizard, defeating yourself is very interesting, isn't it?"

"I can do it, Teacher Nightmare."

The main control area of ​​the battle fortress.

The battle in the blood shackles research room.

Four ordinary night moon elves, naked, with beautiful bodies revealed, are on the cold dissection table, and sharp needles are inserted into the blood vessels, thus stimulating the whole body, so that every blood and flesh cell has a uniform drug reaction.

The most important acupuncture is along the artery at the neck, directly piercing into the special heart source.

The atrium and ventricle are broken by the acupuncture.

Wang Ya is wearing a white lab coat, with straps on his wrists and ankles, and a protective mask made of special materials on his face. His black eyes reflect the four experimental materials.

That beautiful face, for humans, has almost no flaws, enough to be recorded in history as one of those women who brought disaster to the country and caused the country to perish.

Frowning, her face was full of sweat, and she endured great pain.

No mortal could tolerate such a thing.

Just as beautiful things should not be destroyed.

The best interpretation of pity.

However, in Wang Ya's eyes, these four experimental subjects all had flaws, and the flaws were very serious, and they could not be called beautiful at all.

True beauty has no flaws.

The extraordinary blood of the four Night Moon Elves is too weak and has too many flaws.

It is very difficult to extract the Moon God blood from them.

The extraordinary gene fragments and extraordinary genetic factors of the Moon God blood are hidden in the extraordinary blood of the Night Moon Elves.

The number of gene fragments and genetic factors determines the strength of a Night Moon Elves' blood and the realm of strength that can be reached after adulthood.

The beauty in front of the pearls and jade is the princess of the Night Moon Elves, whose blood concentration is very high.

Wang Ya also found something special from the other party, which was the key to digging out the blood of the Moon Goddess from the princess.

"Master Nightmare Wizard, is the Night Moon Forest really gone? Can I go back again?"

A soft voice sounded, but the tone was obviously confused and uneasy.

A smile appeared on Wang Ya's face, and he responded in a gentle voice, "Asuna, of course, this is my promise to you."

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