The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 470 [470] The Secret of the Balance Cycle Rule Wang Yaxin Gains

Deep in the dim underground tunnel, on the huge iron door are two ferocious fanged beast heads, with dark flames burning in their pupils.

Behind the gate, under the dim light, the space is very vast. Climbing up the stone steps step by step is the central altar. At the edge is a thick pillar standing. The restrained blood-colored flames seem to be able to reflect the human heart. , which also draws spiritual power.

The environment of this underground space is silent, dark and humid, and the skeletons of various creatures piled in the corners add to the eerie feeling.

In the center of the altar, what is enshrined is not a statue or a god, but a blood-colored coffin. The cover is made of transparent material and seems to be some kind of crystal, so you can see what's going on inside.

A large amount of thick blood-colored liquid, with a few black spots, filled and covered everything inside the coffin.

At this moment, the bloody liquid was trembling, and a body lying in the coffin gradually emerged from the water, revealing a gloomy young face.

The bloodshot pupils shrank suddenly. ,

His expression was filled with surprise and uncertainty, and a low voice echoed inside the coffin, "The balance rules of the wizarding world have been touched. Who is so brave and willing to die? It is still the group of idiots from the Black Soul Society who have left their remnants to this day. era."

"It shouldn't be. The Black Soul Society has been destroyed long ago, and the remnants cannot exist. The suppression based on existence, definition, connection, and even destiny is still done by those old guys personally. Even I can't be sure. Can you survive from their hands?"

The deep blue wizard's methods can only suppress him until now, and there is no way to stop him after he recovers.

If those old things in his memory take action, the time when he was suppressed and killed will only become even longer, and he may never have the chance to return.

After all, those old guys are the most stingy and disgusting ones. They will even take action midway to find out the flaws and make up for them, so that his death time will continue to extend and break his recovery again and again.

"The original wizard universe is so important. It is impossible for the Black Soul Society to have any remnants. All traces of it should have been destroyed by humanity long ago. Then who will be able to touch the rules of the balance cycle can only have power at the rule level."

Andersen narrowed his eyes. Even with his wisdom and ancient memory, he couldn't figure it out.

Every Sunlight wizard, at the moment when the rules are born, will understand many essences that were not understood in the past, and understand the world, the wizard planet world, the star world, and even the universe.

There are different worlds, there is an ordinary world without demons, and there is a powerful world with extraordinary existence.

The world can be as small as a planet, as large as a galaxy, a star field, or the entire universe.

The universe is also divided into the non-magic universe and the extraordinary universe, and the degree of grandeur and vastness is also different.

Even the quality and energy of the demon-free universe, as well as its vastness, may not be comparable to some single extraordinary planet worlds.

"The moment the network is successfully built, any external things are rootless duckweeds. The process of eradication is only a matter of time. It is absolutely impossible for the Black Soul Society to still exist."

The light in Andersen's eyes flickered uncertainly, and since he couldn't come up with any results, he simply stopped thinking about it.

"No matter who he is, he is just a fool, especially if he does it on the home planet of the wizarding world, if it attracts the net to capture him."

A cold light appeared in Andersen's eyes.

This is definitely not good news for him.

Hopefully things weren't as bad as he thought.

Let the network's surveillance focus be on some galaxies surrounding the wizarding world's home planet.

Otherwise, some of his plans may be affected by variables.

If there are major flaws in the plan, it will be troublesome.

There is also the battle of stars that will come in about a thousand years.

He knows the details and some information behind the scenes. There is no doubt that this is an activity carried out by the old guys from the Council of Stars.

Andersen had to consider the possibility that members of the Star Council would pay attention to the initial home planet in advance.

"In troubled times, don't let me know who this junior is who has touched the rules of the balance cycle."

"Annoying matters."

Andersen was really a little irritable.

This is a rare thing for a wizard of his level and strength.

But his plan was to develop secretly in the land of frost and snow, recovering from his injuries and strength.

And by exorcising wolves and devouring tigers, the primitive land launched a wizard war, swallowing up other wizard forces, to the point of spreading its tentacles throughout the entire online area.

In this process, he will remove it, and at the same time, it will make the war of aggression in the primitive land more natural, without any faults.

Even if this plan fails, he will not be affected too much and can launch a second plan to achieve his goal in another way.

The arrival of the Star Fighting Conference was the first unexpected point.

The arrival of the blizzard period is the second one.

It is said that there are only three things, but now the third one has arrived, and it is even possible that it will affect the first two unexpected points.

"It's been such a troubled time. I just hope it won't affect my plans."

Andersen was suppressing uneasiness in his heart. At this stage of the plan, he had no more options to retreat.

The current physical body is based on the original power of his soul, and is made to best fit the original power of the soul.

The box of living flesh and the box of dead souls are combined into one.

"The second path also requires preparation. If you can't do it, you can only choose that option."

Andersen fell silent, and the blood-colored liquid in the coffin gradually filled his face and disappeared beneath it; the fire of the burning altar became more restrained, and seemed to consume a lot of power.


The heavy iron door sealed the last gap, isolating the inside and outside.




"Is this the price you get for touching a taboo?"

"This price is really memorable and unforgettable."

Wang Ya looked at the scene in front of him with a gloomy expression, his black eyes flickering.

This may be an experiment he will never forget in his life.

Thick black smoke filled the air, floating in the sky, with blue sky and white clouds. Some bird creatures were still coming and going, and the beast's pupils also reflected the strange scenes happening in the mountains here.

There was no fire, and they couldn't feel any temperature, but there was thick black smoke that was hard to ignore.

Dense trees and vegetation, a primeval forest environment, a figure wearing a black robe, standing on a hillside, with laboratories full of technology below. However, at this moment, they collapsed, and all the equipment was destroyed. Amidst billowing black smoke and fire, it was destroyed.

Also destroyed is the existence of the Snow Spirit.

The original strength of the shaman body can really work.

With the intervention at the micro level, Wang Ya did indeed contain the infection of the gray-black liquid.

Likewise, at the micro level, his power is not enough to change the conditions required to completely contain him.

In other words, his current strength is not strong enough.

There was no way to completely cut off contact, but there was a stalemate.

As time goes by, it will gradually enter a disadvantage, and finally it will no longer be able to stop the infection process from continuing until it is finally completed.

It was the Hanged King who thought of a way.

The world here is the world of warriors swallowed up inside the battle fortress.

Named Wu Rentian, the first level of the world level.

The second level is to be determined as the Meteor Dragon Realm.

It’s also a big hole that still needs to be dealt with by Wang Ya.

There is also a unique resource inside the fortress after devouring the Sea Dragon Secret Realm - the first-level secret realm 'Sea Dragon'.

"The Hanged King's memory and stored information are incomplete, but relying only on the incomplete information still gave me key help."

"The spirit of snow may be what Hanged King said is part of the power of the balancing cycle rules. It may also be an alternative and special form of expression, thus manifesting itself in the form of the spirit of snow."

"The process of infection is a kind of pollution, and it is also a destruction of the power of the balanced circulation rules, leading to differences, disorders, and riots between circulation and balance."

Wang Ya's face was solemn, and the consequences were unknown.

Recalling the changes that occurred in the little snow spirit during the experiment. ,

He had inner uneasiness and palpitations.

If the infection is completed, and the result of disordered riots, it will be an unpredictable disaster, which will have a serious impact on him, the entire Conquest Heart, and even the Conquest Fortress that cannot be ignored.

Simply, the experiment was terminated after all.

The critical last moment was when the Hanged King conveyed the message. Wang Ya made an immediate decision and changed the world. He moved the laboratory directly from reality to the inner world of the battle fortress.

The Hanged King did not give the balance cycle rule power, what it is.

It's missing that complete information record.

Combined with this experiment, although Wang Ya encountered an unprecedented experimental crisis, he also obtained precious information and data.

"The spirit of snow represents an extremely harsh environment, but no matter what kind of harsh environment it is in spring, summer, autumn and winter, it is all based on the wizarding world itself."

There is a cold light in Wang Ya's eyes, which means that the power of the balanced circulation rules mentioned by the Hanged King is the self-circulating power of the wizard world's home planet.

"Perhaps the existence of the net, the influence of the power of forbidden rules, and even powerful wizards need to enter a special world space. This is the most critical reason."

"This is the real force of nature, the power that belongs to the wizard's home planet. This power is part of the force field that maintains the planets around the wizard's home star, and even the entire galaxy."

"It is not a general operating force field force, but a more advanced cyclic rule force."

Wang Ya felt like he had caught something.

If he returns in separate form, he may be able to fully understand.

But right now, he is missing some of the most critical things.

"Only the Sunlight Wizard can influence the power of circular rules."

For him now, although it is not out of reach, there is still a long way to go.

Wang Ya let out a long breath, and his mind was full of thoughts, all about this experiment.

The unknown has a fatal attraction for every wizard. He wants to completely reveal it and become part of his own knowledge.

He looked towards the black smoke burning below.

Although a large area of ​​the laboratory was completely destroyed, the research on the spirit of snow was not a complete failure.

He still has something to gain!

This harvest may play a key role in the coverage of the virtual and real bubble plan.

He can even complete the wizard plan he set ahead of schedule.

"The Hanged King, take care of the laboratory matters."

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