The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 471 【471】The tribulation begins, ten years of twists and turns

The inner world of the Conquest World once had certain special characteristics.

Perhaps being able to separate from outside reality.

It is not a separate connection between fantasy and reality, there is still a certain media correlation influence between the two.

At least in the warrior world, it will not be greatly affected; the cyclic balance rules of the wizard world's home planet are very special and holistic, and Wang Ya still lacks a lot of knowledge and understanding of them.

A preliminary conclusion can be drawn from the study of the spirit of snow.

It must be the same as the cyclic balance rules of the wizard's home planet. Even if there are differences, there must be an unusual connection.

It's like the difference between trunk and branches.

Wang Ya really didn't expect that with so many snow spirits, just catching one of them would cause such a big hidden danger.

The power of the balance cycle rule is like an explosive. It cannot be touched at all, otherwise it may cause irreparable serious consequences.

At least Wang Ya currently does not have the ability to bear the responsibility for the impact caused by triggering the balance cycle rules.

"Another experiment that needs to be dusted off."

Wang Ya sighed, but his face was not very disappointed.

Although the spirit of snow cannot use the power of rules to intervene and control it, it can be used; its habit is to chase energy and extraordinary fluctuations. It only needs to make a special device. This device must be secretive enough and can be used by snow. It is noticed by the spirit, but will not be discovered by wizards from other wizarding forces.

The device must be able to expand the illusory bubble formation, and prevent the wizard's formation from causing unexpected fluctuations due to the spirit of snow and the expansion of the formation's range.

In this way, the Snow Spirit can also be a good cover.

Let people neglect their precautions.

Wang Ya has always believed that nothing in the world is absolutely dangerous and absolutely untouchable. It's just that time, place, and ability are not enough.

Ten years later.

Snowflakes were falling, and the snow accumulated thousands of meters high, pressing heavily on the rising ripple shield. The load level of the witch array was still within the expectations of some official wizards. The divine blood wizard was responsible for observing and overhauling, with his eyes Taking a glance, at the top, on the transparent white ripple shield, there were snow spirits with body masks on them, their expressions were a bit mocking.

Even if it is a natural disaster in the harsh environment unique to the land of frost and snow - the blizzard period, it will always be impossible to cause a devastating blow to wizards, especially wizards like them.

The natural energy tide under the earth's veins is continuously injected into the witch formation, unless the external pressure reaches the load of the witch formation; the witch formation set up by the spirit of the fortress has been tried by the divine blood wizard himself, and he is very good at it. It is difficult to break, and the strength benchmark is the second level of stars.

"In ten years, I don't know how long it will last. There is a high probability that some of the snow on it will have to be cleared again in a while. Otherwise, the entire Battle Canyon will be filled up."

The divine blood wizard sighed, turned around and walked into the void.

"Lord Nightmare Wizard, this is the Blizzard period data record chart in recent years. Please take a look."

The divine blood wizard placed a stack of parchment scrolls on the table and took a step or two back.

The figure in black robe sitting on the office chair put down an ancient witchcraft book in his hand.

The black-and-white winged crow standing on the wooden pole in the corner of the room suddenly flapped its wings and flew towards the divine blood wizard.

Wang Ya also felt the gaze of the divine blood wizard. He raised his eyebrows slightly and said casually: "Time flies so fast. It's time for the bubble world to be inspected again. I'm sorry to trouble you, divine blood wizard."

"Just little things."

The divine blood wizard waved his hands, with a faint smile on his face, and led by the white halo released by Harak, he entered the current bubble world.

"The dream world is indeed mysterious and bizarre. The time for the disaster to come has been extended. Maybe my whim sensing has lost its due effect and I can only judge from the surrounding environment. However, there is also an error. The disaster is bound to come. It will catch me off guard."

Wang Ya stood up with his hands and put them on his chin, his eyes thinking.

The disaster of dreams in the bubble world, perhaps as he speculated, came unexpectedly and would definitely have a great impact on the bubble world, even damaging its foundation.

If you can get through it, you can have peace for a longer period of time.

"If it is counted as a disaster, the dream creatures in the area around the bubble world are mysterious and unknown, and they are definitely powerful. The breath and consciousness of the evil god Gendas, and the power of the fox and the tiger, have frightened the surrounding neighbors. When the disaster comes, this shelter It may not still be effective.”

"What is fake is fake. No matter how true it is, it is still fake. The atmosphere of disaster is lingering and there are too many variables. It seems that this is the only way it can be."

Wang Ya stood up, his eyes bright, he was about to go through a catastrophic test after all.

How can the borrowed asylum and the fake power of the tiger be worth it? Rely on your own strength to stand firm.

He has been preparing for the past ten years.

Even when the induction occurred last time, preparations were already underway.

I didn't expect that the induction would be wrong, delaying the arrival of the disaster for so long.

"It's coming after all. In the last few years, it depends on whether the arrangement of the Divine Blood Wizard is really as he said. Even if several Star Wizards attack, it will be difficult to get a good deal."

Wang Ya was not too worried.

Various trump cards, battle fortresses, and the entire wizard force as a foundation support him.

It's nothing more than a choice of what price to pay and what cards to use.

Mainly, he is also very curious. The first experience of the dream disaster may collect some incredible data information, so as to have a deeper understanding of the dream world.

On the other hand, this is also a good opportunity to understand several good neighbors around; no one knows what monsters and ghosts are deep in these four regions, and maybe this dream disaster will be exposed.

Knowing yourself and the enemy will win every battle.

The unknown is the biggest enemy.

In essence, the four major regions have irreconcilable conflicts with the bubble world and want to expand, but the terrain restrictions of other regions also have various dream creatures living.

The difference is that the bubble world does not have too many restrictions. As long as he is given enough time and dream power, he will sooner or later break through to the Huiyue Wizard, the Sun Wizard, and even a higher level.

For the dream wizard, there are not too many bottlenecks in cultivation, and everything will come naturally.

The catastrophe of dreams is, I think, the shortcoming and limitation of the dream wizard system.

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