The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 570 [571] Huiyue's methods are limited, Karina's attention, enemies come one after

The Great Wizard Zunhuang took Wang Ya into the red direction area represented by the Rainbow Plain, crossing one inland sea after another. The small ones can be as large as the earth's oceans in the previous life, and the large ones are several times or even a hundred times larger. many.

The connecting land is also huge and extremely high in mass. Different land plate areas have different gravity.

The most peculiar thing is that the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter are not synchronized with each other.

One can't help but wonder whether this is a world of planets, pieced together.

The great wizard Zunhuang said that a mortal could never walk less than one-tenth of the distance of Rainbow Plain in his lifetime, which was an understatement.

The ocean is red, and the earth is also red. As we go deeper, the color becomes darker.

It was impossible to tell how high the mountain was, as it was submerged in the clouds. The distance between the mountains formed an abyss-like gap. Looking down, it was pitch black and a biting cold wind blew.

The golden stream of light landed on one of the towering mountain peaks.

The red palace building built on the top, the iridescent platform cut out horizontally, shows ripples.

The Zunhuang energy field dispersed, and two figures walked out. The old wizard in red robe put his hands on his back and said with a smile: "After becoming a Huiyue life, the perspective and direction of looking at everything in the world will change. The understanding of the spatial level will intervene. , and they are all very different from who they were before.”

The young wizard with golden robe and white hair lowered his hands naturally, listening, thinking, and picking up the parts that were useful to him.

"My method is what Huiyue Life will do. I use the characteristics of the space gap to entangle the energy and cross a long distance. Compared with the method you use to use the characteristics of the space layer to jump at different nodes, you need to More convenient and faster. ”

"The most important thing is to prevent some accidents from happening."

The Zunhuang Great Wizard's tone contained profound meaning, "If you enter the superficial space layer and use space nodes to jump and migrate, there is naturally no problem. The deeper the layer, the greater the possibility of 'existence'. If it is touched, or Attracting the attention of some 'beings' can cause quite a lot of trouble."

"Anyway, I don't have the courage to go deep into the space layer casually, walk wantonly, fiddle with space, and create a long river of nothingness. If you are brave enough, you can continue to fiddle with space nodes in this way when you become Huiyue's life in the future. "

Raising his right hand and drawing traces in the void, the smile on the face of the great wizard Zunhuang became thicker and thicker. "By the way, I almost forgot to tell you that the influence is mutual. Extraordinary beings no longer emit magnetic field information all the time. In some places, It’s like a big light bulb in your eyes, it’s eye-catching.”

"Thank you, Mr. Emperor Wizard, for the reminder." Wang Ya bowed slightly.

"It's boring. The Nightmare Wizard has really grown up, and he no longer has the temperament of a young wizard." The Great Wizard Zunhuang curled his lips and sighed.

Wang Ya: "."

"This method also has a name in Huiyue's life - limit!"

"No matter how far the distance is, no matter how dangerous the environment is, we can seize the energy from the space gap and define the boundaries."

‘What’s the limit? It’s not a bad method! ’ Wang Ya raised his head and looked at the palace buildings that were very similar to those in the Supreme Heavenly Realm of the Emperor. He also looked at the cracked abyss under the iridescent platform. His eyesight was naturally not that of a mortal.

What you see is not an appearance.

Qi movement, breath, extraordinary fluctuations, spinning cocoons and peeling silk, but I can see something.

In the cracked abyss, the extraordinary fluctuations are extremely strong, wave after wave, and there is some kind of radiation source; it is not the way of the resources inside the black and white bubble in the bubble world.

On the contrary, it has some connection with the other world itself.

A hint of 'eyes'.

Even during the day, the nine gray-white stars that represent the essence of the Nine-Eyed Gray Sky are still bright, emitting extraordinary fluctuations and cold energy.

There are also Qi and fluctuations from the same source in the cracks.

Wang Ya narrowed his eyes, as if he had caught something.

"You will have such a resource sooner or later." The great wizard Zunhuang turned around and said, taking the lead in walking into the red palace.

Wang Ya followed closely behind. He knew more about the other world. He didn't know how many years he had been working in the red world.

"Leave your Qi machine behind, and I will give you the anchor point authority to contact this place. As long as you are within the red world, you can contact me; if you enter the inner world from the Emperor's Pillar, you can also go directly to the Emperor's Palace."

The red mist is thick, and the decoration in the hall is very ancient style, describing some unknown and lost civilizations, which are still changing. With the spiritual power attached, you can read the history.

The stone slabs on the ground were tightly sewed, and they were also carved with patterns, but they were some strange creatures with corresponding writing next to them.

Wang Ya's eyes fell on one of the pictures.

A humanoid species with three heads and six arms, its skin has the shell of a crustacean, and there are thick bristles one after another in the cracks of the joints; the three heads are also glued together, and the eyeballs are densely packed like spiders.

[Sky Spider Beast: A native creature of the other world that lives in the red world. Its habits are: as an adult, it can be compared to a formal wizard; eating the fresh flesh and blood inside the carapace can enhance the weak mental power of the eater. Since there is a large amount of venom in the Sky Spider Beast's body, and it infects the whole body, and even the flesh and blood are toxic, there is no treatment method that can isolate the poison and leave it functional. ps: Other auxiliary materials can be used to neutralize side effects caused by toxicity. ps2: The mane can be used as an extraordinary material; when the carapace is kept moist, it can be used as an extraordinary material (more precious)]

Wang Ya was a little surprised. This sub-picture turned out to be a natural resource product of the "Red World" in the other world, and the related habits and functions were all written down.

If all the floor patterns in this hall were collected, it would probably not be able to become a [Complete Records of Creatures in the Red World]

The bubble world also has similar products.

In addition to the "Book of Nightmares" written by Wang Ya himself, there is also the "Eating Manual of Dream World Creatures" and "Complete Collection of Dream World Creatures Dishes"

It's enough to make wizards who take the gourmet wizard route pay a high price in exchange.

The throne is still standing in the middle of the innermost hall. It is exactly the same as the one in the Supreme Heaven Realm. Even the angle and length are exactly the same. The great wizard Zun Huang was sitting on the throne, with his right hand supporting his chin, and his left hand controlling something in the void in front of him.

The intelligent system developed by the mechanical wizard, including network information transmission, interaction, etc., can be replicated in the Red Realm Palace by the Grand Wizard Zunhuang. He has relevant knowledge and information records.

It is not difficult to use this knowledge to create a special intelligent system manager and information engineering framework for yourself.

Substantial traces are left and corresponding instructions are passed to the central intelligence system.


The ground cracked open on both sides, and then an ancient stone pillar rose up.

The whole body is black, like a black curtain, with red paint lines outlining it, and the strange and mysterious wizard's words are painted on it.

The top of the stone pillar is the junction of convergence and the end point.

A protruding red stone is very regular and seems to have been polished.

"The boundary stone is very special, but not particularly precious. It can keep your energy and pass the red boundary authority."

The great wizard Zunhuang watched Wang Ya step forward and put his palm on the boundary stone. The red part infected the palm and spread to the arm, forming a pattern the size of a thumb.

A smile appeared on his face, "Next, you can choose the location of the resource area. The areas without red dot marks are the areas that I have not carefully explored, but only determined the location."

A huge map appeared in Wang Ya's field of vision.

Densely packed red dots fill it, but there are even bigger and more blank areas.

The boundaries of the red world, the adjacent boundaries with other areas, and even some maps of other areas, seemingly very important places, are all drawn and marked with red dots.

How to choose?

Wang Ya did not hesitate for too long, and looked up at the old wizard in red robe sitting on the throne, "Your Majesty the Emperor Wizard, you want me to choose that area."

"I hope?" The great wizard Zunhuang smiled and fumbled with his fingers, giving the answer, "Just choose the area adjacent to the green world."

"Green area." Wang Ya's eyes fell on the intersection point on the map.

Pillars of Ashe.

Deep in the unknown space world.

The huge crystal mountains, the brilliant colors reflected, the thousands of people, the colors and the pictures, seem to be able to reflect the deepest things in people's hearts. The crystal seems to be alive, spreading, covering the earth, taking root deep in the earth's veins, absorbing a steady stream of energy.

The magnetic field became increasingly chaotic. There were no flowers, trees, or any life, only dead skeletons.


The sky was overcast, and the wind was blowing away dust and gravel.

Tick ​​tock!

The rain was pouring down.

The downpour came suddenly, at least the Sky Crystal Wizard did not expect this rain.

The tallest peak in the Crystal Mountain Range seems to have been cut by a sharp weapon. The vertical section is extremely smooth and moist. Rainwater flows down the jade. The figure in the crystal jade is looming. He raises his slender right hand and touches it with his palm. The coldness of the rain.

When the mist and the turbid light of the jade dissipated, three thousand white silk threads slipped down, long eyelashes, a high bridge of the nose, thin lips, and a pair of phoenix eyes with a bit of mist, very clear, like red crystals His pupils reflected the gloomy wind and rain outside.

Under the eyes, there is also a steel bird creature with wings spread high, constantly roaring, unruly, struggling, and releasing its nature; it is reflected, reflected, and suppressed by the crystal light of various colors until it changes from a three-dimensional to a two-dimensional one. Horizontal.

All the crystal light is compressing towards the inside, and the crystal barrier is the same, until it contains the steel bird creature and completely becomes a single object, which can also be said to be a portrait.

Sky Crystal Wizard Karina took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, she had already obtained a lot of information.

"It turns out that such a long time has passed. The news that Wizard Wu Tu is planning his way to the Emperor's Pillar step by step, and wants to compete with the Nightmare Wizard so boringly, is also attracting attention."

"Teacher's bet, he and I will become rivals. It's not easy for Wizard Wutu to care so much, measure step by step, and accumulate momentum to fight. Maybe he can become my opponent."

"The content of the bet must be fulfilled and the results must be obtained."

The Tianjing Wizard's eyes were downcast and cold, "But before that, you can't defeat the Wutu Wizard, so this bet is a bit too boring." (End of Chapter)

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