The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 571 [572] Self-supernatural nature, sorting system, dragon and tiger wizard, nine hundred an


The rain slid down the smooth surface of the crystal jade wall, and a tall figure walked out of it. He was naked, with fair skin and wet hair attached to it, which was very moist.

The weather was cold, and the four seasons appeared in winter.

The breath he exhaled, the white mist blended into the cold wind.

The Sky Crystal Wizard walked out of the Crystal Mountains step by step, and the concave and convex part of his chest lit up with purple light, which continued to expand from a thousand meters to ten thousand meters, until it encompassed the sky above this huge mountain range.


The earth was shaking, and the crystal veins that were buried under the stratum seemed to come alive, shaking the cracked ground, scattering one after another light, each with different colors, and finally gathered in the sky above, covering the sky, forming a purple light layer covered with dark clouds.

It seemed to be weaving something, using the purple light layer as a canvas, and the other lights as silk threads.

Gradually, vivid beasts emerged, roaring to the sky, emitting an ancient and powerful breath, which was very different from the purple light of various colors, and turned into blooming petals. The breath of dreams was spreading, very strong, and connected with the dream world.

The petal vision changed again, and the figures reflected in the dream world were truly living extraordinary creatures, crawling and sleeping in the huge petal holes made of purple crystals; the breath exhaled by each extraordinary creature was enough to crush hundreds of extreme wizard apprentices.

There were four dream petal visions belonging to the Tianjing wizard, and the fifth one was gradually taking shape; the tiger beast that had not yet completely fallen asleep and was crawling down.

Once fought and fought with the black diamond iron bird, but won but did not get a good result. It became the hand of the owner of the world garden and was played with, but the final result was to become part of the power of others.

Of course, it was unwilling to give up, and it had a lot of resentment. The ancient blood in its body was stimulated to resist the infection and suppression of the Sky Crystal Wizard, so that it has not been completely alienated until now.

This surprised and delighted Karina, and she spent more energy and time, and often needed to take a lot of precious resources and medicines to replenish her serious mental consumption.

Such a huge price proved that the power of this beast was extremely huge. Turning it into its own power could also enhance her foundation a lot.


As if it felt Karina's prying eyes, in the dream world, in the crystal petals, the tiger-like extraordinary creature with ancient blood struggled frantically, trying to bite and crush the purple crystal blocks that kept climbing up in front of it.

Its movements were extremely large and its power was terrifying. Even after such a long time, the terrible potential given by the ancient blood kept it in a certain state.


Every shake and collision was earth-shaking, as if the petals formed by the crystal wrapping, as a container, were also a place for restraint and suppression, and were about to collapse.

Karina's face became paler as it hit her.

There was determination in her eyes.

She would not give up.

She also had the confidence to subdue this restless beast.

Even if it took longer.

There was no reason why she would be worse than a beast.

So what if it was the ancient blood?

With the support of Teacher Ashe and the Crimson Society standing behind her to provide resources and knowledge, there was no reason why she could not suppress a bound beast.

This was a tough battle.





The mountain stream flowed down and merged into the river that passed through this primitive forest. The river was surging, but the color was strangely green, and the muddy soil on the shore was also infected with green.

The source of the river is unknown. After leaving the original forest, it becomes more turbulent. The view on both sides is wide, but it is an incredible island in the sky; to be precise, it is folded 90 degrees up and down, in a ladder shape; like a waterfall, it rushes down and connects the islands in the sky above and below.

One after another, the islands in the sky construct this indescribable landform area.

Looking up, the clouds are lingering, and the islands in the sky are really immersed in the clouds, and even above the sky. I don’t know how high it is.

Wang Ya marveled at the size of the world, and there are all kinds of wonders. Such a landscape is quite shocking.

"The Green Realm is controlled by my old friend, the Dragon and Tiger Wizard. The landform and environment are special, and there are corresponding names, 'Xusetian', 'Kaitiantian', 'Baigotian'. They are collectively called the Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine Heavens. After climbing up, it is the Dragon and Tiger Wizard Temple."

The green river water flows non-stop, and two figures standing on the shore, the red-robed wizard, are explaining the mysteries of this place to the golden-robed young wizard.

The robe of the Kingdom of God is a wizard weapon, worn on the main body. As a split body, Wang Ya, the simulated golden robe of the Kingdom of God, is as close to the main body as possible.

"Master Emperor Wizard, what wizard system does this Dragon and Tiger Wizard follow, and what is the doorway?" Wang Ya asked curiously. To be able to create such a shocking environment and landform, this Dragon and Tiger Wizard must be extraordinary.

He has seen some of the true essence.

Each island in the sky uses the means of limit to connect the space so that it will not fall to the ground with gravity.

The rich extraordinary fluctuations and the breath of nine eyes are everywhere.

In the Red Realm, the resource area of ​​the Great Wizard Zunhuang... There are many similarities between the two.

Wang Ya vaguely grasped something.

The Great Wizard Zunhuang showed a complicated expression, "She is a very special wizard, and the wizard path she took is also a pure combat wizard."

"War Wizard!" Wang Ya was a little surprised. This was an extremely ancient name, along with the corresponding wizard profession.

It brought back several memories for him.

When he was still a wizard's apprentice, he got his first opportunity on the ship, inheriting the battle body wizard.

The source is related to the Black Sun Wizard.

It can be known from the inheritance of the Dark Land and the subsequent wizarding power.

The battle wizard has long been eliminated as a branch option.

He also sold the inheritance and got the first pot of gold.

The Grand Wizard Zunhuang seemed to know what Wang Ya was thinking, and said with emotion: "She is different. On the basis of the current lack of combat wizards, she has found a new path, her own unique path of combat wizards."

"I can't explain the specific situation in a few words. Once I meet the dragon and tiger wizard, everything will be clear."

He left spiritual seeds in the red palace and after obtaining the authority, he chose the area adjacent to the green world as a resource area.

As a neighbor, Wang Ya deserves to visit.

Hearing the description of the great wizard Zun Huang, he also became curious.

The name of Dragon and Tiger Wizard somewhat goes against the naming style of wizard civilization. It is similar to the naming style of the legendary civilization of the fairyland, the legendary civilization of the ancient world, and the east.

Each of the nine hundred and ninety-nine levels of the Heavenly Palace is a floating island continent, some large and some small, with independent ecological environments, four seasons, and living groups and species, all with their own characteristics.

The only thing they have in common is that the higher you go, the more green you see, the earth, the water, the sky, the mountains... Wang Ya and the great wizard Zunhuang are all enveloped in the golden light, like a beam of light, particles of light. Floating across the sky one layer after another.

The pressure that exists in the airspace is extremely high. It is not air pressure, but a unique air pressure that exists in the gaps between spaces. After crossing the fifty-day barrier, the existing air pressure will make the body of a formal wizard feel uncomfortable, and other means must be used to resist it.

The great wizard Zunhuang seemed to have certain authority in the green world, and the journey was smooth. When he rushed to the highest level, the 990th level of the sky, what caught Wang Ya's eyes was a huge portal, embedded in the void out of thin air. Among them, it seems to lead to the legendary heaven.

"Old friend, it's time to come out and meet. It's not good to keep hiding."

The great wizard Zunhuang shouted at the door.

There are ancient characters engraved on the door, or many different characters.

Some are characters belonging to the wizard civilization, some are related to the legendary civilization of the fairyland, and other civilization fonts that Wang Ya has never understood.

Exuding extraordinary fluctuations, it can be determined that they are extraordinary words with power.

Wang Ya narrowed his eyes.

This means many things.

The words of the great wizard Zunhuang did not receive a reply.


The portal was blasted open by an internal force, a dense green light shone, white mist spread, and a staircase road led to an unknown area.

"Let's go, kid, don't stand there in a daze, watch my face later."

The great wizard Zunhuang winked at Wang Ya.

The latter also knew the other party's plan in his mind.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

The other party actually had such an idea.

The Crimson Society is famous for being thick-skinned.

Inexplicably, Wang Ya felt a little sorry for the dragon and tiger wizard he had never met before.

But only a little.

After all, he can also gain considerable benefits, which is very helpful for the layout of resource areas.

Even if you create it for the first time, you can get far more resources than ordinary Huiyue life and construction.

Resources equal benefits from objective facts and improvements in strength.

Crimson Society.

The black-hearted wizard fell into a deep sleep, and the black gravel enveloped her, forming a black coffin. A steady stream of special energy gathered in the coffin from this world.

The hair falls naturally, and a trace of light appears on the body and skin. Observed at the microscopic level, every cell, flesh and blood is undergoing transformation and sublimation, becoming more powerful than before.

Changes in the physical body can lead to significant improvements in the production of particle energy, including strength and quality.

Psychic power is the source of wizards.

Draw the particle energy existing in the natural environment into the body, and under the influence of safe control, make the originally ordinary body move towards the extraordinary.

That is to say, the generation of self-particle energy is different from the natural particle energy of the outside world, but the particle energy that is truly born from within one's own body. As the mental force draws the external particle energy into the body, over time and under subtle influence, the body has changed.

This is radiation from the outside world, affecting your own body and developing in a benign direction.

Of course, this is only the most basic and common method, and it is also the safest method. What needs to be noted is that the degree of external particle energy stimulation affecting the physical body is maintained in balance, which is benign stimulating radiation. If If the balance is destroyed, bad consequences will occur.

The destruction, deterioration, disease, and loss of life force of one's own body, as well as the harmful stimulation and radiation, are the nightmares that every wizard does not want to encounter.

There are other ways to stimulate the physical body, such as simply stimulating it with one's own mental power, or taking special extraordinary potions, or entering a special geographical environment.

All stimulation must be balanced and balanced.

Testing wizard qualifications and elemental affinity is to maintain balance in advance, and to specifically select an elemental particle energy to stimulate radiation, which will accelerate the process of strengthening the body and the birth and growth of self-supernatural properties.

Spiritual power comes from the spiritual sea. The larger and more it is opened, the more spiritual power brought by feedback will also be improved synchronously.

The spiritual power of the black-hearted wizard is almost equivalent to the real ocean1.

Even if she falls into a deep sleep, there is still a part of her spiritual will, carrying a powerful spiritual power outside the closed room, and leading the entire black-hearted world.

In addition, she is also constantly observing the movements of the outside world, and the information is transmitted back by the split body.

After the main body wakes up, all memory information will be exchanged, and the main body will decide the next action.

The black-hearted split body, after learning that after such a long time, the Wu Earth wizard is still measuring and walking in the void, a pretty face is also a bit gloomy.

The Black Sand Lifeform guarded the Black Heart Palace, and was sensitive to the bad mood of its master. It did not dare to touch him at all. It was discouraged, looked straight ahead, and straightened its back, but was still worn away by the Black Heart Split by a third.

"The Wu Earth Wizard is really a freak. How long will he drag on? Does the location of the Emperor's Pillar also bring him such pressure that he needs to constantly accumulate momentum and strengthen his confidence?"

"Where did the little taboo of the Scarlet Society go with that lawless attitude?"

The Black Heart Split gnashed her teeth a little. Adhering to the original character and thoughts, she was looking forward to watching the Wu Earth Wizard and the Nightmare Wizard fight and decide the winner.

It would be best if both sides were injured, or if both sides were tied, so that they could see something clearly.

I believe that it is not just her who is looking forward to it, but others are also looking forward to it.

There are too many people paying attention to this battle.

"Such a long distance. If the Wu Tu wizard arrives at the Emperor's Pillar, I'm afraid the transformation of the original body will be over."

"But it's good this way. After the transformation, the original body may touch the spiritual stage, and the body will also have spiritual wisdom."

The Black Heart clone believes in the strength of the original body. Spirituality is a symbol. It is unprecedented to be able to touch spirituality at this stage. Even in the history of the Scarlet Society, the original body can be regarded as outstanding.

The Nightmare Wizard who is concerned is more worried about the Emperor Wizard behind him.

"Forget it. It's nothing more than waiting for time. I've been waiting for so many years. After the transformation, my original body will not be weaker than anyone."

"When the time comes, I will directly watch a battle between the Wutu Wizard and the Nightmare Wizard to weigh the details of the two and how much they have improved over the years. And those guys are not simple goods, they are all competitive enemies."

Faces and figures appeared in the mind of the Black Heart Clone. They were all familiar and concerned targets with strong competitiveness in the Star Battle Conference.

Evil Heart Wizard, Disaster Wizard, Demon Soul Wizard. And that scary guy.

The faces in the mind of the Black Heart Clone converged on the Sky Crystal Wizard Karina.


She is the biggest and most terrible enemy.

Backed by the Great Wizard Ashe, with full support and knowledge cultivation, she is the most pure, impeccable and absolutely talented and powerful wizard in the Scarlet Society.

The Nightmare Wizard is just a small part of the challenge.

"There is no reason to care so much about this small part. I will eventually step over it, I just need to lift my legs a little higher."

The black-hearted clone took a deep look at the closed room where the main body was. If the spiritual power is really mastered in advance, even if it is not complete, even if it is only a part, it will bring earth-shaking changes to the strength of the main body.

I have been visiting relatives these two days, so I have not updated. Starting tomorrow, it will be stable at 6,000+, and a small burst will be 8,000 to 10,000. I will see if I can update another chapter later. I hope I don't get sleepy too soon.

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