The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 630 Nightmare vs. Sky Crystal, Confrontation (I)

No one knows how much good fortune Wang Ya has gained and how many transformations he has experienced in the past hundred years.

The closest wizards, the wizard Kelan and the wizard Lusen, also know nothing.

In the Hell Heritage Land, a figure entangled in the dim yellow chains of hell stood up from a cross-legged position.

In an instant, the chains shook, the chaotic aura fluctuated, and the entire heritage land was greatly shaken.

It was transmitted to the outside world farther away.

The five dangerous places all showed strange changes, such as many flame visions, blade metal visions, and reincarnation visions.

The wizards of the Hell Association headquarters were shocked and talked about it. For this change, it still depends on the battle between the two upper wizards in the outside world.

The wizard of the dark light cast his eyes, and after thousands of distances and many spaces, he was blocked by the heavy accumulation of sulfur smoke when he approached the core heritage land.

The Earth Core Wizard groaned. What he saw were thousands of hell chains. The mere contact of his eyes spread to his body, causing some sealing effects.

Both of them knew it well and were surprised that the Pillar of Hell - Nightmare Wizard had awakened and returned.

The Pillar of Hell had a backbone.

Chi Chi!

Yellow flames appeared on the Earth Core Wizard's body.

He stretched out his palm to extinguish it. His robes were burned black and his hair was curled up, looking a little embarrassed.

He glanced at the surrounding wizards.

They all turned their eyes to the side and observed the battle.

His face was a little unnatural. He coughed once or twice, and watched the one-sided battle presented in the projection screen without making a sound.

Disaster Wizard vs. Sky Crystal Wizard.

From the beginning of the battle to now, the former has been crushed by the latter in all aspects, and there is no way to win.

Now it is the end of the battle.

The Disaster Wizard used the Ten-Direction Disaster Witchcraft to flood the deep space of nearly ten layers.

All life within the range of witchcraft will be subjected to numerous disasters, and each disaster can erase and damage the body and spirit of the Starry Wizard.

There is no doubt that after the transformation of the Disaster Wizard, he became extremely powerful, far more powerful than before, and more powerful than most of the younger generation of wizards.

Unfortunately, the opponent he encountered was the Sky Crystal Wizard.

The power that was stronger and more terrifying than him, and the degree of transformation, far exceeded him.


The wind of disaster, the black tornado pulled the space into pieces, mixed with the space storm, and became more terrifying.

The sky broke open a hole, and the death sun poured down.

The face of the Disaster Wizard was distorted, and he almost smashed it with all his strength.

At that moment, all the light in the world seemed to disappear.

The Sky Crystal Wizard looked at everything calmly.

Behind him, there was only a crystal-like strange and magnificent flower, showing the posture of a bud.

One of the petals bloomed.

A primitive and ancient beast ran out, with a fierce breath and great power, affecting the qi of the entire environment area, and even the death sun in the sky seemed to have a distorted trend.

The Tianjing wizard raised his right hand, and the beast spread its wings. Just a flap, it extinguished the death sun.

Opening his fangs and mouth, he spewed out an extremely terrifying red breath.


Everything was broken, no matter what kind of natural disaster, it seemed that it could not reach the same level, and was submerged by the red breath.

When the sky cleared, everything returned to calm, and the remaining radiation particle energy was wiped out by the crimson spirit.

The embarrassed figure of the disaster wizard fell from the sky, with a weak breath, and he still couldn't shake the Tianjing wizard with all his strength.

The latter's expression moved slightly, and a pair of big hands condensed by particle energy, covering the breath of disaster, stretched out from the void, and took the disaster wizard away.

After sensing the familiar breath, the Tianjing wizard did not move, but turned his head and looked at the pillar of hell.

The aura of the Ghost Light Wizard and the Earth Core Wizard could feel it, and the Sky Crystal Wizard was no exception.

The crystal petals behind him did not dissipate, maintaining the strange form of the terrifying primitive beast.

He narrowed his eyes, as if he was judging something.

Many people watched this battle, and the failure of the Disaster Wizard made them sigh.

"It is not easy to go upstream. Everyone is fighting for the crossing. The pioneers have a big advantage. They are too strong in all aspects."

"The strong will always be strong. Looking at the back from afar is the limit. At least you can have a name left behind."

They remembered their past, which was also like this, with the proud sons of heaven who were powerful and invincible at the same time.

The Supreme Heavenly Domain of the Emperor.

The Great Emperor Wizard took the tea, blew the foam on his face, took a sip, tasted it, and nodded slightly.

Great Wizard Zeyuan curled his lips, "Just drink tea, what taste can you have? It's better to experience the cool and stimulating feeling."

Great Wizard Zunhuang turned his head and looked at him with a faint look,

"Okay, the confident guy who jumped high has left the stage, and the rest should be the performance of the stage play." Great Wizard Zeyuan coughed lightly, "Watch the show quickly, there are actors you like and look forward to in it."

Great Wizard Zunhuang put down the tea, glared at Great Wizard Zeyuan, and turned his eyes to the projection screen, with an urgent expectation hidden in his eyes.

As Great Wizard Zeyuan said, he has been waiting for this day for a long time.

This is related to the future of the entire Scarlet Society, which is extremely important.

The other great wizards are also watching and perking up.

The great wizard Ashe sat in the deepest space of the Pillar of Ashe, his eyes lowered, and the image of the Pillar of Hell was reflected in the picture.

The Sky Crystal Wizard took action. After hesitating for a few seconds, he let the terrible beast flap its wings, raising an endless hurricane and blowing past.

A large amount of sulfur smoke dissipated, revealing a thick, ancient red rune chain.

Then it shook and made a crackling sound.

The Pillar of Hell was glowing as a whole, and the protective power of the wizard formation was activated when it felt the powerful force from the outside world.

Every wizard member of the Hell Society had dissatisfaction and anger on his face.

This was no different from hitting a square pillar in the face, intruding without permission, affecting, and ignoring the other party's rules.


Endless light burst out from the entrance of the Pillar of Hell. It was an extremely pure particle energy condensation cluster cannon.

The level was very high, reaching the middle to upper stage of the starry level.

The God Blood Wizard stood behind the light, and he took action to maintain the majesty of the Pillar of Hell.

Soon his face changed.

Because the seemingly ordinary invisible gale actually carried the flavor of tearing and cutting in it.

It had the essence of knowledge and true spirit power that the other party understood.

His power was not enough to suppress it, but it was cut into pieces.

The robe on his body was instantly torn, and the bionic skin was worn away, revealing the internal body structure and various parts.

He was blown back into the interior of the Pillar of Hell.

Extremely embarrassed.

Also extremely humiliated.

The wizard members of the Hell Society felt the same way, and even a little at a loss.

That was the elder, the ten elders of the star-level power.

It was so vulnerable.

How powerful is the Tianjing wizard.

At this moment, the Pillar of Hell was watched by too many wizards, and seeing this scene, they all shook their heads secretly.

The foundation of the Pillar of Hell was too weak.

After all, it has only been used for one or two hundred years.

It still needs more accumulation.

Otherwise, even if the Tianjing wizard is powerful, it is impossible to be so unsolvable.

Easily repelled.

The Blood God Wizard was shocked. He didn't expect the Crystal God Wizard to be so powerful.

He couldn't even last one round.

I'm afraid that all the wizards in the Pillar of Hell would not be his opponent.

The gap between wizards is really too big.

When the beast raised its head, accumulated strength, and the red breath was about to spit out.

The Blood God Wizard felt powerless.

He didn't have much authority in Hell, and the borrowed power could only increase by about 60%.

Facing the Crystal God Wizard, it didn't work at all.

The red breath was accumulated,

All the wizards who watched this scene frowned slightly.

The Crystal God Wizard was a little too domineering.

The facade of the Pillar of Hell could not be saved.


The ancient beast spit out a breath that submerged the continental plates of the ordinary world.

It was like a sharp arrow, rushing straight into the heart of the Pillar of Hell.

Many wizards of the Hell Society stared at it, their faces ugly, and some even cursed, their eyes were bloodshot.

Something unexpected happened!

A black mirror-like light refracted from the void and blocked the breath.

A slight tremor sounded when it touched.

Then, the red breath was bounced back.

It drowned the vision of the ancient beast.

A pitch-black spear turned into lightning and shot out from the deepest part of the Pillar of Hell.

The speed was too fast.

It carried the flavor of death, poison, and fantasy.

Not only did it completely destroy the vision of the ancient beast, but it also had the function of tracking. When the Tianjing wizard could hardly react and counterattack, it pierced the heart and nailed it to the void.

Crystal-like shining blood flowed out of the wound continuously.

Tianjing wizard coughed up a mouthful of blood with a shocked look.

That speed was so fast that she couldn't react. It was incredible and mysterious.

The Tianjing wizard was not the only one who was shocked.

Many high-level wizards who were watching the pillars here opened their mouths and eyes wide.

What did they see?

The Tianjing wizard who was so arrogant before and had the power of a pillar was nailed to death in the void.

Who did it?

Such power and means.

Even the master of a pillar was in turmoil.

This time, the means of the black spear were not weaker than those with the authority of the pillar.

In other words, the speed and power of this spear reached the level of Huiyue.

And there was no power blessing from the Pillar of Hell.

It was simply incredible.

Could it be that there was a Huiyue wizard in the Pillar of Hell, or a great wizard from the Scarlet Society took action?

The great wizard Zunhuang was not good at this kind of witchcraft, so he directly ruled out the most likely one.

As for the other great wizards, a exaggerated, unlikely, but most reasonable answer gradually emerged in everyone's mind.

"No way"

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