The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 636 A candle in the wind? A hidden dragon in the abyss!

The record of the Frost and Snow Land is that a great wizard named Xu Jing reached the upper limit of six pieces.

He walked towards the starry sky and disappeared.

Now the Tian Jing wizard made the crystal flower bloom, and all the petals were revealed.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue.

Each color corresponds to a petal, and there is a terrible beast, roaring to the sky in a world space.

The six-color crystal light instantly suppressed the whole scene, dispelling the dream power of the nightmare flower, and affecting the reality that the Tian Jing wizard wanted to see.

The attraction of the black abyss hole disappeared, and the six-color crystals were generated and covered where the light covered.

In the blink of an eye, a crystal kingdom took shape.

The Tian Jing wizard became the only center and the only queen.

She raised her arm, and wherever she pointed, it was reflected by the crystal light.

Wang Ya became the only anomaly in the crystal kingdom, out of place.

"Tian Jing Labyrinth!"

She spoke softly, and her words echoed in every corner of the battlefield.

It was transmitted to the outside, and many high-level wizards and creatures who were watching the battle were moved by it, with unprecedented shock in their eyes.

"Vision petals, look! The vision petals of the Tianjing wizard have reached six!"

"This is the end of the dream road that can only be reached by the famous dream wizard in the land of frost and snow in the past - the great wizard of virtual mirror."

"It's really shocking, God bless my Crimson Society, with the Tianjing wizard participating in the Star Battle, it will definitely lead the Crimson Society to a higher level."

The pupils of the three black-hearted wizards in the quicksand pillar widened, and the quicksand wizard who was watching the battle secretly also looked unnatural.

The black-hearted wizard stood up and spoke louder, "She actually reached this state. How could the gap be so big in a hundred years!"

She was a little out of control. In the past, she had targeted the Tianjing wizard. The two were placed on the same level. Even if there was a gap, she would not be unable to catch up.

The actual result was that she was far inferior to the Tianjing wizard.

"We won, we'll definitely win!"

In the depths of the Demon King's Pillar, the Evil Heart Wizard was so happy that he almost jumped up. Whoever won between the two of them would have a bearing on his interests.

He had bet most of his wealth on the Sky Crystal Wizard.

"Six petals of vision, the most powerful Dream Mirror Wizard in ancient times, is just like this, and has reached the limit of the Frost and Snow Land."

"The wizard forces in the core area of ​​the Wizard Continent are not necessarily going to have more Dream Wizards with vision petals."

The Evil Heart Wizard excitedly patted the shoulder of the Demon Soul Wizard next to him with his hand.

The latter looked unnatural, and his eyes were full of shock.

The evil wizard was overjoyed, "How can the Tianjing wizard lose this battle?"

"Why are you unhappy? Did you secretly bet on the Nightmare Wizard behind my back?"

The Demon Soul Wizard coughed and changed the subject, saying, "The outcome of this battle is related to the situation and development of the entire Scarlet Society. It is of utmost importance. No matter who wins, it will be good overall."

But he was muttering in his heart, 'The Demon King teacher said that he saw an unprecedented entanglement of qi in the Nightmare Wizard, which far exceeded the qi of the Tianjing Wizard and was extraordinary. '

'That's why I chose the Nightmare Wizard and bet most of my worth. Teacher, you misled me. The Tianjing Wizard is so powerful, and now it's all over. '

"It really broke the limit."

The Great Wizard Zeyuan of the Supreme Heavenly Domain said with a smack of his lips.

The projections of several great wizards beside him were all surprised.

As the disciple of the Great Wizard Ashe, the Tianjing Wizard was once their target of investigation.

If there was no Nightmare Wizard, the spot would definitely fall on the Sky Crystal Wizard.

Comparing with each other, they who were biased towards the Nightmare Wizard did not expect that the Sky Crystal Wizard would actually improve his strength and potential.

On the battlefield, the power displayed once overwhelmed the Nightmare Wizard.

It seems that there is a general trend of winning.

The Great Wizard Jiutian snorted coldly.

The Great Wizard Ashe was not here.

Otherwise, the emotions of several great wizards would be even more unnatural.

Maybe there was no complete choice, but the tendency to favor the Nightmare Wizard was shown.

‘The Sky Crystal Wizard’s move was a slap in the face of us old guys! ’

The Great Wizard Mihun smiled on his face, but he was thinking in his heart, and he had a lot of thoughts.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of other great wizards’ projections, they all had different colors.

The voice of the Black Feather Wizard was very cold, "It's not over yet, there are only six petals, the Nightmare Wizard also has them, he had five petals a hundred years ago, and after a hundred years of transformation, there will be more."

The Black Feather Wizard chose Wang Ya, and he will not change. It is his personality and he believes in himself.

The other wizards did not express their opinions, but they paid more attention to the battlefield in the image from the corner of their eyes.

The narrowed eyes proved that they were not as calm as they seemed.

Wang Ya's hair was flying, his robes were fluttering, and he looked around. It had become a country covered by the light of crystal.

There was no more place for him to stay.

All he saw was crystal, and in the reflected picture, there were shadows of many strange beasts.

The murderous intent existed in it.

The Sky Crystal Wizard was ready to make the final move.

To take him down completely.

The two people who had entered the realm of breaking through the realm were already able to initially interfere with the realm of the Huiyue level.

Some of the powerful means they used were equivalent to the witchcraft of the Huiyue Wizard.

The understanding and cognition of the world, matter, and views also transcend the present.

The Sky Crystal Wizard sincerely knew that a single attack method, whether in the virtual or real level, could not kill the opponent.

Only all-round suppression, using the purest and essential power, could collide and block completely.

"Sleeping in the crystal kingdom."

The Sky Crystal Wizard whispered softly.

The Nightmare Flower in front of Wang Ya was blooming with a weaker and weaker light, almost extinguished.

The petals on it seemed to be compressed and reappeared in a bud state.

The Nightmare Mirror made a crackling sound.

The elemental body cracked.

The gap between dreams was full of the opponent's dream power.

Even Wang Ya's breath, in the eyes of many high-level wizards watching the battle, was like a candle in the wind, shaky.


Wang Ya exhaled a breath of turbid air, raised his head, and revealed a pair of clear black eyes.

The Sky Crystal Wizard's eyes also looked over, and the two looked at each other.

The next moment, a touch of red bloomed where their eyes intersected.

Like a bright red rose blooming.

The face of the Tianjing wizard changed.

Because she strangely discovered that this red rose appeared on the surface of her vision, in her consciousness, and even in her body.

It was the enemy's attack!!

But. When exactly was it?

She was a little horrified, her steps paused, and her body almost hid under the crystal flower with the strongest crystal light.

Even now, the opponent can still produce unknown means.

The Tianjing wizard's expression was a little surprised.

Outside the corner of the battlefield, two figures with their hands behind their backs looked slightly condensed.

The great wizard Ashe frowned, extremely unnatural.

"This means is"

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