The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 78 [78] Mayan Kingdom God of Gendaz

"Little Lasi, come quickly and let your uncle love you well, hurry up!" Jones was shaking irregularly, his expression was full of sickness, his tongue was very long and forked, as if he had undergone some changes, and mucus dripped all over the floor.

"Excuse me, can you tell me, is the unknown dog you released a vengeful spirit or other special product?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in his ears, like the coldness of the cold winter in December, which made Jones shudder instantly,

"Who is it!"

He looked over in horror and quickly retreated.

I didn't see anything, and the voice still sounded behind him, like a shadow.

"I'm just curious about the thing in your body, can you tell me about it." A slender white hand patted Jones' shoulder and continued, "In addition, are you interested in becoming my experimental subject? Your existence is very rare and should be my most precious collection."

Jones widened his eyes in fear. The palm on his shoulder seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, making him stand still, not daring to move at all.

The terrible murderous aura enveloped him, and the wizard's aura oppressed him, making it difficult for him to even blink.

Suddenly, he showed ecstasy in his eyes, and the unique barking sound echoed around him. It was the dog of God who came back and responded to his call of danger.

The owner of the palm on the shoulder was also surprised at this time and said: "It seems that the symbiosis is real. Without a host like you, this unknown ghost will also be affected."

The oppressive feeling on the shoulder disappeared, which made Jones stunned for a moment. The other party actually let go.

Then he was ecstatic, with a fierce look on his face. He wanted the dog of God to tear this guy apart.

A dog as big as a wild bull, with pustules all over his body, six legs, and the tentacles of the head granulation waving in the air. It had no eyes, only an extremely developed mouthparts, flat, with sharp teeth, dripping with mucus.

Jones patted the canine's back, feeling relieved. Then he saw a blond figure wearing black armor, holding a small notebook and writing something with a feather pen.

[Target: Unknown Wraith]

[Information 1: Symbiosis with the host, suspected to have the ability to switch between reality and illusion, and super-strong recovery ability, can devour vitality and soul. ]

[Information 2: Predicted to be at the stage of low-level extraordinary creatures, the means of attack are physical biting and swallowing, and it is not yet certain whether there is a special extraordinary bloodline. ]

[Experimental plan: Conduct anatomical experiments on the unknown wraith creature and its host, study the extraordinary nature of existence, and whether new gains can be found. The experimental materials should be kept as fresh as possible. ]

After Wang Ya finished writing the content, he stuffed the small notebook into the lining of the light armor, and then he set his eyes on Jones and the unknown wraith.

The unknown wraith showed the desire and greed of normal extraordinary creatures for the wizard's body. The excited and frenzied claws were thrown on the ground, wanting to eat Wang Ya.

Jones was furious. It was Arthur, a silly mortal knight. He had already lost the ability to think calmly.

"I will tear you to pieces." Jones slapped the back of the God Dog fiercely, and suddenly, he turned into an invisible object and disappeared on the spot.

Wang Ya's expression was indifferent. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel the greedy malice.

Moreover, it was close at hand.

He just raised his right hand lightly and snapped his fingers crisply.

[Insensible Deprivation] Witchcraft.

The more invisible and ignorant mental force impact, Jones fell down at the first time, bleeding from all seven orifices, and his mental consciousness was severely damaged. If he was lucky, he could wake up and become dementia.

The unknown ghost was also affected by witchcraft, and instantly broke away from the illusory state, fell to the ground, and his body trembled. The flat mouthparts secreted red liquid, which was blood and tissue fluid in the brain.

Wang Ya's eyes were thoughtful. It seemed that it was not only like a ghost, but also had some similar weaknesses.

Perhaps, the Mayan Kingdom's vengeful spirit incident was caused by this guy, but how could he come here?

There will only be one vengeful spirit. If there are multiple vengeful spirits, they will instinctively devour each other, unless their strength and aura are similar.

Wang Ya frowned, and he still had to go to the capital of the Mayan Kingdom to find out the specific situation.

The true vision ball appeared in his hand. With the injection of particle energy, the information and pictures about Jones and the unknown vengeful spirit were recorded.

[Hint: The analysis of the unknown vengeful spirit is in progress, and the estimated time is 12 hours. ]

Wang Ya was stunned for a moment. The analysis of the essence of this unknown vengeful spirit actually took 12 hours, even when so much information was known.

Suddenly, a tingling sensation emanated from his pupils. Wang Ya subconsciously covered his eyes with a look of surprise.

Then, the appearance of a piece of information gradually raised the corners of his mouth.

This is a sudden good news!

The Eye of Truth is about to undergo a transformation, and it is estimated to take seven days.

At that time, the target of the Eye of Truth analysis will change from one to two.

Just as he predicted, after being promoted to the first-level wizard apprentice, the Eye of Truth will also change.

It is this change that comes a little late.

The unknown ghost and Jones's body are placed in the red metal ring. The space is larger. Wang Ya now has more powerful particle energy and can support multiple uses.

It can be used to store this kind of experimental materials, special collections, and items stored in the silver bracelet, and distinguish them by category.

Storing in a magic weapon can maintain a constant state. Of course, the unknown ghost is likely to survive. Jones is estimated to become a corpse, but the active function is maintained, which does not make much difference.

It is enough for Wang Ya to conduct some tests and research on extraordinary anatomy experiments.

However, just as Wang Ya put the unknown ghost into the red metal ring, in an underground palace, the dim light was lit by candlelight, and the eerie skeletons on the ground were filled with a foul black smell. The clothes they wore were even new.

On the altar, there was a huge dog statue made of unknown materials. There seemed to be a low barking sound coming out of the flat mouthparts.

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