The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 79 【79】Choose a path and sort out the route

Muffled dog barking echoed in the underground space, and candlelight flickered, as if it would go out at any time.

Under the altar, several figures dressed in luxurious clothes had panic on their faces and knelt down hurriedly.

"Great God of Gendaz, please calm down your anger. This is a gift prepared for you."

The dead warriors with numb expressions, holding the crying newborns, threw them into the blood pool on the altar. The blood and flesh rolled in the mud, like a big pot frying. The baby fell into it, and disappeared without a trace after a wave of blood and flesh.

The location where the black and rotten bones piled up was exactly at the bottom of the blood pool, as if the rolling and surging again and again were digesting.

The members of the Mayan royal family had excited expressions on their faces, their eyes were full of bloodshot, and they stared at the middle of the altar, a watermelon-sized pit connected to the blood pool.

Dazzling blood light emanated from it, and fist-sized balls of blood and flesh rolled out, with tentacles and granulations on the surface, twisting with amazing activity, it was alive.

Still rolling out continuously, judging from the number, it has reached about a thousand.

The mouthparts of the huge canine statue also made a sharp cry, and a burst of blood-colored light spread out like an amplitude.

What changed was the Mayan royal family members present, their originally old faces became younger, and their white hair returned to black.

King Kenny even felt like he was back to the age of eighteen. The clenched fist and the strong sense of power made him laugh wildly.

All this was brought by the God of Gendaz.

As long as they continue to sacrifice more and spread the glory of the gods to more people, they, as the messengers of the God of Gendaz, will also gain immortality and be with the gods.

"Great God Gendaz, we will share the God Dog with more people, so that they can also bathe in the glory of God, until the Mayan Kingdom becomes the Kingdom of God." Kenny knelt on the ground, opened his hands, and called out enthusiastically.

Suddenly, a tearing pain appeared in Kenny's right arm.

Spiky black hair grew from the pores, a large amount of granulation grew in the elbow joint, and the palm turned into a sharp claw, but Kenny's face was filled with greater joy.

God Gendaz favored him, allowing him to control the God Dog, to fight, and to realize the Kingdom of God.

Others in the Mayan royal family were jealous, but the God Dog in their bodies showed submission, so they could only praise God Gendaz.

The dead soldiers collected the meat balls uniformly, and Kenny and other members of the royal family walked out of the underground palace and talked.

"King, the wizards have discovered something strange and will send wizards to investigate."

"I know this, but it's a weird conspiracy. The stupid wizard tried to make us cooperate and then kill the other wizards." Kenny had a weird smile on his face, "So I chose to accept the arrangement of that stupid wizard. Now the two wizards in the plan should be arriving in the capital soon. We must welcome the wizard well!"

The God Dog likes flesh and soul, especially strong young people, who are most loved by the God Dog.

Different God Dogs have different levels and strengths.

As God's messengers, God Dogs are the strongest and can even absorb other God Dogs to enhance their own strength.

"Wizards think they can control everything, high above, overlooking the world, but the God of Gendass brings us hope, protects us with God's power, and gives birth to power beyond wizards."

Kenny got the God's Right Hand and seemed to be in high spirits. He decided to do a big thing, that is, to kill all the wizards who entered the Mayan Kingdom.

Whether it is the two wizards or the wizard they planned to deal with, they must die!

"The wizard has extraordinary power, and the God of Gendass will definitely like such a sacrifice, and maybe he can give us more power."

Everyone also looked forward to it, and no longer had fear and awe of the wizard.


The scream of Las spread throughout the camp and woke up others.

Nichol looked at his daughter sitting on the bed with a terrified face, and he said in surprise: "What's wrong, Las."

"There is a monster, a big monster, it wants to eat me!" Las was obviously still in panic, and the memory of last night still had the pupil reflecting the terrible figure rushing towards her.

That was real, absolutely, Las could be sure.

"Okay, it's just a nightmare, Las, it's okay." Nicotine touched his daughter's head with his fat big hand.

The knight who was on guard did not find anything, and Knight Hans also checked the camp, everything was normal.

Nicotine thought that his daughter was under too much pressure, so he comforted her and left the tent to make subsequent arrangements for leaving.

"But." Lasi looked at her father's back and paused.

Lasi looked at the busy figures in the camp, dismantling tents and various pots and pans. Of course, the supplies transported by the caravan must be the most important, and Captain Hans is guarding them personally.

"Miss Lasi, is there anything?" Wang Ya rode on the horse, waiting for the camp to be cleaned up, with thinking in her eyes, but she used this fragment of time to think about how to go on the wizard's path in the future.

After mastering the basic extraordinary knowledge, the choice of the wizard's path is intuitively placed in front of you.

There is no doubt that Wang Ya's choice is to choose elemental wizards. The characteristics of this type of wizard system are ancient and traceable. Many wizards in the Dark Land have walked through it, and many new wizards have also chosen this.

The most important thing is the degree of adaptability. Elemental wizards study elemental particle energy. Any difference in properties is inseparable from the word energy, which is closely related to mechanical wizards.

Many elemental wizards even take into account some research on mechanical wizards, and even simply switch to the past.

Carrying powerful particle energy requires a strong body, which is related to white wizards and blood wizards, and there will be some research on wizard experiments.

The reason why Wang Ya chose the two subjects of [Biological Cultivation] and [Extraordinary Anatomy] is also the same.

Not only for the evolution of Halak's bloodline, there are many aspects to consider, and later you can even consider learning a few more related subjects to further improve and perfect.

Wang Ya looked up and looked at the ordinary girl who took the initiative to find her. The other party was hesitant on her face, and seemed to want to say something.

"Mr. Arthur, do you believe that there are six-legged canine creatures in this world, without mouths or eyes?" Lasi finally said it, and at the same time carefully looked at Wang Ya's expression.

When she saw a bit of impatience on the other's face, and even frowned, Lasi's voice became smaller, and finally left in a huff.

Mr. Arthur still doesn't believe her, he really saw it.

Wang Ya's expression gradually returned to indifference, and glanced at the back of the girl who left. Sometimes, for ordinary people, just being ordinary is enough.

There is no capital and ability at all to touch any point of the extraordinary, and the consequences will be unbearable for them.

Ordinary people are too small and insignificant!

And he is no different when facing some wizards in the dark land.

The only difference may be that he has the opportunity and hope to change this situation.

One person's power can achieve his own body.

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