The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 84 [84] A plan that is well thought out, can kill at level 2!

The huge noise made the whole town noisy, and the dazzling light was dazzling even in the daytime.

Although it was only a moment, the terrible particle energy fluctuations and the super strong radiation still made people's scalps numb.

The perspective of Harak hovering in the sky was always received by Wang Ya in his mind. The original town square had become a ruin, filled with smoke, and various radiation energies caused extremely bad effects.

This was at least the result of medium-level witchcraft, or even high-level witchcraft.

[Red Dragon Roar][Fire Sun Star][Thorns Entangled]

In fact, Wang Ya had already buried these two powerful medium-energy witchcraft scrolls in the square, as well as a binding witchcraft to prevent being away from the range of witchcraft.

Harak in the sky was Wang Ya's eyes. When the right time and position were determined, the witchcraft scroll backhand was activated.

The main target was the most threatening Mayan King Kenny, who was suspected of being able to control the right arm of the Dog of Gendass, which was a big trouble.

The relationship between the Gendass dogs and the host is very close, and it seems that it is not only a physical connection, but also a virtual connection and a spiritual connection.

Judging from the performance of these Gendass dogs that chased over, the results achieved in the town square are even better than Wang Ya expected.

The red metal ring in his hand exudes luster, and the Gendass dogs that fell around him all become part of Wang Ya's experimental storage.

He has a smile on his face. With so many samples, when conducting wizard experiments, he can be bolder and try variables without worrying about the experimental materials being consumed and the subsequent results being unknown.

The shadow crow bloodline is quite troublesome because the raw material bloodline is not enough.

If there is a living shadow crow as Wang Ya's experimental material, the extraordinary bloodline can naturally be continuously extracted.

There are a total of twelve Gendass dogs.

Wang Ya quickened his pace and left the town. This place was still some distance away from the Mayan capital, but it was not safe enough for the evil god incident, and it was far beyond the reach of his first-level wizard apprentice.

It must be reported as soon as possible so that those powerful wizards can handle it.

The failure of the target task did not disappoint him.

The system of the Dark Land is relatively reasonable. The occurrence of the evil god incident and timely reporting is a great achievement in itself, and it may be possible to obtain some unexpected gains.

Suddenly, Wang Ya's footsteps stopped, and he subconsciously rubbed the silver bracelet.

Through Harak's perspective, it can be clearly seen that the smoke and dust in the town square have dissipated. Among the rubble and debris, there are a lot of rags or broken limbs, which is very tragic.

In the center, there is still a figure standing. It is Kenny, and he is still alive.

The two royal family members caught in his hands resisted most of the damage, but his body was also torn and there was no good flesh. His black hair turned into a charred paste, his skin was rotten, and the radiation was still affecting him further.

Kenny was angry, and now he looked like a ghost. Such a big loss was not only the death of a large number of sons of God, but also the destruction of the heart of God in the camp.

The task given to him by the God of Gendass could not be completed at all.

All this was done by that damn wizard.

Arthur's face and golden hair appeared in his mind, and Kenny roared to the sky, "Despicable wizard, I must catch you and tear you into pieces."

The granulation on his right arm was unusually red and began to swell, turning into a large number of scattered meat filaments, taking root in the town and the bodies with intact flesh and blood. Their flesh and blood were absorbed, allowing the scarlet flesh and blood of the heart to assimilate and go further.

The focus is still on the other sons of God. He let go and absorbed the flesh and blood of the dog of Gendass.

Kenny's pupils turned completely black, his teeth turned outward, and there were traces of dogs on his face. A large number of granulation tissues were generated on his cheeks, and a new pair of flesh claws broke out of his abdominal cavity and grew out.

"Godlike power." Kenny roared and roared, his bones and muscles completely changed, reaching a huge three meters, and his heart vibrated and beat like a bell.

His nose was similar to that of an anteater, flat and long, with granulation tissues scattered in a large number of nostrils, and even the slightest smell was distinguished by him.

"I found you, wizard, you can't escape."

From the momentum, Kenny was already at the peak of the second-level wizard apprentice, and he was about to reach another level at any time.

Kenny's speed was very fast, with the spiral granulation tissue protruding from his heart as the core, supporting his whole body to run like a dog, and his limbs also grew sharp claws.

Not far away was the exit of the town, and Kenny's speed slowed down. He could determine which wizard was nearby, and his flat and long nose kept sniffing, but for some reason he could not smell the smell.

Looking around, the buildings are uneven and there are many narrow alleys. Did he know he couldn't run away and hide?

A bit of ink suddenly appeared in his pupils, spreading from the void, and then turned into a deep black curtain, covering the inside and outside of this area.

This black came too suddenly and was extremely strange. It blocked the reflection of light and even blinded the five senses to a certain extent.

Kenny's mental strength, which was not very good to begin with, became even more confused under such an influence, and he could not feel the outside world at all.

He let out a sharp dog bark and roar, and his muscles piled up to form a heavy meat armor. His four fists waved the air, trying to defend against possible attacks from the enemy.

"Wizard, come out, don't think this will work, I will tear you apart and eat you up bit by bit."

The tone of voice is so fierce that it is easy to make people think that he is out of breath.

Wang Ya, who is outside the darkness, looks indifferent at Kenny, who is furious and struggling on the spot.

He has returned to his original appearance, with black hair, cold black pupils, and a gray wizard robe.

[Dark Realm] Witchcraft Scroll, as a medium-level witchcraft, there are many ways to offset it. The fastest way is to use powerful mental power to break through the influence of witchcraft.

Obviously, Kenny can't do this. Although his body is strong, his weaknesses are also particularly obvious.

He took out the remaining witchcraft scrolls from the silver bracelet.

To deal with an enemy whose strength and momentum far exceed his own, he must use all means.

It is also known that dogs are extremely good at tracking and collecting breath. If this guy is not dealt with, it is likely to be more troublesome at this trend.

[Corrosive Acid] is the only offensive witchcraft scroll, there are two, low-level witchcraft category.

As the witchcraft scroll was torn, it was not released immediately, but could be timed. The alchemist wizard had already implemented this kind of method on the witchcraft scroll.

Thanks to the mechanical wizard's several wizard reforms, other wizards were mobilized.

The particle energy in the body gathered on his hands, and the red flames burned with a "puff".

Then he put his hands together, and the high-intensity particle energy continued to collide, and its activity level had reached an explosive and amazing change.

Unstable, high frequency, high energy.

Wang Ya looked at this living target with indifferent eyes, and a stronger fear of burning fire witchcraft flooded it.

Two groups of corrosive acidic liquids the size of a basin also flew over.

The opponent's combat experience was almost zero, and there was no combat rhythm to speak of.

Losing calm thinking, only a low-end beast with brute force.

From the beginning, he fell into Wang Ya's battle plan.

This is the battle between wizards, calculating any unknowns and creating a situation that is favorable to oneself as much as possible.

Often any negligence will lead to failure and death.

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