The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 85 [85] Gendaz arrives, desperate situation

The evaporating corrosive gas and acid soon took effect on Kenny's body, melting a lot of flesh and blood, and even the eerie white bones could be seen.

There was also an expanding energy flame, which further burned the bone marrow, causing devastating injuries. The granulation was very tenacious, and the black blood in the blood vessels began to defend itself.

The powerful recovery ability and the severe injuries caused by witchcraft formed a stalemate for a while.

Wang Ya's eyes also showed a touch of surprise. Kenny's transformation and the special substance in the heart position were obviously different from those of other believers, and were more advanced.

This situation would consume a lot of biological energy and nutrients.

What exactly is that special substance? It can actually support such consumption. It's too exaggerated.

He knows how much damage has been accumulated after these consecutive means. Even a third-level wizard apprentice can't bear it.

It's really amazing recovery and biological energy. The assimilation effect on blood and flesh cells is the strongest Wang Ya has ever seen.

The subjects of biological cultivation and extraordinary anatomy have more or less discussed this aspect of knowledge.

It does not conform to the common sense he currently knows.

But there must be something abnormal about the abnormality, perhaps at a very high level, after all, it is related to the evil god.

It is all thanks to the special substance in the heart that this grotesque body can be supported.

The black dagger was held in his hand, and with the injection of particle energy, the blade began to extend, and the sharpness and firmness reached the highest level.

It stabbed towards Kenny's heart fiercely.

The tip pierced into the flesh, easily cutting the flesh and blood, and with Wang Ya's push, it could easily penetrate the entire heart.

The further contamination of the energy particles also spread rapidly along the blade and the wound part of the flesh, worsening and festering.

Suddenly, a wave of resistance came from the blade, and Wang Ya's eyes changed slightly. A large number of granulations began to proliferate in the wound part, entangled with the blade, and prevented Wang Ya from piercing the heart with the Shadow Killing Blade.

Under the witchcraft damage, corrosion, and energy radiation infection, Kenny's granulation actually suppressed the past with an exaggerated recovery ability.

The granulation began to proliferate rapidly, spreading along the blade of the Shadow Killing Blade, and soon wrapped around the handle, about to touch Wang Ya's palm.

"I caught you, wizard!" Kenny slowly raised his head, with hatred and fear in his eyes, but he was not at a loss due to the influence of the witchcraft of the dark world.

He felt the fear of death. If his heart was pierced by this strange knife, he would really die.

Fortunately, he won. Under the effect of the Heart of God, the injuries on his body have gradually recovered to their original state. The skin on his face and his hair are also black and handsome.

The granulation completely wrapped around the Shadow Killing Blade, and the opponent didn't want to move at all.


An energy shield emitting a red luster blocked the attack of the granulation.

Kenny didn't care about the burnt and cooked smell coming out of the large number of fleshy tentacles. With the energy of the Heart of God, this injury didn't hurt at all. It clung to the shield and kept tightening its entanglement, which further consumed the particle energy in Wang Ya's body.

It seemed that it had really reached the last step. Once the particle energy was consumed, the shield would also be broken.

Kenny seemed to see the scene of the wizard in front of him being devoured by the fleshy mouthparts.

A smile appeared on his face, but he found that the wizard in front of him also had a smile on his face.

The difference was that the wizard's smile was a bit weird.

Kenny's face froze instantly, and because of the severe pain, he subconsciously opened his mouth.

The sharp claws penetrated Kenny's chest flesh, pierced through his chest from behind, and grabbed that special heart.

"A fool with only strength but no brains." Wang Ya's slightly pale lips moved up and down.

Those granules seemed to lose their vitality and fell down one after another. He easily pulled out the Shadow Killing Blade.

Then a cold light flashed, and the sharp blade cut off the unique granule right arm.

Wang Ya quickly put the granule right arm into the red metal ring.

Halak took the heart away very simply and flew high into the sky.

This was one of Wang Ya's back-up plans. Halak's hiding could play a key role.

"No, my God's Heart, my God's Hand, give it back to me, give it back to me."

Kenny, who lost these two, was like losing the source of power. He was weak all over and no longer had a strong recovery ability. The high temperature formed by the particle shield burned him, and he wailed.

The black hair returned to gray again, and wrinkles on his face continued to appear. In the blink of an eye, he became a decrepit old man.

The severed right arm and the massive loss of blood made the old and weak man unable to support himself. He fell to the ground, looking at Wang Ya with pleading and longing eyes, and stretched out his hand to try to take back his strength.

In the end, his arm could not support himself, and he fell weakly in front of Wang Ya's black boots.

Mayan King Kenny, die! !

Wang Ya looked indifferent, raised his foot and stepped over the old man. Harak fell from the sky. The special heart still maintained amazing activity. A large number of tentacles and granulations tried to entangle and cling to Harak, but it was obviously in a weak state and could not lift it up at all.

Unlike the light pink heart of ordinary people, the red of this heart is very deep, and it also gives people a sense of mental confusion and nausea.

Wang Ya raised his eyebrows. Although he had lost his host, he still had the ability to affect the mind.

"It's a rare and precious item. Compared with it, the ordinary Gendass dog is a completely inferior product."

The pupils were shining with blue light, and Wang Ya's face was rarely excited.

This thing really surprised him.

It will definitely become the most precious one in his experimental collection.

[Target: Unknown Heart]

[Hint: According to the information comparison, there is a more core unknown substance in the heart, which contains extremely terrifying biological energy and has amazing activity. If it is contaminated with any creature, it will produce assimilation and mutation, and instinctively devour all flesh and soul. ]

[Preliminary speculation: It is the source of the Gendass dog, with a very high level of essence. It is expected that it will take a lot of time to analyze it. ]

Wang Ya took a deep breath. This was the first time that the Eye of Truth reacted like this.

Could it be that this unknown substance really fell off from the evil god?

The value contained in it is simply unimaginable.

He solemnly took out a sealed glass chamber from the silver bracelet and put the heart inside.

Then, he put it into the red metal ring.

"The scarlet flesh has lost its sensitivity. This is impossible. Damn it, who on earth is it!"

Angry dog ​​barking came from the underground palace of the Mayan capital. The violent vibration made the underground palace shake, the blood pool rolled, and the candles went out one by one.

"The material world is naturally isolated from the inner world and the outer world. Without the support of the main body, this piece of scarlet flesh occupies one-fifth of the current origin."

"No, the origin cannot be lost. No matter who you are, I want you to pay the price." Gendass completely rioted, and his terrifying will went straight into the ground. The believers of the entire capital turned into blood and water, and the Gendass dog in his body merged with his will.

Surpassing the third-level wizard apprentice, the extreme wizard apprentice, and even reaching another level.

Even if he would be discovered by some powerful wizards, he couldn't care so much.

At worst, after retrieving the scarlet flesh and blood, I could abandon them all and directly enter the other world to sneak back to my original body.

The giant Gendass dog transformed by consciousness locked onto the location where the scarlet flesh and blood disappeared and directly merged into the void.

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