The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1075: First visit to the foreign land

In the plane, he was a powerful and dominant overlord.

But when he came to the outer domain, he became a novice in a blink of an eye. This drastic change of mentality made Grimm feel uncomfortable.

Now he felt like he had instantly traveled back to the apprenticeship period. He stepped into the wizard tower with trembling legs, not knowing what to do next and where to go...

After hesitating for a while, Grimm finally remembered the name that the old wizard had just thrown.

Martin... Let's find him first to learn about the situation of this Exodar camp!

It must be said that the wizard tower built by Sandi Tallin is top-level even here, with a total of 17 floors, enough for 200 to 300 wizards to live and live in it.

But unfortunately, there are only 30 to 40 wizards in the tower, and most of the time they stay in their own homes, libraries or witchcraft laboratories. So, when Grimm walked in the spacious and bright corridor, he felt that it was deserted and there was almost no one in sight.

Finally, while Grimm was wandering around randomly, he successfully triggered the tower's defense mechanism.

Grimm was stopped in front of a stone gate that required witchcraft secret words to pass through.

Countless tiny holes opened up on the originally smooth and clean stone walls of the corridor, and dazzling red rays of light shone from inside and fell on Grimm's body. Immediately, an illusory human face composed purely of light and shadow appeared in front of him.

"Foreign wizard, immediately state your identity! If you are not invited by the wizard in the tower, you will be forcibly expelled from this tower. If you dare to resist, this tower spirit will immediately launch an attack... Tell me, who are you?"

Although the human face is illusory, the eyebrows and facial features on it are 70% similar to those of the Sainz wizard, especially the sharp and impatient voice is even more learned.

"You are the tower spirit here! I was just about to ask you something. I just teleported here from Sandi Tallin. Lord Sainz asked me to find a wizard named Martin. I don't know..."

"Damn it, damn it, damn it... This old bastard, why didn't he record such an important thing in the control center? This is typical irresponsibility! I must complain to Lord Jima about him... Okay, I have confirmed your identity. This is your identity card. Remember to take it and you must carry it with you when passing through the tower. In addition, the Martin you mentioned is on the seventh floor of the tower. I will teleport you there..."

After saying that, without waiting for Grimm to react, a milky white halo descended from the sky and enveloped his body.

The next second, the light and shadow changed, and Grimm's eyes blurred and he had already arrived in a long stone corridor. In front of him was a metal door tightly closed, covered with a layer of energy light film, which blocked the detection of mental power.

Grimm lowered his head, and a golden wooden sign with strange patterns inscribed on it appeared in his hand at some point.

This is probably the identity nameplate that the tower spirit mentioned!

Grimm shook his head slowly, obviously feeling a little disappointed with the atmosphere here and the attitude towards wizards.

After hesitating for a while, he stepped forward and reached out to touch the energy light film on the surface of the door.

A visible energy ripple appeared on the light film, as if sensing Grimm's personal breath, and then quickly spread to the surroundings.

A moment later, the metal door in front of him suddenly opened, the energy light film dissipated, and a tall and handsome wizard walked out while muttering.

"Every time you pick the most critical moment of my experiment to bother me, it's really... Hey, who are you?" The wizard raised his head and looked at Grimm, who looked unfamiliar, and hesitated.

Grimm quickly sensed it. Although there was an invisible energy force field lingering outside the other party, isolating his mental perception and detection. However, relying on the strength of the other party's energy force field distorting the space, the chip quickly estimated the other party's approximate strength.

Level 4... This wizard is also a level 4!

"You are Sir Martin, right? My name is Grimm, and I just came to this wizard tower today..."

"Grimm... the one recommended by Sanditalin to carry out the unfortunate mission..." This Martin wizard was obviously a straightforward guy. He realized that he had said something wrong halfway through, and hurriedly stopped and said: "Welcome, welcome... I wonder if I can help you?"

"I just came to this wizard tower, I don't know what the rules are here? I would like to trouble Sir Martin to introduce it to you..."

"That's no problem. You don't have to call me Sir anymore, just call me by my name! In this place outside the domain, you can only rely on yourself for everything. As long as you have the ability, no one dares to bully you." This Martin wizard is straightforward: "Have you arranged your residence?"


"Then we are quite close, come, I'll take you there!"

The two of them turned a few corners in the spacious stone corridor, one in front and one behind, and finally stopped in front of a metal gate.

The protective wizard array attached to the gate was not opened, indicating that no one lived inside.

In the center of the gate, a strange cat head was inlaid with fine magic gems, with a mouth, eyes, and whiskers, which were very lifelike.

"Give it your nameplate, and from now on, this is your residence!"

After listening to the introduction of Martin the wizard, Grimm took out the nameplate and put it in the cat head's mouth. The strange cat head opened its two ruby ​​eyes and scanned Grimm.

After Grimm got the nameplate back, the cat head on the door also disappeared strangely.

Then the door suddenly opened, and Grimm's mind inexplicably had a group of strange secret words and miscellaneous messages.

"Ding, a group of unconscious data streams was detected, and it was initially determined to be the control authority spell of the magic residence. Please ask the subject to indicate whether to receive it?"


As Grimm gave the order, the chip quickly stored the control spell of the residence in front of him. In the future, when Grimm needs it, he doesn't have to work hard to control anything himself. The chip can help him control everything in this magic residence anytime and anywhere.

Moreover, with the existence of the chip, if there is really anything wrong with the protective magic array inside this magic residence, it can also quickly find it out and block it, saving Grimm a lot of effort.

"Okay, you can settle down here first! If you need anything, you can communicate with the tower spirit directly through the identity nameplate. The tower spirit is actually a soul clone of the first owner of the witch tower. Although he is a bit venomous, he is still a good person."

"In addition, since you have just arrived here, you can go around the camp. There you will find a lot of good things that cannot be found in the plane. But they are all valuable..."

"As for currency, the most common currency here is magic crystal..."

"But you have to be careful. As a novice, don't step out of the camp easily. Wait until you are fully adapted to the environment here, then consider going out for adventures, otherwise..."

At this point, Martin suddenly lowered his voice.

"Be careful, although there will be no danger in the camp, there are also those alien hunters. They lurk in the camp as wanderers. Once they lure you to a dark place where no one is, they will turn against you at any time. So, you must be careful!"

Mr. Martin talked a lot about things that need to be paid attention to in the Exodar camp. It was not until Grimm reminded him of the witchcraft experiment that he suddenly realized and screamed, and ran away.

After the other party left, Grimm took a brief tour of the residence alone.

This private residence is more than 3,000 square meters in size, which can be divided into a reception hall, bedroom, study, storage room, showroom, material room, small witchcraft laboratory, small alchemy laboratory, and witchcraft practice room.

After all, this is a top-level witch tower, and the natural conditions of the residence for a 4th-level wizard will not be too bad.

However, if you want to live here, the daily cost is 300 magic crystals.

For those helpless middle and high-level wizards, I am afraid they can't afford such a huge consumption for years. But like Grimm, a 4th-level wizard with a huge family industry as a support, how could he care about the consumption of this little magic crystal.

The outside world is both a place full of dangers and a treasure trove of endless resources.

The huge void storm raging area on the periphery is more like the mouth of a violent beast. It is difficult for anyone or anything to escape. Even if it is a plane world that carries billions of lives, once it is involved, it will be crushed to pieces and turned into dust.

Most of the substances in the plane will be eroded by the endless energy tide, ground into fine powder and scattered throughout the space. Only substances or objects with strange powers can escape the wave of plane collapse and disintegration, cross millions of miles of energy tides, and be pulled into the eye of this peaceful and peaceful storm bit by bit.

In short, a huge plane is torn into countless pieces by the void storm. Those who can successfully survive the eye of the storm are the essence of the essence, and the value is naturally amazing.

Therefore, if you stay in the eye of the storm for a long time, you will always encounter some rare treasures that are hard to find in the outside world!

However, if you want to make a living here, you must have a strong physique to resist the erosion of void energy, you must have super strength to repel the greed of competitors, and you must have a long life to gain something.

In the past, Grimm's vision was limited to the wizard world. He could only hear about the outside world but was unable to explore it.

This time, by taking advantage of the mission, Grimm can take the opportunity to extend the power of the Crimson Family to this strange and twisted outside world.

However, the Crimson Family does not have enough strong people to enter the Exodar camp.

Although Kirby has run the Goblin Chamber of Commerce in the wizard world, it has many members and a huge power. But if he wants to select candidates to enter the outside world, he may not be able to find one.

Ordinary level 2 wizards have some difficulty in surviving here, let alone developing business.

Among the level 3 wizards in the family, Oliwen's identity is relatively special and it is not suitable for him to show up. Mary follows the blood master route, emphasizing blood nourishment and war nourishment, and is not suitable for garrisoning here. Alice is now fighting with the witch Misa to the death. She usually doesn't even dare to step out of the Tower of Destiny, so how could she appear outside the domain...

When he thought of the lack of level 3 wizards in the family, Grimm couldn't help but ponder silently again.

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