The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1084: Lure the snake out of its hole

Although this is a small town in another world.

However, in Greem's mental perception, it is not much different from the human cities in the wizarding world. If there is any difference, it is undoubtedly the various strange facilities and weird buildings full of arcane style.

Smooth and wide streets, rows of shops, residents with brightly colored clothes, clean and beautiful environment, and small open gardens and lawns everywhere...

It has to be said that among the dozen or so different planes that Greem has experienced, the civilians of the Arcane Empire are considered to be the branch of humanity with the best living conditions and the most benefits.

Although not a single arcanist can be seen on the entire street, the style and characteristics of the arcane empire are reflected everywhere.

For example, there are tall street lamps arranged along both sides of the street.

Even in the most extravagant and luxurious cities in the wizarding world, the light sources used in street lamps are cheap lighting stones. But here, what is stored in the street lamp is an arcane crystal with excellent magic-guiding properties.

Arcane Fountain, Arcane Square, Arcane Garden, Arcane Library... Even at the entrance of those shops, Greem saw arcane puppets being commanded and controlled by ordinary people to carry goods.

In the wizarding world, only wizards are eligible to own full-metal puppets worth hundreds or thousands of magic crystals!

Although the turmoil in the plane world inevitably affects this place, compared to other places, the people here are still calm and calm. After all, with the protection of the Arcane Tower, even those ferocious alien monsters can hardly wreak havoc here.

When he arrived here, Greem took off his thick traveler's cloak and his slightly gloomy hood, revealing his handsome and handsome face. He mingled in the crowd and looked around with a smile on his face.

The population of the small town is not large.

Even with the influx of refugees in the past six months, the total population is only a little over 50,000.

Moreover, there are well-equipped relief facilities in the city, so there are not many refugees wandering and gathering on the streets, and the order in the city is quite orderly.

However, under Greem's all-encompassing spiritual perception, the two-headed wizard had switched into the personality of Lisa Qiu and successfully blended into the relief place where the refugees gathered. Wizard Holly and Witch Shani hid in a noble villa less than 200 meters away from the Arcane Tower, where they peered at the entrance of the Arcane Tower from a distance.

This arcane tower is more than sixty meters high, with nine floors above ground and two floors underground. The entire tower exudes a faint arcane brilliance. Even at noon of the day, the entire Arcane Tower is still radiant and dazzling.

Moreover, in Greem's powerful elemental vision, this arcane tower seems to be related to the arcane facilities in the entire town. Hidden energy pipes closely connect them to the arcane tower.

In this way, all arcane facilities in this city are actually supported by the elemental pool of the arcane tower!

Such design and intention will naturally have no problems in peacetime. But in the event of a war, these energy pipelines will undoubtedly be a huge safety hazard for the Arcane Tower.

It seems that those arcanists have stayed in a comfortable environment for too long and have forgotten what danger tastes like!

Grim couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.


Ruian Province, the fourth arcane tower.

"Your Excellency, Tower Master, in view of the increasing number of refugees coming from the south, Merkin City's carrying capacity has reached its limit. I think... the refugees should be sent to an area further north for resettlement." The speaker at this time was One of the three existing three-ring arcanists in the Fourth Arcane Tower, the young and promising Liant.

He is a young man with strong brown hair and one of the current controllers of this arcane tower.

According to the basic configuration of the Arcane Empire, facilities like the Fourth Arcane Tower must have at least one fourth-ring arcanist in charge. However, as the battle outside the plane barrier became more and more intense, manpower became increasingly scarce. Therefore, after many redeployments, only three third-ring arcanists were left guarding the fourth arcane tower. .

The invasion of alien creatures that occurred in the south recently also made this place become noisy and tense.

Although those terrible disaster creatures have not yet invaded such deep places, the huge number of refugees driven here has made it unsustainable for the cities of the Arcane Empire everywhere, and they have asked the upper echelons of the empire for help.

"Liante, do you think we can still organize large-scale population migration with the current precarious situation in the empire?" The tower owner is an old man with gray hair on his temples, wearing a pair of old tortoiseshell glasses on the bridge of his nose. The wrinkles on his face were crowded together, looking bitter and sad but helpless: "Besides, people hiding in the city can also rely on arcane facilities and arcane towers to defend against the impact of disaster creatures. In the event that the organization During the migration, the team encountered those monsters..."

Although he did not say the following words, several arcanists present could not help but imagine that scene in their minds, and then all of them looked extremely ugly.

"Master, during the astrological observations a few days ago, I found that there were some abnormal changes in magic power on the west coast of Kentos Continent. I am very worried that those invaders from other planes sneaked in. So I suggest that we send an arcane observation team to investigate the truth. If the enemy really intends to invade there, we can also notify the floating city of 'Ruijing Garden' in time to transfer the main force, so that the Rui'an Province will not be broken by the enemy like the Jialan Province, causing millions of civilian casualties..." This time, it was Soth, the arcane master who was best at astrology in the fourth arcane tower, who spoke.

And everything he said made the faces of several colleagues in the room look even uglier.

"The Jialan Province has been broken by the enemy... It has become a battlefield where monsters from other worlds and arcane puppets are fighting crazily. If... If everything Soth said just now is true, I am afraid... our Rui'an Province will also be in danger!" The tower master sighed quietly.

"It's better for us not to draw conclusions so early. After all, the plane world is in a state of violent turmoil, and it is possible that the magic tide will be disturbed. Therefore, it is correct for us to send an observation team there as soon as possible to confirm it."

"Since both of you think it is necessary, then send the 13th team there!"


"I agree too!"

Just as the three three-ring arcanists were discussing the current situation with a serious face, an arcane crystal on the table in front of them suddenly turned red and flashed rapidly.

Alarm... This is the alarm message of the arcane tower detecting an emergency.

The old tower master's eyes suddenly turned sharp, and he pressed the arcane crystal. Immediately, an anxious male voice came from it.

"Lord Douglas, Lord Douglas, it's not good, it's not good... Those refugees rebelled!"

Refugees? Rebellion?

Such a sentence came out without a beginning or an end, making the three arcanists confused.

However, as long as there is no invasion of alien creatures, the situation cannot be too bad.

The three arcanists, feeling half relaxed and half nervous, immediately communicated with the arcanist on duty in the monitoring room and quickly figured out the whole story.

I don’t know whether it was because of fear or food, but violent clashes broke out between the residents of the small town and those foreign refugees, which then caused a huge chaos.

Those foreign refugees were extremely angry and were frantically beating and looting shops and pedestrians along the streets. And their direction of advance seemed to be towards the Arcane Tower.

"Damn it, these restless guys, don't they know how much war pressure the Arcane Empire is under? They... They actually ran out to make trouble at this time!"

"It seems that we need to use more severe means and methods to deal with them. Drive them out of the city as soon as possible, and don't let them affect the confidence of local residents, thereby causing greater panic..."

"Let me go! I will lead a team of arcane puppets to drive them all back!"

"Okay, we will act separately, and we can't let them spread the chaos to the whole city..."

So, under the control and command of several arcane masters, the door of the Arcane Tower suddenly opened, and the transparent arcane barrier slowly disappeared after flickering a few times. Teams of tall and mighty arcane puppets stepped out of it in neat steps under the command of dozens of arcane masters and entered the huge arcane square.

And in secret, the wizard Holly and the dark witch Shani, who were waiting for an opportunity, also received Grimm's witchcraft message in their minds at the same time.

"Let's do it! Remember to destroy the element pool first..."

"Hehe, there must be a lot of good things in this arcane tower. Whoever grabs it first will get it. Don't be greedy when the time comes..." The Holi wizard laughed strangely and rushed out without hesitation.

And the nearby witch Shani suddenly disappeared, and her trace could no longer be found.

There was a loud earth-shaking sound.

As soon as the Holi wizard stepped out and appeared in front of the arcane square, mysterious astral matter continued to surge out of the void, turning into pieces of metal parts shining with a faint blue luster and spliced ​​on his body.

The Holi wizard strode forward.

His body became taller and thicker as he walked.

In the end, when he strode in front of the group of arcane puppets, he had turned into a 6-meter-tall metal giant covered with thick and dense astral components.

Under the horrified gaze of the arcane masters, the wizard Holly laughed strangely and rushed straight into the arcane puppet formation...

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