The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1086 The Weakness of the Floating City

Ruijing Garden, Floating City.

As the largest floating city in Ruian Province, Ruijing Garden is simply the vacation paradise in the hearts of all arcanists.

On the vast plain of flowers that stretches as far as the eye can see and is so vast that the sight is a little tired, the Ruijing Garden Floating City floats over the Crystal Lake and above the clouds. No matter where you lie in the Flower Plain, when the sky is clear and the white clouds can no longer cover the huge body of the Floating City, you can appreciate the sacred and beautiful silhouette of the Floating City.

This is the brightest moment of the day.

The warm sunshine spreads a trace of warmth throughout the floating city through the arcane barrier.

The magnificent scene like a city garden, the arcane squares as white as jade, the beautiful fountains filled with a strong arcane atmosphere, the rows of elegant buildings with different shapes, the people wandering in the garden holding books in their arms , jade paths and arcane casters by fountains

No matter who sees this scene, they will instantly feel calm and tranquil, and feel a strong academic atmosphere that is almost inextricable from the pursuit of knowledge and the yearning for truth.

From a certain perspective, arcanists are indeed pursuers of knowledge and practitioners of truth!

However, at this moment, in the central hall of Ruijing Garden Floating City, high-level arcanists were sitting in front of a huge long table, looking relatively sad, with angry and helpless expressions on their faces. They all wore light blue arcane robes, with various mysterious magic symbols outlined in golden threads.

Judging by rank and strength, those who can sit at the table are without exception high-level arcanists of level 3 or above.

A female arcanist with a golden ring on her head and a beautiful face sits at the top of the long table. The arcane badge on her chest is engraved with an open ancient scroll and has five quills on it. This also indicates the profession and rank of this female arcanist.

The open ancient scroll means that she is a dossier who focuses on academic research, and the five quills indicate that her rank is the fifth ring.

Like the Wizarding World, the upper limit of power in the Morian plane is also peak level 4.

Therefore, a fifth-ring arcanist like her can only stay within the arcane barrier to avoid the backlash of the power of the plane. Once she leaves the floating city and loses the protection of the arcane barrier, most of her own strength will be cut off, forcing her to level 4.

However, fortunately, the skills and combat methods of using advanced power are still there, making her power still superior to most level 4 arcanists.

This is an important reason why the great arcanists know that the interior of the plane is extremely dangerous, but still dare to stay in it!

Grand Arcanist Furila looked around the audience, cleared her throat, and then spoke in a slightly hoarse voice the main reason for convening everyone for today's gathering.

"Our connection with the Fourth Arcane Tower, the Seventh Arcane Tower, and the Ninth Arcane Tower has been completely severed."

As soon as Friela finished speaking, there were exclamations one after another on the long table.

At a time when the arcane empire was crumbling, several arcane towers on the outskirts of Ruian Province suddenly lost contact. This cannot but give the arcanists present an extremely bad association and premonition!

"What are the astrologers doing? The floating city provides so many resources and gold coins to support them every year, but they can't even detect such a big trouble in the outside world in advance?" A level 4 arcanist slapped the table angrily. .

"Yes, yes, didn't that Nuoyang claim to be a master of prophecy? Why didn't he predict the enemy's approach? Don't we have any clues about who is attacking us?" Someone immediately stood up and echoed.

After hearing the questions from many colleagues, a bald sorceress wearing a purple robe with patterns of the sun, moon and stars all over her body opened her eyes coldly and explained: "The Imperial High Command has issued an order. The astrologers rushed to Jialan Province to help in the battle, and the remaining astrologer apprentices could not escape the backlash of the plane turmoil, and the astrologer station has been unable to activate for more than half a month."

"We understand that it is impossible to predict the enemy's invasion in advance. After all, the fate of the inner plane has been messed up by many strong men from other planes, and no one can even think of snooping anything from it. However, now the enemy has invaded. They entered Ruian Province and attacked three arcane towers. Could it be that under this situation, you still can't see anything?" The person asking the question this time was the fifth-ringed Friela.

Although the bald sorceress only has level 3, she can still talk to Furila on an equal footing due to her noble status as an astrologer.

Hearing Frila's question, she closed her eyes in pain and said with difficulty: "There are three enemies! Two of them have been shrouded by an unusually mysterious force, making it impossible for our Eye of Destiny to get close. "

"Then there's another one? Who are they?"

"Wizards are evil wizards from the wizarding world!"

There was a loud gasping sound immediately on the table.

Although it was only a group of wizards who invaded, they were much easier to deal with than the other enemies.

But that also refers to the Ruijing Garden Floating City during the heyday of the Arcane Empire, which had the strength to compete with the evil wizards coming across the border. But now, most of the great arcane masters who are good at fighting have been transferred away, and the only remaining fifth-ring great arcane master is still a dossier scholar.

Under such circumstances, even if a weaker wizard among the many enemies comes, the battle situation for Ruijing Garden Floating City is still not necessarily optimistic.

After all, if the other party dared to cross the border, then they must be a group of extremely elite high-level wizards who sneaked in. With their powerful combat power of killing, plague, curse, and sneak attack, it is extremely difficult for the floating city to draw out a group of arcane masters who can fight them!

With the support of the floating city and the powerful arcane facilities, the arcane masters may still have the strength to fight them. Leaving the floating city and the arcane tower, even if the two sides are of the same rank and the equipment is not much different, the arcane masters are far from being the opponents of the evil wizards who specialize in fighting and killing.

This is an ironclad fact that the arcane masters have verified with the lives and blood of countless colleagues!

"Can you judge their offensive intentions?" Even the five-ring great arcane master still felt a little scalp numb when he heard the wizard's name, and couldn't help asking hurriedly.

"The other two teams cannot be tracked or identified, and the only remaining team is composed of four level 4 wizards. They are killing all the way and heading straight for us!"

"Floating City, their target is the floating city?" Furuila could hardly believe her ears.

This is the control center of Rui'an Province, the floating city of Ruijing Garden!

Those evil wizards have become so unscrupulous that they dare to invade the still powerful floating city with only four level 4 teams?

This is too incredible!

"Keep tracking this wizard team at all times, and report to me immediately if there is any movement. In addition, notify all the arcane towers stationed in various places, don't worry about the energy loss of the element pool, and immediately enter the highest alert state, and never let those evil wizards casually invade the interior of the arcane tower again"


"Also, the arcane alert force must be dispatched immediately, and strive to find those evil wizards as soon as possible and eliminate them outside the Flower Language Plain. The three floating cities in Rui'an Province are responsible for the arcane energy supply of the extraterritorial battlefield 17. We must not let the evil wizards mess around and destroy our energy system!"


There are three floating cities in Rui'an Province, and the other party sent three groups of powerful wizards. If you say there is no connection here, they will not believe it even if you kill them.

All the arcane masters attending the meeting couldn't help but feel heavy in their hearts.

They had a hunch that these three groups of wizards might come for the energy logistics supply system of the Arcane Empire.

Once they destroyed the energy transmission here, the energy supply of the great arcanists who were still fighting many powerful enemies outside the plane barrier would be cut off. At that time, I am afraid that the entire arcane empire would no longer be able to stop the many evil creatures from invading the Morian plane!

While everyone was discussing, the entire floating city suddenly shook slightly, and a huge energy beam shot up from the arcane light tower in the center of the city, penetrated the sky, and was projected to a place outside the plane barrier.

There, there was also a magnificent floating fortress, which was guiding the energy torrent into the almost dried-up element pool in various strange ways. The energy reserve of the floating fortress also began to fill up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And 2,000 kilometers away from the floating fortress, there was a battlefield outside the domain where flesh and blood were intertwined and life and death were unrestrained.

The swarming strange monsters and the floating fortresses that were ready for battle kept colliding and fighting, and energy beams full of destructive breath swept across the entire battlefield. Wherever it went, all beasts were scared away and their flesh and blood were burned.

However, such fighting was also extremely energy-consuming.

Therefore, every once in a while, a floating fortress covering an area as large as a small continent would withdraw from the battlefield and float back to the vicinity of the Morian plane barrier. Then, the floating city anchored there, which communicated with the inside of the plane, began to charge energy over long distances.

And in the vast Kentos continent, there were three floating cities floating on the nodes of the earth veins, acting as the task of transferring arcane energy in the middle.

After the charging process was completed, the floating city would have a short period of energy exhaustion. During this period, it was also the most vulnerable to enemy attacks.

In order to protect the floating city from the attack of evil wizards, the tall arcane towers standing on it shook their bodies, flew away from the Ruijing Garden, and flew quickly towards somewhere at the end of the sky.

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