The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1106 Blood Moon Massacre

Compared to the extravagance of Wizard Holly, Qiu Lisha seemed much more simple and low-key.

Without a powerful puppet to watch over the night, and without free servants to serve her personally, Qiu Lisha did it herself, and it took her a full hour to tidy up a small house where she could live.

After taking care of all this, she stood in the center of the hut, took out a green ball the size of a goose egg from her arms and threw it on the floor, which immediately turned into a pool of green liquid and merged into the ground.

The next moment, a layer of green barrier that was so thin that it was almost imperceptible enveloped the entire hut, isolating everything around it. And all kinds of strange hallucinogenic symbols on the barrier were looming, spreading mental illusions at all times to mislead possible peeping eyes.

Five wind spirits floated above the village, looking down, and the area near Wizard Holly's residence was white, and nothing could be seen. Qiu Lisha's hut was uncovered, and all her activities inside could be seen through the gaps in the wooden boards.

But it was precisely because it was too clear that Grimm couldn't help but wonder if everything he saw was an illusion. After all, that Qiu Lisha was very good at psychic powers!

The night was gradually getting darker, and the sky was densely covered with beautiful stars that flickered.

However, on the dark night, a strange dark red always covered the sky, making the moonlight projected by the bright moon disk carry a touch of uneasy blood color.

The blood moon is an ominous sign in any plane, and it is also an instinctive emotion of the plane consciousness!

It often also indicates that on this quiet and peaceful night, a terrible bloody incident may be happening somewhere in the plane. And the bloody incident that can trigger the reaction of the plane consciousness can be imagined.

Grimm looked at the blood moon for a while, then gently closed the wooden window and sat back at the wooden table.

He is not good at divination and prophecy.

If Alice was around at this moment, she would definitely be able to describe everything that happened somewhere far away based on such obvious plane signs. Unfortunately, Grimm got nothing except the disturbing killing atmosphere.

Maybe there was another plane invasion somewhere in the Morian plane, otherwise it would not have caused such a large-scale killing. Who is invading the Arcane Empire, the world of disaster or the gods? Or the abyss demons?

Too many possibilities and too many speculations also made Grimm particularly upset.

The threat of the great witch Misa, the unpredictable fate and future, the harsh and complicated living environment, and the uncontrollable development direction all weighed on Grimm's shoulders, making him feel more and more heavy and depressed.

If it were another wizard, under such mental pressure, he would probably become a pervert with a twisted mind or a crazy hedonist who eats and drinks!

However, he could only keep his mind clearer under such heavy pressure, and run desperately at a speed that ordinary people could not understand, using all means and resources to improve and strengthen himself.

After all, in the wizard world, power represents everything!

And only with absolute power can he be truly safe and be able to stop and enjoy the fun of life!

So, after doing so much, Grimm now wants only one thing, that is, to live

When he was still a wizard apprentice, the enemy coveted and planned only his body and soul. But now, as he progresses and grows step by step, the past enemies have disappeared, but new enemies are constantly emerging.

To this day, he has achieved amazing achievements that outsiders can hardly imagine, but he has also established some terrible enemies that ordinary people can hardly provoke. And everything that the other party demands is what he can't afford. Therefore, once he falls into the enemy's trap and Luo Li breaks free, his end may not be much better than the apprenticeship period.

And this is also a kind of sadness as a wizard!

Many times, it is not they who choose life, but life that forces and urges them to choose. Once their pace of progress is a little slower, some terrible scenes that they never want to see may happen.

Therefore, when fate gives them some strangeness, it also makes their lives turn to another rugged road of death if they do not move forward. The big hand of fate is fiddling and whipping them from behind. Once they are a little slow, it is the moment when their legendary life ends!

In addition to trying to adapt and endure such a life, Grimm must also find ways to surpass it. Only when his own strength exceeds the range of the hand of fate can he truly control his life.

The night is deep.

A scarlet blood moon hangs high in the sky.

The moonlight projected onto the earth is soaked with an unbearable blood.

On a towering cliff, Setans Xieti stood majestically, slowly examining the world in front of him with a kind of arrogance that dominates the world.

It inhaled the bloody smell in the air with intoxication and pleasure, sensing the thick, almost indissoluble smell of killing. Through the rules, it could even hear the shrill screams of creatures before they died, or see their fleeting, painful, twisted souls.

Life is also a resource, and the soul of every creature in the plane is a history that cannot be easily erased!

But now, they have all become its, Setans Xieti's personal wealth.

As a great Lord of the Midnight, if he could bring such a huge fortune back to the plane of disaster, the favor he could get from the world would probably be enough to raise his personal level, which had not moved for thousands of years.

Thousands of alien beasts were scattered across the continent of Kentos, conquering cities and invading houses, harvesting countless life energies and souls for him. But unfortunately, there were too few high-quality souls.

Therefore, under the control and command of Setans Xieti, the alien beasts scattered all over the place began to gather and aimed at one direction, the great arcane city of Ruijing Garden floating high in the middle of the continent.

That was the hunting target it had circled early, and it even fought several fierce battles with other little lords of disaster who were chasing after it. After tasting the violent and fierce attack of the Lord of the Midnight, those weak guys could only swallow their anger and change their route to attack the other two floating cities.

Therefore, this beautiful and exquisite floating city has become the target that Setas Xieti wants to attack and kill the most!

Under the night, the army of alien beasts is still in a frenzy of slaughter and looting.

The breath of life and soul that floated through the rule level continued to merge into Setas' body, making it feel more and more comfortable and comfortable, until its enjoyment was accidentally interrupted by some hateful intruders.

Setas Xieti stood up, sniffed hard against the night wind, and sniffed a trace of breath that did not belong to the disaster creatures in the air.

There is a trace of order and rigor in the chaos and evil, and a touch of insidiousness and cunning in the maturity and conservatism

Damn, this is the breath of wizards!

Some wizards actually broke into its hunting area and slaughtered some of its people.

An evil and cruel breath rose from Setas Xieti's powerful and ferocious body.

Suddenly, it used all four hooves to jump down from the top of the high cliff, and ran wildly and unrestrainedly towards somewhere in the west.

The cold night wind whistled around.

Setas ran wildly under the moonlight with a posture like a galloping horse, and its speed even exceeded most flying creatures.

Rice fields, forests, and streams passed by its feet.

Along the way, it passed many human villages and towns, where people cried and wailed, and flames shot up into the sky. The figures of alien beasts killing crazily could be seen and heard everywhere.

But Setas didn't care about it. He could often reach a hundred meters away with a leap. He left behind one human gathering point after another and rushed towards somewhere in the west with persistence and determination.

The alien beasts scattered on the road and killing crazily, after sensing the breath of Xieti, accelerated their speed to complete the harvest, rushed out of the human village, and followed it to an unknown area in the distance.

Under the night, a small alien beast attack route was born in this strange way!

After leaping onto a small hill, Xieti suddenly stopped and glanced at the dark human village not far away with a cold and cruel look.

Three soul breaths of varying strengths can be vaguely detected inside, and around the village, some elemental life can be sensed.

If the opponent's power is too weak, Xieti will not run here from afar to warn.

In its perception, the breath of the wizard hidden in the village in front of it has reached the point where it needs to pay attention and be vigilant. Therefore, before the final hunt, it needs to eliminate the unstable factors around it.

And these weak wizards are undoubtedly some annoying little bugs, not only annoying but also hateful!

Although their aura has reached the limit of the power that this plane can accommodate, Xieti does not regard them as his real opponents due to his consistent contempt for wizards.

After all, the profession of wizards mostly comes from some intelligent races with low talent and potential.

They are either physically weak or mentally weak, and there are always all kinds of huge defects that make people sneer. With such a race and such a base, even if the soul strength is barely raised to level 4, in the eyes of the great Setans Xieti, they are still classified as objects.

However, Xieti has another object that is easier to get today, so he has lost interest in hunting and killing these thorny objects in front of him.

However, Xieti does not want these wizards to have some bad ideas because of his momentary kindness, and then disturb the next feast of flesh and blood. Therefore, some necessary warnings and suppression are also necessary!

If these troublemakers are too weak, Xieti does not mind swallowing a few wizards as desserts before the big meal. After all, to be a level 4 wizard, the quality of the soul is still quite delicious!

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