The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1107 Bullying the weak

The arrival of Xieti also alarmed Grimm and others without exception.

After all, they were all level 4, the strongest in the plane. Although there were still differences in strength between them, they all worked hard on personal protection.

Therefore, when Xieti appeared on the hill in the distance, Grimm, Holly, and Qiu Lisha noticed it, and they all woke up from sleep or meditation, and their mental consciousness began to become active again.

Grimm had appeared in the sky above the wooden house at some point, looking at the ferocious beast squatting on the high ground in the distance, feeling nervous and excited.

Disaster creatures are extremely terrifying opponents even in large planes like the wizard world. Especially those disaster lords who have survived for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, each of them is as powerful as a natural disaster in the plane.

I don’t know how many plane worlds that lack powerful protection were broken by them in one fell swoop, and the plane creatures inside were slaughtered and the rare resources inside were looted. Even the origin of the plane that maintains the stability and development of the world has been completely drained away, causing the entire plane to collapse and disintegrate, thus becoming "waste" drifting in the endless sea of ​​stars.

Therefore, if wizards are regarded as blood-sucking leeches attached to the plane world, then the disaster creatures are marching ants that devour and gnaw everything. Wherever they pass, the plane collapses, the creatures are extinct, and only some broken plane continents slide into the void storm and become the host of those star wanderers.

Both sides are at the top of the food chain, but their status and power are extremely different!

In terms of power alone, wizards are jackals, and the disaster lords are tigers and leopards dominating the mountains and forests.

It is for this reason that this evil hoof dared to rush to several wizards so unscrupulously.

In Grimm's eyes that combine multiple visual effects, this evil hoof is indeed different from ordinary plane creatures, and there is a unique flavor everywhere.

In terms of size, Xieti is not huge, only 3 meters tall.

Such a size is even a little too "small" among the Disaster Lords who are hundreds or thousands of meters tall.

However, considering that it is just an alienated clone of the 6th-level Disaster Lord, it makes sense to choose a more flexible body to facilitate intrusion into the plane.

Xieti's body is similar to that of a mastiff, with smooth and flowing body lines, strong and powerful limbs, and sharp claws. But the most attractive thing about Xieti is its head.

Seriously speaking, Xieti has no head.

From the neck up, the whole head is torn apart like four blooming petals, and the edges are covered with sharp teeth. A thick and long tentacle extends from the center of the flower, and at the end of the tentacle there is a strange eyeball that scans the surroundings.

When this terrifying Xieti was perched high on the hill, his hind legs were slightly crouched, his upper body was erect, and his four rose-petal-like ferocious mouthparts were shaking and fluttering in the direction of the wizards. The eye stalk in the middle was twisting and winding, and his eyes were turning around the three wizards.

Without a greeting or a declaration of war, Xieti raised his body and let out a strange neigh. Behind the hill, thousands of beasts were galloping, and a large number of alien beasts swarmed out and rushed directly towards the wizards.

The way the lords of disasters greeted each other was indeed different!

They chose to go to war without saying a word when they met.

If you can withstand the siege of its men, you will naturally win the right to have an equal dialogue with it. If you can't stand it... the weak are not qualified to talk and bargain!

Grimm's eyes turned and quickly scanned the alien beasts rushing over.

They are of many types, and their appearances are even more bizarre. There are almost all kinds of guys. Among them, there are eagles with lion heads, tigers with deer bodies and wolf claws, and more are monsters with mixed flesh and blood, making it difficult to distinguish species...

It can be seen that they are all alienated creatures whose life source has been distorted and deformed by the filthy power of the Lord of Disaster, and they no longer have their original appearance and independent consciousness.

As long as the Lord of Disaster gives an order, these polluted alienated beasts will rush up like crazy people who have lost their minds and tear up any enemies that block their way.

And their biological levels are also from level 1 to level 3, all-encompassing and all-inclusive.

Without distinguishing between each other and formation, they gathered together in a black mass, roaring and screaming at the three wizards.

Grimm and Holly Wizard looked at each other, immediately understood each other's intentions, and started the battle without hesitation!

As the most powerful elemental wizard among the three, Grimm's body, which was only 2 meters long, expanded to 10 meters in the blink of an eye. His feet stood firmly on the ground, and the red flames were lingering around him. One by one, the magic weapons that had been transformed into energy appeared on the surface of his body.

Fiery Magic Wall!

Meteor Shower!

Fiery Storm!

While his body was still able to transform into elements, Grimm gently shook the Fire Coral Magic Staff in his hand, and had already projected three large-scale powerful flame magic spells to the front of the battlefield.

The Fiery Magic Wall erected a 10-meter-long and 3-meter-wide wall of fire in front of the charging mutant beasts. Anyone who broke into it would have to endure 900 degrees of fire damage per second. Those 3rd-level mutant beasts might be able to get through this level with their strong physiques, but the remaining 1st and 2nd-level guys would have their magic elements ignited directly the moment they were touched by the magic fire.

It would quickly burn into piles of charcoal in less than three seconds.

Meteor showers are dense fire meteors falling from the sky. Wherever they hit, they explode into a huge fireball and shoot out terrible lava fragments to the surroundings. The flame storm is a ring-shaped flame shock wave that spreads in all directions. Every life swept by the flame wave will suffer 700 degrees of flame damage.

The flame wave has five layers, and the flame damage effect can be superimposed.

If such a heaven and earth composite attack is used to deal with level 4 creatures, it may not be powerful enough. But if it is used to deal with a large number of low-level creatures, it is like opening a huge incinerator at the forefront of the battlefield. Whoever dares to break in will be burned to ashes immediately under the attack of three flame witchcrafts without even a chance to make a sound.

In the first battle with the disaster lord-level creature, Grimm did not use all his means.

He only added the flame range extension and flame enhancement of the four major flame special effects, and the latter two were not revealed. And the focusing crystal used as a killer is hidden tightly, and it will never be taken out until the critical moment.

But even so, as a 4th-level legendary fire wizard, Grimm's terrifying power of destroying the world still made the attacks of the other two wizards seem tepid, soft and without any power.

Grimm destroyed more than 300 mutant beasts in the front row in an instant, and the Holly wizard quickly put on the star armor under the shining starlight, and then rushed into the mutant beast group with great force.

The star armor on Holly wizard seemed a little strange, and his punches and kicks had terrifying power far beyond that of ordinary metal puppets. He punched a mutant beast that rushed towards him, and the strange starlight power flashed and jumped on the bodies of several mutant beasts around, instantly blowing them up in the air into blood balls.

Moreover, the strange starlight kept falling, and anyone who approached Holly wizard would be paralyzed by the starlight rushing down, and it would be difficult to control the body. If they pause for a moment, they will be directly blown up by his violent and ferocious steel fist.

Whether it is a small guy of level 1 or 2, or a ferocious alien beast of level 3, there is only one result in front of the Holi wizard, that is, to explode into a blood sauce all over the sky.

For a while, the Holi wizard drove the magical armor with strange starlight all over his body and rushed left and right in the enemy group, killing them in all directions, without any opponent.

However, no matter how fast he killed with punches and kicks, he could not catch up with Grimm's flames overturning and directly killing a group.

As for that Qiu Lisha, she still did not release Mangus, nor did she transform into a two-headed wizard. With her powerful and strange spiritual witchcraft, she bewitched and lured some alien beasts, letting them fight each other.

These alien beasts may be invincible and terrible monsters in front of the natives of the plane, but in front of these level 4 wizards who stand at the top of the plane, they are still weak like a group of poor sheep.

With the super big meat shield of the wizard Holi in front, Grimm no longer had to worry about defense, and instead focused on playing the role of his own firepower turret.

He transformed into a 10-meter-tall fire giant, standing in the center of the village, and occasionally threw a fire spell to the front line to block the route of the alien beasts' crazy advance. Let them rush left and right in their flames like a group of blind people, unable to find a way out, and then fall to the ground with painful wails, burned into withered and shriveled charred corpses.

Although Grimm was attacking non-stop, most of his energy was still focused on the evil hoof on the top of the hill.

Even when the battle was the most intense, Grimm still had one or two powerful fire spells ready in his hand that had not been activated. Once the evil hoof had any strange behavior, he would throw them on its body without hesitation.

Setans? The evil hoof still stood steadily on the top of the hill, silently examining the battlefield.

Although its subordinates were brutally ravaged by the opponent's foot and slaughtered in hundreds, it did not feel any fluctuation or regret in its heart.

Some insignificant polluted bodies, no matter how many died, it would not blink an eye.

As long as it can take down the floating city of the Arcane Empire, there will be as many such alien beasts as it wants, and the number is not a problem at all.

And the only thing it cares about now is the strength of the three wizards in front of it.

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