The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0010 New functions of the chip

'Puppet, a construct, created with powerful witchcraft, is an elemental automatic device. A special mysterious substance is taken to temper the demon-weary steel of the main material world. Its greatest characteristic is that it is resistant to elements. ’

——Lilo Ai

Constructs are mostly animated objects and unnatural objects created by wizards. The puppet creature is one of the most powerful works. The biggest characteristic of puppet creatures is that they are resistant to elements. In other words, only with the ability of elemental damage reduction can it be called a puppet creature. It is precisely because of the power of the wizard that the elemental damage reduction feature is so powerful.

However, elemental damage reduction does not mean that the puppet creature can become a mage killer. Elemental damage reduction only immunizes the puppet creature from the witchcraft itself, such as smashing the ceiling with a flaming fireball or using the acid bog spell to trap the puppet creature in an acid swamp. , you can target them well. What's more, the puppet creatures have low mental power and can only obey simple orders, making them weak against intelligent life.

Another point is that in fact, puppet creatures are not completely immune to elements. Specific elemental witchcraft will have specific effects on specific puppet creatures. If you make good use of the weaknesses, you can fight against the puppet creatures more easily.

The golem is a mechanically activated creature created by witchcraft with great power. They differ greatly from other constructs in that they have animating powers - the golem gains magical life from an elemental soul, which is usually an earth elemental. The process of creating a golem binds the soul to an artificial body, where it merges with the specially prepared vessel and becomes subject to the will of its creator.

Golems have no minds and cannot do anything unless commanded by their creator. They will obey simple and clear instructions and will not be receptive to complex strategies or tactics. The creator of the golem can give commands to the golem if it is within 60 feet and the golem can see and hear it. If not ordered, golems will usually do their best to carry out the last command, and will fight back if attacked.

While the creator is away, he can give the puppet a simple command to govern its behavior, or he can make the puppet obey the commands of another person, but the creator of the puppet can always command the puppet to obey only him. yourself to take back control.

Somehow, as soon as he got this book, Greem seemed to be suddenly addicted to it, and he couldn't put it down and read it in one breath.

The puppet creature is a good thing!

Not to mention those high-level steel puppets, even the lowest-level clay puppet's basic challenge level is the advanced apprentice level. In other words, only a team with a reasonable professional mix and composed purely of high-level warriors could defeat the clay puppets.

As the wizard's close bodyguards, puppets and constructs are far more reliable and loyal than paid guards. But corresponding to this is the staggering price of puppets and structures.

Taking the lowest level clay puppet as an example, a clay puppet without any witchcraft equipment will weigh 600 pounds (approximately 600 kilograms), stand up to 8 feet (approximately 2.4 meters) tall, and its entire body is carved from soft clay. become. This kind of clay puppet is not afraid of sharp damage. Only certain heavy weapons can give it enough physical damage.

The basic price of such a clay puppet is 21,000 gold coins. As for the stone puppet, which is a slightly higher level than the clay puppet, the basic price is 55,000 gold coins. The base price of higher iron golems has reached 80,000 gold coins.

This is a cost price that does not take into account market supply and demand factors. Once the war comes, these puppet creatures that are extremely suitable for killing battlefields will have no shortage of buyers if their prices double. As long as a small lord can purchase 3-5 clay puppets and let them join his army, he will have a huge advantage in fighting other surrounding lords.

Therefore, if you can successfully become a puppet maker, then money will no longer be a factor that troubles Grim!

Unfortunately, making puppets not only requires a large amount of special materials, but also requires extremely high craftsmanship in making strange objects, as well as the ability to make Horcruxes. If Greem's talent element affinity is the dark element system, perhaps by extracting the souls of some humanoid creatures, he can easily create a Horcrux that can give the puppet primary intelligence. But he happens to have an affinity with the fire element, so he eliminates the possibility of taking this shortcut.

Greem could only let the chip temporarily record all the contents of the "Puppet Creation Production Manual" and save it for later study. But he himself began to study the new functions of the chip.

As the slow and magical syllables of the spell sounded, Greem's outstretched right hand ignited with a bright magical flame, wrapping his palm and part of his wrist in it.

Watching the flames burning calmly in my hand, the mechanical sound of the chip also sounded simultaneously in my mind.

"Zi... A complete mental power model has been detected. Please confirm whether to solidify it? Note that this curing will consume 2 points of mental power and 50 points of professional experience!"

The same prompt appeared once during the last inspection outside the tower. However, being in a dangerous situation at that time, Greem did not dare to experiment randomly, so he chose to ignore it. But today, he wanted to try what this so-called solidification was all about!

"OK!" Greem said.

"Ding, the solidification task starts now... Estimated completion time: 12 hours, 27 minutes, 13 seconds..."

With the chip's prompt sound, Grimm's heart trembled, and he clearly felt that part of his mental power had disappeared for no reason. After another self-examination, he found that the professional experience column on the personal data report had dropped from .

Uh... These 614 professional experience points are all Grimm's gains in the past 6 years, including years of hard meditation, countless spell casting practice failures, countless times of analyzing and copying obscure witchcraft books under dim candlelight, and the dangerous but necessary terrible witchcraft experiments...

It must be said that Grimm was a bit useless in the past. It has been 6 years since he became a wizard apprentice, and he has only accumulated more than half of the professional experience required to become an intermediate apprentice, and he has only mastered the burning hand of life-saving witchcraft. As for the second witchcraft "Flame Arrow" that he is learning, he has just collected all its prerequisite knowledge, and there is still a long way to go before he can successfully cast a spell.

Analyzing from these data, the innate attributes of this body of mine are also inferior among the apprentices in the tower. No wonder it has been 6 years and I haven't become an intermediate apprentice yet.

But this is the past Grimm!

Now with the help of the chip, I am like a new life, and all the difficulties in front of me can be solved and overcome.

The task of solidifying the mental model of the Burning Hand almost occupied most of Grimm's mind, which made him seem a little mentally distressed. In this case, it is undoubtedly not suitable to practice or read any witchcraft related to mental consumption, so Grimm simply lay on the bed and began deep meditation.

As the meditation progressed, Grimm slowly calmed down, his breathing became smooth and long, and his entire mental consciousness was completely immersed in a strange and strange world.

The originally silent room became more and more empty and quiet, and everything around him seemed to be suddenly quiet. The feeling of the flesh became more and more blurred, and he was like trapped in a huge marshmallow, and everything that the body could perceive was getting farther and farther away from him.

Finally, the mental consciousness that was not bound by the flesh suddenly broke into a strange alternative world.

This is a world of light.

Various colorful and strange light spots are flying all over the sky, filling every inch of space he can perceive.

Perhaps the intrusion of his spiritual consciousness alarmed these irregular and unconscious light spots, and the whole strange world suddenly became a little different from before.

The soul body carrying Grimm's spiritual consciousness also began to wander aimlessly in this world composed of light spots. And wherever he went, different light spots seemed to have independent consciousness and showed completely different behaviors.

Some light spots with a slight red glow obviously welcomed Grimm's arrival. All the red light spots close to his spiritual consciousness body poured into his soul like a young sparrow returning to its nest, bringing him a trace of warmth. And some light spots with cold colors, such as blue, gray, black, white... are obviously moving away from him.

As for some neutral purple, green, khaki and other light spots, they are neither repulsive nor enthusiastic. Only when Grimm's spiritual consciousness touches them, they slowly blend into it. The whole process seems calm and peaceful, and there is nothing unnatural.

The light ball of Grimm's spiritual consciousness slowly wandered in the endless sea of ​​light, passively accepting the integration of light spots. Out of curiosity, Grimm couldn't help but direct the light ball to approach some white light spots. His arrival undoubtedly triggered a riot of white light spots. The white light spots that were just floating leisurely and meaninglessly were scrambling to escape from this area.

Grimm finally couldn't bear it anymore. Under the guidance of his strong consciousness, the colorless and transparent soul light ball suddenly stretched out an octopus-like mental power tentacle and stabbed into a slightly larger white light spot.

The white light spot suddenly exploded, and then turned into a spiritual torrent that poured into Grimm's soul. Unlike the warmth when the red light spot merged, the biggest feeling that this slightly pale light spot brought to Grimm was coldness and death.

That feeling was like suddenly drinking a glass of cold water in a dream late at night, and the whole body couldn't help but shiver. In addition to the cold feeling, Grimm's spiritual consciousness also felt the pain brought by slight paralysis and corrosion. It seems that the integration of the white light spot, in addition to bringing him some spiritual benefits, also brought some harm.

This book is first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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