The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1177 The Power of Magic

The dark-blood wizard riding on a giant owl continued to dive...

The energy rays shot out from the Iron City soared into the sky, so dense that people had no room to dodge.

The dark-blood wizards held colorful witchcraft shields outside their bodies, and under the dense energy rays, they began to vibrate violently. The color of the shield also quickly dropped from the warning yellow to the red representing danger.

The shields of many low-level wizards were broken, and their entire bodies were swept into pieces of flesh and blood by the energy storm, and the sticky blood sauce dripped down. And taking advantage of this opportunity, terrible witchcrafts poured down like a downpour, instantly washing the metal buildings on the surface of the Iron City.

"Don't fight with these dead things... Charge down!" Juval, who was ordered to charge by the 4th-level wizard, saw the fierce fire network in front of him. It was extremely difficult to rush through on an owl.

So he shouted, jumped off his mount, and his whole body suddenly turned into a meteor burning with black flames and slammed into the huge metal square in front of the Iron Temple.

Swift as the wind, violent as fire...

With hundreds of energy rays shooting, the swift fire meteor, with a violent and boundless posture, hit the edge of the metal square fiercely.

A dull loud bang.

A terrible black fire shock wave erupted at the impact site, wrapped with thousands of broken and twisted metal fragments and hit in all directions, hitting the surrounding metal buildings and metal fortresses with crackling sounds and holes.

And in the thick dust column that was rolled up, a tall and mighty dark blood giant stood up, raised his neck and let out a terrible roar that shocked the whole audience. At this moment, it was in a huge rock pit that was 20 meters wide and 7 meters deep. A one-meter-thick, broken and twisted metal protective layer could be seen on the edge of the rock pit.

However, just as the dark blood giant incarnated by Juval roared to the sky, a series of magic cannons on the metal tower near the crash site quickly adjusted their muzzles and pointed at the daring third-level wizard.

Hiss, hiss, hiss...

The next moment, dense energy rays fell on the body of the dark blood giant like raindrops, and the violent magic energy instantly engulfed the opponent's figure.

The energy was violent and the lightning was sharp. The whole field was full of blinding strong rays, breathtaking hissing noises, and the terrible stench of burnt flesh and blood...

When a round of attacks came to an end, the snow-white glare imprinted in the air by the energy rays slowly dissipated, and everyone finally saw the figure of the dark blood giant again.

Miserable... extremely miserable...

The opponent's 5-meter-tall body was already riddled with holes, and blood was gushing out crazily. The broken limbs were full of traces of energy ravage, including frostbite left by frost witchcraft, burns left by lightning witchcraft, and fragments left by wind witchcraft...

However, the extraordinary magic resistance and tenacity of the 3rd-level wizard still allowed it to stubbornly withstand this round of attacks and survive successfully.

And just as the Iron City was constantly adjusting the magic artillery and brewing the second round of violent attacks, whoosh whoosh whoosh...hundreds of meteors burning with black flames fell into the interior of the Iron City, setting off huge flame shock waves and dust columns rising into the sky everywhere.

The dark blood giant troops led by Juval successfully landed on the surface of the Iron City!

However, at the moment they successfully landed, the magic machine army hidden in the strongholds and fortresses around the metal square also rushed out quickly and began to attack the dark blood giants scattered everywhere.

As a result, dozens of small battlefields with extremely fierce fighting appeared on the ground in an instant.

This time, the attacking side became an astonishing number of magic machine armies, and the dark blood giants who crossed the line of fire and descended on the Iron City could only passively withstand attacks from all sides. The battle between the two sides almost instantly submerged the Iron City in the flames of war!

The team led by the wizard Wen Nuo was the second group to rush to the surface of the Iron City.

More than 30 dark blood giants four or five meters high formed a small circle, and with the help of their companions' bodies, they barely resisted the dense artillery fire. The rest of the dark blood giants rushed out with all their strength, fighting with the oncoming metal magic machines in the crackling firepower network.

On one side were the flesh-and-blood giants who were resistant to magic and had amazing strength, and on the other side were the fearless and courageous magic-machine army. Both sides fought bloody battles and close combat in the uncovered metal square, creating horrible deaths every moment!

While the fierce firepower of the Iron City was attracted by the Dark Blood Giants, many Dark Blood Wizards, led by Wen Nuo, took out green seeds from their waist bags and threw them into the cracks of the almost broken rocks under their feet.

Then, they immediately chanted strange witchcraft spells, condensed strange runes and hit them into the ground.

After a while, the ground shook and the rocks trembled!

One by one, the terrifying magic vines that looked like demons and monsters sprang out from the ground, quickly grew taller and thicker, and twisted together nearby to form a thicker and more terrifying humanoid monster. The roots and tentacles of the magic vines were still digging and stirring in the rock layer, while its exposed vines were also growing and spreading wildly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a demon vine that was a hundred meters tall and extremely weird in appearance appeared in front of people, and attacked several equally tall metal towers around it.

And its attack method is also so strange.

Two green hands made of thousands of vines entangled and twisted suddenly stretched forward, and the magic vine branches at the front quickly extended forward like a rolling torrent, and suddenly pierced into the muzzle of the metal tower. The next second, a stream of green vines spread and dug everywhere inside the metal tower like flexible octopus tentacles.

As long as there is a gap, they can reach in and fill it with wildly growing vines and branches. The twisted vines frantically whipped and pierced those objects that were still able to move, wrapped up the magic cannons, squeezed and twisted them, and squeaked.

And more vines fought with the metal magic machines stationed in the metal tower.

One side ran around like a snake, whipping everything it could see, trying to crush the magic machines into parts all over the ground. The metal magic machines relied on metal chainsaws and flamethrowers to resist, and fought bloody battles with magic vines in every corner of the metal tower.

Such a huge plant monster, although only level 3, brought heavy pressure to the Iron City no less than that of a level 4 wizard. Even with its tenacious vitality and the terrifying growth ability of its vines and branches that are almost endless, the degree of chaos it brought to the Iron City was even higher than that of a level 4 wizard.

If this plant monster is allowed to continue to disrupt the situation, it is probably wishful thinking for the Iron City to organize a large-scale and orderly counterattack later!

Therefore, Gazlowe, who was hidden in the depths of the Iron City, immediately opened the No. 3 and No. 4 magic furnaces, allowing them to charge a hidden magic cannon respectively.

On the battlefield, around the metal hall, two metal towers with a diameter of 100 meters rose from the ground with a loud rumbling sound. When they reached 200 meters, they stopped growing and slowly turned the tower body, revealing the terrifying muzzle with a diameter of 30 meters in the center of the giant tower.

When everyone saw the giant cannon, the muzzle had begun to gather magical energy with amazing strength. Spiral rune lines lit up along the tower body one after another, and the terrifying sound of energy gathering suddenly sounded in the void.

"Wen Nuo, get out of the way..."

A loud male voice that shook the earth suddenly came, and it was the voice of the 4th-level wizard of the Istar family.

The 3rd-level Wen Nuo Dark Blood Wizard hiding in the dense magic vine trunk had actually discovered that the two giant cannons were locking onto his position. But when the magic cannon in the distance was charging rapidly, his ears, his mind, and his spiritual world were completely filled with the terrifying sound of energy gathering.

When he tried to dodge to one side in horror, his raised hands and feet felt as heavy as if they were filled with lead, and his whole body seemed to be walking against the current in a turbulent river, and it was so difficult to move a step.

Mental pressure? Where did the mental pressure come from?

With the profound knowledge of a level 3 wizard, Wen Nuo quickly identified the essence of the supernatural power acting on his body and mind. But before he could take out the appropriate magic weapon to offset this terrible mental power, the magic cannon in the distance trembled slightly, and two balls of energy fire that were compressed to the extreme dragged a spiral flight trajectory and bombarded the body of the magic vine monster.

The tough steel-like vine branches melted instantly, and the two balls of energy fire penetrated the tens of meters thick thorn armor and bombarded the witchcraft shield outside the body of the wizard Wen Nuo.

A muffled bang.

A red sun with an astonishingly high temperature and brightness rose slowly from the inside of the magic vine monster, vaporizing everything within a kilometer radius like a rotten wood.

The Winno wizard and the hundreds of dark blood wizards around him were vaporized instantly without even a chance to make a sound, and all their personal auras, such as life and soul, disappeared without a trace.

The whole world was left with only the terrifying white light that was impossible to look at directly and the steaming heat waves that were soul-stirring...

The terrifying lethality caused by the joint attack of the two magic cannons was no less than the full-strength attack of a 4th-level wizard!

Back then, even the 4th-level purple crystal dragon Toril, who was thick-skinned and famous for his physical defense, had to retreat under the bombardment of the magic cannon. How could these 2nd and 3rd-level dark blood wizards in front of us withstand such power?

Inside and outside the arena, whether it was the dark blood wizards fighting bloody battles or the camp patrol wizards hiding in the distance and silently watching the battlefield, their faces were pale and their hearts were beating wildly.

If they were in the position of the Winno wizard just now, could they survive such a terrifying energy attack? The answer they gave in their hearts was so horrifying...

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