The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1178: Level 4 Attack

Wen Nuo died in battle!

Along with him died 132 Dark Blood Wizards.

As for those injured by the aftermath of the combined attack of the Magic Energy Giant Cannon, there were more than 300, including the Dark Blood Giant Juval who had been fighting on the front line.

The first time the two Magic Energy Giant Cannons fired, they killed one and seriously injured two Level 3 Dark Blood Wizards, and the Magic Vine Giant Monster that had previously ravaged the battlefield withered and died instantly. Such a record, without the support of Level 4 Wizards, is simply a miracle!

And this attack brought unparalleled shock to the Level 4 Wizards of the Easter Family!

As an old Level 4 Wizard, he originally looked down on the Crimson Family, a newly emerged rookie who dared to show up outside the domain. But the shocking attack just now made him sweat coldly.

The combined attack of the two Magic Energy Giant Cannons is enough to rival the full-strength attack of a Level 4 Wizard. If he encounters such an attack, there is a high probability that he will be injured. After all, the wizard's magic shield supported by his own strength cannot compete with such a powerful energy attack.

This is also the main reason why most wizards like to stay in their own private wizard towers!

But on the battlefield, people may be stunned, but those combat magic machines will not.

Taking advantage of the opponent's distraction and panic, the dense magic artillery immediately turned the muzzle and included those guys injured in the last attack into the attack range. Two consecutive rounds of airtight and terrible volleys took the lives of more than 20 dark blood wizards.

The unscrupulous attack of the Iron City also completely angered the 4th-level wizard.

This guy who had been hiding behind the scenes at the beginning of the war and only watched the battle but did not participate in it finally couldn't help but stand up.

This can't be blamed on his cowardice, but it is limited to an unwritten rule in the Exodar camp and cannot act as he pleases.

In any off-domain camp, as long as there are no wizards above level 4 participating, no matter what level of battle is only regarded as ordinary disputes and frictions, the camp garrison will not directly intervene.

But once wizards above level 4 participate, the probability of attracting intervention from the camp garrison will increase greatly.

Like the previous battle, no matter how fierce the fight was, no matter how many wizards were killed or injured, as long as there were no level 4 wizards participating, as long as it did not affect the basic order of the camp, those patrol wizards would only hide on the side and secretly peek, but would not come up to interfere.

But now that the level 4 wizards of the Isatar family could not help but take action, the nature of the entire war became completely different.

In the hidden void around the battlefield, several patrol teams gathered together and began to discuss whether to intervene directly. And the witchcraft messages sent to the camp were one after another, even alarming the patrol minister Kaelf, who had the peak strength of level 4, and rushed directly to the scene.

Therefore, when the 6th-level wizard Onek received the news and turned his attention to it, the battlefield outside the domain had already reached the point of being in deep water and fire, and the bayonets were bloody!

The 4th-level wizard of the Istar family was obviously a terrible male body-refining wizard, wearing a yellow exquisite leather armor, and not wearing many witchcraft accessories or props, which looked particularly simple and clean. However, he carried a strange black magic sword behind him, and the strange aura on it made people look sideways.

His appearance was neither handsome nor ugly, and he looked ordinary.

But when he took a step forward, no longer suppressing his power, letting the surging and violent power dissipate in this space, all the life forms that sensed this breath couldn't help but feel a little chill in their hearts and look solemn.

Even the alien brain Gazlowe hiding in the core area of ​​the giant rock couldn't help but feel uneasy, and immediately raised the alert level of the Iron City to the highest level!

Through the sympathy of the breath, it has already felt the other party's cold murderous intent from the depths of the soul.

Obviously, the Iron City's stubborn resistance and sharp counterattack have angered the other side, making it intend to go all out!

In the past battles, due to Gazlowe's weakness, the war situation between the two sides showed a 6:4 situation. The Dark Blood Legion had a 6:6 advantage, and the Iron City had a 4:4 advantage.

On the surface, although the Dark Blood Legion suffered heavy casualties, the Iron City suffered even greater losses.

However, if you really count them with your fingers, you will be surprised to find that the Dark Blood Legion lost real Dark Blood wizards. The Iron City lost only metal fortresses, metal buildings, and up to 2,000 metal magic machines.

If measured by surface value alone, the Iron City's losses are undoubtedly far greater than the Dark Blood Legion.

However, considering that the Goblin factory hidden under the Iron City can continuously use free energy and free magic alloys to build the magic machine legion. This confrontation of exchanging magic machines for wizards is undoubtedly a big loss for the Istar family.

However, the true face of the Iron City is always hidden underground, and outsiders cannot see through the metal protective layer and the metal rock layer that is tens of kilometers thick. Therefore, the Iron City can drag the war into a "difficult" attack and consumption in its favorite way.

However, when the 4th-level wizard chose to take action, the situation on the entire battlefield immediately changed.

The power of the 4th-level wizard can also be seen from this.

The man holding the magic sword stepped on the void and walked slowly towards the metal hall step by step. Every time he took a step, he would casually swing a sword at a metal building under him.

Where the invisible sword light went, black smoke suddenly appeared, and all materials, whether solid or not, whether metal or natural rock, would instantly collapse and explode into a mass of broken and twisted fragments.

Gazlowe, the alien brain, saw it with his own eyes.

A team of metal magic machinery that had just stepped out of the assembly line and rushed to the surface was crossed by a sword light that was difficult to discern with the naked eye, and instantly fell apart, exploding into parts and countless metal fragments all over the ground.

The invisible sword light chopped on the ground, leaving a terrible deep pit nearly 100 meters long; chopped on the metal giant tower, the upper body of the giant tower would collapse with a creaking and harsh friction sound, and the exposed metal section would be flat and smooth...

As for the counterattack launched by the Iron City, it was blocked by a strange and twisted protective force field. No matter how many energy rays and energy fireballs there are, if they cannot achieve superimposed attacks, they can't do anything about the protective force field of this body refining wizard.

If they wanted to restrain it, only the super-powerful attack of the magic cannon could stop it.

So, without hesitation, the two huge towers standing on the left and right of the metal hall slowly rotated again, revealing the two terrifying black muzzles inside.

Hiss, hiss, hiss...

The strange energy whistling sound was heard again, and extremely strong magic energy passed through the energy pipeline and the thick hollow tower to the magic cannon.

In the exposed thick muzzle, spiral energy lines were lit up one after another, and the heart-shaking violent energy quickly gathered at the rear end of the muzzle, compressed and compressed, condensed and condensed... The energy breath leaked out was like a huge wave, which was daunting.

The magic sword man who walked slowly laughed grimly, stepped lightly on the void with his feet, and his whole body instantly moved to the original position, avoiding the silent mental lock of the alien brain Gazlowe.

No matter how powerful Gazlowe's mental power is, he is still a level 3 creature after all. He wants to use mental pressure to restrict the opponent's movement as before, and then bombard it with heavy artillery. This idea is not effective at all on a level 4 enemy.

Even when its invisible and intangible mental tentacles extended out of the Iron City, it was captured by the magic sword man, who vaguely judged its approximate hiding place.

However, due to the two terrible magic cannons, the magic sword man did not dare to easily step into their concentrated fire range, so he did not launch a swift attack on Gazlowe's body. The other thing that restricted the magic sword man's hands and feet was the weak level 4 breath hidden inside the Iron City.

Since he dared to lead the team to sneak attack the Crimson Family's base, he naturally knew the roots of the Crimson Family clearly. The Crimson Family is a level 4 force guarded by a level 4 wizard. The legendary fire wizard Grimm has a great reputation in the Sandy Tallin area in the central part of the entire continent.

Although it was rumored that he was seriously injured in the alien world, and even the origin of his soul was damaged.

But a 4th-level wizard is a 4th-level wizard. Even with the terrifying fighting power of the magic sword man, he dare not underestimate the possible threat that a 4th-level legendary fire wizard can bring.

At this moment of the battle, although the battlefield was still bloody and extremely tragic. But most of the people who were interested focused their attention on the several 4th-level strongmen who appeared on both sides of the battle. Even if the 3rd-level wizards were fighting fiercely and in dire straits, they could not divert their attention.

After all, those below the 4th level were all ants and cannon fodder, and only the 4th-level wizards could decide the future direction of this small battlefield!

In the tightly guarded core area of ​​the Iron City, Grimm, who was a little thin, stood in a huge metal space, and finally handed over the command of the most important war magic machinery of the Crimson Family to the alien brain Gazlowe.

As the underground space vibrated wildly and rippled, when the white light representing the successful transmission slowly faded from the hall, a ferocious metal magic machine with a body of tens of meters and a head and tail length of hundreds of meters appeared inside the Iron City...

Magic Machine Puppet Dragon... The only 4th-level war magic machine of the Crimson Family at present, and the greatest psychological guarantee for the Crimson Family to dare to launch a wizard war.

It finally successfully arrived in the outer world!

"Its command is yours!" Grimm coughed lightly, and a trace of fatigue could not be concealed on his young face: "Use it to protect this Iron City and bring a terrifying nightmare to the enemy!"

As Grimm's voice faded away, the terrifying war magic machine finally got rid of the shackles of the transmission space and began to slowly move its huge and ferocious body...

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