The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1199 Swamp Sage

Night falls.

The wetland swamp under the cover of darkness has a special charm.

In an open space by the lake, Emilia lit a bonfire and began to cook broth in a stew pot. With some fresh mushrooms picked temporarily, the fragrant smell drifted far and wide in the foggy and wet swamp...

I don't know where Remi ran to after dark.

Grimm didn't worry about it at all.

After all, the title of level 3 plague poison spirit is not called for nothing. If he really wants to be ruthless, Remi alone can turn a small area into a dead place in an instant.

As for Grimm, he came to the top of a huge mushroom tree from the moment night fell, sitting on the edge of the umbrella, looking at the unique plane environment and natural landscape around him from a distance, and his heart was full of admiration and awe for the wonders of nature.

The heavy fog floated over the swamp, making the stars in the sky look so dim and blurred.

In the sight, mushroom trees of varying sizes rise and fall, like a mushroom jungle. Being here, people will have an illusion that it is not the mushrooms that have grown bigger, but that they have suddenly become smaller.

In a trance, it is as if a human suddenly becomes an ant. The wild mushrooms on the roadside that could be crushed at will before have now become towering trees. My power is so small and powerless at this time...

In the mushroom jungle, the fluorescent spores flying everywhere are as dense and light as fireflies.

They are everywhere and at all times. Wherever they float, they take root and grow into new mushrooms.

Some mushrooms are lucky enough to grow very large and become part of the vast mushroom jungle, while some are swallowed as food by the wandering fungal giants and swamp creatures as soon as they sprout.

In addition to these fluorescent spores, many enlarged spore flying bats can be seen in the sky of the wetland swamp. They also feed on fluorescent spores, flying around the giant mushroom umbrellas, chasing and eating these free-floating little things.

These spore bats look a bit like manta rays. They flap their flat wings and glide freely in the air. There is a black thorn at the end of the long tail behind them, which faintly exudes a bitter smell of poison.

Ordinary spore bats naturally dare not provoke Grimm.

But there are always blind guys who will come to the door on their own.

So, when Grimm was sitting on the giant mushroom canopy that was more than 50 meters high to enjoy the unique night view here, a spore bat with a biological level of up to level 2 found him and launched a swift attack on him.

This is a spore bat with a strange fighting spirit. Its bat wings are black, and the surface of its body is covered with brown hard hairs. The skin has good anti-magic properties.

And its attack methods are relatively monotonous, either spitting acid or diving down to attack with a highly poisonous tail. Such an attack method naturally could not threaten Grimm at all. If he did not want to experience the so-called war spirit, Grimm would probably be able to end the battle in five or six seconds.

The acid spewed by Black Wing was evaporated by the fireball condensed by Grimm, and every time it tried to get close to Grimm, it would be forced back by the flames rushing towards it.

After several unsuccessful experiments, the furious Black Wing finally activated the war spirit ability.

A strange mental shock wave descended on Grimm's body. The power was not great, but the strange paralysis power that came with it made Grimm stand still.

The strange ability of a level 3 creature could actually ignore the magic resistance and take effect on the level 4 Grimm, and it lasted for a long time. Such a strange ability immediately attracted Grimm's attention!

Taking advantage of the gap when Grimm's eyes were wide open and his body was stiff, the Black Wing glided past quickly, and took advantage of the gap when they crossed each other, and the poisonous thorns behind him suddenly slashed towards his neck.

But its attack was only this!

The next second, a huge hand burning with blazing flames grabbed the black wing bat tail and fixed it firmly in place. Then, the flames surged and quickly spread along the bat tail to the whole body of the black wing.

The terrible burning pain made the black wing feel like dying. He struggled and rolled desperately, but it was difficult to escape the control of the flaming hand.

In Grimm's mind, the chip that had long since returned to normal finally issued a series of prompt sounds.

"Mental paralysis, a unique racial ability of the spore flying bat elite creatures. During the battle, some special scales fall off the surface of the body and quietly invade the opponent's body. When necessary, it is triggered by mental power to paralyze the spirit and make it lose the ability to resist."

"It turns out that it is not a pure mental ability, but a combination of mental power and special substances." Grimm couldn't help but ponder.

He was a little too arrogant in today's battle.

If he really regarded this black wing as an opponent, even if he didn't support the burning field, he would use the flame barrier to protect his body. In this way, no matter how much scale powder the opponent spreads, it will be burned up once it enters the range of the barrier, and how can it threaten Grimm in the slightest.

However, the opponent's scale powder can actually paralyze the consciousness of a 4th-level wizard. Although the time is very short, it is worth studying.

Just as Grimm's heart moved and the thought of killing someone loomed in his consciousness, an extremely old voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Stranger from afar, please let this ignorant guy go! On behalf of it and the wetland swamp, I express my sincere apologies to you..."

Grimm suddenly looked back. Not far behind him, a strange creature only one meter tall was calmly watching him.

If he hadn't sensed the pure natural breath in the other party's body, Grimm might have regarded it as an ordinary swamp pollution monster. The one-meter-tall body seemed too small. Its body was covered with brown-black algae and some smelly black mud. Its real face was covered by the messy algae, making it difficult to see its true and false.

However, the powerful mental pressure of the 4th-level creature was real!

"You are..." Grimm's mind moved, and the flames burning on the surface of the black wing were extinguished instantly.

However, after being severely injured, the black wing also became dying, and the whole body drooped softly, with only the bat tail still in Grimm's hand.

"Hello, stranger from afar, my name is Moat, I am the wise man of this swamp!"

"So you are Moat, to be honest, we are just about to find you!" Grimm was slightly surprised, and he was a little afraid of the great powers of these wise men.

"Stranger from afar, before we find a place to talk, do you think... can you treat this guy Black Wing first?" Although this Moat is small, he speaks neither servile nor arrogant, and he really has a convincing majesty.

Grimm raised his right hand, looked at the burnt Black Wing, and smiled indifferently.

"I am only good at setting fires, not saving people. If you have a way, I would like to see your method!"

"Since you don't object, it's easy, leave it to me!" Moat's face was hidden under the messy algae, making it impossible to see the changes in his expression.

It leaned on a black cane that was half a head taller than itself, and lightly paused at its feet, and then it shot out a grass-green plant-based light wave that hit the charred Black Wing.

Immediately, with a crackling sound of flesh and blood, the scorched skin on the surface of the Black Wing burst and fell off, revealing the new skin growing underneath. The Black Wing, which was dying a moment ago, instantly became alive again, but intimidated by Grimm's terrifying majesty, it still collapsed on the ground and dared not move at all.

A 4th-level wise man personally pleaded for mercy, and Grimm had to give this face.

Grimm snorted lightly, and with a stroke of his right hand, he cut off the stinger of the Black Wing Bat's tail.

The stinger fell on the mushroom cap and bounced a few times, and the Black Wing, who was still under Grimm's control, trembled in pain, but still did not dare to struggle too much.

"Go ahead, remember to be more careful next time and don't provoke guys who are more vicious than you!" Grimm threw away the black wing and took the stinger in his hand and put it away.

There are also some scales on the surface of the stinger, which is enough to study the scale powder!

As soon as it was released, the level 3 black wing immediately flew away without looking back, and the original ferocious and savage momentum could no longer be found.

The Moat watched all this calmly and did not object.

Sniffing the fragrant broth from under the mushroom giant tree, Grimm smiled and took the initiative to invite: "Emelia's broth is ready, Lord Moat, why not give me the honor to taste it together!"

The other party smiled 'indifferently'.

"Sorry for bothering me!"

Emelia did not seem to be surprised at all by the swamp wise man Moat who suddenly appeared in the camp. Because they had already contacted a wise man from a small area on this trip, and these wise men seemed to have some strange way of communication.

Therefore, Emilia had expected that the other party would come to them just one day after they entered the wetland swamp.

She served the two people diligently to sit down by the campfire, and then served them a large bowl of broth, and the three of them ate and drank happily with soft bread and cheese.

While eating and drinking, Grimm looked at the swamp wise man with a weird appearance, and finally couldn't help but said: "Mr. Moat, I wonder which race you are from?"

To be honest, since seeing this Moat, Grimm has been guessing its race. Unfortunately, each one is specious and unconvincing.

"Haha, I'm afraid my race is a bit beyond your expectations..." The Moat laughed and said: "I am a swamp giant!"

Swamp giant... a swamp giant more than one meter tall...

Hearing the other party's answer, Grimm was instantly confused.

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