The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1200 Blight Mission

Along the way, Greem had seen many swamp giants.

They are also humanoid monsters, bloated and fat, with oversized bodies, thick giant legs and octopus tentacle-like upper limbs, and their bodies are densely covered with strange tumors.

Adult swamp giants generally reach a height of about ten meters, and even the baby swamp giants are about three meters tall.

And now the wise Moat actually says that it is also a swamp giant. This... is obviously beyond Greem's understanding.

From this, Greem concluded that this Moat wise man must be an alien among the swamp giants.

Only with such a strange talent can it stand out from the many swamp giants and become the guide, observer and wise man of this huge wetland swamp.

After being speechless for a long time, Greem finally nodded and said: "It seems that you must be an alien among the swamp giants, otherwise you would not be able to reach the current level..."

Although he is already a level 4 powerhouse who looks down upon most creatures in the plane, this Moat wise man obviously still lives a simple and ordinary life. Even on its body, Greem rarely saw the blinding energy of high-end equipment.

The moss clothes wrapped around its body and the wooden staff it holds in its hands show no sign of energy gathering, nor do they have the unique law fluctuations of high-level items. They are obviously ordinary items... To put it bluntly, there is no sign of energy gathering. Yes, in the wizarding world, even an ordinary wizard apprentice cannot be as shabby as it appears!

However, after thinking about it again, Greem expressed his understanding.

After all, if any high-level item is to be successfully crafted, it requires the support of a vast array of alchemical theories, as well as numerous crafting techniques and methods. These things cannot be imagined by just one or two geniuses. They require continuous accumulation and innovation of individuals from generation to generation.

However, in the spiritual world, it is obvious that no closely related knowledge gathering system has been established.

Wise men and strong men are like pearls scattered throughout the spiritual world, but there is no thread to connect them, gather them together, and condense them into one force.

Such a state, at best, is called freedom, at worst, it is called a mess!

It's no wonder that the other party, as a level 4 strongman, still lives a primitive and simple life.

Two level 4 experts gathered around the campfire, devouring the rich soup made from fire dragon ribs. The extremely powerful aura of energy also made Moat greedy, and he almost swallowed his own portion like a wind and a lingering cloud.

"What kind of creature's meat is this? The flame smell inside is so strong..." After eating so heartily, Moat even belched a ball of fire breath from his mouth: "It feels so good... it feels so good." ! I have never eaten such a delicious steak in my life! ”

"The fire dragon meat..." Amelia, who was stirring the soup pot with a long iron spoon, said with a smile: "In the past, this was a fire dragon feast that only our family master could enjoy exclusively. Today it is not In order to entertain you, the master of the house will not be willing to take it out!"

"Fire dragon meat... is still high quality!" Moat couldn't help but bared his teeth in surprise.

In the eyes of all the wise men in the spiritual world, dragons are terrifying creatures that rule the sky.

Even though Moat the Wise Man is ranked at level 4, if he were to challenge a level 4 giant dragon, he would definitely be defeated but not victorious. Even facing a giant dragon, Moat was not sure he could defeat it.

One of the most important reasons for this is that the giant dragons can fly, and all of them have extremely terrifying dragon breath. Letting Moat, a strong man on land but flying high in the sky, fight a giant dragon, which is simply too difficult for a man to do.

Chasing but not being able to catch up, fighting but not being able to hit...

Thinking of the terrifying dragon, even Moat couldn't help but shudder.

It's short to eat someone else's mouth, and short to take someone else's hand!

Moat fussed for a while, and finally, embarrassedly, he took out a bunch of dried mushrooms that had been dried and threaded together from his arms, and threw them into the pot.

"Since your Excellency generously entertained me with fire dragon meat, I can't be too stingy. These are some giant shiitake mushrooms that are a specialty of wetlands and swamps. They have a particularly strong and long-lasting fragrance, and are most suitable as condiments. Moreover, if eaten for a long time, these giant shiitake mushrooms can still be used as condiments. It will have certain benefits for your personal physique!”

"Oh? It's good for your health?" Greem couldn't help but feel excited after hearing this.

There are only a handful of elemental wizards like him who have reached the point of physical fitness. At this level, it is extremely difficult for the physique to take another step forward.

Of course, if Greem uses the body-refining wizard's methods to stimulate the body, there is still room for physical improvement. However, many of those methods stimulate physical growth at the expense of mental energy. Such methods are not worth the gain for Greem!

Therefore, when he suddenly heard that there was such a strange mushroom today, Greem couldn't help but pick up a giant shiitake mushroom soaked in soup and put it into his mouth.

Fragrant, tender and refreshing.

However, while Greem closed his eyes and savored it, his mental energy was focused on the chip's monitoring report.

"Dip, a strange high-energy item has been detected, which is edible... The aroma components released inside the item contain some benign stimulation that is beneficial to the biological body... It is estimated that after the subject consumes it, the body's physical condition will be slightly improved... I think To achieve the effect of +1 to the main body's constitution, the number of times needed to eat is 100 is expected that drug resistance will form after 10 times..."

Greem took a deep breath when he saw the test report provided by the chip.

Doesn't this mean that long-term consumption of this giant mushroom can improve his physique?

The basic gain brought by this level of physical fitness to his fourth-level fire wizard is greater than the five or six points of improvement for low-level wizards. If this level of physique can be added to those level 4 body refining wizards, the benefits to them will only be greater.

And if the Crimson Family masters this kind of resource and promotes it to the wizarding world, it will definitely cause those level 4 wizards to grab it like crazy.

After all, at their level, there are simply too few ways to improve any basic attribute without too terrible side effects!

Therefore, Greem pondered for a while and couldn't help but said: "Wise Moat, I wonder if you are willing to trade the seeds of this giant mushroom? If so, I can exchange it with you for knowledge or materials..."

"This giant shiitake mushroom is a special mushroom I developed myself. If you just want some finished products, I can give you a batch for free. But if you want giant shiitake mushroom seeds, then..."

"So what?"

"Then you have to do something for me!"

Greem was not surprised by the proposal of the wise man Moat, but still looked at it calmly: "What is it?"

"In the past few years, many small lakes in the wetland swamp have dried up inexplicably, turning into terrible death sludge. A terrible blight has appeared in many fungal giants, swamp lords, and creatures living in the wetland swamp. Come on. This diseased swamp creature will show obvious signs of withering on its body, and then it will go crazy and attack everything around it crazily..."

Greem listened quietly to Moat's introduction, his brows slightly raised, showing a thoughtful look.

"Then you mean... you want me to come forward to investigate the cause of the blight on your behalf?"

"Yes. As long as you can find out the source of the blight, I will use the seeds of the giant shiitake mushroom as a mission reward. If you can help us eliminate the source, I also have two special mushrooms here, one of which has mental power. Benefits, one is good for elemental affinity..."

"Hiss..." Greem took a breath again and looked at Moat with the look of a humanoid treasure house.

Even a broken ship has three pounds of nails!

Unexpectedly, the treasures in the hands of this Moat wise man, who looked ordinary and even shabby, really made Greem's heart beat.

But no matter how good the treasure is, it cannot interfere with the main purpose of this trip!

Greem pondered for a while and then said: "Wise Moat, to be honest with you, we came to the wetland swamp for the source of water. And before we get the source of water, I don't want to add too many extraneous matters. ”

"Original water?" Moat turned to look at Amelia and said calmly: "Could it be this little girl who encouraged you to come here? Yes, there is indeed original water in the wetland swamp, and it is Preserved in the holy land of the Demon Spore Clan. If you want to get the Origin Water, you will inevitably have a head-on conflict with the Demon Spore Clan!"

"Yes. So, before heading to the Spore Forest, I want to hear your opinion, wise man!"

Moat was silent.

After a long time, it whispered: "You should have heard on the way here that the wetlands and swamps have changed a lot in recent years. The person who promoted the mutation of the wetlands and swamps was Farnson, the leader of the Magic Spore Clan. , the fungus giant lord Korvax, and individual swamp lords..."

"So, you accept this task of investigating the blight! With it, you can legitimately enter and exit most areas of the wetland swamp without being disturbed by native creatures. If my guess is correct, I am afraid that this happened in the wetland The 'natural disaster' in the swamp is probably related to some of the private actions of the Demon Spore clan..."

After listening to Moat's story, Greem's eyes lit up slightly.

"Your Excellency, if the Blight is really related to the Demon Spore Clan, would you be willing to take action?"

"It's not just me..." Moat paused his wooden staff bitterly: "I also contacted the Hydra King Mortog and the leader of the Spore Flying Bats, Moses Lightwing. As long as you can come up with enough Evidence, I will drive these bastards out of the swamp with my own hands!”

It can be seen that these natural disasters that occurred in the wetlands and swamps have aroused Moat's anger and made him a little angry.

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