The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1219: The Treasure Revealed

The properties of the meteorite gems that have appeared in history are also varied, and there is no fixed rule. Therefore, identifying a meteorite gem is sometimes like playing an exciting roulette.

Buy it and leave it, bet on the size!

No one knows what strange properties will appear in the meteorite gem after identification, and these properties will undoubtedly have a great impact on the value of the meteorite gem.

The properties of the meteorite gem that Grimm got are also extremely strange, the spell crystal. When the holder attacks the enemy, there is a certain probability that the ghost curse will be triggered. The curse does not distinguish between enemies and friends, and ignores magic resistance.

Another cursed item with indiscriminate attacks!

If Grimm wears this meteorite gem called the spell crystal, it will trigger a curse while attacking the enemy. This curse acts on both the holder and the attacked, so it is called an indiscriminate attack.

Imagine hitting the enemy, and the enemy and the attacked are hit at the same time. This painful scene will undoubtedly make the battle more weird and dangerous.

Therefore, the moment Grimm identified the spell crystal, he wanted to destroy it with hatred. But he immediately thought about it and felt relieved.

Such a weird spell crystal may not be suitable for him, but it is no less than a high-level magic weapon for some people. For example, Mary!

Mary has been promoted to the 4th level blood witch. Due to the original attribute of the vampire family, she is naturally immune to most curse witchcraft. If this spell crystal falls into Mary's hands, the triggered ghost curse will not work for her, but it can effectively affect the enemy's mental perception.

Then, what kind of 4th level item will be more valuable than this!

Moreover, according to the chip detection, the curse triggering probability of the spell crystal is 8. This probability may be a little low for Grimm, but for Mary, with her super sensitive attack frequency, this 8 triggering probability will only be too high and not too low

Therefore, Grimm could only sigh and send this spell crystal to Mary.

Water Soul Jade, this is a life-saving weapon, Grimm naturally has to keep it properly.

The properties of the original water are too strange. Even with the help of the chip, Grimm's research progress is very slow. He can only be patient and take it slowly.

And the strange war hammers taken from the ogre chieftain Gorfis, after the chip identification, are also a 4th-level weapon with good properties.

It is unknown what material Gorfis used to make this pair of war hammers, which weigh up to 1,600 kilograms. Even with Grimm's extremely strong 28 points of strength, he can't swing it, let alone use it to fight and perform attack skills.

From this, we can also imagine how violent power and abnormal physique Gorfis has!

Gorfis's war hammer, 4th-level weapon, usage requirements: strength 41, physique 38, attack power: 760980 degrees, additional skills: automatic return, violent swinging, whirlwind attack

It must be said that Gorfis used up all his resources to build this pair of war hammers for himself, which do have good attack properties. Even in the skills attached to this pair of warhammers, Grimm could still vaguely see a trace of rules.

But compared with the high-level wizard weapons produced in the wizard world, this pair of warhammers is still too simple and crude!

Especially the extremely heinous 41-point strength requirement directly blocked most elemental wizards from the door. Only those pure body-refining wizards and individual bloodline wizards can meet the basic usage requirements of this pair of warhammers.

After exploring the properties of the warhammer, Grimm could only regretfully put it in the collection to see if there is a chance to communicate with other wizards and trade it out in the future. Otherwise, such a weapon with strict usage conditions can only be placed in a private treasure house and covered with dust.

Bloody Spear, 4th-level weapon, usage requirements: Troll Bloodline, attack power: 600780 degrees, attached skills: energy projection, split attack

Energy projection: can condense an energy light spear with the user's own power and throw it out, with nearly 70% of the attack power of the bloody spear itself. Frequency: 1 time for 5 seconds.

Split attack: The attack launched by the bloody spear will split itself after hitting the target, causing decreasing damage to other objects near the target. Split times: 3 times, decreasing in sequence: 30, 50, 70.

This bloody spear was obtained from the small Heisen plane. It is a sacrificial item of the trolls and also their national treasure. Unfortunately, it is controlled by a 3rd-level troll witch doctor, who can't exert its power at all.

Therefore, it was easily assassinated by the shadow demon and fell into Grimm's hands.

It's a pity that the use conditions of this 4th-level bloody spear are more stringent and can only be used by the owner of the troll bloodline. Therefore, it has two such good attack skills, but it can't be used by Grimm.

Of course, if Grimm is willing to spend some time and make a pair of gloves with the blood and skin of the trolls, it is also possible to use this bloody spear. But Grimm is a legendary fire wizard after all. Instead of using a wizard's staff, he wields a spear like a warrior to fight. That's a bit too unprofessional!

Therefore, Grimm could only shake his head and sigh and put the bloody spear into the collection.

This is actually the most common scene in the conquest of the other world!

Each plane has its own unique plane rules and strange races that seem to be true but are not. Therefore, the equipment and weapons looted from them must have special methods of use and restrictions. Therefore, if a high-level wizard wants to fully exert his basic combat power, he needs to spend decades or even hundreds of years and consume a huge amount of resources to tailor a real magic weapon for himself.

Especially those suitable 4th-level magic weapons are extremely rare.

Like Grimm, there are a lot of 4th-level items and weapons looted, but after picking and choosing, there are still very few weapons or equipment that can really match his original attributes. So far, he only has a relatively ordinary fire coral wizard staff.

As for the Soden Holy Ring, it is just used to force it. After all, he is not on the Paladin route, and it is impossible to exert the true power of the Soden Holy Ring.

Among all the items, the only one that makes his heart beat is the Fire God Pearl.

This is also the only magical creation with the origin of fire among all the items, which almost completely matches his origin attribute. Unfortunately, this Fire God Pearl has an owner, and it is an extremely difficult battle for Grimm to erase the divine power imprint left by the Fire God in it!

In addition, the Holy Book of Wisdom is also an object worth looking forward to!

As the artifact of the God of Wisdom, it has the magical ability to strengthen the spiritual attributes of the main body and provide a large amount of high-level knowledge. Such a treasure, let alone Grimm, I am afraid that all spellcasters will flock to it and salivate.

If Grimm can successfully subdue the Fire God Pearl and the Holy Book of Wisdom, his strength will also soar.

The chip once estimated and calculated that with the power of his legendary fire wizard, plus the assistance of the Fire God Pearl and the Holy Book of Wisdom, his individual combat power is enough to rival the peak-level wizard of the 4th level.

If he has such strength, not to mention the extraterritorial space, just in the wizard world, he has become a super strong man who can run rampant and no one can do anything to him.

There must be similar guys in the three major wizard organizations, but they must be busy in seclusion and cultivation, wanting to break through the realm and become truly immortal. There are even fewer guys like Grimm who have a lot of free time to stir up trouble and form and operate the so-called wizard forces.

Therefore, once Grimm has the real combat power comparable to that of a superpower, it will be much easier for him to gather the local forces of Sandi Tallinn than it is now. At least on the surface, no wizard family or 4th-level wizard dares to openly defy the will of a superpower.

As for the few divine power crystals, they are also a wizard resource with extremely high value.

It's a pity that the former Quetzalcoatl was of thunder and lightning attribute, so the divine power law that exists as the core of this batch of divine power crystals is also of thunder and lightning attribute. This is obviously inconsistent with Grimm's original attribute.

Of course, if Grimm is forced to merge, he can also use this batch of divine power crystals to allow himself to initially master some of the law power of thunder and lightning attributes.

But if you do that, on the one hand, it will greatly reduce the true value of this batch of divine power crystals, and most of the lightning divinity will be wasted. On the other hand, integrating some of the lightning laws instead of mastering them by yourself is also a kind of alternative pollution to your own fire rules.

Even if you think about it again and again, this behavior of killing the chicken to get the eggs is not worth the loss!

Since it can't be used for yourself, you can only trade it out.

Presumably, those intermediate elemental wizards with lightning attributes will scramble for these divine power crystals like crazy. After all, if the 4th-level thunder wizard absorbs this batch of divine power crystals, it can only deepen and improve its lightning affinity attributes, and master one or two unknown lightning laws by the way.

But if they fall into the hands of the 3rd-level thunder wizard, they can master some lightning laws in one step. In this way, their chances of advancing to the 4th level will soar by 20% to 30%. If other auxiliary resources are added, the chances of advancing to the 4th level are not to be said to be a sure thing, but at least 60% to 70%.

With such a chance, anyone would wake up from their sleep with laughter!

If such rare wizard resources were traded out like this, even with Grimm's open-mindedness and enlightenment, he would be reluctant to part with them. There are also one or two well-known level 3 thunder wizards in the wizard families in the central part of the continent. If these things fall into their hands, I am afraid that the Crimson Family will create a possible competitor for themselves in the future!

Therefore, most of the strategic wizard resources in the hands of the level 4 forces are honestly hoarded in the warehouse and will never flow into the market, so as not to create enemies for themselves.

They can't be used by themselves, and it's not appropriate to release them, so let them hide in the treasure room and sleep?

Grimm couldn't help but use his brain and began to look for possible owners for them within the Crimson Family. The images of family members projected by the chip passed through Grimm's mind one by one. Finally, when one of the images emerged, Grimm's eyes lit up and he vaguely had an idea.

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