The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1220: Dealing with Arms

Brontosaurus Arms.

As a Tier 3 Brontosaurus who joined Greem in the mid-term, Arms can be considered young, promising, and powerful.

But since forming an alliance with humans, Arms has been completely rejected by the dragons in the Lance plane, and can no longer integrate into the small circle of dragons.

Correspondingly, Arms is obviously not tolerated by the human wizard community.

Therefore, without any support on both sides, it becomes a lonely, lonely ghost, sitting in a huge territory, but living a life of confusion.

It is said that the emerald beauty dragon Iretina, who has a lot of ambitions, has quarreled with it many times over this, and there has been a huge rift in the relationship between the two parties.

If some means are used to upgrade this Arms to level 4, then the addition of a level 4 dragon will definitely bring the overall strength of the Crimson family to a higher level. However, in terms of loyalty, Thunder Dragon Arms has never been as good as that Dragon Man Zacha.

However, Zacha's current strength is only level 2 advanced, which is far behind the Thunder Dragon Arms. The effect of using the divine power crystal on it will definitely not be as good as the latter's. Moreover, one is a pure-blood dragon and the other is a mixed-blood dragon servant, and their combat prowess is even more disparate.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, Greem finally contacted the romantic dragon in the Lance plane - Arms.

The magic light curtain slowly opened in front of the eyes, revealing a strange scene on the other side.

The other side of the camera was obviously located in a mountain cave. Through the light curtain, Greem saw the Arms whom he had not seen for a long time.

Its scales are still so bright and translucent, its claws and horns are still so sharp, and its smooth dragon body is still so majestic and aggressive... However, its spirit seems extremely decadent, and its entire body is lying lazily. On the rocky floor, even raising his head to greet Greem seemed so feeble.

"What's wrong with you?" Greem couldn't help but hesitate.

"Are Tina is planning to leave me..." A painful look appeared on Ams' long and narrow dragon face: "She thinks I'm useless, thinks I'm being laughed at by the dragons, and thinks I can't create a gorgeous dress for her. Long Ya... wants to leave me!"

Grim's face was filled with astonishment.

He really could not have imagined that in his lifetime he would actually see a decadent dragon hiding in its lair complaining about itself and crying secretly. But in the eyes of those ignorant people, the other party is an enviable powerful creature and great lord.

But that’s fine, the worse the other party’s environment is and the more they ask for it, the easier the subsequent negotiations will be!

Greem is not a person who likes nonsense either.

He reached out and pointed, and the magic light screen turned and focused on a pile of strange crystals shining with light blue luster in front of him.

On the other side of the light curtain, the eyes of the Brontosaurus Ames immediately opened wide, and the entire dragon body got up from the ground, trying to get close to the light curtain and sniffing with all his strength.

"The smell of the law... I smelled the smell of the law of thunder and lightning on them... This... this is the crystallization of divine power. You, no, where did you get them from?" Arms' energy and spirit immediately felt... With a start, Qi Yi's light burst out from his huge dragon eyes, looking like he was careful to please but afraid of saying the wrong thing.

"Don't worry about where they came from. I'm just asking you, are they useful to you?"

"It's... useful... absolutely useful..." Arms immediately roared: "With this batch of divine power crystals, plus some resources I have collected over the years, there will be absolutely no problem in advancing to level 4 within two hundred years. !”

The lifespan of the dragon clan is indeed extremely long, and even a successful promotion can easily take one or two hundred years. I'm afraid that by the time it takes a deep sleep and successfully advances to level 4, the weaker level 1 wizards in the wizarding world will have been replaced.

"It will take two hundred years for such a sure thing?" Greem secretly exclaimed, experiencing for the first time the difficulty of advancement for dragon creatures.

The rules of the world are still fair!

The Dragon Clan has a strong physique, excellent magic resistance, majestic divine power, powerful spellcasting ability, and unparalleled melee combat ability... They have so much, but they will lose something accordingly.

It is extremely difficult for them to grow in strength, and breeding offspring is even more difficult.

It is the existence of these two points that has restricted the number of dragons, preventing them from overflowing and becoming a destroyer that breaks the balance of the world!

"My lord, I have signed a mutual aid contract with you, and I am completely worthy of your trust! You...look, these crystallizations of divine power..."

Greem was expressionless and cold as he said: "We did sign a mutual aid contract. But once you advance to level 4, your mental strength will definitely surpass mine. Can this contract still restrain you? Do you think, How can I trust you?"

"Master of the family, I am already a member of your family. Don't you still trust me? Besides, with such lightning properties, besides me, there are others in the family..." Arms was only halfway through speaking. I saw a dragon-like image that Greem had created using flames.

Arms immediately closed his eyes in pain, but it was still struggling.

"Sir, Zacha is only at level 2 now. Even with the help of these divine power crystals, it will be difficult to cross the two levels and become a level 4! What's more, apart from the melee combat ability and some insignificant abilities, creatures like Dragon Man Except for elemental spells, they cannot be compared with our real dragon clan in all aspects..."

The light curtain in front of him changed again, and a huge corpse of a divine creature imbued with a trace of sacred aura appeared. Looking at the corpse that was still full of awe-inspiring aura even though it was dead, and sensing the wisps of sacred aura, Arms' words suddenly stopped again, and he fell into a state of despair and sluggishness.

What did this Greem do... How could he even get the remains of a sacred creature? And looking at the completeness of its corpse and the strength of its aura, it was definitely a terrifying creature at the peak of Level 4 when it was alive!

As long as Greem dares to go out, with the corpse and divine power of this sacred creature, no matter how low the qualifications or talent of the dragon man Zhacha is, he can be promoted to the fourth level.

Now, it no longer has any room to bargain with the other party!

A look of pain and struggle appeared on Armstrong's face.

After dealing with Greem for so many years, it naturally knew what the other party wanted. But for a "mere" crystallization of divine power, he would hand his future freedom and life into the hands of the other party. This... always made him feel a little bit of pain and unwillingness!

However, it also knew in its heart that if it missed this opportunity, it would be extremely difficult or even impossible for it to obtain this 'mere' crystal of divine power.

If it led the dragon team to plunder an alien plane, it would not be able to capture this level of divine power crystals. If it chooses to follow those level 4 dragons to plunder the alien plane, even if it obtains such trophies, it is destined to only belong to those dragon lords.

It can't touch anything.

Therefore, this level of divine power crystallization that fully matches its original attributes is simply something that can be encountered but cannot be sought. If it misses this opportunity, it will regret it forever!

After struggling painfully for a moment, Arms finally raised his head again, staring at Greem with his light blue dragon eyes, and said word by word: "Give me this divine corpse, and give me those divine power crystals. I’ll sign a dragon soul contract with you.”

Ordinary dragon contracts are already very binding on giant dragons, and contracts that directly use dragon souls as templates are even more terrifying. Such a contract is equivalent to the dragon completely handing over his life to outsiders.

As long as the other party changes its mind, it can decide its life or death.

This... is simply unimaginable for the pure-blooded dragon clan, which has always been proud and arrogant.

Greem raised his eyebrows, but the expression on his face remained calm, and he said calmly: "I will give you at most half of the corpse of the divine object... I already have other uses for the other half, so I can't give it all to you!"

The distortion and struggle on Ames's face had turned it into something ferocious.

"Half is half...but I want a real dragon cliff!"

"no problem!"

Arms's huge nose blew out a strong black air, and he said fiercely: "I want the best!"

"This is no problem! I can order Gargamel to open the family treasure house and build you the largest, most luxurious, and most jeweled dragon cliff in the Lance plane. I guarantee that you will become the most dazzling star in the fourth-level dragon clan! "

After hearing Greem's assurance, Arms felt a little better.

With the crystallization of divine power, its control over the laws of thunder and lightning will undoubtedly reach a higher level. And with that half of the divine corpse, its thunder dragon bloodline will undoubtedly be greatly nourished. By then, let alone advancing to level 4, there is even the slightest possibility of advancing to level 5!

And there is still a small thought hidden deep in Ames' heart.

If...if it could advance to level 5 before Greem, even the Dragon Soul Contract would no longer be invulnerable!


If it were any other wizard, he would never be willing to give the corpse of such a fourth-level divine object to an outsider.

As long as some necessary means are used, the immortal characteristics unique to the corpse of the divine object can also be transplanted to one's own body. It's just that Greem is following the path of an elemental wizard, and his desire for an immortal body is not as strong as that of a body-refining wizard.

As for him snatching half of the divine corpse from Arms' mouth, he was not thinking about himself, but an 'old man' from the Crimson family who deserved a proper investment.

Maybe, after that guy becomes stronger, he can bring some surprises to himself.

After all, there are not many things in this world worthy of his memory and recollection!

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