The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1246 Origin of Blood

At the level of level 4, it is not too difficult to obtain some high-level equipment.

Those who are capable can get good results by fighting a few battles in the battlefield of the other plane. And those who don't like fighting can stay in the rear for a few more years, and with a large number of magic crystals and massive resources, they can also create pretty good magic tools.

But this only refers to those equipment of the same level!

Wanting to completely match your soul origin and create your own original magic tool is mostly just a dream.

Most of the things snatched are useless, and those hiding in the rear are not qualified to pick and choose. Therefore, the truly useful equipment in the hands of each level 4 wizard is still very rare.

Just like Grimm, after advancing to level 4, he also snatched a lot of fragmented level 4 equipment, including the Blood Spear, Ogre War Hammer, Soden Holy Ring, Dark Breath, and Shadow Ring, but the only one that really matches his fire attribute talent is the Fire Coral Wizard Staff.

If he hadn't snatched a shadow orb and exchanged it for the fire god orb, I'm afraid Grimm's combat power would not have been so rapid and he wouldn't have been able to overpower such a terrible strongman as the witch killer.

Therefore, when he suddenly saw a 4th-level holy light ring that completely matched his original attributes, even the Geraldine wizard couldn't help but be overjoyed and even a little impatient.

The main reason why Grimm was willing to take out this Soden Holy Ring for exchange was that this ring could not play the power of a 4th-level item in his hand. Many times Grimm relied on his strong mental power to force it to operate.

It's better to take this opportunity to exchange it and play the residual heat of the 4th-level item than to keep such a useless thing in his hand as an inefficient healing ring.

As for whether it will help the enemy, it's not a problem!

The Wizard Association is still too far away from Sandy Tallin. In the hundreds of years that can be imagined, Grimm's main enemy is still those stubborn 4th-level wizards in the central part of the continent who want to maintain their past glorious careers.

Grimm would never easily make enemies with the three major wizard organizations before he was sure of his success!

Even if the other party was full of hostility towards him, Grimm didn't care about some intrigues and plots when he couldn't formally invade.

As long as the three major wizard organizations didn't dare to start a real war, Grimm was confident that he would have the last laugh in this race of time and strength.

Domnar, who was sitting opposite Grimm, took the Holy Ring of Soden, tried to play with it for a while, and verified the power attribute inside. Then his old face relaxed slightly, frowned and thought hard: "The basic price of 4th-level items in the market is between 2 million and 3 million. Although this Holy Light Ring is in good condition, its attributes are too obscure, and I am afraid that its basic value will be affected during the transaction. But since you are willing to take it out for trading, I won't lower the price too much. How about 3 million magic crystals?"

Grimm smiled slightly: "I remember that there was a wizard named Geraldine among the people introduced to me by the Lord just now. I think if I contact him, his bid must be much higher than the Lord's!"

Domnar's expression did not move, and he still looked indifferent.

"Well, your Excellency is right. The high-end item market is like this. It may be a priceless treasure in the hands of those who need it, but it is just a high-end item in the hands of others. Since your Excellency said so, I will contact Geraldine to see how much he is willing to pay for it!"

After a while, the light in the secret room was bright, and a strange light man was condensed out of thin air.

After completely energizing his body, this Geraldine wizard also has the strange ability to disassemble and reshape his body at will. As long as there is light, it cannot block his power from penetrating. As long as there is light, his power will be endless.

Such power is already somewhat close to those pure elemental creatures!

"I want this ring. As for the price, you can mention it at will. As long as I can afford it, I will never bargain!" Geraldine, the light elementalist, was quite straightforward, but the ball was obviously kicked to Grimm's side again.

All the people present were well-known and established 4th-level wizards. If Grimm opened his mouth too high, it would only cause the other party to laugh and despise him, which would not be conducive to the continued negotiations. But if he shouted too low a value, Grimm would not be able to pass this level, not to mention others.

Grimm narrowed his eyes and stared at the seemingly generous but extremely cunning wizard Geraldine. He thought for a long time before slowly speaking.

"Five million magic crystals plus a drop of your blood!"

Geraldine was in the form of a light man at this time, and his whole body was emitting a dazzling and terrifying strong light, so the expression and look on his face were naturally unknown. However, judging from the light element fluctuations that overflowed from him, he did not seem to be angered by Grimm's rude request.

"You want to study the light element?" After a long time, Geraldine suddenly spoke.

"Yes! Among all the elemental particles, the light element has an outstanding purification property and a special transmission method. If we only talk about speed, the light element can definitely be ranked in the top three within the plane. So, I want to study your light element and improve my clumsy and slow movement speed after I transform into a fire giant!" Grimm still smiled.

Geraldine did not comment on Grimm's words.

Maybe it's true, maybe it's false, and he can only judge whether it's true or false.

There are too many ways to curse the opponent's flesh and hair in witchcraft, so taking the initiative to ask for a drop of blood from the opponent is already a big offense.

However, with Grimm's identity, if he openly casts a witchcraft curse on an elder of the association, it is no less than declaring war on the Wizard Association directly. Therefore, whether the opponent will be so unwise is also something that can only be judged by Geraldine himself.

Are there any fools among the 4th-level wizards? There may be many crazy people, but there are no fools!

A 4th-level wizard with a big family in the central part of the continent would risk going to war with the Wizard Association to curse Geraldine, who has no hatred?

Seeing that the other party was full of doubts, Grimm could only lower the standard.

"Since Sir Geraldine has doubts, I will not take the blood away, but just feel the law of light here. Is this okay?"

Geraldine was delighted when he heard this, and finally nodded and said, "That's great!"

After that, he scratched his chest with his right fingertips, and a drop of milky white blood floated out and slowly flew in front of Grimm.

Perhaps because he felt that such a deal was too unfair to Grimm, the wizard Geraldine did not take out ordinary blood, but the blood of the origin deep in the core.

This kind of thing is of course extremely important to him, and it must not fall into the hands of others. But the other party has promised not to take it away, just to feel and understand it at close range, so there will be no problem.

What's more, Geraldine really doesn't believe that he can analyze the law of light that he has spent hundreds of years to master in such a short time just by spiritual perception.

Looking at the origin blood floating in front of him, Grimm did not use the space magic weapon to carry it, but directly drew with one hand, condensing one flame symbol after another into the blood, slowly feeling and understanding the unique and strange power inside.

And in the depths of his narrowed eyes, blue light appeared, emitting rays of different spectrums to repeatedly check and measure the elemental composition and energy composition inside.

"Ding, a strange high-concentration light element aggregate is detected and is being deeply scanned"

In Grimm's mind, the three-dimensional image of this drop of origin blood has been projected. And with the collection of data from all aspects, the image becomes clearer and clearer, and even the frequency of the energy fluctuations it emits is simulated exactly.

"Ding, pH has been measured"

"Ding, cell activity has been measured"

"Ding, blood composition is similar to humans at 21, 46, no bacteria or physiological fragments have been detected"

"Ding, light element energy has replaced biological energy, and is extremely tightly combined with cell tissues. The energy structure is being deconstructed. Warning, this operation will cause irreversible energy collapse to the detection target. Please ask the subject to indicate whether to continue the operation?"

"This operation will be paused first, and it will be executed after all the accompanying tests are completed!"

"Ding, the command sequence has been adjusted, and the component detection continues"

With a series of chip prompts, Grimm's detection of the drop of origin blood also began to advance to a deeper structure.

When Grimm's whole mind was devoted to the drop of origin blood, Domnar and Geraldine in the secret room could not help but exchange glances, and their faces became a little solemn.

Grimm was testing the origin blood, and their group of association wizards were also observing Grimm.

But unlike ordinary alchemists, Grimm did not use any alchemy equipment or prophecy wand. He seemed to be performing some complex operations with his naked eyes and flame detection magic.

This research method is unprecedented!

Could it be that Grimm's naked eyes are more accurate than the magnifying glass on the alchemy table? Could it be that Grimm's spiritual perception can cross the limit threshold to peek into the life factor? Could he see the source structure of energy without the help of a spectrometer?

Too many incredible things made the two people present begin to be suspicious.

It can't be that Grimm is just pretending and actually didn't see anything?

Not to mention them, even the wizards of the association who were hiding behind the scenes and paying attention to this place couldn't hold back.

Just as the two of them were distracted to deal with the bombardment of many elders of the association in their minds, a strange red ray shot out of Grimm's pupils and hit the drop of slowly rotating blood of the origin.

The collision of two forces of different natures immediately triggered a strong energy reaction.

After all, the Blood of the Origin was isolated and helpless, so it was naturally unable to deal with this red ray. The originally stable and pure energy structure immediately collapsed, and instantly turned into a ball of white light and melted into the air.

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