The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1247 A Difficult Transaction


The original blood just disappeared?

This time, let alone Domhnall, even the person involved, Geraldine, was a little confused!

I closed my eyes and felt it, and I saw that the drop of original blood had indeed completely disintegrated, disintegrating so completely that not even a trace of breath remained.

This way there won’t be any hidden dangers!

Maybe this Greem made a mistake?

With all kinds of strange thoughts, Geraldine, who was originally extremely vigilant, suddenly felt a little guilty.

What the other party handed to me was a real fourth-level holy ring, and it completely matched my own strength attributes. But he only gave the other party a drop of his original blood, and he was not allowed to take him out of the room.

It took it for granted just now, but now that I think about it, it’s really a bit too harsh!

Geraldine hesitated and finally spoke.

"Did you not do it right just now? How about... I give you another drop of origin blood?"

Greem took a deep breath and relieved the pain in his brain due to the crazy operation, and said with a wry smile: "Power attributes are different, and it is simply impossible to understand the power of the second law! Forget it! Well, it seems that this is just a delusion of mine. Even if you give me more source blood, it will be difficult for me to understand anything concretely..."

Looking at Grim with an annoyed look on his face, Domhnall stepped in with a smile.

"It is of course a great thing to master one more kind of law power, but you must also act within your ability. If you do not have the corresponding elemental talent, even if you swallow Geraldine whole, it will be difficult to realize the true law of light. Otherwise, the wizarding world would have fallen into a mad killing of each other!"

"It's me, Meng Lang!" Greem rubbed his forehead gently, looking frustrated.

But deep down in his heart, Greem was almost overjoyed at this moment.

In his mind, the drop of blood projected by the chip was as vivid as the substance, its appearance was crystal clear, and its energy aura was almost the same as the original blood that had been destroyed just now.

The chip also projects dense data and complex and abnormal energy structure diagrams at the edge of this three-dimensional image. But what really made Grim smile was not these, but the words in the last line of the projected text.

"...can be copied..."

Can be copied, can be copied, can be copied, can be copied...

This voice echoed repeatedly in Greem's mind, causing his whole head to buzz.

After this original blood was completely analyzed by the chip, it turned out to be replicable!

What does this... mean to Greem?

To be honest, even he himself doesn't know.

However, this did not stop him from sincerely feeling that he had found a treasure!

If this original blood can be copied in large quantities, what will it become once it is gathered together? A pure energy person of light or a brand new life of light element? Is the original blood of this level 4 life form useful to Mary? …

For a moment, Greem couldn't help but think about it, and even began to have various delusions.

"Your Excellency Greem... Your Excellency Greem... you haven't finalized our previous deal yet?" the Vice-President of Domhnall couldn't help but call out softly.

Greem shook his head to drive out all the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, and then he managed to gather his concentration to seriously face the old fox in front of him.

Thousands of years of vicissitudes have sharpened Domhnall's mind to a rock-solid state. As the soul clone of the great wizard, his knowledge and insights are even richer than those of all the association's elders combined.

People are always treacherous and ghosts are always slippery!

It would be weird to make a deal with such an opponent and not be eaten up by him!

Therefore, Greem could only steel himself and start bargaining meticulously with the leader of the Wizards Association.

"Lord Domhnall, it is absolutely impossible for you to take away the cultivation and cultivation technology of exotic mushrooms. These are some of the top resources that I obtained only through life and death in another world, and I hope to use them to accumulate some capital for the family. So, it’s impossible to trade it out. We only sell finished products, not seeds and technology!”

"Lord Greem, what you said is too absolute! Although your exotic mushrooms are good, they are just a consumable fourth-level wizard resource. And the light flame divine stone you want only depends on the quality and color. In terms of quality, it is also at the forefront among all level 4 items, and it is not an exaggeration to even call it a level 5 item!”

"No matter how much your Excellency praises it, it is still a 4th level item. Are you still planning to price it as a 5th level item? Besides, although this kind of light flame divine stone is rare, it is not impossible to find it. If I am willing to spend some money, If you stay outside the territory for several decades, I believe you will definitely gain something.”

"Then I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you! Treasures with dual attributes like the Flame Divine Stone are a scarce resource even outside the territory. Even if they occasionally appear, they will quickly fall into the hands of those great wizards. A fourth-level wizard like you wants to Competing with those great wizards... Haha, don't you think your idea is a bit childish and ridiculous?"

"No matter what you say, sir, I will not trade those seeds and technologies. However, as long as you agree, I can supply these exotic mushrooms to your organization first, for three people every year, and continue to supply them for ten years... How about?"

"We still hope to have such resources in our own hands! Your Excellency is unwilling to transfer seeds and technology, but it is nothing more than worrying that we will monopolize all markets. How about this, as long as you complete the transaction, we guarantee that all exotic mushrooms will only be circulated within the association and will never be sold outside. How about this, you should have nothing to say about such conditions?"

Damn, this is also possible?

Grimm was speechless for a while and it was difficult to fight back.

Well, there is no way, the person who speaks out first will always suffer a little loss!

Since the other party has already determined to get the piece of Light Flame Divine Stone, he has taken the complete initiative in this transaction. In addition to passively accepting the move, there is nothing I can do!

To be honest, if the other party bites the previous conditions and does not give up, Grimm can do nothing but pinch his nose and accept it with hatred. Now that the other party has made such a concession, Grimm can only stop while he is ahead, and he and Domnar slap each other to show that the transaction is confirmed.

After the high five, Domnar reached out to the void with his backhand, and a strange stone burning with milky white flames suddenly emerged and slowly floated towards Grimm.

Grimm looked up and stared at the strange stone that was only the size of a fist, and his heart was filled with emotion.

Once upon a time, when he saw the pile of magic crystals in the Tower of Destiny, Grimm was so excited that he could not restrain himself and wanted to lie on it for the rest of his life. But now, as soon as his upper lip touched his lower lip, a huge mountain of magic crystals was given away as a sacrifice.

The changes in the situation and the world here are simply incredible, and even more sigh-worthy!

Although the magic stone in front of him is not big, it seems so heavy that Grimm feels extremely depressed.

Since the other party handed over the magic stone in advance, it means that he is not afraid that Grimm will default on it.

Want to default on the Wizard Association? Such a person may not have been born in the wizard world yet!

Grimm did not reach out to take the divine stone, but raised his hand and released the bloody spear and the ogre war hammer from the storage ring.

The two heavy weapons fell to the ground with a thud, shaking the floor under the protection of the magic array.

"Since I'm here, I won't take these two pieces of rubbish back. My Lord, just give me a random estimate, and convert them all into magic crystals!"

Domnar's eyes were so sharp that he could tell the properties and peculiarities of the two weapons with just a glance. He smiled and said, "The forging level of this spear is too rough, and only the additional law properties are worth a little. As for this pair of war hammers, it really is a pair of rubbish as you said. Apart from re-forging and extracting the heterogeneous metals inside, it is not worth much in itself..."

At this point, Domnar looked up and glanced at Grimm, saying, "But since you took them out, I will take them all at the price of 4th-level items. This pair of war hammers is 1.5 million magic crystals, and this spear is 2.3 million magic crystals, a total of 3.8 million magic crystals. How about it?"

Grimm was satisfied with such a price and nodded in agreement.

Seeing Domnar put away the two weapons, Grimm carefully put the Light Flame Divine Stone into the Elder's Ring.

"Your ring sold for 5 million magic crystals, and these two weapons sold for another 3.8 million. So you only need to take out another 1.2 million magic crystals and those seeds and cultivation methods, and our transaction will be completed!"

"Your Wizard Association also has a contact in the central part of the continent. Let him go to the Crimson Family's residence in the Erovis area. I will contact the family immediately and ask them to hand these things over to you. In the meantime, I will be here to bother you!"

Domnar was obviously very satisfied with Grimm's knowledge and interest.

"Since it's rare for you to visit the association, you might as well take a look around the tower these days. Our library, alchemy laboratory and other facilities are the best in the entire wizard world, and will definitely make you feel that your trip is worthwhile!"

"And... several elders of the association seem to want to communicate with you alone. It seems that you will be busy in the coming days!"

Listening to the old wizard's punning ridicule, Grim could only nod doubtfully, and then got up and left the secret room.

After Grim left, the old wizard Domnar's smile disappeared, and he couldn't help but twist his beard and squint his eyes to think. After a while, he suddenly asked: "Tell me, what do you think of this Grim?"

A low and hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the empty secret room.

"Mysterious, powerful, and full of unknowns... He is protected by a strange power, and I can't see the main line of his destiny!"

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