The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0137 It is difficult to distinguish between friend and foe

Undoubtedly, these beetles were sent by the evil insect Entik!

Save me?

Is he asking me for help?

Swallow Mary?

Why did he reveal his best feasible plan to me?

This series of questions, after being deduced by the chip, soon formed a terrible conspiracy that chilled Grimm to the bone!

The evil insect Entik may have been completely controlled by the wizard Anderson, so he couldn't help but ask for help from his enemy. As for how a quasi-witch who is completely controlled by the wizard can hide his soul consciousness from the other party, this is probably related to his unique insect body!

Although he was lucky enough to retain his self-consciousness in the conspiracy of the wizard Anderson, it is obvious that he has no power to get rid of the other party's control, so he revealed the conspiracy of the other party to get Grimm's intervention.

But knowing this, what can Grimm do?

Is it to complain to the wizard Korgan of the Salupo family about the audacity of the wizard Anderson? This may punish Anderson the wizard to some extent, but it is difficult to fundamentally change the situation of being controlled. If Anderson clearly expressed his willingness to give up control, I am afraid that the Salupo family would be happy to take over a completely controlled family wizard.

And in that case, Mary still cannot escape the tragic fate!

Defeat and kill Anderson? This is even more impossible!

If Grimm's expected four powerful magic puppets are all made, and then Anderson the wizard is introduced to some special places, with Mary and Entik, there is still a slight possibility of killing him. But the success rate of such a plan is almost no more than 12%, and Grimm is not willing to take such a big risk!

In the past, when I mentioned the power of wizards, I only had a very vague concept in my mind. But after more than half a year of experience, Grimm finally had a preliminary outline in his mind.

Take Grimm's initial junior apprentice for example! There is almost no difference between him and ordinary people in terms of body. The only difference is that he has mastered one or two witchcrafts of average power, and the number is very small. If apprentices at this stage go out on missions, they still like to hire some mercenaries to defend themselves from the harm from mortals, such as crossbows, flying knives, traps and the like.

Once they advance to the intermediate level, the power of wizard apprentices begins to gradually emerge. At this stage, they have either chosen a direction for their development or have acquired some powerful means that ordinary humans can no longer match. Even the militia in ordinary towns can hardly provoke such a terrifying figure. But as long as the means are appropriate, it is still possible for ordinary people to kill intermediate apprentices.

But once they advance to the advanced level, such apprentices are already difficult for secular armies to match. Imagine a person with the strong vitality of a bison, the running speed of a cheetah, and the powerful strength that is no less than that of an adult man. Such a person can turn the secular army upside down even without the help of witchcraft. If he is supplemented with powerful witchcraft, it is not a problem to destroy an army of one or two hundred people in a short time.

Of course, if any human noble is willing to pay a huge price. With sophisticated weapons and fearless soldiers, they can defeat senior apprentices by risking the lives of more than 300 soldiers and stacking human lives.

When the wizard apprentice becomes a quasi-wizard, sorry, the army of ordinary small nobles is no longer effective against him. Even if this quasi-wizard is willing to fight guerrilla warfare, some small principalities can be dragged down by him. To deal with a quasi-wizard, at least nearly a thousand elite soldiers must be sacrificed to do so. As for whether he can be killed, it depends on the luck in the battle!

Of course, the above strength estimates are all based on the fact that secular forces are not assisted by mysterious forces. In the current wizard continent, any principality will not survive without the protection of a wizard family. Many human kings, grand dukes, etc. are all agents sent by wizard families, or some mortals who are good at territorial management and operation, or some wizard apprentices who have no hope of promotion.

In short, secular power is always used by wizards, but never the other way around.

And if you want to deal with a wizard, it is no longer possible to rely on secular power.

The only possibility of killing a wizard is another wizard!

This wise saying has been deeply engraved in the bones of all mortals. Even those nobles who are protected by wizard families are unwilling to offend even the most inconspicuous wizard. After all, the power of wizards is extremely terrifying!

So after estimating the strength of the enemy and ourselves, Grimm gave up the stupid idea of ​​confronting Anderson wizard head-on early.

Although wizards are dangerous and scary, as long as they find the right way, wizards are still very fragile!

Every year, there are a lot of wizards who die accidentally in dangerous witchcraft experiments, and there are also many who go deep into the wild jungle and never look back. And more of them fall in the external expansion wars of wizard families.

Sometimes it is a territorial war between wizard families in this plane, and sometimes it is the colonization and conquest of wizard families in other planes. In short, if Grimm and others successfully become wizards, they may inevitably have to participate in one bloody war after another.

But waiting for Anderson wizard to kill himself is also ridiculous. Anderson, who has been staying in the swamp tower for years, hardly moves out. It can be seen that he is also a research-oriented wizard and is not very good at fighting.

But even so, Grimm still doesn't want to confront him head-on!

Since he doesn't want to fight head-on, he can only rely on strategies.

So these days, Grimm has been working hard to improve his strength and quietly planning and preparing for something. However, the target of this calculation is a wizard, so Grimm can only take a long-term view. Anyway, it will take more than 3 months for that Entik to reach the peak of the quasi-wizard, so there is still time for Grimm to plan and calculate.


The residence of the evil insect Entik.

It is already dark and damp here like a worm nest, with white cocoons everywhere. Some have been broken, and larvae covered with yellow mucus are crawling out of them. Some are still intact. When the runes etched on the floor light up, they can reflect the dense swarm of insects inside.

In a corner of the room, there is a mutilated bison corpse with traces of being eaten by ants and insects. Black cow blood flows all over the floor, accompanied by a pungent stench.

The air in the room was extremely filthy, filled with the stench of strong acid, blood, and decay. And Entik seemed to be completely unaware, sitting cross-legged on the floor, hunched over and motionless. Although his body was motionless, the gray cloth robe covering his body was faintly squirming, swelling from time to time, and then disappearing.

This also indicated that Entik's seemingly calm body was not as calm as it seemed on the surface.

Since returning from Anderson's blood fusion ceremony, Entik would sit there like a dead person most of the time, motionless, like a dead person. But in his body, a bloody war without gunpowder and shouting had just come to an end.

The half-worm bloodline dominated by the corpse-eating worm mother and the vampire bloodline dominated by the bloodthirsty heart would fight dozens of rounds every day with his body as the battlefield. Both sides want to devour the other and turn the other into nutrients for their own growth and development. Therefore, in the face of this blood war of "win or lose", no one is willing to compromise and coexist.

If the two different bloods are so easy to merge, then blood wizards would have blossomed everywhere. Why do so many wizards need to hide in the dark and damp tower and do these horrible experiments that are mostly fruitless?

If the potential of the two bloods is not balanced, then one will inevitably devour the other. If the potential is balanced, then both will suffer and the host's body will collapse. In short, if you want two incompatible things to coexist and prosper, it seems that there is a lack of some key neutralizer in the middle, making it difficult for the blood fusion experiment to get the results that wizards want.

If this trend continues, the evil insect Entik will inevitably die.

Originally in his body, the half-worm bloodline had an absolute advantage in the process of fighting against the vampire bloodline because it occupied the right time, place and people. But whenever the vampire bloodline was about to be destroyed, the Anderson wizard would call him to the secret room on the 5th floor and inject him with a new blood source.

It was with this continuous blood injection that the vampire bloodline was able to infect an important body organ and transform Entik's heart into a bloodthirsty heart. With the help of the bloodthirsty heart, the vampire bloodline had the upper hand in the blood war for the first time. And the manifestation outside the body was that Entik's half-insect body had degenerated and his skin color turned dark red.

Entik lowered his head, and even when the two bloodlines fought and his vitality was greatly damaged and his life became dying, he did not move at all. But in the depths of his spiritual sea, on the soul source, a more cruel and brutal war was going on.

The consciousness imprint formed by the soul blood contract was etched on Entik's soul source, but it was very strange that cracks appeared faintly around the part of the soul source that carried the soul blood contract, and it was about to separate from the entire soul source.

By hiding most of his consciousness in the corpse-eating worm mother and avoiding the control of the consciousness of the wizard Anderson, the evil worm Entik barely maintained his independent consciousness. At this time, he did not dare to let his main consciousness return to the origin of the soul. Once he returned, the fact that he still had an independent consciousness would be sensed by the wizard Anderson through the soul blood contract.

So now in his body, what is completely controlled by the wizard Anderson is just his split second consciousness, while his main consciousness is peeking aside, waiting for an opportunity to regain control of his body.

It is difficult to get rid of the control of the wizard Anderson by his own strength, so he secretly controlled some scorpion worms to ask for help from the damn enemy. Unfortunately, the two consecutive messages for help fell on deaf ears, and there was no response at all, so Entik couldn't help but become anxious. chapter;

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