The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1465 Spider Mother Lasbeth

Half a month later...

Burning Cave.

Grimm's mighty body, which is 100 meters tall, stands on a small volcano, silently observing the black and red world around him, which is composed of black smoke and flames.

As the former king of this place, the mother spider Lacbeth, who has ruled the Burning Cave for nearly two thousand years, crawled at Grimm's feet with a scorched body, and the golden runes left by the Eternal Flame were still shining on her bulging belly.

Lacbeth is very miserable now!

Three days ago, this mysterious fire giant suddenly appeared in her territory, demanding her to surrender and offer loyalty.

All fire creatures are cruel and brutal, so how can they give up the freedom of their souls!

So, a shocking war broke out.

What Lacbeth didn't expect was that this fire giant was actually a terrible strong man with a level of up to 5. He violently destroyed the Burning Cave that Lacbeth had worked hard to build for thousands of years, and also wiped out the countless traps and offspring of the Cinderweb Spider in the cave.

The battle between the two of them went from the Burning Cave to the Singa Volcano, a distance of two hundred miles, and ended with the defeat of the spider mother Lacbeth.

Lacbeth is a fire-attributed Cinderweb Spider with a body height of 5 meters, six pairs of sharp legs and a pair of giant pincers. As the spider mother of the Cinderweb Spider, Lacbeth is best at laying fire web traps and breeding a large number of fire spiders.

She set up a large number of spider web traps near her nest to hunt those wandering fire creatures, and then lived by sucking the magma and flames from the elemental debris, and became stronger little by little.

Her body may not be too strong, but she has the most difficult fire web and an astonishing number of offspring. It is precisely because of these two points that she was able to stand out from the many flame creatures and become the only 4th-level flame lord within a thousand miles.

However, her name as a flame lord is somewhat unworthy of her. Apart from her offspring, there are no other flame creatures following her. As for the reason, just look at her round, never-full belly and you will know why.

Facing such a cunning and treacherous ember web spider mother who likes to hide in the dark and sneak attack the enemy, Grimm naturally has a lot of means to deal with her.

One of the main reasons why Lacbeth is so difficult to deal with is that her nest is built underground, and the cave passage is extremely narrow and tortuous. When she encounters those overly powerful flame creatures, she hides underground. When she encounters a weaker guy, she will go out in large numbers and use self-explosive fire spiders, ember web spiderlings, web-weaving spiders and other small guys to lure them into the fire net trap.

To deal with such a bully, insidious and despicable guy, Grimm is more insidious than her!

When Grimm arrived here, the first thing he did was to block the entrance of Lacbeth's nest, and then stirred up the Burning Sky Flame, blowing the Eternal Flame to every corner of the underground nest.

Smoldering Spider!

Although the Cinderweb Spider is a fire-attributed creature, it can survive even in thousands of degrees of magma. However, facing the regular flame of the Eternal Flame, their fire resistance is instantly reset to zero, and they can only scream and wail in the golden sea of ​​fire until they die.

Not to mention these little guys, even the 4th-level spider mother Lacbeth was forced out of the underground nest, and could only drag her charred body full of golden flames to fight Grimm.

It was very embarrassing. Although Grimm was a 5th-level spider, his strength, physique and agility were far inferior to this 4th-level spider mother. However, the powerful flame jump allowed him to avoid Lacbeth's swift pounce, boiling splash and smoldering destruction in time.

Swift Bite: When Lacbeth is within the range of the fire net, his movement speed increases by 300%, and there is a certain chance of paralyzing the enemy when the attack hits the opponent.

Boiling Splash: Spray 20 meters of burning venom in a 60-degree cone area in front, causing 3000 degrees of fire damage and 2000 degrees of venom damage to the enemy in it.

Smoldering Destruction: Spray a 5*5 meter, venom-soaked terrible fire net at the enemy. The enemy bound by the fire net will lose the ability to move and suffer huge damage from the venom igniting the flame energy in the body.

It has to be said that the guys who can stand out from the many tyrannical fire lords and become the best among them all have unique skills and some terrible skills that outsiders can hardly reach!

Even if Grimm's rank crushes the opponent, and he has two artifacts to protect himself and two kinds of fire rules to hurt the enemy, he still has to be careful when facing the weird smoldering destruction of the Cinder Web Spider Mother.

It was impossible to be defeated by the opponent, but if you were not careful, you would be entangled by the fire net and bitten twice, which would be a very embarrassing thing!

Therefore, Lacbeth could force Grimm back again and again by constantly spitting out fire nets.

It was not until it ran to this place and exhausted all the venom and fire net mucus in its big belly that it was blown over by Grimm's fireball, and then a fire mark was left on its body.

"Surrender or destruction?" Grimm shouted loudly.

"I would rather die than surrender..." Lacbeth just screamed, and the fire rune on her belly suddenly turned into a hot golden flame, instantly burning her body.

This golden flame is the materialized immortal flame, which has the rule characteristics of ignoring magic resistance and burning souls. Therefore, even with Lacbeth's fire resistance as a 4th-level fire lord, it would be painful and life and death, and the whole body would be charred and black.

Fortunately, Grimm did not intend to kill her, so the Eternal Flame only burned for five fingers before it degenerated into a flame rune again. Grimm took out a bottle of healing potion from his arms and poured it on the charred body of Lacbeth.

With the powerful regeneration ability of a 4th-level creature and the assistance of the healing potion, Lacbeth recovered in just half a quarter of an hour.

With a muffled bang.

Grimm raised his foot and stepped on the mother spider who was about to tear the surface and escape back to the underground, and asked again in a buzzing voice: "Submission or destruction?"

"You are presumptuous..." This time, Lacbeth did not even finish her words, and her whole body was overturned by the golden flames that soared into the sky again.

The sizzling sound of burning flesh was heard again in the field, and a pungent smell of burning was diffused.

After a while, the flames receded, and Lacbeth was rescued by Grimm again.

"Hehehe, little spider, you can be tough. Anyway, I have plenty of healing potions here, even if I torture you for a hundred years, it won't be a problem. Tell me, what is your choice this time?" Grimm sneered, and the indifference in his words made the spider mother feel cold.


As soon as Larkbeth said a word, the golden flames instantly swept her body, and her sharp howling and screaming sounded again in the field.

After a while, the flames subsided.

Grimm frowned, scratched his head, and said with a face full of "apology": "Sorry, the flames were activated too early. What did you say just now?"

Crawling on the hard rock, the dying Larkbeth angrily waved her articulated feet and pincers, cutting the volcanic rock under her body into pieces and scratching it.

"Why? Why did you come to me? There are many fire lords here, why did you only come to me?" The spider mother obviously had a deep resentment about this question.

"So you are the smartest!" Grimm praised with a smile.

This is what he really said.

Although those big fools are very strong and have high ranks, they are hot-tempered and straightforward. They are stubborn and don't know how to adapt. They are all stubborn. Threatening them with death is useless.

In contrast, only those with alien blood and smart brains know fear and the preciousness of life.

Smart people are afraid of death!

This is the iron rule summed up by wizards, and Grimm also agrees with it!

"What if I don't surrender?" Even though the injury was so serious, Lacbeth only took a break, and the whole body was in a state of rapid recovery, and even speaking became powerful again.

"Then I will play with you for a while longer, until my patience runs out." Grimm explained honestly: "Then, I will twist off your head as a trophy, break off your spider legs and make them into daggers, pull off your claws and use them as scissors, and take out your silk sacs and venom glands to make magic weapons..."

"Well, let me think, what else is valuable on you... By the way, I can also extract the soul... Hey, little spider, have you bred spider crystals in your body? I heard that's also a good thing..."

Listening to Grimm's list of treasures, the spider body of the ember web spider mother Lacbeth couldn't help but tremble. As a high-level intelligent life, she is different from those big guys who are stupid and violent by nature.

She knew very well that if a high-level elemental creature like her fell into the hands of a human wizard, death would not be the final destination, but the beginning of infinite horror torture!

When she thought of her miserable and miserable slave life in the next thousands of years, Lacbeth couldn't help but feel sad and lay there crying.

However, as a strange-looking spider-like flame creature, even if she cried like a pear blossom in the rain, she still looked hideous and ugly in the eyes of humans.

"Hey, little spider, have you made up your mind? If you don't surrender, I will use your spider legs to have a bite first!" Grimm rolled his big feet impatiently, and immediately made the spider mother scream in pain.

"Surrender... I surrender!" The ash web spider mother Lakbes, who was afraid of evil people and had been rampant in this area for two thousand years, finally lowered her proud head and surrendered to Grimm.

The next task was very simple.

Lakbes released his soul consciousness, and Grimm branded his soul mark in it.

In this way, the 4th-level flame lord Lakbes, the ash web spider mother, became the first native creature that Grimm surrendered after entering the fire elemental plane.

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